Deion Selma
Student Employee — Aztec Student Union Reservations Desk Assistant, Class of 2019
Associated Students, Student Success Stories
Scenes of Deion Selma performing in front of a crowd on a stage at the Cal Coast Credit Union Open Air Theatre on the SDSU campus.
Deion Selma:
“I am Deion Selma, a senior here at San Diego State University. I’ve been involved here with Associated Students here for two and a half years working at the reservations desk.”
Scene of Deion working at the Reservation Desk at the A.S. office.
Scene of Deion and fellow musician preforming at Open Mic Night.
Deion Selma:
“Yes, they were having an Open Mic in the courtyard which was put on by Associated Students. At the time, I was down on myself with low confidence, I was new here and didn’t have many friends. But I said you know what, it doesn’t hurt for me to at least try,”
Scene of Deion participating at the Open Mic Night in the Aztec Student Union Courtyard.
Deion Selma:
“So I ended up participating in the open mic and I was the first person to go in the contest. Then I ended up winning the contest,”
Scene of Deion performs on stage.
Deion Selma:
“And that opened up so many doors for new friendships, relationships and opportunities. It’s really played a huge role on my success here at college and SDSU. They’ve given me a platform to get my music out to students here at SDSU and so just being here at the res desk was sorta like a chain of commands when it comes to planning these events.”
Various scenes of Deion performing on stage.
Various scenes of Deion working at the Reservation Desk.
Deion Selma:
“And so I just really like the teamwork aspect of it.
Associated Students gives an outlet for students that want to get involved within this community here at SDSU.”
Scenes of various events on the SDSU campus.
Deion Selma:
“It gives us opportunities, it gives us a platform to hold events to communicate and form relationships with not only the people of the office but the entire student body.”
Scenes of various events on the SDSU campus — meetings, GreenFest, concert
Deion Selma:
“We care about the students’ well beings and I feel like Associated Students care so much about making sure that the students here have the best experience possible.”
“Find out more at AS.SDSU.EDU. Find us on facebook @ASSOCIATEDSTUDENTSSDSU or on Snapchat, Twitter, and instagram at @AS_SDSU”
With a positive attitude and amazing musical talent, Deion Selma, better known as rapper D.Sel, is not the type of guy you’d expect to be reaping the rewards of Associated Students.
But, he is making the most of A.S. in every aspect of his life. Deion is a student employee at Aztec Lanes and at the Aztec Student Union Reservations Desk, two positions offered by Associated Students. A.S. has been able to help Deion advance his music career through their support and programs offered. From A.S. events such as Greenfest, Open Mic Nights and Nooners, to the student-run A.S. Backdoor Media Studio in the Aztec Student Union, Associated Students has allowed Deion to grow as a performer and musician.
Deion grew up in a single parent household in Gardena, California, where he immediately showed a talent for performing and making music. “I’ve been on stages singing and dancing and acting since I was around this tall,” Deion said as he motioned towards the floor.
Deion attended SDSU as a result of his theatre interest and after looking for employment, he soon joined Associated Students. He said, “I applied for two jobs with A.S. and ended up just doing them both.(WHY BOTH? What is different about them?) Then I became part of the family and it was amazing.” He has been an employee for two years now.
At the Aztec Student Union Reservations Desk, Deion has several day to day responsibilities including helping clients or student organizations that need meeting or event space and planning student events. At Aztec Lanes, he is responsible for fixing lanes, helping customers, and making sure things run smoothly.
According to Deion, his two jobs with A.S. have taught him, in his words, “how to multitask and be patient. With those two skill sets in my arsenal, I feel confident in completing any task for any job.” He also has developed professional skills such as, “learning how to converse and socialize with many people of all different backgrounds. I know how to engage in meaningful conversation and make the person I'm talking to feel comfortable and at ease. That's a skill that not too many people are able to harness.”
Associated Students has provided Deion with opportunities to reach his professional goals as well. Deion has seized the opportunities to perform at Open Mic Nights and at Battle of the Bands, two A.S.-organized events. Winning Battle of the Bands won him the opportunity to open for Lil Yachty and Vic Mensa at the annual campus-wide A.S. Greenfest concert. As Deion said, “A.S. has opened so many doors for me. Once people found out about my music they just wanted to help me achieve my dreams and started finding places that I could perform.”
But perhaps most importantly, Associated Students has allowed Deion to make the most of his college experience. “A.S. offers so many programs that have allowed me to thrive in college. A.S. and all their events practically made my freshman year.” Deion even recalls his early freshman dreams, made possible by A.S.: “I went to Greenfest freshman year and saw my first concert. It was Chance the Rapper and at that time he was my favorite. I saw that stage and I said, ‘I’m going to be there before I leave this place.’ A.S. helped make that happen.”
With all Deion has gained from A.S., he encourages other students to do the same. He recalls, “A.S. cares so much about the students and does so much for the student body. They want to make SDSU a great place and have everyone feel like it's their home and they do such a good job.”
Through Associated Students, Deion has gained professional skills and has taken advantage of all of his opportunities at SDSU. Anyone who has listened to his albums, Vibrations of the West I and II, would agree that D.Sel is going places. And in Deion's opinion, some of that is due to his time in A.S. “A.S. has given me a multitude of opportunities to let my musical talents shine. Everyone within Associated Students has always been extremely supportive of my dreams and their support has opened the door for me to share my talents with the world,” he said.
After graduation, there is no doubt that you will find Deion still making music. As he said, “I want to go back to L.A. for a few years and then go out to Atlanta. Ideally I’d have a record label and be touring but that’s just a dream. If not, I’ll work a stable job in L.A. and just never stop working on my music. My music is everything.”