Student Organization Banking
Student Organization Banking Forms
Student Organization Account Application and Agreement Form
Student Organization Check Request
Student Organization Deposit Slip
Student Organization Gifts In Kind form
Student Organization Gift Transmittal Form
Account Information Request Form
Tax ID Request Form
How to complete a Tax ID Request Form
Student Organization Banking Handbook
- Find answers to policies & procedures, examples of how to complete banking forms and funding applications, and much more.
Student Organization Banking Policy
- Effective July 1, 2016 California State University (CSU) guidelines require RSO's to obtain an account with Associated Students (A.S.). External bank accounts (i.e. U.S. Bank, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, etc.) can no longer be used for the financial management of RSOs.
- RSO's are expected to choose one of the three options on their RSO application:
- Option 1 : On-Campus A.S. Banking Account
- Option 2 : National Organization Exemption Request
- Option 3 : No Banking Exemption Request
- RSO's that select On-Campus banking must submit an Account Application & Agreement form each academic year.
Student Organization Banking Procedures
(Updated 06/05/23)
How to get your RSO banking approved. Choose one option.
- Option 1: On Campus Banking
- Select On-Campus Banking on your RSO application.
- Enter your student organization account number in the banking portion of your RSO application.
- Submit the banking portion of your RSO application for review.
- Complete a Student Organization Banking Application & Agreement form.
- Submit the form by email to: or drop it off at the Associated Students office.
- Student Organization Treasurer required to attend A.S. Banking training prior to A.S. approval of banking selection.
- Option 2: Off Campus Banking (National Organization Exemption)
- Select Off-Campus Banking on your RSO application.
- Upload the following to your RSO application:
- A signed letter from your national organization confirming the status of your student organization as chapter in good standing.
- Proof of tax reporting.
- See Sample Letters and Tax Reporting Instructions.
- Option 3: No Banking (Exemption Request)
- Select No Bank on your RSO application (this option is for organizations that do not intend to have any revenue or expenditures).
Electronic Deposits
(For Student Organization dues ONLY)
Student organization members can now pay their dues with debit or credit card.
For your student organization account number, contact your organization's treasurer.
Click here to pay your student organization duesHow to make in-person deposits:
- Deposits are processed at the Associated Student (A.S.) office located on the 3rd floor of the Conrad Prebys Aztec Student Union building, suite 320.
- Deposit hours are: Monday – Friday 9 AM to 3 PM.
- Deposit slips are available at the A.S. office front desk.
How to get reimbursed for purchases or pay vendor invoices:
- Complete a Check Request form and submit it with your itemized receipt(s) or invoice to your advisor for review and approval.
Student Organization Banking Training
Student Organization Banking Training sessions are designed to walk you through A.S. banking policies, procedures and forms.
ONLY Student Organization Treasurers that have selected On-Campus Banking are required to attend banking training. Presidents are highly encouraged to attend banking training as well.
Register for banking training by choosing on one of the links below. After registering, an email containing the zoom link will be sent to your email address.