As a recognized student organization at San Diego State, you may be eligible to receive funding from the Associated Students.
All A.S. funding or allocation decisions are made pursuant to narrow, objective, and definite standards, which does not involve the exercise of judgment or formation of an opinion concerning the content of the event, or is otherwise affected in any way by the viewpoint of a student organization or the proposed event.
It is A.S. policy that if a funding request is denied or a lesser amount than requested is awarded, the specific bases and reason(s) for that decision will be made known in the published minutes of the committee making the decision.
Remaining Unallocated Funds
Fiscal Year 2024-2025 (as of 02/17/2025)
College Council Unallocated | $2,089 |
General Activities Unallocated | $2,015 |
General Activities Travel | $2,950 |
Campus Program Funding (CPF) | $8,795 |
A.S. funds the following groups:
College Councils & subsidiary academically oriented organizations. College Councils exist in each academic College. These Councils oversee funding of academically oriented student organizations in their College. For example, the College of Business Administration has the CBC (College of Business Council), under which exist a number of organizations such as: AMA (American Marketing Association), FIS (Finance Investment Society), SAS (Student Accounting Society), etc.
Student Organizations who recruit & retain underrepresented students. These organizations are cultural in nature and promotes their culture though programs, socials, academics, as well as community outreach through High School Conferences.
Any student group requesting money must be a recognized student organization and in current good standing with Student Life & Leadership.
If you have any questions, or need clarification, please contact Associated Students at as.RSObanking@sdsu.edu.