University Senate Committees
2023 - 2024

SDSU University Senate is the university’s delegate assembly where faculty, administration, staff and
students create policies that govern the campus community. They offer a range of committees to get current SDSU
students involved. Have your voice heard. Fill out the Student Interest Form today!

Academic Policy and Planning Committee Icon

Academic Policy and Planning Committee

The Academic Policy and Planning (AP&P) Committee reviews important issues such as new and changing academic policies, standards, and conducts. AP&P reviews concerns pertaining to faculty-student relations and other critical matters students should have a voice in. Number of Student Positions: 2

Spring 24: January 30, February 27, March 26, April 16

2-4:30 p.m.


Bookstore Advisory Committee Icon

Bookstore Advisory Committee

The Bookstore Advisory Committee assists in facilitating the relationship between faculty and the SDSU Bookstore by reviewing campus store policies, textbook requisitions, sales data, and custom course packets. Number of Student Positions: 1



In person

Campus Development Committee Icon

Campus Development Committee

The Campus Development Committee focuses on site development, construction of new buildings and modifications of existing ones, roads, landscaping and parking, naming of rooms and buildings, and location of monuments, works of arts and signage. Number of Student Positions: 2

3rd Tuesday of the month.

9:00-10:00 a.m.

Committee on Committees and Elections Icon

Committee on Committees and Elections

The Committee on Committees and Elections submits to the Senate for confirmation nominees for members and chairs of Senate and Senate-appointed university committees as openings arise. The committee shall also fill vacancies that may occur in committees and inquire into the activities of committees to determine their continued usefulness. Number of Student Positions: 1

Meets as needed


Constitutions and Bylaws Committee Icon

Constitutions and Bylaws Committee

The Constitution and Bylaws Committee reviews and recommends changes to the University Senate's Constitution and Bylaws. The committee interprets text of Senate-approved documents and reviews the list of Senate and Senate-approved Committees and of the membership/functions of each. Number of Student Positions: 1

2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month.

11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.

Disability Access and Compliance Committee Icon

Disability Access and Compliance Committee

This committee shall discuss, monitor, and evaluate campus-specific issues relating to compliance with ADA. The committee also will discuss, monitor and advise campus-specific issues relating to services to students with disabilities to assist in the evaluation of current campus policies and procedures relating to students with disabilities and to develop plans and recommend priorities relating to programs and services for students with disabilities.


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee Icon

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee

This committee shall review University-wide programs for the recruitment and retention of faculty, staff, and students and shall advise the administration regarding prohibited discrimination, equal opportunity, outreach, and related matters. Number of Student Positions: 2

1st Friday of the month.

10:00- 11:30 a.m.


Environment and Safety Committee Icon

Environment and Safety Committee

The Environment and Safety Committee represents students on important matters relating to safety, health, and learning conditions in the campus environment. This committee explores matters that detrimentally impact the campus environment and learning conditions. Number of Student Positions: 2

2nd Tuesday of the month.

10:00-11:00 a.m.

Faculty Honors and Awards  Icon

Faculty Honors and Awards

Number of Student positions: 1

Meets as needed


Fee Advisory Campus Committee Icon

Fee Advisory Campus Committee

Number of Student positions: 9

Fridays every other week

11:00-12:00 p.m.

Freedom of Expression Committee Icon

Freedom of Expression Committee

The Freedom of Expression Committee provides advice regarding the regulation and management of campus activities and receives, evaluates, and advises the University President on complaints regarding freedom of expression activities. Number of Student positions: 4

Meets as Needed



General Education Curriculum Committee Icon

General Education Curriculum Committee

The General Education Committee coordinates and reviews general education policies and courses. The committee also reviews and evaluates student learning outcomes assessment in General Education courses. Number of Student positions: 2


9:00-10:30 a.m.

Zoom or LH 253

Graduate Council Icon

Graduate Council

The Graduate Council represents the interest of the University in graduate affairs, and is responsible to the University administration, Dean of Graduate Affairs, the Senate, academic units, faculty members and students; its University-wide jurisdiction derives from the President, the Senate, and faculty. The Council is responsible for development of policy on a) graduate programs, b) graduate student affairs, c) graduate research and scholarship, and d) faculty participation in graduate programs. Number of Student positions: 2


1st Thursday of the month

2:15-4:00 p.m.

Honorary Degrees Advisory Committee Icon

Honorary Degrees Advisory Committee

Number of Student positions: 1

Tuesday, 1 meeting during Fall 23

4-5:30 p.m.

Provost Conference Room

Instructional and Information Technology Committee Icon

Instructional and Information Technology Committee

This committee develops and/or implements a long-range master plan for media resources and initiates recommendations for policy changes in instructional development and media systems at the campus and system levels. Number of Student positions: 1


2nd Wednesday of the month

11:00-12:00 p.m.

Intercollegiate Athletics Council Icon

Intercollegiate Athletics Council

Number of Student positions: 2

2xs a semester, TBD


Fowler Athletics Center

International Affairs Council Icon

International Affairs Council

The Council shall (a) recommend policies and procedures to enhance the university’s international activities, (b) shall identify existing involvement in international activities and related resource commitments, (c) report on funding programs and opportunities for external support of international activities, (d) shall identify needs for improvement and development, and (e) report annually to the Senate and administration.

Second or Third Thursday of the Month

9-10 a.m.

Arts & Letters or Zoom

Liberal Studies Committee Icon

Liberal Studies Committee

This committee consults with the College Deans and other senate committees to develop policy, programs, and curricular proposals concerning the Liberal Studies department. The student on this committee must be a Liberal Studies major. Number of Student positions: 2

Once a Semester, TBD



Library Committee Icon

Library Committee

The committee shall advise the administration and the Senate on the allocation of book and periodical funds and on library policies and programs and it may consider other matters relating to Library policy and planning. Number of Student Positions: 2

Monday (monthly)

9 A.M.


President's Budget Advisory Committee (PBAC) Icon

President's Budget Advisory Committee (PBAC)

Number of Student positions: 2

Thursday (not every week)

2 p.m.

MH 3318

Senate Executive Committee Icon

Senate Executive Committee

The Senate Executive Committee (SEC) considers all matters within the purview of the Senate. Thus, it is charged with formulating recommendations and opinions on Senate matters and either reports them directly to the Senate or refers them to one or more standing committees for further review. Number of Student Positions: 1

Tuesdays, 2-4:30 p.m. F23: 8/22. 9/19, 10/24, 11/14; SP24: 1/24, 2/20, 3/19, 4/30

2-4:30 p.m.

Staff Affairs Committee Icon

Staff Affairs Committee

As part of SDSU's shared governance philosophy, the Committee encourages participation of permanent SDSU/CSU employees in all related and appropriate matters concerning the interest of staff; such participation may include serving on both standing and appointed Committees. Number of Student Positions: 1


2nd Monday of the month

12:00 - 1:00 p.m.

Student Grievance Committee Icon

Student Grievance Committee

The Committee hears and seeks redress of student grievances concerning members of the faculty, administration, or staff, and then makes recommendations concerning disciplinary action. Number of Student Positions: 5




Laura Ribitszky

Thursdays, every other week, Spring 24: Feb 8th, Feb 22nd, March 7th, March 21st, April 4th, April 18th

2-4:00 p.m.

Lipinski Hospitality Suite (SSW 1608)

Student Learning Outcomes and Program Assessment Committee Icon

Student Learning Outcomes and Program Assessment Committee

This committee provides oversight for the program assessment of Degree Learning Outcomes, evaluates assessment plans and progress for all degrees and programs (including those accredited by external agencies), and reviews (on a regular basis) of and feedback on assessment reports for each degree. Number of Student Positions: 2


1st Friday of the month

11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m.

Student Media Advisory Committee  Icon

Student Media Advisory Committee

SMAC shall be an advisory body to the University President on student-run media. Number of Student position: 5




Sustainability Committee Icon

Sustainability Committee

This committee studies sustainability issues related to the campus and makes recommendations to improve sustainable practices. Number of Student Positions: 2

3rd Friday of the month

10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.

State Suite (Student Union) or Zoom

Undergraduate Council Icon

Undergraduate Council

The Undergraduate Council provides oversight of an integrated approach to undergraduate excellence at SDSU, recommends new policies for the Division of Academic Engagement and Student Achievement as well as changes to existing policy and supervises specific University-wide undergraduate programs such as, but not limited to, the Undergraduate Writing and Graduation and Retention Subcommittees. Number of Student positions: 2

1ST Friday Monthly

2:30 - 4:00 p.m


Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Icon

Undergraduate Curriculum Committee

This committee represents students in all matters pertaining to the undergraduate curriculum proposals to include additions, deletions and changes), with special consideration to items of an interdepartmental of University-wide interest. Number of Student Positions: 2


12:30-2 p.m.

University Resources and Planning Committee Icon

University Resources and Planning Committee

University Resources and Planning reviews the allocation of resources, primarily in regards to funding. This committee acts as the decision making body for all issues pertaining to, but not limited to, budgets, allocations of facilities and positions, and allocation of special funds. Number of Student Positions: 2

Tuesdays, F23: 9/26, 10/10, 10/31, 11/28, 12/12; S24: 01/16, 01/30, 02/13, 02/27, 03/12, 03/26, 04/16, 04/23, 05/14

2-3:00 p.m.

University Senate Committee Icon

University Senate Committee

The University Senate is where SDSU's major constituencies weigh in on an array of policy decisions. Senate members represent all areas of campus life and thus focus on issues that affect the University's general welfare---from curriculum to facilities, and from admissions to administrator reviews. Number of Student Positions: 7

February 7, March 7, April 4, and May 2

2-4:30 p.m.