A.S. University Council Charters
Associated Students | San Diego State University

(Added 4/15/09, Revised 12/02/09, 12/01/10, 4/11/12,12/01/14, 12/07/15, 12/12/16, 12/11/17, 12/03/19, 4/19/21, 5/2/22, 4/24/23)


We, the members of the College of Arts and Letters Student Council, in order to advance the interests of the College of Arts and Letters throughout the University, to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion with student participation and involvement in clubs and organizations within the College of Arts and Letters, to organize social, cultural, and academic activities and/or programs, to provide assistance and support for the activities and programs sponsored by our student organizations, to enhance recruitment and retention of students with academic disciplines that fall within the College of Arts and Letters, and to allocate funds as provided to the College of Arts and Letters by the Associated Students Board of Directors, do hereby ordain and establish these Bylaws.     


These Bylaws shall be in support of the Bylaws of the Associated Students of San Diego State University and, when in conflict, shall be deferred to that of the Associated Students of San Diego State University Bylaws. The Bylaws now and hereinafter shall define the purpose and policies of the Association and shall be binding to all members and organizations under the auspices of the College of Arts and Letters.



The name of this organization shall be the College of Arts and Letters Student Council and herein referred to as CAL Council.



Membership of the organization shall be those persons with declared majors, minors, and/or Interdisciplinary Studies with at least one study within the departments that comprise the College of Arts and Letters (combined hereinafter to be known as “academic discipline”) and who are enrolled at San Diego State University. These students shall be considered students at large and would not have a voting seat.


Those students who are designated as representatives of an academic/major related recognized on-campus student club or organization by Student Life and Leadership.


Those students who are elected or appointed to an Executive Office position by the CAL Council.


Those students who have been elected College of Arts and Letters Representatives to the Associated Students University Council.



Members shall be currently enrolled as regular matriculated students at San Diego State University.


Members shall maintain good academic standing (2.0 G.P.A.) with San Diego State University throughout the duration of their term as representative or officer.


Members on academic and/or disciplinary probation shall be reviewed on a case by case basis.



The College of Arts and Letters Student Council shall hereby be known as the CAL Council, whose members shall consist of:

  1. Minimum of six (6) Executive Officers:
    1. President
    2. Executive Vice President
    3. Vice President of Finance
    4. Vice President of Internal Affairs
    5. Vice President of Publicity
    6. Vice President of External Relations
  2. The College of Arts and Letters Representatives to the Associated Students University Council.
  3. One (1) student representative from each club/organization, which receives funding from CAL Council.
  4. The Dean of the College of Arts and Letters or their designee. 
  5. The CAL Council Advisor(s). 
  6. Members at large in the Council’s General Body or College of Arts & Letters student body who are unaffiliated with a registered student organization falling under CAL Council.
    1. A voting member is defined as at least one (1) of the following:
      1. An executive officer:
        1. President
        2. Executive Vice President
        3. Vice President of Finance
        4. Vice President of Internal Affairs
        5. Vice President of Publicity
        6. Vice President of External Relations
    2. One (1) student representative from each club/organization, which receives funding from CAL Council.
    3. Members at large who:
      1. Attend three (3) general body meetings, and
      2. Don’t exceed more than three (3) absences each semester; or
      3. Are approved at the discretion of the CAL Council.


CAL Council Clubs/Organizations

  1. Shall have one (1) voting member regardless of the number of members within their respective clubs/organizations.
  2. Recognized student organizations (RSO) with similar purpose may appoint a CAL Representative to represent up to three organizations that are recognized members of CAL Council to act as a voting member for their respective organization(s).
  3. In the event a CAL representative represents more than one organization, that representative may only vote on behalf of one (1) organization for the duration of any general body meeting.
  4. Shall deliver their organization’s President’s name and contact information, the organization’s meeting time, the CAL Council representative’s name and contact information, and any other important information to the Vice President of Internal Affairs at the beginning of each term. 
  5. Established student organizations shall have the first three (3) meetings following the recognized student organization deadline designated by the office of Student Life and Leadership to select their representative to CAL Council; if no representative attends after this time, their accounts will be frozen and possibly allocated to another student organization. 
  6. Shall be liable for knowing any information presented in these Bylaws.


Meetings and Attendance

  1. Meetings for CAL Council will be determined by the Executive Officers prior to      the beginning of the semester.
  2. Meeting hours and dates may be rescheduled by CAL Council or the Executive Officers.
  3. A quorum shall consist of a simple majority of the voting representatives of CAL      Council.  A simple majority shall be composed of half of all voting members plus one.
  4. Excused absences must be requested to the Vice President of Internal Affairs within three (3) business days of the meeting missed or the absence will be considered unexcused.
  5. Absences by Representatives and Executive Officers will be noted in the CAL      Council minutes
  6. Three (3) unexcused absences by Representatives and/or Executive Officers will result in dismissal with option to appeal to the Associated Students Judicial Affairs Council 
  7. Student Organization membership privileges, including funding from the College of. Arts and Letters Council and tabling using CAL resources, shall be suspended following three (3) unexcused absences from CAL Council meetings in one semester with option to appeal to CAL Council on a specified date set by the Executive Officers.



  1. In the fall or spring semester, all voting members must attend at least one (1) meeting social or event sponsored by an organization or Executive Board in the CAL Council of which the voting member is not affiliated with.
  2. If a voting member is not meeting expectations regarding attendance, committee engagement, and program attendance, the Executive Officer(s) have the ability to apply sanctions, which include but are not limited to freezing access to funds and denying taking part in council events and programming. 



  1. Officers may be re-elected and may serve no more than three (3) consecutive terms in the same position.     
  2. Officers shall be elected by a plurality vote of the voting members of the CAL Council.
  3. In the case of a tie, a runoff shall be held for the candidates, and a majority vote will be required.
  4. In the event that there is only one candidate for an officer position, they will be appointed to the Executive Board without the need of a vote of the CAL Council.
  5. Eligible voters include the President, the Executive Vice President, the Vice President of Finance, the Vice President of Internal Affairs, the Vice President of Publicity, the Vice President of External Relations, the A.S. University Council Representatives, and any members at large who are classified as voting members.     
  6. In case of a vacancy, special elections must be held and chaired by the Executive Vice President, and co-chaired by the President.



The Executive Officers of the CAL Council shall be President, Executive Vice President, Vice President of Finance, Vice President of Internal Affairs, the Vice President of Publicity, the Vice President of External Relations, and the Associated Students University Council Representatives.     


All Executive Officers of the Associated Students of the College of Arts and Letters shall be responsible for the following:

  1. Shall attend a College of Arts and Letters Retreat in the beginning of each year. 
  2. Shall oversee and facilitate the activities of their respective committees. 
  3. Shall have the authority to apply sanctions they deem appropriate to their committee members, with approval by the President.
  4. If applicable, shall maintain the cleanliness, upkeep, and location of the CAL Council office.
  5. Shall attend at least one (1) other College Council meeting a semester.
  6. Shall attend at least two (2) CAL organization meetings, socials, and/or events a semester.
  7. If applicable, shall utilize the College of Arts and Letters Council office monthly during the academic year.
  8. Shall review and, if necessary, modify the CAL Council Bylaws and Charter at the beginning of the new term.


Officers Eligibility

  1. Executive Officers:
    1. No person may hold more than one (1) position in CAL Council, including A.S. and organization representatives.
    2. Any student elected or appointed as an officer on the CAL Council must be a matriculated student in good standing at San Diego State University, with at minimum, one (1) academic discipline within the College of Arts and Letters.



  1. Shall be the official representative of the CAL Council including all students within the College of Arts and Letters.
  2. Shall chair the CAL Council meetings.
  3. Shall be a member of the A.S. University Council Academic Affairs Board.
  4. Shall be the liaison to all campus College Councils.
  5. Shall be the liaison to the College of Arts and Letters Administration.
  6. Shall have the power to call for special CAL Council meetings, in which quorum must be present. 
  7. Shall be, in the case of vacancy: 
    1. In charge of the distribution of vacant Executive Officer responsibilities.     .
    2. An ex-officio non-voting member of the Associated Students University Council.
  8. Shall act as an ex-officio College of Arts and Letters representative to the Faculty Committees of the College of Arts and Letters.
  9.  Shall vote to make or break ties/two-thirds, and in voting for new Executive Officers.
  10. Shall, in coordination with the CAL Council and A.S. Elections Coordinator, schedule and hold CAL Council endorsements for A.S. Elections.
  11. Shall confirm room reservations of CAL Council meetings by the end of the previous semester.
  12. Shall work with the Vice President of Internal Affairs to create the meeting agendas.
  13. Shall read the university’s Land Acknowledgement at the beginning of every General Body Meeting.
  14. Shall have the discretion to create or dissolve committee(s) for the CAL      Council.
  15. Shall have complete oversight and final discretion of all CAL Council committee(s).
  16. Shall have the ability to create and dissolve  ad hoc committees that are created to address specific items and be dissolved when said term is complete.
  17. Shall meet the Dean of College of Arts and Letters at least once a semester.
  18. Shall be responsible for creating transition documents prior to the election of new Executive Officers during general elections at the end of the academic year.


Executive Vice President

  1. Shall be the chief administrative aide to the President, and facilitate concerns and recommendations brought forth by the students of the College of Arts and Letters to the CAL Council..
  2. Shall be responsible for all duties of the President in case of absence.
  3. Shall be responsible for all student organization outreach and recruitment for the CAL      Council.
  4. Shall be responsible for planning, scheduling, and chairing elections.
  5. Shall plan a retreat for the CAL Council Executive Board during the academic year.     
  6. Shall create and co-chair the Outreach Committee, as needed.
  7. Shall be responsible for planning one (1) social event on behalf of the CAL Council.
  8. Shall be responsible for co-planning the CALies Award Ceremony with the Vice President of External Relations, if applicable.


Vice President of Finance

  1. Shall be responsible for all duties of the President in case of the Executive Vice President’s absence.
  2. Shall be the officer responsible for the distribution of A.S. funds to the CAL Council clubs/organizations.
  3. Shall be the liaison between the CAL Council and the Associated Students Board of Directors Financial Affairs Committee.
  4. Shall act and enforce all finance codes and responsibilities.
  5. Shall provide written procedures to the CAL Council Representatives on how to utilize Associated Students funding/financial allocations.
  6. Shall create and maintain a club/organization financial report and provide it weekly to the CAL Council.
  7. Shall turn in the next year’s fiscal year’s budget to the A.S. Financial Affairs Committee before the Financial Affairs Committee’s deadline. 
  8. If applicable, shall be in contact with the Associated Students Vice President of Financial Affairs and arrange a workshop for funding information to the CAL Council.
  9. Shall attend a How to Spend Your A.S. Dollars and How to Seek IRA funds workshop.
  10. If created, shall chair the Finance Committee.
  11. Shall maintain a report of standing for all clubs/organizations and communicate with the President when an organization is in bad standing.
  12. Shall maintain a report of organizational spending per organization, so as to keep track of limits to spending as outlined in the A.S. Bylaws.


Vice President of Internal Affairs

  1. Shall maintain a list of all student organization presidents, representatives, office locations (if applicable), meeting locations and times, contact information, etc. for the CAL Council.
  2. Shall prepare and distribute minutes and agendas for the CAL Council and Executive Committee.
  3. Shall be responsible for all communication between members of the CAL Council.
  4. Shall take vote and attendance records of all CAL Council meetings.
  5. Shall maintain records of weekly attendance of all members of the CAL Council.
  6. Shall create and maintain a master calendar for the CAL Council and its respectable organizations that may be linked to the general SDSU Master Calendar, in coordination with the Vice President of Publicity.


Vice President of Publicity

  1. Shall be responsible for updating the CAL Council’s website, social networking websites (i.e. Instagram, Discord), etc. weekly.
  2. Shall be responsible for promoting the CAL Council and its organizations via updates to the College of Arts and Letters and social media.
  3. Shall be responsible for writing the CAL Council section of any/all school newsletters.
  4. Shall be responsible for organizing College of Arts and Letters tabling in order to publicize the CAL Council, as well as outreach to possible College of Arts and Letters Students.
  5. Shall be responsible for communicating CAL Council events to the university and relevant organizations.
  6. Shall be responsible to organize and attend at least one (1) tabling event once a semester. 
  7. Shall be responsible for hosting one (1) guest speaker or lecturer during each semester.

SECTION 22     

Vice President of External Relations

  1. Shall be required to attend all CAL Council meetings. 
    1. Any excuses must be submitted to the Vice President of Internal Affairs within one (1) week of absence. 
  2. Shall be the officer responsible for the collection of questions, comments, and concerns from students in the general body, as well as advocating for first-year students. 
  3. Shall be responsible for outreach to students and Student Organizations under the College of Arts and Letters to engage student participation, with an emphasis in new and incoming students, and co-organization collaboration within the Council. 
  4. Shall be responsible for helping in the organizing of College of Arts and Letters tabling in order to publicize the CAL Council to first-year students. 
  5. Shall be required to host a minimum of one (1) program tailored to the needs of first-year students under the CAL Council and the college itself. 
  6. If applicable, shall host five (5) distinct sets of office hours each semester in the CAL Council office in the College of Arts and Letters building. 
  7. Shall be responsible for outreach to first-year students on social media in coordination with the CAL Council Vice President of Publicity. 
  8. Shall assist the President and Advisor(s) with any and all guest speakers to visit the Council.
  9. Shall serve as the point of contact for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion in regard to guest speakers and external collaborators.
  10. Shall serve as the point person in any and all implementation of materials related to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
  11. Shall chair the Outreach Committee
  12. Encouraged to sit on any additional CAL Council committees, if applicable.


A.S. University Council Representatives 

  1. Shall be required to attend all CAL Council meetings.
    1. Any excuses must be submitted to the Vice President of Internal Affairs within one (1) week of absence.
  2. Provide a weekly report to the A.S. University Council on College of Arts and Letters activities.
  3. Give a weekly report to the CAL Council on A.S. University Council activities.
  4. Shall be responsible for outreach to Student Organizations under the College of Arts and Letters in coordination with the CAL Council Executive Vice President.
  5. Shall be required to attend the CAL Council Executive Board event.
  6. Are responsible to promote the A.S. values within the College of Arts and Letters: professional development, campus community, communication, advocacy, shared governance, service, diversity, and sustainability.
  7. Will plan at least one (1) event in collaboration with at least one (1) other college council within their term.
  8. Ensure the attendance of one A.S. Representative at every Registered Student Organization under the CAL Council meeting once a semester.



Outreach Committee

  1. The Outreach Committee can be created if necessary and shall consist of the following members:
    1. Executive Vice President and Vice President of External Relations (co-chairs)
    2. Any other ex-officio voting members, approved by the President.
  2. Shall prepare graduation cords for select graduating seniors for undergraduate and graduate students, with the discretion of the committee.
  3. Shall plan a retreat for the CAL Council once a year.
  4. Shall assist the Executive Vice President and Vice President of External Relations in planning the annual CALies Award Ceremony.
  5. Shall cooperate with the Publicity Committee to increase overall board and student organizational membership.


Finance Committee

  1. The Finance Committee can be created if necessary and shall consist of the following members:
    1. Vice President of Finance (Chair)
    2. The CAL Council Advisor
    3. Any other ex-officio voting member, approved by CAL Council President
  2. Shall review the Finance Code at least once every academic year.
  3. Shall make recommendations to the CAL Council and Executive Board as to violations of the Finance Code.
  4. Shall prepare a presentation of the CAL Council budget to the board at the beginning of each semester.


Publicity Committee

  1. The Publicity Committee can be created if necessary and shall consist of the following members:
    1. Vice President of Publicity (Chair)
    2. Any other ex-officio voting member, approved by  the President
  2. Shall publicize the meeting times, activities, etc. of CAL Council.
  3. Shall plan to table for CAL at least twice (2) each semester. 
  4. Shall be responsible for publishing at least two (2) newsletters each semester.
  5. Shall be responsible for updating any social media accounts with student organizational events, promoting for CAL Council board information, etc.     


Event Programming Committee

  1. The Event Programming Committee can be created if necessary and shall consist of the following members:
    1. All A.S. University Council Representatives of the CAL Council.
    2. Any other ex-officio voting members, approved by the President
  2. Shall be responsible for hosting the annual job fair in cooperation with Career Services.
  3. Events for the year are up to the discretion of the A.S. University Council Representatives of the College of Arts and Letters and the rest of the committee.



Parliamentary Code

  1. All CAL Council meetings shall be conducted according to parliamentary procedure outlined in “Robert’s Rules of Order.” 


Officer Code

  1. An officer may be recalled upon recommendation of the President and a majority vote of those CAL      Council members present after failure to fulfill the specific duties or after three (3) or more unexcused absences.
  2. No person may hold more than one (1) position in CAL Council, including A.S. 
  3. Officers shall be expected to arrive to Meetings on-time, unless the Vice President of Internal Affairs has received and documented a valid excuse.
  4. If a vacancy occurs in the office of the President, the Executive Vice President becomes Interim President until a special election can be held.
  5. Bylaws regarding attendance, membership qualifications, and duties of an Executive Officer may be suspended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the CAL Council.
  6. Any student elected or appointed as an officer on the College Council must be a matriculated student in good standing at San Diego State University with an academic discipline within the college in which they wish to serve.


Finance Code

  1. Any club/organization that receives on-campus status granted by the Office of Student Life and Leadership will be eligible for funding through CAL      Council.
  2. A dormant club/organization, defined as any group given on-campus status by Student Life and Leadership within CAL Council that has been previously allocated, will receive eligibility after fulfilling requirements after a maximum of sixty (60) days.
  3. The requirements in the sixty days (Section 30 subsection B):
    1. May not have more than one unexcused absence during this time.
    2. Active participation within their respective committees.
    3. Meet approval of CAL Council.
  4. A club/organization shall be placed on probationary status for a period of a maximum of thirty (30) days following three (3) unexcused absences during which time funds will be frozen. Funds shall be released if the club/organization is approved by the Executive Board.
  5. A club/organization that does not maintain representation on CAL Council shall result in having their funds seized and reallocated. The club/organization will then be moved to dormant status.
  6. The Executive Board will allocate a certain amount of the budget to use under executive board discretion. This allocated amount will be shared with the council before it is allowed to be used. 
  7. Should an RSO anticipate requesting in excess of $250 on a singular check request they will be required to submit another check request on a later date.



Articles of these Bylaws may be amended by the CAL Council by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of approval of those present. There must be a quorum of the voting membership present.


In order for these Bylaws to remain in force, it must be reviewed, revised and affirmed by CAL Council and signed by the President of CAL Council.


The Charter may be amended or revised by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Associated Students Board of Directors or the Associated Students University Council, as specified in Section 74 of the Associated Students Bylaws. All proposed amendments or revisions shall be reviewed by the CAL Council and the A.S. Judicial Affairs Council prior to consideration by the Associated Students Board of Directors.

(Revised 12/2/13, 4/25/15, 4/24/17, 12/03/18, 4/19/21)


The College Business Council (CBC) is the student governing body of the San Diego State University Fowler College of Business. The CBC is funded by the Associated Students of San Diego State University. This charter shall be in support of the Bylaws of the Associated Students of San Diego State University and, when in conflict, shall be subordinate to that of the Associated Students of San Diego State University Bylaws. This charter now and hereinafter shall define the purpose and policies of the Association and shall be binding to all members and organizations under the auspices of the Fowler College of Business. The elected officers consist of the President, Executive Vice President, Vice President of Finance, Vice President of Marketing, Vice President of External Relations, and Vice President of Communications. The CBC Student Organization Representatives and the A.S. Representatives are elected or appointed by the organizations represented on the CBC.


We, the members of the College of Business Council of the Fowler College of Business of San Diego State University, in order to establish representative government, promote business careers to all University students, facilitate participation in community service events and improve the educational experience of the students of San Diego State University, do hereby affirm and establish this charter.



The official name of this organization shall be the College of Business Council of the Fowler College of Business of San Diego State University”, hereinafter referred to as CBC. The official colors of this organization shall be scarlet and black.



Members of the Association shall consist of all SDSU students in the Fowler College of Business and business affiliated organizations of San Diego State University.



To develop, provide, implement, and continuously work to improve a central body for the conduct of business and policies pertaining to all members of recognized CBC organizations.


To assist the officers of the individual affiliated Fowler College of Business student organizations by providing a forum to discuss, communicate, and act upon ideas of mutual interest.


To organize and promote participation in events and activities of the Fowler College of Business and affiliated organizations.


To provide a representative body of students with authority to act and implement on behalf of all Fowler College of Business students in interaction with other groups and organizations (on and off campus), pertinent to the Fowler College of Business.



The CBC shall be the student governing body of the Fowler College of Business.


The CBC shall consist of the Executive Board, Student Organizations Representatives, Associated Students Fowler College of Business Representatives, and the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs in the Fowler College of Business (Advisor). The Assistant Dean shall have the authority to appoint a Co-Advisor to CBC.


The laws of the CBC shall consist of the bylaws of the Associated Students at San Diego State University, the policies, rules, and regulations of San Diego State University, and this charter.


The CBC shall have the right to self-governance as deemed by the Associated Students, San Diego State University.


The authority of CBC shall be vested in the Executive Officers.


CBC shall not adopt any policy, which abolishes the freedom of speech, assembly, press, religion, or any basic rights of individuals; nor shall it violate the policies set forth by the University Affirmative Action Document or the Associated Students Bylaws.


This charter may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the Voting Membership in good standing.


All meetings of CBC shall be conducted according to parliamentary laws set forth in the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Revised.



The CBC shall be empowered to determine policies of the Council.


The CBC shall be empowered to direct the student organizations within the Fowler College of Business in accordance with A.S. Bylaws and allocate funds and other resources to these organizations.


The CBC shall be empowered to petition to remove funding from an organization if a majority vote is approved by the voting members in good standing.


The power of CBC must stay in accordance with the Bylaws of the Associated Students, San Diego State University.



CBC is comprised of those persons who are declared majors, pre-majors, or minors within the Fowler College of Business of San Diego State University, and paying regular Associated Students fees.


Students who are not declared majors or minors within the College of Business may serve as representatives to CBC provided the following requirements are met:

  1. The student is an executive member of an organization recognized by CBC.
  2. The student was elected as the representative of his or her organization to CBC.


For potential organizations to become recognized, have a representative hold a vote, and receive funding through the council, an introductory semester must be completed. During the introduction phase the prospective organization must fulfill the following requirements:

  1. Display that the organization promotes business careers to its members and that the organization utilizes the knowledge of core business practices.
  2. Contact the President of CBC and provide an overview of the organization including a list of officers and faculty advisor.
  3. Have no more than two (2) unexcused absences at CBC council meetings.
  4. Participate in all CBC events.
  5. At the end of the period the organization must meet approval of CBC. Approval is obtained by a two thirds acceptance vote by the council.
  6. The student organization must be recognized by a major affiliated within the Fowler College of Business through Student Life and Leadership.


The voting members of CBC shall be the Executive Officers, the Representatives from student organizations recognized by CBC, and the Representatives for the Fowler College of Business Administration to the Associated Students Council. Organizations participating in the introductory semester hold no vote.


Each eligible voting member in good standing of CBC shall be entitled to one vote on all voting matters. This vote shall represent the views of a majority of the constituents that member represents. Each semester each organization is required to submit a roster list of organization executives and the designated representative. In order for an organization to use its entitled vote the voter must be an individual on the organization list.


Student Organizations shall be granted Voting Membership (1 voting seat) if they are recognized as an on campus organization that is recognized and accepted into CBC.


Good Standing Policy

The student elected or appointed to a voting position on the CBC must maintain good academic standing throughout the entire year.


Attendance and Good Standing Policy continued

  1. All members of the Association are required to attend all weekly meetings, leadership retreats, and other mandatory functions deemed necessary by the Executive Board.
  2. Two or more unexcused absences per semester will result in the member to be held in question and require a meeting with the Executive Board.
  3. A total of six (6) absences, excused or unexcused, will result in the member to be held in question and require a meeting with the Executive Board.
  4. Student Organizations that are not present at all weekly meetings will jeopardize their chances to receive funding the following semester, as deemed fair by the Vice President of Finance and the President.
  5. Organizations and representatives that fail to comply with the attendance policies will be subject to a probationary period.


Probationary Period

In the event that a recognized organization of CBC fails to meet the attendance policy the organization shall then be placed on probation. The organization shall be on probation for a period of one semester during which time funding to the organization will be taken away. In order to be moved from probation back to good standing the organization is required to have attendance in good standing as stated in Section 26 subsection B for one semester and at the end of the period meet approval of the council. If there is two thirds approval vote by the council then the organization shall be back in good standing. If the organization fails to display a commitment to CBC during the probation period the organization may lose the recognized status. The organization will be given the opportunity to appeal such a decision. If during the probation period the organization fails to display a commitment to CBC and CBC may choose that the organization lose recognized status. The organization will be given the opportunity to appeal such a decision. If the organization loses recognized status, the organization must participate in the introductory process (see Section (X)) in order to regain recognized status, funding, and voting rights. Note: a probationary period can carry over from Fall to Spring semester but cannot carry over from Spring to Fall if the actions happen within the last four weeks of the spring semester.



The CBC shall meet once every school week for the conduct of business, with the first meeting in each semester being no later than the second week of classes.


A schedule of regular meetings of CBC shall be made public at the beginning of each semester.


A majority (more than half) of the Voting Members in good standing shall constitute a quorum for the conduct of business at any meeting of the CBC.


All meetings of the CBC shall be open to the public. All guests have the right to participate fully in the meeting except that they shall not have the right to vote or make motions to vote.


The CBC President may call special meetings of CBC and must call special meetings at the written request of five (5) voting members of CBC.


Meeting Organization – The following actions shall be taken each meeting in the proper order:

  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of Agenda
  4. Approval of Previous Minutes
  5. Public Comment
  6. Discussion Items
  7. Action Items
  8. Executive Officer Reports
  9. Student Organization Representative Reports
  10. General Announcements
  11. Adjournment



The Executive Board shall consist of the President, Executive Vice President, Vice President of Finance, Vice President of Marketing, Vice President of External Relations, Vice President of Communications, , and the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs in the College of Business (Advisor), and a Co-Advisor, when appointed by the Assistant Dean.


The CBC Executive Board shall represent the Council to administrators and students, and shall provide leadership to support the overall goals and purpose of the CBC.


All members of the Executive Board shall receive one vote, with the exception of the President who shall vote only in the case of a tie.


The CBC Advisor(s) shall serve as a non-voting member of the Executive Board.


Any vacancy in any office of CBC shall be fulfilled by a special election of appointments approved by CBC. Such a replacement shall serve until the next general election.

  1. Vacant A.S. Representative positions shall be filled immediately.


The position of President shall be made open only to students who are majors in the College of Business. All other positions on the executive committee shall be open to students who are majors, minors, pre-majors of the College of Business. All individuals running for an executive position must be verified by CBC. The individuals must be verified and signed off by an CBC advisor prior to the election.


Duties of each Executive Officer:

  1. President
    1. The President shall be the executive head of the College of Business Council and shall preside over its meetings and shall have the power to call special meetings when considered necessary.
    2. The President shall enforce strict observance of the laws and policies of the College of Business Council, shall decide points of order, shall have power to appoint any officers or committees not provided for by the bylaws of the CBC, and shall have authority to preside over any committee of the CBC.
    3. The President shall not be entitled to vote within the CBC except: a) in the election of the CBC Officers; b) in the election of council seats; c) during endorsements; and d) in the event of a tie vote. The President may appoint a parliamentarian and a representative for the Undergraduate Committee of the College of Business. The President shall represent and act on behalf of the CBC at any applicable event.
    4. The President shall be empowered to make all decisions concerning the day-to-day operations of the Fowler CBC.
    5. The President shall submit a final report at the end of each semester outlining their goals, accomplishments, suggestions for improvement for the next semester. These reports shall be reviewed during the transition period with the newly elected President.
  2. Executive Vice President
    1. The Executive Vice President shall succeed to the Presidency and assume the duties of the President should vacancy occur in that office.
    2. The Executive Vice President shall assist the President in the performance of the President’s duties; attend all meetings of the CBC and the Executive Board.
    3. The Executive Vice President shall be responsible for events and activities to promote the interests and further the development of the Voting Members and Organizations represented by the CBC.
    4. The Executive Vice President shall coordinate CBC club and organizational participation, collaboration and mentoring with the residential living/learning communities for the Fowler College of Business Administration. They shall work closely with the Co-Advisers to CBC and the business faculty teaching the business freshman seminars – BA 100 – to ensure CBC club/org involvement, i.e., student panels, site visits, student mentoring opportunities, Learning Community visits to club/org meetings and other opportunities.
    5. The Executive Vice President shall be in charge of maintenance enforcement of the CBC charter .
    6. The President shall be responsible for the successful operation and maintenance of the CBC website.
  3. Vice President of Finance
    1. The Vice President of Finance shall assist the President in the performance of the President’s duties; attend all meetings of the CBC and the Executive Board.
    2. The Vice President of Finance shall have the responsibility of overseeing fiscal activities of the CBC.
    3. The Vice President of Finance shall be responsible for coordinating and communicating Financial Policies of the CBC to the organizations of the CBC; shall coordinate with the Associated Students to hold a review of Financial Policies and Reimbursement Procedures of the Associated Students; shall coordinate with the University regarding the distribution of IRA funds.
    4. The Vice President of Finance shall keep an accurate account of all funds received and expended, and shall make expenditures only upon written authorization of the President of the CBC. The Vice President Finance shall be the custodian of all financial books of account of the CBC, which shall at all times be open to inspection and examination by the CBC Council or such individuals, committees, or task forces as it may appoint; shall deposit all funds in the name of and to the credit of the CBC; and shall prepare a budget covering all expected income and all necessary expenditures of the CBC for the academic year at the beginning of the year.
    5. The Vice President of Finance must relinquish all financial papers and supporting documents to the incoming VP of Finance at the end of his or her term.
  4. Vice President of Marketing
    1. The Vice President Marketing shall assist the President in the performance of the President’s duties; attend all meetings of the CBC and the Executive Board.
    2. The Vice President of Marketing shall be responsible for the operation of Internal and External publications, all CBC publicity, any printed materials, and all graphic creations for events/promotions.
    3. The Vice President of Marketing shall be responsible for updating all of the social media sites of CBC, including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
  5. Vice President of External Relations
    1. The Vice President External Relations shall assist the President in the performance of the President’s duties; attend all meetings of the CBC and the Executive Board.
    2. The Vice President External Relations shall be responsible for promoting the recruiting of and the providing of internships for students.
    3. The Vice President External Relations shall act as liaison and coordinate with Career Services and the Career Management Center; and shall be responsible for promoting.
    4. The Vice President of External Relations shall be responsible for coordinating any/all volunteer opportunities for the college council, as well as the point of contact for Aztecs Rock Hunger.
    5. The Vice President of External Relations shall be responsible for the planning of the Business Achievement Awards in conjunction with all other executive board members support.
  6. Vice President of Communications
    1. The Vice President of Communications shall assist the President in the performance of the President’s duties; attend all meetings of the CBC and the Executive Board.
    2. The Vice President of Communications will serve as the Parliamentarian for CBC meetings and be responsible for the production and distribution of general meeting minutes and agendas.
    3. The Vice President of Communications will also be responsible for keeping track of attendance, and reporting any violations of CBC charter to the Executive Vice President.
    4. The Vice President of Communication will be responsible for managing all membership/contact rosters as well as social channel platform and calendar updates.
    5. They will serve ad the point of contact for all matters,
  7. A.S. Representatives:
    1. Shall be required to send any A.S. updates to the Fowler Marketing Assistant to be included in the monthly Dean’s email, and any time-sensitive information to the Assistant Dean.Shall be required to hold a minimum of one (1) open forum per semester for Business students to voice their concerns.
    2. Are responsible to promote the A.S. values with Business students: professional development, campus community, communication, advocacy, shared governance, service, diversity, and sustainability.
    3. Shall be in charge of any council icebreakers or social activities.
    4. Shall be in communication with Student Life & Leadership to best assist organizations with re-recognition & required trainings.
  8. Executive Officers:
    1. No person may hold more than one (1) position in the Associated Business Student Council, including A.S. and organization representatives.
  9. Officers Eligibility
    1. Any student elected or appointed as an officer on the College of Business Council must be a matriculated student in good standing at San Diego State University with a declared major in the College of Business.



Students elected or appointed to the CBC shall have the mandatory responsibility to:

  1. Attend all CBC Meetings. All voting members of CBC shall be allowed no more than three (3) unexcused or two (2) consecutive absences at regular meetings during each semester. The President or the Executive Vice President may excuse any absence with a valid excuse.
  2. Attend or have an alternate representative attend all CBC events and functions.


Organization Representatives shall also have the responsibility to:

  1. Communicate with and inform CBC of the opinions of their constituency.
  2. Deliver CBC reports to executive and general body members of organizations. Report organization activities and events to the CBC.
  3. Contribute their efforts toward CBC activities as required


Business representatives to the A.S. University Council will be responsible for representing and voicing the views and the opinions of CBC to the A.S. University Council.

  1. Shall Inform CBC of any matters of interest and importance to the Fowler College of Business Administration brought up in A.S. University Council meetings.
  2. Shall contribute their efforts toward CBC activities as required.



If necessary, any member of the CBC may be removed from office.


If at any point during an office term an executive member changes his/her major and no longer is a major, minor, or pre-major in the College of Business shall be subject to removal. The executive member will be allowed to hold his/her position until the end of the semester in which case a replacement must be found.


An executive board member may be removed from office upon three (3) unexcused absences, the executive officer has an option to appeal. Additionally, a total of six (6) absences, excused or unexcused, may result in a removal from the Council, the executive officer has an opportunity to appeal.



The following oath of office must be taken by all the new CBC officers and representatives as they take office: “I (name in full), as an elected (officer/representative) of the  Fowler College of Business Administration, San Diego State University, accept my position and  do swear that I will strive to improve the Fowler College of Business Council and work toward bettering the Fowler College of Business Council. With these thoughts in mind, I shall set as my goal the betterment of the Fowler College of Business Council, San Diego State University, I so affirm.”



All candidates for A.S. Executive Officer elections seeking an endorsement from CBC must speak in front of the council on a date to be determined by the council and coinciding with A.S. General Elections.


All candidates receiving a majority vote shall be endorsed by the CBC.


Voting shall be done in closed session by the voting members of CBC only.


Voting members of CBC that are seeking endorsement shall not be permitted to participate in the endorsement discussion or voting. Said candidates shall have equal opportunity to seek endorsement, but they shall be marked as abstaining from voting.

  1. If the CBC President is seeking endorsement, he/she shall appoint one of the Vice    Presidents to Chair the meeting and endorsement proceedings.



Amendments to the CBC Charter or Bylaws must be presented in writing to the CBC for discussion.


The Charter may be amended or revised at any CBC meeting with a 2/3 approving vote by Council.


Amendments to the Charter become effective immediately upon adoption.


A master copy with the dates of any voted changes, amendments, or revisions to the Charter will be kept on file in the A.S. Government Affairs Office.


The Charter may be amended or revised by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Associated Students Board of Directors, as specified in Section 73 of the Associated Students Bylaws. All proposed amendments or revisions shall be reviewed by the Undeclared College Council and the A.S. Judicial Affairs Council prior to consideration by the Associated Students Board of Directors.

(Revised 12/2/13, 12/2/19)


These Bylaws shall be in support of the Bylaws of the Associated Students of San Diego State University and, when in conflict, shall be subordinate to that of the Associated Students of San Diego State University Bylaws. The Bylaws now and hereinafter shall define the purpose and policies of the Association and shall be binding to all members and organizations under the auspices of the College of Education.


We, the students of the Associated Students of the College of Education, in order to advance the interests of the College of Education throughout the University, to promote student participation and involvement in clubs and organizations within the College of Education, to organize social, cultural, and academic activities and/or programs, to provide assistance and support for the activities and programs sponsored by our student organizations, to promote recruitment and retention of students into majors that fall within the College of Education, and to allocate funds as provided to the College of Education Student Council by the Associated Students Council, do hereby ordain and establish these Bylaws.



This organization shall be the College of Education Student Council, San Diego State University. (Hereinafter called COESC).



To develop, provide, implement, and continuously work to improve a central body for the conduct of educational growth and policies pertaining to all College of Education students.


To create a forum for all College of Education affiliates to discuss, communicate, and act upon ideas of mutual interest through networking and social events.


To organize and promote participation in events and activities of the College of Education Student Council and affiliated organizations.



Participants of the organization is open to all persons enrolled at San Diego State University.  Meetings are open to all, regardless of their involvement in a club or organization.


Those students who are designated as representatives of a recognized on-campus club or organization in the College of Education.


Those students who are elected or appointed to an Executive Office by the COESC.


Those students who have been elected College of Education Representative(s) to the Associated Students University Council.


Membership shall not be restricted on the basis of race, religion, national origin, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, or age.



Members shall be currently enrolled as students at San Diego State University.


Members shall maintain good academic standing with San Diego State University throughout the duration of their term as student organization representative, A.S. representative, or executive officer.



The Executive Officers of the COESC shall be President, Executive Vice President, Secretary, Vice President of Finance, Vice President of Public Relations, Historian, Event Coordinator, and Associated Students University Council Representatives.


The COESC Executive Board shall represent the Council to administrators and students, and shall provide leadership to support the overall goals and purpose of the College of Education.


The COESC Executive Board shall attend all official Executive meetings and events. More than two unexcused absences will result in dismissal with no option to appeal.


Duties of Executive Officers:

  1. President
    1. The president should be the official representative of the COESC.
    2. Shall chair the COESC meetings.
    3. Should be a member of the A.S. University Council Academic Affairs Board.
    4. Should be the liaison to all campus College Councils.
    5. Shall have the power to call for special meetings for the COESC.
    6. Shall vote to make or break ties and vote for new executive officers.
    7. Shall coordinate with the COESC and the A.S. Elections Coordinator, to schedule and hold COESC endorsements for A.S. General Elections.
    8. Shall attend at least two events including new student orientation for recruitment purposes.
  2. Vice President
    1. Shall be the chief administrative aide to the President.
    2. Shall be in charge of all duties of President in case of absence.
    3. Shall serve to aid all other executive officers.
    4. Shall fulfill the duties of vacant positions, until filled.
  3. Secretary
    1. Shall maintain a list of all members contact information for the COESC.
    2. Shall prepare and distribute minutes and agendas for the COESC meetings and turn in council minutes to Government Affairs Office for review by A.S. Council.
    3. Shall take voting and attendance records for all COESC meetings.
    4. Shall maintain records of weekly attendance of all members of COESC.
  4. Treasurer
    1. Shall be the officer responsible for all A.S. monies distributed to the COESC.
    2. Shall be the liaison between the COESC and the A.S. Board of Directors Financial Affairs Committee.
    3. Shall create and maintain a COESC club/organization financial report monthly to the COESC.
    4. Shall turn in next year fiscal year’s budget to the A.S. Board of Directors Financial Affairs Committee before the Financial Affairs Committee’s deadline.
    5. Shall attend all A.S. sponsored trainings for council Treasurers.
  5. Vice President of Public Relations
    1. Shall be in charge of all public relations for COESC.
    2. Shall have the responsibility of publicizing COESC meetings and events.
    3. Shall be responsible for updating and maintaining all the COESC’s forms of media.
  6.  Historian
    1. Shall be responsible to document all COESC events and create a visual account of the school year.
    2. Shall coordinate the COESC display case and bulletin board.
  7. Event Coordinator
    1. Shall be responsible for planning all COESC activities and events.
    2. Shall be responsible for hosting at least one event per semester.
  8. Associated Students University Council Representatives
    1. Give weekly reports to A.S. Council on the COESC’s activities.
    2. Give weekly reports to COESC on the A.S. University Council activities.
  9. Graduate Student Representative
    1. Give bi weekly reports that are focused on issues and concerns regarding Graduate Student Association.
    2. Be able to represent the graduate student population in the College of Education.



COESC shall consist of:

  1. Executive Officers
  2. One student representative from each club/organization that is recognized by Student Life and Leadership and receives funding from the COESC.
  3. The advisor of COESC who shall be the Dean of the College of Education or their
  4. Any student under COESC interested in voicing their opinions.


COESC Clubs/Organizations

  1. Shall have one voting member regardless of the number of constituents within their respective club/organization.
  2. Shall deliver their organization’s President’s contact information, meeting times, and the COESC Representative’s name and contact information.
  3. Shall pitch an event proposal idea and once approved, the organization must submit an Event Request Proposal to be reviewed and approved by the Executive Director to receive COESC funding for events. Event presentation must presented two weeks in advance of events date in order to receive funding, if approved.



  1. Meetings of the COESC will be determined by the Executive Officers at the beginning of the semester.
  2. Meeting hours and dates may be rescheduled by the COESC or Executive Officers.
  3. Absences by representatives and Executive Officers will be noted in the minutes of the COESC.
  4. Absences will be considered excused upon submission of minutes to the Secretary and official notice of absence to the Vice President.
  5. Two unexcused absences by representatives and/or Executive Officers will result in dismissal without the option to appeal. 
  6. Membership privileges shall be suspended by a club/organization following two unexcused, absences from the COESC meetings in one semester.
  7. The quorum shall consist of a simple majority of the voting representatives of the COESC.



The following oath of office must be taken by all the new COESC officers and representatives as they take office:

I (name in full), as an elected (officer/representative) of the College of Education Student Council, San Diego State University, do swear that I will strive to improve and work towards bettering the College of Education Student Council. With these thoughts in mind, I shall set as my goal the betterment of the College of Education, San Diego State University, I so affirm.”



Parliamentary Code

  1. All meetings of the College of Education Council shall be conducted according to parliamentary procedure outlines by “Robert’s Rules of Order”.


Officer Code

  1. An officer may be recalled upon recommendation of the President and a majority vote of those COESC members present after failure to fulfill the specific duties or after two or more unexcused absences from COESC meetings.
  2. Unless waived by a two-thirds vote of COESC, a student cannot hold more than one position in COESC.
  3. If a vacancy occurs in the office of President, the Executive Vice President becomes interim President until a special election can be held.
  4. Bylaws regarding attendance, membership qualifications, and duties of an Executive Officer may be suspended by a two-thirds vote of COESC.
  5. Any student attending San Diego State University interested in running for an executive board position shall have the opportunity to apply and be elected by a two-thirds vote of the COESC.
  6. Current executive board officers must be re-elected by a two-thirds vote of the COESC.


Finance Code

  1. Any club/organization that receives on-campus status granted by Student Life and
  2. Leadership will be eligible for funding through COESC.
  3. A club/organization shall be placed on probationary status for a period of one month following two unexcused absences during which time funds will be frozen. If perfect attendance is met for three consecutive meetings, funds will be released.
  4. A club/organization that does not maintain representation on COESC shall result in having their funds seized and reallocated. The club/organization will then be moved to dormant status.
  5. Funded organizations shall be required to submit one budget per semester. Budgets not received by the announced due date will result in no preliminary funding without a reasonable excuse. Budget waivers are to be approved by COESC.
  6. Any club/organization not spending 45% of their allocated budget by the end of the semester will have their monies frozen and re-allocated, by the Vice President of Finance, to a club/organization that will utilize it.
  7. Any club/organization that does not give the Treasurer a list of expenditures by two weeks before the last COESC meeting of the Spring semester, will have their monies seized and re-allocated by the Treasurer to a club/organization that will utilize it.



Amendments to the COESC Charter or Bylaws must be presented in writing to the COESC for discussion.


The Charter may be amended or revised at any COESC meeting with a 2/3 approving vote by Council.


A master copy with the dates of any voted changes, amendments, or revisions to the Charter will be kept on file in the A.S. Government Affairs Office.


The Charter may be amended or revised by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Associated Students Board of Directors, as specified in Section 73 of the Associated Students Bylaws. All proposed amendments or revisions shall be reviewed by the COESC and the A.S. Judicial Affairs Council prior to consideration by the Associated Students Board of Directors.

(Added 4/15/09, 4/15/13, 12/6/21, 4/24/23)


These Bylaws shall be in support of the Bylaws of the Associated Students of San Diego State University and, when in conflict, shall be subordinate to that of the Associated Students of San Diego State University Bylaws. The Bylaws now and hereinafter shall define the purpose and policies of the Association and shall be binding to all members and organizations under the auspices of the College of Engineering.


We, the students of the College of Engineering Student Council, in order to advance the interests of the College of Engineering throughout the University, to promote student participation and involvement in clubs and organizations within the College of Engineering, to organize social, common interest and academic activities and/ programs, to provide assistance and support for the activities and programs sponsored by our student organizations, to promote recruitment and retention of students into majors that fall within the College of Engineering, and to allocate funds as provided to the College of Engineering by the Associated Students Board of Directors, do hereby ordain and establish these bylaws



The name of this organization shall be the College of Engineering Student Council (CESC).



Members shall be currently enrolled as regular matriculated students at San Diego State University.


Members shall maintain good academic standing with San Diego State University throughout the duration of their term as representative or office.


Members shall not be on either academic or disciplinary probation.        


Eligibility for membership or appointed or elected student officer positions may not be limited on the basis of race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, color, age, gender, gender identity, marital status, citizenship, sexual orientation, or disability. The organization shall have no rules or policies that discriminate on the basis of race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, color, age, gender, gender identity, marital status, citizenship, sexual orientation, or disability.



Membership of the CESC shall include those students who are:

  1. Designated as representatives of a recognized student organization (RSO) in the College of Engineering. 
  2. Elected or appointed to an Executive Office by the CESC.
  3. Elected College of Engineering Representative(s) to the Associated Students University Council.



The CESC shall consist of the following members: 

  1. Minimum of 9 Executive Officers: 
    1. President 
    2. Executive Vice President
    3. Vice President of Finance
    4. Vice President of Internal Affairs 
    5. Vice President of Programming 
    6. Vice President of Marketing
    7. Vice President of Outreach
    8. Vice President of Academic Affairs
    9. The College of Engineering Representative(s) to the AS University Council 
  2. One student representative from each RSO, which receives funding from the CESC 
  3. The Assistant Dean for Student Affairs of the College of Engineering. 


To maintain recognition as an RSO by the CESC, RSOs shall:

  1. Provide one voting member to vote on behalf of their respective RSO during CESC all-council meetings.
  2. Provide all officer contact information, meeting location(s) and time(s) to the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs immediately following their officer elections. 
    1. Contact Information includes: phone number, email, name, and pronouns
  3. Provide the contact information for the RSO CESC representative (or any alternates) and RSO President to the Vice President of Internal Affairs at the beginning of each semester. 


All-council meetings of the CESC shall be held at least biweekly, with time and day determined by the Executive Council. Meetings hours and dates may be rescheduled by the CESC or the Executive Council. Meetings shall be conducted according to the following:

  1. A quorum shall be required for an all-council meeting, consisting of a simple majority of the voting members of the CESC. 
  2. Absences by representatives and executive officers will be noted in the minutes of the CESC. 
  3. Two unexcused absences by executive officers may result in the dismissal with option to appeal. 
  4. Representation for an RSO may be suspended following two unexcused absences from CESC meetings in one semester. 
  5. Excuses must be submitted to the Vice President of Internal Affairs within two (2) days prior to the meeting that will be missed or no more than three (3) days after (in case of an emergency). 


Executive Council meetings of the CESC shall be held at least biweekly, with time and day determined by the Executive Council. Meetings guidelines shall be decided by the Executive Council.


Within eight weeks of the end of each term, executive officer elections shall be held according to the following guidelines: 

  1. A plurality of the votes cast shall be necessary to elect officers to any position on the CESC.
  2. Eligible voters include all CESC RSO representatives and executive officers, except for the CESC president. 
  3. In the case of a tie, the president shall cast the tie-breaking vote.



The Executive Officers of the College of Engineering Student Council shall be President, Executive Vice President, Vice President of Finance, Vice President of Internal Affairs, Vice President of Programming, Vice President of Communications, Vice President of Recruitment and Associated Students University Council Representative(s).


All Executive Officers of the CESC shall:

  1. Create a written statement/report at the end of each year.
  2. Prepare the succeeding officer for the duties and responsibilities of the office.
  3. CESC Conduct themselves in a professional manner as a representative of the CESC.
  4. Hold no more than one (1) position in the CESC, including A.S. and organization representatives, unless waived by a two-thirds vote.
  5. Serve no more than three consecutive terms in the same office. 


The President shall be the chair and official representative of the CESC. Specific responsibilities: 

  1. Shall chair the all council CESC meeting as well as the Executive Council meetings.
  2. Shall be a member of the A.S. University Council Academic Affairs Board. Shall be an ex-officio member of the CESC committees.
  3. Shall be the liaison to all campus College Councils.
  4. Shall have the power to call for special CESC meetings, which quorum must be present.
  5. Shall be in charge of the distribution of the duties of open executive officer seats in the case of vacancies on the Executive Council
  6. Shall act as an ex-officio College of Engineering representative to the Faculty Committees of the College of Engineering.
  7. Shall vote to break ties including votes for new executive officers.
  8. Shall, in coordination with the CESC and the A.S. Elections Coordinator, schedule and hold CESC endorsements for A.S. Elections.
  9. Shall have veto power over any vote in CESC, only to be overridden by a 2/3 vote of the CESC.
  10. Can approve line item allocations below $25 without the approval of the CESC.


Executive Vice President

  1. Shall be the chief administrative aide to the President.
  2. Shall be in charge of all duties of the President in case of absence.
  3. Shall establish a method of orientation for all members of the CESC.
  4. Shall be the main point of contact with the deans for scheduling and organizing.
  5. Shall be the main point of contact with the deans for scheduling and organizing.
  6. Shall be the liaison for the National Association of Engineering Student Councils and carry out related duties to represent San Diego State University.
  7. Shall be an ex-officio member of the CESC committees.


Vice President of Finance

  1. Shall be in charge of all duties of the President in case of the Executive Vice President’s absence.
  2. Shall be the officer in charge of A.S. monies distributed to the College of Engineering.
  3. Shall be the liaison between the College of Engineering and the A.S. Board of Directors Financial Affairs Committee.
  4. Shall chair the CESC Finance Committee, and shall assume the duties and make decisions in the absence of the Finance Committee. 
  5. Shall advise the CESC on the proper use of A.S. financial allocations.
  6. Shall organize and chair an orientation meeting for the CESC in the area of proper use of money for the College of Engineering events and promotions.
  7. Shall create and maintain a College of Engineering RSO financial report, monthly, to the CESC.
  8. Shall turn in the fiscal year’s budget to the A.S. Board of Directors Financial Affairs Committee before the deadline.
  9. Shall, in coordination with the Assistant Dean of Student Affairs, prepare a budget request package for the Instructionally Related Activities (IRA) fees every semester. 


Vice President of Internal Affairs

  1. Shall maintain a list of all members’ officer locations, phone numbers, etc. for the CESC.
  2. Shall prepare and distribute minutes and agendas for the all-council CESC and Executive Council meetings. 
  3. Shall be in charge of the communication platform between members of the CESC.
  4. Shall take attendance and voting records of all CESC council meetings.
  5. Shall maintain records of weekly attendance of all members of CESC.
  6. Shall schedule and reserve meeting rooms for the all council CESC regular and Executive Council meetings. 


Vice President of Programming

  1. Shall chair the CESC Programming Committee, and shall assume the duties and make decisions in the absence of the Programming Committee.
  2. Shall be the point of contact for RSOs within the College of Engineering in relation to events. 
  3. Shall maintain and display a master calendar of events for the CESC and represented organizations.
  4. Shall be responsible for planning and organizing different engineering events.
  5. Shall, in coordination with the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs, plan the College of Engineering Senior Banquet which takes place at the end of the school year.


Vice President of Marketing 

  1. Shall maintain a social media presence through several different platforms.
  2. Shall be responsible for updating the website, as well as the bulletin board for the CESC.
  3. Shall create and manage the distribution of a CESC newsletter on a monthly database. 
  4. Shall collect reports from each executive officer and RSOs.


Vice President of Outreach

  1. Shall maintain the Freshman Mentor Program, including:  
    1. Assigning mentors to all freshman students interested by the end of the 3rd week of the semester, then at the end of each month thereafter. 
    2. Work with Vice President of Programming to provide programming and welcome events for mentors and mentees. 
    3. Maintaining a master list of all mentor and mentees contact information for future reference. 
  2. Shall be the liaison to the Daily Aztec for advertising and stories about CESC events. 
  3. Shall remain in contact with alumni and professionals in order to schedule speaking and professional development events.


Vice President of Academic Affairs

  1. Shall be the representative of student academic concerns.
  2. Shall work with administration to seek to resolve any class conflicts, including but not limited to
    1. Class availability
    2. Class sizes
    3. Timing conflicts
  3. Shall be the CESC liaison to the Center of Student Success in Engineering
  4. Shall seek to alleviate student grievances regarding classes and/or professor conduct and redirect those as needed.
  5. Shall work with the college to expand laboratory access for students.

SECTION 22      

A.S. University Council Representatives

  1. Shall give weekly reports to A.S. University Council on CESC activities. 
  2. Shall give a weekly report to the CESC on A.S. University Council activities. 
  3. Shall at the request of the President, serve on CESC committees.
  4. Shall vote in accordance  with the CESC in all A.S. votes that affect university policies.
  5. Shall send out one monthly email to the College of Engineering student body regarding A.S. and College of Engineering updates and information. 


SECTION 23      

Ad-hoc committees of the CESC shall be established according to the following guidelines:

  1. Any member of the CESC may propose an ad-hoc committee in an executive or all-council CESC meeting.
  2. An ad-hoc committee shall take effect following a majority vote of the executive council.
  3. The duration for the ad-hoc committee will next be decided by the president, and shall last no longer than until the end of the current term.
  4. Membership for the committee will be comprised of a chair, and at least two voting members appointed by the chair.
    1. The chair must be a member of the CESC, and will be appointed by the president following a confirming vote for the committee.
    2. Voting members may be any currently matriculated student.


Finance Committee shall be established following a majority vote of the CESC, and shall take effect until the end of the current term.

  1. The committee consist of the following members:
    1. Vice President of Finance (Chair)
    2. Any students currently enrolled as regular matriculated students, following a majority vote of the CESC (Voting member).Any other ex-officio non-voting member,
  2. The committee shall make recommendations to the CESC or Executive Committee as to violations of the Finance Code.


Programming Committee shall be established following a majority vote of the CESC, and shall take effect until the end of the current term.

  1. The committee shall consist of the following members:
    1. Vice President of Programming (Chair)
  2. Any students currently enrolled as regular matriculated students, following a majority vote of the CESC (Voting member). Any other ex-officio non-voting member shall publicize and plan events and activities, of the CESC.



Parliamentary Code

  1. All meetings of the CESC shall be conducted according to parliamentary procedures outlines by “Robert’s Rules of Order.”


If a vacancy occurs in the office of the President, the Executive Vice President becomes the interim President until a special election can be held.


Recall Code

  1. An officer may be recalled upon proposition of any CESC member after failure to fulfill the specific duties, following which a majority vote of the CESC will establish the recall ad-hoc committee.
  2. The CESC ad-hoc recall committee will facilitate an investigation into the failure of the officer to fulfill specific duties. The membership of the ad-hoc recall committee shall consist of:
    1. The CESC President (Chair)
    2. The Assistant Dean of the College of Engineering (Advisor)
    3. An A.S. Representative (Voting Member)
    4. Another executive officer (Voting member)
    5. An RSO representative (Voting member)
    6. The Previous Position Holder if available (in the case of resignation)
    7. The Executive Vice President (Chair, in the case of recall of the president)
  3. Following the investigation, the committee will present their findings to all-council. A 2/3rd vote of the CESC will remove the officer from their position.


Finance Code

  1. Any RSO that receives on-campus status granted by the Office of Student Life and Leadership will be eligible for funding through the CESC. 
  2. Any new RSO that has not yet been will be eligible for funding through the CESC after the organization has been attending CESC meetings for a period of one semester.
  3. A dormant RSO, defined as any group given on-campus status by the University that has been previously allocated funding, will receive eligibility after fulfilling the following requirements in a one-month probationary period. 
    1. A representative from that RSO must meet with the executive council. 
    2. Perfect attendance to those two consecutive meetings. 
    3. Meet the approval of CESC by two-thirds vote. 
  4. An RSO shall be placed on probationary status for a period of one month following two unexcused absences during which funds shall be frozen. If perfect attendance is met for  two consecutive meetings, funds will be released. 
  5. An RSO that does not maintain affiliation with the CESC shall result in having their funds seized and reallocated. The RSO will then be moved to a dormant status. 
  6. Funded RSOs shall be required to submit one budget per year. Budgets not received by the announced due date will result in no preliminary funding without a reasonable excuse. Budget waivers are to be approved by the CESC. 
  7. Any RSO not spending 30% of their allocated budget by the end of the semester will have their monies frozen and could be re-allocated by the Finance Committee to a RSO that will utilize it. 
  8. Any RSO that does not give the Vice President of Finance a list of expenditures by two weeks before the last CESC meeting of the spring semester, will have their monies seized and re-allocated by the Finance Committee to a RSO that will utilize it.



Replacement of Officers

  1. In the event that an officer is removed from their position or in the event that an officer abdicates their position, a new student must be nominated by a current member of the CESC. 
  2. In the event that more than one person is nominated for the same position, each candidate shall prepare a short speech stating suitability for the position, after which a vote will be taken.
  3. The candidate with a plurality shall assume the vacant position.



Articles of these Bylaws may be amended by the CESC by a two-thirds vote of an approval of those present. There must be a quorum of the voting membership present.


The Charter may be amended or revised by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Associated Students Board of Directors as specified in Section 73 of the Associated Students Bylaws. All proposed amendments or revisions shall be reviewed by the CESC and the A.S. Judicial Affairs Council prior to consideration by the Associated Students Board of Directors.


 In order for these bylaws to remain in force, it must be reviewed, revised and affirmed by a signature of all current Executive Committee members.

(Revised 2/27/13, 12/1/14, 12/07/15)

Section 1 - Purpose

The External Relations Board shall serve the government relations needs of the Associated Students and coordinate the research of issues affecting students at San Diego State University and the development of appropriate action plans or policy positions. In addition, this board shall collaborate with any other entities focusing on community relations.

Section 2 - Jurisdiction

The Board shall act as the primary source of political activity and government relations efforts of the Corporation and shall research relevant issues including, but not limited to, legislation or policy affecting the students of SDSU, the CSU system or SDSU itself. The Board shall also have the authority to develop and execute appropriate courses of action to ensure the student perspective is represented at the local, statewide and federal levels of government and to recommend policy positions to the A.S..

Section 3 - Membership

  1. The Board shall have the following voting members:
    1. The A.S. Vice President of External Relations, who shall serve as the Chair of the Board
    2. A Vice Chairperson to be selected by the Board from among the voting members.
    3. The Legislative Research Associate to be selected by the Board from among the voting members
    4. The A.S. Campus Community Commissioner or designee
    5. The ASBOD Marketing Communications Commissioner or designee
    6. The A.S. President or designee.
    7. The A.S. Executive Vice President or designee.
    8. The A.S. Vice President of Financial Affairs or designee.
    9. The A.S. Vice President of University Affairs or designee.
    10. Any number of appointed students-at-large, as deemed necessary by the board in order to fulfill the Board’s purpose.
  2. The Board shall have the following non-voting members:
    1. The Vice President for University Relations & Development or designee.
    2. The Vice President for Student Affairs or designee.
    3. The Chair of the University Senate or designee.
    4. The A.S. Executive Director or designee.
    5. The President of the Residence Hall Association or designee.

Section 4 - Absences

  1. Any appointed member of the Board who misses two of any ten consecutive meetings without being excused shall be dropped from the Board.
  2. Any appointed member of the Board who is late five minutes or more after the meeting has been called to order will be considered tardy. Two tardies constitute an unexcused absence.
  3. Absences and tardies may be excused by the Board’s Chair or by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of approval of the Board.
  4. Tardies and absences will only be excused in emergency situations.
  5. Absences from scheduled tabling events will be considered a half (1/2) absence towards External Relations Board attendance record.

Section 5 - Officers

  1. Board Chair
    1. The A.S. Vice President of External Relations shall serve as Board Chair.
    2. The Vice President of External Relations shall represent the External Relations Board at such times as when the Board is not meeting or does not have a committee set up to represent them. This shall include the interpretation of policy and procedure, with A.S. Presidential review, until such times as the Board can meet to take appropriate action.
    3. This person shall also act as the liaison between other student governments and related entities.
  2. Vice Chairperson
    1. In the event of the absence of the Vice President of External Relations, the Vice Chair shall conduct the affairs of the Board.
  3. Legislative Research Associate
    1. Shall serve as Chair of Lobby Corps
    2. The Legislative Research Associate is responsible for all duties as designated by the Vice President of External Relations.

Section 6 - Subcommittees

  1. Lobby Corps
    1. Lobby Corps shall be chaired by the Legislative Research Associate
    2. Lobby Corps shall serve as the voice of the students when lobbying local, state, and national legislators in regards to all issues pertaining to higher education, the CSU system, and San Diego State University.
    3. Lobby Corps shall ensure that students are trained and well-prepared to communicate with Legislators on behalf of San Diego State University.
    4. This subcommittee may also hold events that assemble student leaders and legislators to advance connections.

Section 7 - Meetings

  1. A quorum shall consist of more than half of the filled appointed voting seats.
  2. The Board shall hold regular meetings with a one hour time span and shall announce the times and places of those meetings at the beginning of each semester.
  3. Special meetings may be called, as they are appropriate to the needs of the Corporation.

Section 8 - Procedures

The Government Executive Assistant shall submit a copy of all Board minutes to the Government Affairs Office for safekeeping as stipulated in Section 74 of the A.S. Bylaws.

In the spring of each academic year, requests for A.S. funds shall be submitted by the Board to support its work, in accordance with procedures established by the ASBOD Financial Affairs Committee.

Section 9 - Charter Amendments and Revisions

This Charter may be amended or revised by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the External Relations Board. All proposed amendments or revisions shall be reviewed by the A.S. Judicial Affairs Council prior to consideration and final approval by the A.S. Board of Directors.

(Added 12/3/03 as Graduate Student Board) (Revised 4/18/07,  2/20/13, 4/29/23) 

Section 1 - Purpose

Subject to the overall authority of the Associated Students Board of Directors, the purpose of the Graduate Student Association (GSA) is to represent Associated Students regarding programmatic, policy and campus life needs of post-baccalaureate and graduate students (master’s, doctoral, and credential program) on the SDSU campus. The GSA plans and coordinates programming relevant to the graduate student experience at the University, including new graduate students’ transitioning experience to the campus, professional development opportunities during the course of their graduate program, and relationship with the University after graduation, from the perspective of Associated Students and consistent with the University’s mission and goals. The GSA advocates graduate students’ issues and perspectives concerning how the graduate student community might be affected by university policies, services, programs and/or facilities.

Section 2 - Jurisdiction

The Graduate Student Association (GSA) will constitute a voice for the Associated Students on graduate student affairs and graduate education and will propose, plan, advocate for and coordinate programming on behalf of the graduate student body. The GSA shall also have the power to initiate proposals for policy changes that it will advocate for with the proper University authorities, and may create improved or enhanced services for graduate students in conjunction with University mission and policies. The Dean of the Graduate Division is the chief spokesperson for the university on all issues related to graduate education. Any direct representation of SDSU’s graduate education mission, goals, purposes, policies, or practices must be cleared with the office of the Graduate Dean. Any effort to serve graduate students in an official university capacity shall be coordinated with the Graduate Dean. The GSA shall be responsible for the following areas:

  1. Assist with new graduate student transitions to the campus after official admission by Graduate Division, and other graduate student affairs, such as giving graduate housing information, getting acquainted with campus, and other student life matters.
  2. Collaborate with the Graduate Division and Student Affairs on programs directed toward new graduate students to be held each fall semester.
  3. Collaborate with Career Services on professional development, career counseling and job search specific to graduate students.
  4. Collaborate and/or advocate with the Graduate Division on academically related matters.
  5. Assist with mentoring and social networking in collaboration with relevant other departments.
  6. Networking with other alumni and the SDSU Alumni Association.
  7. Identify funding opportunities to support graduate students in their attendance at conferences and other professionally related activities, create scholarships or fellowships on behalf of Associated Students to support graduate student study, and collaborate with the University in fostering graduate student participation in receiving research grants.

Section 3 - Membership

Any person duly registered as a graduate student (doctoral, master or credential program)  at SDSU shall be a full member of the Graduate Student Association. Subject to applicable qualifications, all members shall be eligible to hold office in the Graduate Student Association or in any one of its subordinate organizations.

  1. The GSA shall consist of the following voting members:
    1. A sufficient number of students at-large needed, from each of the seven academic colleges, as determined by the GSA.
    2. A.S. University Council Representative, University Senate Representative and Graduate Council Representative, if President designated those roles. 
    3. One representative from every graduate student organization registered with the Office of Student Life & Leadership.  
  2. The GSA shall have the following non-voting members:
    1. The Vice President of Research Affairs and Dean of Graduate Affairs or designee.
    2. A.S. Advisor.
  3. The GSA shall have the following Executive Officers elected or appointed as provided in this Charter and in accordance with applicable campus policies for eligibility for student leadership positions:
    1. President:
      1. Shall be elected to the GSA by graduate students voting in the regular A.S. General Elections in accordance with the A.S. Elections Code.
      2. Oversee the direction of the GSA and ensure the execution of GSA responsibilities and commitments. In the event of removal or resignation of an officer, reassign executive responsibilities on an interim basis.
      3. Interact with SDSU graduate students, faculty, and staff in order to keep lines of communication open, and to insure that issues of significant concern to graduate students are brought to the attention of the GSA and other appropriate organizations or individuals. 
      4. Prepare agendas and preside, or designate a chair for GSA meetings and Executive Committee meetings.
      5. Supervise the GSA office and staff (if any).
      6. Oversee the operation of the GSA office by interacting with the staff and other officers.  
      7. Establish, upon their discretion, standing GSA executive committees related to graduate student issues. 
      8. Represent or send a designee from GSA to all regular meetings of the Associated Students University Council, SDSU Senate, and Graduate Council. 
      9. Attend Dean’s Council Meeting at least once per semester.
      10. Meet with Dean of Graduate Affairs on a monthly basis.
      11. Meet with Assistant Dean of Graduate Affairs twice a month (once at the Dean’s meeting). 
      12. Revise annual deadline calendar if needed.
    2. Vice President of University Affairs:
      1. Be elected to the GSA in accordance with the Election Procedures outlined in this Charter. 
      2. Chair GSA meetings and Executive Committee meetings in the absence of the President or their designee.   
      3. Appoint, subject to GSA approval, GSA representatives to administrative and campus committees. 
      4. In the event of removal or resignation of the President, assume the duties of the President on an interim basis. 
      5. Oversee the execution of various GSA academic, social, on-campus, and off-campus activities including but not limited to; Graduate Student Orientation, Annual Retreat, Call for Papers Conference, Awards Gala, and Philanthropic Service.
    3. Vice President of Public Relations:
      1. Be elected to the GSA in accordance with the Election Procedures outlined in this Charter. 
      2. Keep GSA apprised of system-wide developments of importance to the GSA.
      3. Responsible for coordinating the publication of GSA events and activities to faculty, staff, graduate students and potential graduate students, as needs dictate.
      4. Publicize to the graduate student body, open GSA representative positions and maintain contact with graduate coordinators for each college to insure that each graduate department is represented on the GSA. 
      5. In consultation with the Campus Affairs Committee, update graduate student population, at least on a quarterly basis of activities of the Graduate Student Association.
      6. Facilitate information flow to and from GSA and SDSU graduate students.
      7. Oversee the maintenance of the GSA Web pages at the Associated Students website ensuring links and information posted on the website is correct and up-to-date.
      8. Take responsibilities of  the Social Media Correspondent position if not occupied.
    4. Vice President of Finance:
      1. Be elected to the GSA in accordance with the Election Procedures outlined in this Charter. 
      2. Chair the Finance Committee. 
      3. Maintain a clear set of finance procedures in accordance with the financial policies of the Associated Students. In addition, the procedures should be distributed to all elected GSA representatives prior to regular GSA meetings as well as posted either electronically or on paper in a public place. 
      4. Regularly inform the GSA of the status of the GSA finances and provide evaluations of the budgetary impact of money requests. 
      5. Implement the budgetary decisions of the GSA. 
      6. In conjunction with the Associated Students Business Office and the Finance Committee, maintain the GSA financial records. In particular, oversee the recording of the financial allocations of the year.
      7. Oversee any fund-raising activities conducted by the GSA in accordance with A.S. and campus policies.
      8. Prepare the budget for the next academic year at the end of the current year in accordance with the A.S. annual budget preparation schedule.
      9. Periodically review the Financial Bylaws with the Finance Committee. Perform any duties listed therein.
    5. Vice President of Programming:
      1. Be elected to the GSA in accordance with the Election Procedures outlined in this Charter. 
      2. Prepare and execute the programming for all events hosted by the GSA.
      3. Fill out all necessary documentation (Catering waiver, EH&S, etc.) for each event.
      4. Reserve all necessary venues for the academic year.
      5. Keep google calendar up to date based on events dates, times and venues reserved
    6. Vice President of Social Change
      1. Be elected to the GSA in accordance with the Election Procedures outlined in this Charter.
      2. Gather information from the graduate student body on what issues they are facing and what needs must be addressed on campus.
      3. Prepare proposals along with any involved committees of new initiatives to address these issues and needs.
      4. Initiate proposals for policy changes that the GSA will advocate for and/or create improved or enhanced services for graduate students
    7. Secretary:
      1. Keep up-to-date records on administrative committees, keeping track of those committees with graduate student vacancies as well as a list of graduate students serving on administrative committees. 
      2. Collect quarterly written reports and minutes from administrative committee representatives. 
      3. Responsible for taking and posting the agenda and minutes at each GSA meeting in accordance with applicable policies and procedures of the Associated Students and state law. 
    8. Social Media Correspondent
      1. Maintain all social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram) on a daily basis.
      2. Organize campaign to increase following and engagement on these platforms.

Section 4 - Election of Executive Officers

  1. Date of Election 
    Annual election of GSA officers with the exception of the GSA President shall occur at the second to last regular GSA meeting of the academic year.  The GSA President shall be elected by currently enrolled graduate students voting during the regular A.S. General Elections in accordance with procedures outlined in the A.S. Elections Code.
  2. Announcement of Annual Election 
    All GSA representatives and graduate coordinators shall be notified of the date, time, and location of the election meeting at least four weeks in advance. A notice containing this information shall also be published in a campus-wide publication and in any electronic media generally utilized for graduate student communication.
  3. Nomination of Candidates for Elective Offices
    Nominations for elective offices shall be opened no later than four weeks prior to the election. Candidates for elective office must be nominated by a member of the GSA. Candidates may be nominated for more than a single office, however, once elected to an office, their name shall be removed from consideration for any subsequent office. Nominations for elective offices shall remain open until immediately prior to the Council vote on the position.  Current nomination lists shall be sent to GSA representatives, graduate coordinators, and published in any electronic media generally used for graduate student communication no later than one week prior to the election. These notices shall indicate that nominations shall remain open until the vote.
  4. Campaign Platforms 
    Candidates may, but are not required to, provide the GSA office with a statement of their campaign platform no later than one week plus one working day prior to the election. Statements may not exceed one page. These statements will be made available to the GSA prior to the election.
  5. Voting Procedures 
    Officers will be elected in the following order:
    1. President - GSA President elected through A.S. General Elections procedures.
    2. Vice President of University Affairs
    3. Vice President of Public Relations
    4. Vice President of Finance
    5. Vice President of Programming
    6. Vice President of Social Change
    7. Secretary
    8. Social Media Correspondent
  6. If an elective office has no nominated candidates, the GSA may postpone the election for that office until the end of the elections of other offices. If there are still vacant offices, the elections due that office will be automatically postponed until the next regular GSA meeting.
  7. A candidate for office need not be present at the election, but he/she must accept their nomination either in person at a regular GSA meeting, or in writing to the GSA office.
  8. Candidates will be allowed to address the GSA briefly prior to the GSA vote on the office.
  9. The GSA vote shall be recorded, but not published in GSA minutes. Officers shall be elected by a majority of voting representatives present at the election meeting provided quorum is met.  If more than two candidates are running for any office, successive votes shall be taken until one candidate receives a majority.  In successive votes, the candidate receiving the fewest votes shall be eliminated.
  10. In the event that an elected officer resigns, or is unable to continue serving in their position, a replacement will be nominated and, following a majority vote by current GSA members appointed to the office.

Section 5 - Election of GSA Representatives

  1. Eligibility
    Candidates for GSA Representative shall be registered graduate students in good academic standing as defined by the Office of Graduate Studies and Research Affairs and campus policies for eligibility for student leadership positions.
  2. Eligible Colleges, Departments and Programs
    Only Colleges, Academic Departments and Programs accepting graduate students for enrollment shall be eligible for GSA representation. The list of Programs and Departments published by the Office of Graduate Studies and Research Affairs shall define eligibility.
  3. Appointment Procedure 
    1. Eligible graduate students interested in representing the GSA on a campus committee or task force shall notify the appropriate GSA officer prior to any GSA meeting.
    2. The GSA officer shall inform the interested representative of the date and time of the GSA meeting at which the appointment will take place.
    3. Interested students shall be given the opportunity to address the GSA briefly regarding their interest in the committee.
    4. Representatives shall be appointed to committees by majority approval at any regular meeting.
    5. Representatives to committees which meet during the summer shall be appointed by the appropriate GSA officer on an interim basis.
  4. Recall of Representatives
    1. Any graduate student may call a GSA vote to replace or remove a representative to a campus committee.
    2. The committee representative will be informed of the date and time of the meeting where the recall vote will occur at least one week prior to the meeting.
    3. The committee representative will be allowed to address the GSA briefly regarding their qualifications for representing the GSA on the committee in question.
    4. A majority vote of the GSA at a regular meeting is required to replace or remove a committee representative.
  5. Interim Appointments to Committees
    1. If the GSA is not in session or due to severe time constraints, the appropriate GSA officer may appoint an interim representative to a committee. The term of the interim appointment shall be defined at the time the appointment is made. Interim appointments shall be announced to the GSA at its next regular meeting.

(Revised 12/03/18, 12/2/19, 1/25/21)



The name of this organization shall be the College of Health and Human Services College Council (CHHSCC) at San Diego State University (SDSU).



The purposes of this organization are to promote the interest of the students within the College of Health and Human Services (CHHS), to develop articulated procedures for organizing and coordinating interdisciplinary student participation within the CHHS, to develop and promote effective representation of the students in the CHHS to SDSU and to other student groups, and to develop and maintain systems of communication in order to act upon professional and non-professional issues affecting the students of the CHHS.



The CHHSCC shall serve as the governing student council for the College of Health and Human Services and derives this authority from the Dean of the college.


The rules contained in the most recent version of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised shall be the parliamentary authority for this organization and shall govern in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order the organization may adopt.



Membership in the organization shall be open to those regularly enrolled SDSU students who are declared and/or affiliated with majors in one of the following schools within CHHS:

  1. Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences – Undergraduate and Graduate
  2. Social Work – Undergraduate and Graduate
  3. Nursing – Undergraduate and Graduate
  4. Public Health –Undergraduate and Graduate
  5. Exercise and Nutritional Sciences – Undergraduate and Graduate


For new organizations to become recognized and be eligible for funding through our college council they must fulfill the following requirements within their introductory semester:

  1. Contact an executive council officer and provide an overview of the organization including the name of organization President.
  2. Have no more than two (2) unexcused absences at CHHS full council meetings.
  3. Participate in one (1) Council or Philanthropic event during the semester.
  4. Meet approval of the Council.


Eligibility for membership or appointed or elected student officers positions may not be limited on the basis of race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, color, age, gender, marital status, citizenship, sexual orientation, or disability. The organization shall have no rules or policies that discriminate on the basis of race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, color, age, gender, marital status, citizenship, sexual orientation, or disability.



Organization representatives can be any active member of a student organization.


Duties of the club/organization representatives shall include, but are not limited to:

  1. Attend all confirmed CHHSCC meetings.
  2. Report to the CHHSCC activities within their clubs/organizations.
  3. Be responsible for knowing and understanding the bylaws of the CHHSCC.
  4. Cast one vote per representative only, no matter the number of organizations represented.
  5. Find representation for the meeting(s) if the club/organization representative cannot attend a CHHSCC meeting.



The executive officers of CHHS shall be the President, Executive Vice President, Vice President of Communications, Vice President of Finance, A.S. Representative(s), and Vice President of Public Relations. In the event of a vacant executive position(s), currently elected executives will assume the duties of the position(s) until filled.


Powers and Duties of Officers include, but are not limited to:

  1. The President shall:
    1. Serve as the chief executive officer of the organization.
    2. Preside at all meetings of the organization.
    3. Attend all A.S. University Council Academic Affairs Board Meetings, or send a representative.
    4. Be the official spokesperson of the organization, representing the policies, views, and opinions of the organization in its relations with the campus and the community at large.
    5. Maintain regular communication with the CHHS Assistant Dean for Student Affairs and CHHSCC Officers.
    6. Promote and organize activities consistent with the stated purpose of the CHHSCC.
    7. Shall serve as interim A.S. University Council representative in the event that a vacancy shall occur or appoint a representative to fulfill the position until the vacancy is filled.
    8. Be responsible for amending appropriate sections and securing approval of the bylaws updates in accordance with Associated Students’ policies.
    9. Be responsible for knowing and understanding the bylaws of the CHHSCC.
    10. Cast one vote for the CHHSCC as an Officer.
    11. Represent a maximum of one club/organization in addition to the Officer’s position and may cast one vote for that club/organization.
    12. Must be within the major during elected term; this excludes those considered pre-majors.
    13. The President shall schedule all council meetings by the first day of the semester.
    14. The President is responsible for ensuring that all executive board members are executing their roles as officers.
    15. The President shall ensure that two council-wide philanthropic events are organized per academic year, that are open to all persons.
    16. The President shall ensure that at least one community event is attended by the executive board, per year.
  2. The Executive Vice President shall:
    1. Attend all confirmed CHHSCC meetings.
    2. Preside over the CHHSCC in the President’s absence. In the case of the vacancy of the Presidency, the Vice President shall succeed to the office of the President for the duration of the term.
    3. Oversee fellow officers of organization to ensure individual duties are completed in a timely manner.
    4. Be responsible for organizing and coordinating one focused philanthropic event per semester.
    5. Be responsible for total coordination of the Spring CHHSCC Awards Ceremony. This includes, but not limited to, distribution and collection of nomination packets, coordination of voting procedures with Officers and the Advisor, ordering and delivering awards, informing awardees of selection, preparation of script for ceremony, development of program, and planning refreshments. Maintain regular communication with the CHHS Assistant Dean for Student Affairs regarding event.
    6. Organizing one volunteer opportunity or team building event for organization officers to engage in, per semester.
    7. Be responsible for knowing, understanding, and maintaining the bylaws of the CHHSCC.
    8. Cast one vote for the CHHSCC as an Officer.
    9. Represent a maximum of one club/organization in addition to the Officer’s position and may cast one vote for that club/organization.
  3. The Vice President of Communications shall:
    1. Attend all confirmed CHHSCC meetings.
    2. Record attendance at all CHHSCC meetings and report record to the Executive Vice President and Vice President of Finance
    3. Coordinate with CHHSSC President and the CHHS Assistant Dean for Student Affairs regarding current agenda items.
    4. Prepare agenda for each meeting and provide copies for all CHHSCC members and have available in public 72 hours before the meeting.
    5. Submit agenda to Associated Students Government Affairs Director 72 hours before the general council meeting.
    6. Take minutes of each meeting and prepare them for distribution at the following meeting and to Associated Students. When minutes are required for A.S. financial purposes, minutes will be prepared as quickly as possible and distributed to each organization.
    7. Work with the Vice President of Public Relations to collect information for an up-to-date list of student organizations, which includes: name of club, advisor with contact information, current club President with contact information, and purpose of club. Provide collected information to the CHHS Assistant Dean for Student Affairs.
    8. Make available current copies of bylaws to interested parties.
    9. Be responsible for knowing and understanding the bylaws of the CHHSCC.
    10. Be responsible for tracking student involvement requirements for graduation stoles
    11. Be responsible for coordinating student outreach regarding senior graduation stole and underclassmen participation.
    12. Cast one vote for the CHHSCC as an Officer.
    13. Represent a maximum of one club/organization in addition to the Officer’s position and may cast one vote for that club/organization.
  4. The Vice President of Finance shall:
    1. Attend all confirmed CHHSCC meetings.
    2. Represent the CHHSCC at A.S. Board of Directors Financial Affairs Committee meetings as needed. Coordinate an informational meeting with A.S. financial personnel.
    3. Track expenditures and provide a report to the CHHSCC clubs/organizations on the status of their A.S. accounts on an as-needed basis.
    4. Maintain record of Funds Requests submitted by each organization.
    5. Be responsible for fully understanding A.S. financial policies and serve as a resource person for all CHHSCC clubs/ organizations.
    6. Be responsible for knowing and understanding the bylaws of the CHHSCC.
    7. Cast one vote for the CHHSCC as an Officer.
    8. Represent a maximum of one club/organization in addition to the Officer’s position and may cast one vote for that club/organization.
    9. Must be within the major during elected term; this excludes those considered pre-majors.
  5. The Vice President of Public Relations shall:
    1. Oversee all Public Relation activities within the college council.
    2. Relay all college council activities to the rest of the College of Health and Human Services at the bi-weekly full council meetings and through mass emails as appropriate.
    3. Publicize and inform SDSU community of college council events through media means such as, but not limited to, A.S. council website, press releases, newsletters, brochures, Facebook, Instagram, email, fliers, posters, and video media.
    4. Meeting with VP of Communication to gather information to be shared via social media.
    5. Cast one vote for the CHHSCC as an Officer.
    6. Represent a maximum of one club/organization in addition to the Officer’s position and may cast one vote for that club/organization.
  6. The A.S. Representative shall:
    1. Attend all confirmed CHHSCC meetings.
    2. Attend all Associated Students University Council (ASUC) meetings.
    3. Serve as the liaison between CHHSCC and A.S., reporting all activities and news to both organizations.
    4. Responsibly represent CHHSCC and its best interest when voting at A.S. University Council meetings.
    5. Promote the A.S. values within the College of Health & Human Services: professional development, campus community, communication, advocacy, shared governance, service, diversity, and sustainability.
    6. Be responsible for fully understanding A.S. general policies and sever as a resource person for all CHHSCC clubs/organizations.
    7. Be responsible for knowing and understanding the bylaws of the CHHSCC.
    8. Coordinate a collaborative effort with the Vice President of Public Relations to disseminate necessary information.
    9. Be responsible for writing resolutions for CHHSCC and A.S. when deemed necessary.
    10. Cast one vote for the CHHSCC as an Officer.
    11. Represent a maximum of one club/organization in addition to the Officer’s position and may cast one vote for that club/organization.


Qualifications necessary to hold office in the organization are as follows:

  1. All executive officers must hold an overall GPA of 2.0 and be enrolled in at least six units.
  2. Officers must also currently hold a major or be considered a pre-major within the College of Health and Human Services.
  3. No person may hold more than one (1) position in CHHSCC, including S. and organization representatives.



The President, Vice President, Vice President of Communications, Vice President of Finance, and Vice President of Public Relations are elected annually in the spring semester.


Applications for officers shall be submitted at least two weeks prior to the date of the election.  Applications shall be distributed to the entire student body within the College of Health and Human Services and all eligible College of Health and Human Services students may apply. 


Officers shall be elected by majority vote.


Officers shall assume office at the last full CHHSCC meeting of the spring semester and serve for one full academic year.


If the position of President becomes vacant as a result of resignation, or ineligibility, the Vice President shall assume the office of President. Vacancies in any other elected office shall be filled by an election held under the provisions of Section 14. The President may appoint an interim officer to fill the vacancy until the election is held.



Incoming officers will determine the time and day of the regular meeting of the CHHSCC for the following academic year. CHHSCC full council meetings will be scheduled bi-weekly during the academic year.


Any action voted upon by the CHHSCC will be determined by the majority.


If a club/organization representative cannot attend a CHHSCC meeting, it is the representative’s responsibility to find representation for the meeting. Clubs/organizations are allowed no more than two unexcused absences per semester. If a club/organization has more than two unexcused absences the CHHSSC reserves the right to consider the club/organization inactive and may re-allocate any A.S. funds allocated to the club/organization for the appropriate semester as outlined in Article IX, Section 25 of the bylaws.


If an officer cannot attend a CHHSCC meeting, it is the officer’s responsibility to notify the President and Vice President of Communications 24 hours before the meeting. If an officer has more than 3 unexcused absences per semester the executive board reserves the right to appoint a new officer to fulfill the vacancy via vote of no confidence.


Special meetings for extraordinary circumstances may be called by the President or Faculty Advisor, giving members verbal and and/or electronic notice, 48 hours in advance of the meeting. Non-attendance of a special meeting does not count as an absence for attendance/funding purposes.



The CHHSCC Executive Officers are responsible for distributing funds allocated to the CHHSCC by the A.S. Board of Directors Financial Affairs Committee.


Each club/organization is eligible for A.S. funds, with submission of Funds Request and regular attendance at CHHSCC meetings, with no more than two unexcused absences per semester, plus cooperation and participation in Council activities. In the event a club/organization does not fulfill the requirements for funds the monies will be reallocated.


The council shall reserve an adequate amount of funds each semester to cover its programs, operating costs, and other expenses.



All monies not otherwise designated shall remain in the Council’s unallocated account.


Any funds not spent by the individual club/organization during the fall semester will remain in the organization’s allocated funds for the spring semester. Any organization not utilizing any portion of their fall allocation is subject to revocation of funds.


Individual clubs/organizations can request supplemental funds from the CHHSCC. If no supplemental funds are available through the CHHSCC, the individual clubs/organizations can request funds from the A.S. Board of Directors Financial Affairs Committee, in accordance with their policies.


Club/organization funds shall not be used to purchase or reimburse members for alcoholic beverages.



The Executive Committee shall consist of the elected and appointed officers, with the advisor serving as a non-voting member.


The Executive Committee shall meet bi-weekly during the academic year.


When necessary, Executive Committee business can be conducted via email.


The Executive Committee shall have general supervision of the affairs of the organization between meetings and is authorized to take action when action must be taken prior to the next meeting.


The Executive Committee shall report to the membership all actions taken between meetings.



Any student from the College of Health and Human Services is eligible to receive commencement incentive such as a graduation stole.


Incentive eligibility will be based on a point system designed by college council executive officers.


Points will consist of attendance at full council meetings, fundraisers, college events, student organization events, volunteer events,  philanthropic events and any other events approved by the Executive Council.


Events are subject to change per semester, executives will notify students of upcoming events and the opportunity to accrue points throughout the semester and school year.


Student must sign in at all events or provide sufficient proof of attendance to receive credit



Bylaws may be amended by a 2/3 vote of the CHHSCC. The amendment shall be effective in accordance with Article XII, Section 41.


The Charter may be amended or revised by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Associated Students Board of Directors, as specified in Section 73 of the Associated Students Bylaws. All proposed amendments or revisions shall be reviewed by the CHHSCC and the A.S. Judicial Affairs Council prior to consideration by the Associated Students Board of Directors.

(Adopted 2/10/94, Revised 4/7/97, 4/98, 1/30/02, 5/8/02, 4/29/03, 5/06/03, 4/28/04, 12/2/13, 12/12/16, 12/11/17, 12/2/19)



The name of this organization shall be: The Associated Students of the College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts (herein referred to as “CPSFA”).



To promote the interests of the College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts (herein referred to as “PSFA”) through San Diego State University (herein referred to as “SDSU”), as defined in sections two (2) through five (5) below.


To promote Student/Faculty cooperation in the solution of common problems related to or affecting the PSFA.


To provide assistance and support for the organization of activities and programs for the student organizations and academic departments in PSFA.


To improve inter- and intra-departmental communication.


To allocate funds as provided to CPSFA by the Associated Students of SDSU (herein referred to as “A.S.”).



Members of the CPSFA shall be those persons with declared majors or minors in the departments that comprise PSFA, and who are enrolled at SDSU.


Those departments without declared majors, but under the jurisdiction of PSFA shall be included as members of CPSFA (i.e. Military Science, Aerospace Studies, and Naval Science).


Each council organization shall participate in at least two (2) Council events and (2) Community Service events per semester as well as the Inspiration Luncheon in the spring semester.


Each voting member representing a student organization shall submit at two informational items per semester to the Vice-President of Public Affairs for publication to PSFA.



The business of CPSFA is conducted by the PSFA College Council (herein referred to as “Council”).


The Council will consist of the following voting members:

  1. One student representative from each recognized on-campus club or organization (herein referred to as “club”) in PSFA,
  2. CPSFA representatives to A.S. (herein referred to as “A.S. Reps”),
  3. The Dean of PSFA, or his/her designee,
  4. Executive Officers of the Council and,
  5. Two students-at-large appointed by the Council President.


Student representatives will be selected by criteria established by their respective club and the PSFA Dean’s Office.


Each club must send a representative to every Council meeting. Each club will have one vote, regardless of the number of constituents within their respective group.


Student representatives will vote on all matters pertinent to CPSFA.


No Council member may represent more than one voting seat or organization at the same time at a Council Meeting, nor may any Executive officer concurrently represent another organization, except as follows:

  1. More than one organization functioning as equal and affiliated organizations may be represented jointly by one voting member having one vote.
  2. Executive Officers may hold the position of Associated Students Representative in the absence of interested parties and at the pleasure of the board.


Section 17

Executive Officers of the Council shall be:

  1. President – Under the direction of or with the approval of the Council:
    1. Shall be the official representative of the Council,
    2. Shall be the liaison to all other campus College Councils,
    3. Shall chair Council and Council Executive Committee (herein referred to as “CEC”) meetings,
    4. Shall have power to fill, by appointment, all vacancies in the Executive Committee which may occur mid-term, subject to Council approval,
    5. Shall have the power to call for special Council meetings,
    6. Shall initiate special presidential commissions, committees, and/or sub-committees, as needed, to investigate student concerns or functions,
    7. Shall be an ex-officio member of all Council Standing Committees,
    8. Shall be a member of the A.S. University Council Academic Affairs Board,
    9. Shall work in cooperation with the Chief Executive Officer and/or Chief Operating Officer on University-wide issues that affect PSFA.
    10. Shall work directly with the Executive Vice President in all matters pertaining to the Inspiration Luncheon
  2. Executive Vice President – Under the direction of or with the approval of the President:
    1. Shall be in charge of all duties of the President in case of absence,
    2. Shall be the chief administrative aide to the President,
    3. Shall be a member of the CEC
    4. Shall chair the Inspiration Luncheon Committee and initiate any additional meetings needed for the event.
    5. Shall be an ex-officio, voting member to all Council meetings,
    6. Shall assist the Council Vice Presidents in their duties when deemed necessary.
  3. Vice President of Finance – Under the direction of or with the approval of the President:
    1. Shall be in charge of all duties of the Executive Vice President in case of absence,
    2. Shall Chair the Council Finance Committee Ad Hoc
    3. Shall be the chief officer in charge of A.S. funding distributed to the Council,
    4. Shall be an ex-officio member to all Council committees,
    5. Shall be a member of the CEC,
    6. Shall coordinate between the Council and A.S. Board of Directors Financial Affairs Committee,
    7. Shall work in cooperation with the Chief Financial Officer on any University-wide financial issues that affect PSFA.
    8. Shall recuse themselves from financial matters pertaining to their student organization(s), and shall defer said matters to the President. Does not apply if the Vice President of Finance is/was a member at large.
  4. Vice President of External Affairs – Under the direction of or with the approval of the President:
    1. Shall be the coordinator of all Community Service efforts that the Council will participate
    2. Shall prepare and distribute the official Community Service Events Summary at the end of each semester,
    3. Shall chair the Council Community Service Event Committee,
    4. Shall be a member of the CEC,
    5. Shall be an ex-officio, voting member to all Council meetings,
    6. Shall work in cooperation with the Chief President Officer on any University-wide issues that affect PSFA.
  5. Vice President of Internal Affairs – Under the direction of or with the approval of the President:
    1. Shall be responsible for taking and distributing minutes at Council and CEC meetings,
    2. Shall prepare a Council roster, a list of Council Executive Officer’s weekly office hours, a list of club participation in Council and Community Service events, and a list of club attendance to Council meetings,
    3. Shall be in charge of overall office operations,
    4. Shall be a member of the CEC,
    5. Shall chair the Council Morale Committee,
    6. Shall be an ex-officio, voting member to all Council meetings.
    7. Shall be in charge of updating and passing out all Organization Representative Packets.
  6. Vice President of Public Affairs – Under the direction of or with the approval of the President:
    1. Shall chair the Council Public Affairs Committee,
    2. Shall be in charge of all public relations for Council, and, by request, for clubs, departments, and PSFA,
    3. Shall have the responsibility of publicizing Council meetings and events,
    4. Shall be a member of the CEC,
    5. Shall write and coordinate all the Council’s external communications.
    6. Shall coordinate Council’s participation in PSFA’s portion of SDSU recruitment and Commencement efforts, such as Explore SDSU Day, Student Life & Leadership and Associated Students fairs, and Commencement,
    7. Shall collect summaries from clubs and publish news,
    8. Shall be an ex-officio, voting member to all Council meetings.
    9. Shall work in cooperation with the Chief Communications Officer and Chief Operations Officer on any University-wide issues that affect PSFA.
  7. Vice President of Academic Affairs - Under the direction of or with the approval of the President:
    1. Shall chair the Council Academic Affairs Committee,
    2. Shall be a member of the CEC,
    3. Shall be a member of or send a designee to the A.S. University Council as a non-voting member,
    4. Shall create a semester project that will aid in the improvement of the PSFA College in an academic or administrative capacity to be performed by the Council.
    5. Shall work with the Assistant Dean of Student Affairs to address students’ academic concerns and to support or develop initiatives to enhance students’ academic success,
    6. Shall be an ex-officio, voting member to all Council meetings,
    7. Shall work in cooperation with the Chief Academic Officer on any University-wide Academic issues that affect PSFA.
  8. Vice President of Culture and Diversity– Under the direction of or with the approval of the President:
    1. Shall promote diversity and awareness through the college.
    2. Shall be an ex-officio, voting member to all Council meetings
  9. A.S. Representatives
    1. Shall be required to hold a minimum of one (1) open forum per semester for their respective college to voice student concerns.
    2. Are responsible to promote the A.S. values within the College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts: professional development, campus community, communication, advocacy, shared governance, service, diversity, and sustainability.
    3. Attend one cultural event defined as an event that showcases shared customs and behaviors of a particular group of society that is different from their own that is planned, organized, sponsored or co-sponsored by any of the culturally based students organizations recognized by the University’s Student Life and Leadership, other than one held by the organization to which the members belongs.
  10. Officers Eligibility
    1. Any student elected or appointed as an officer on the College Council must be a matriculated student in good standing at San Diego State University with a major within the College of PSFA.


An Executive Officer may be any student, provided that their major is in PSFA, or that their minor is in a department without declared majors but under the jurisdiction of PSFA.


Executive Officers may be re-elected.


Executive Officers shall be elected by the students of PSFA after the A.S. spring elections.


All elected Executive Officers shall serve yearly terms. If appointed to fill a vacant Executive Officer position, the appointee will serve until the current term expires.


Mid-term vacancies in Executive Officer positions shall be filled by appointment by the President with Council approval.


All Executive Officers must carry an overall GPA of 2.0 in order to run for office, and maintain the aforementioned GPA for the duration of their term. Executive Officers are responsible for providing the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs a copy of an unofficial transcript by the end of the second week of each semester they hold office.


Each Executive Officer shall participate in at least two (2) Council events and (2) Community Service events per semester as well as the Inspiration Luncheon in the spring semester.


Executive Officers may only have two (2) unexcused absences throughout one (1) semester. Three (3) unexcused absences will result in removal from office.


Any excused absences must be submitted to the President in an arranged manner a minimum of two (2) days before the missed meeting or in the case of an emergency one (1) week after the missed meeting or the absence will be considered unexcused.


No person may hold more than one (1) position in the PSFA Council, including A.S. representatives.

  1. Unless, no one is nominated or elected for a position; in which case, President may appoint a student representative.



Meetings of the Council will be held weekly and will not exceed ninety (90) minutes.


Meeting hours and dates may be re-scheduled by the Council Executive Committee.


Absences by club representatives and Executive Officers shall be noted in the minutes of the Council.


Two (2) unexcused absences by the student representatives will result in the withholding of A.S. funds from their club for a period of one (1) month with an option to appeal the action, in writing, before the Council. Three (3) unexcused absences by student representatives will result in the club’s dismissal from Council and removal of A.S. funds for the remainder of the fiscal year with an option to appeal the action, in writing, before the Council. The funds, which are removed from a club, will be deposited in the Council Unallocated account.


Excuses must be submitted to the President in an arranged manner a minimum of two (2) days before the missed meeting or the absence will be considered unexcused.


Quorum will consist of a simple majority of the voting student representatives except during budget meetings. During budget meetings, quorum will consist of a simple majority of the clubs represented on the Council.


Council and Community Service events are any events that take place in the community, whether outside of campus or not, which have been approved by the CEC for event participation credit.


Events associated with Community Service will count towards Community Service event participation credit.


Events not associated with Community Service will count towards Council event participation credit.



The Council will host a luncheon every Spring Semester for all faculty, staff, and administration emphasizing the PSFA College faculty and staff.  The official title of the event can thereof be decided by the CEC.  For example “The Inspiration Luncheon…because even brilliant minds need inspiration”.


Under the direction of the President and Executive V.P. the Council will hold a reception that includes refreshments and an awards ceremony while College Organizations hold their exhibits. Invitations are to be made with a personal touch from Council.


The awards given out will be for faculty and staff that have acted as Inspiration for the different clubs and organizations that make up the Council. Each organization is allowed only one awardee but may invite as many guests as needed.


All organizations must participate in the exhibits. This is for the organization to exhibit their skills and talents to the rest of the college. This includes but is not limited to pieces of artwork, diagrams, picture displays, information distribution, posters and banners etc.




Articles of this constitution may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of approval by those present and voting, once quorum is met.


The Charter may be amended or revised by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Associated Students Board of Directors, as specified in Section 74 of the Associated Students Bylaws. All proposed amendments or revisions shall be reviewed by the PSFA College Council and the A.S. Judicial Affairs Council prior to consideration by the Associated Students Board of Directors



Upon the recommendation of the President, and a majority vote of the Council, an Executive Officer may be removed from their position.


An Executive Officer may also be removed by a two-thirds (2/3) vote for a recall during a special election of PSFA.



The Council and its member organizations agree to follow the policies and regulations for events listed in the STUDENT ORGANIZATION HANDBOOK.



All meetings of the Council shall be conducted according to parliamentary procedure outlined in “Robert’s Rules of Order” unless specifically addressed within these Bylaws or the Constitution.



The Vice President of Internal Affairs shall prepare a sufficient number of up-to-date copies of the Bylaws so that they are available to members of the Council and to other interested parties.



The CEC will consist of the following voting members:

  1. Officers,
  2. The Dean or his/her designee,
  3. A.S. Reps,
  4. Students-at-large appointed by the President.



  1. The CEC should meet at the beginning of each semester and review the goals for that semester.
  2. Business or action to be taken at the regular meeting of the Council should be considered by the CEC and, if necessary, recommendations should be made.
    1. The CEC will be responsible to make any recommendations to the Council regarding university academic, administrative, or faculty affairs, and student government, or any other issue affecting the students, faculty, administration, or operation of PSFA.
  3. It shall enforce all bylaws, rules, and action or directives from the Council.
  4. The CEC shall act in the place of the Council during fall, winter, spring, and summer breaks.


The President of the Council shall serve as Chairperson of the CEC.


The CEC shall meet as needed, upon recommendation of the President.


The members of the CEC shall serve until the next regularly scheduled election of the Council.



Budget concerns for each club will be based upon the following criteria:

  1. Interaction within the club’s specific professional area,
  2. Attendance at a minimum of two (2) Council events per academic semester,
  3. Attendance at a minimum of two (2) Community Service events per academic semester.
  4. Attendance and participation at the Inspiration Luncheon.


The VP of Finance has the authority to re-allocate or freeze funds from any organization deemed not in good standing at the end of the fall semester, if necessary. 


Funded clubs shall be required to submit one (1) budget per fiscal year. Budgets not received by the announced due date will result in no funding for the following semester without a reasonable excuse. Budget waivers must be approved first by the Vice President of Finance and then by Council consensus.


Any club that receives on-campus status granted by the Student Life & Leadership (herein referred to as “SLL”) will be eligible for funding through the Council.

  1. Any new club that has not previously been granted on-campus status through SLL will be eligible for funding through this Council after the club has been represented on Council for a period of one semester.
  2. A dormant club, defined as any club given on-campus status by SLL represented on the Council that has been previously allocated funds, but has not been active during the previous two consecutive semesters, will receive eligibility after fulfilling the requirements in a one (1) month probationary period. The requirements in that month are:
    1. A representative from the club must meet with the CEC,
    2. Perfect attendance to four (4) consecutive Council meetings,
    3. Participation in one (1) Council or Community Service event,
    4. Meet approval of the Council.

    Funding is conditional provided there are moneys available in the Council reserve account, held in trust by the A.S.


Clubs shall be placed on a probationary status for a period of one (1) month following two (2) unexcused absences. During that time, the club representative, president, and advisor will be notified by the Council President regarding the club’s probationary status.


A club that does not maintain representation on Council shall result in their allocated funds being confiscated upon approval by Council, whereby moneys will be transferred to the Council “Unallocated” account.



The Council Finance Committee shall:

  1. Consist of the following members:
    1. The Vice President of Finance who shall serve as chairperson,
    2. The Council President,
    3. One (1) A.S. Rep, and
    4. Three (3) Council representatives.
  2. Review the Council IRA proposals and make recommendations regarding those proposals to the Dean of PSFA.
  3. Review all requests for A.S. moneys. The Council Finance Committee will serve as an advisory body to the Council.
  4. Meet during Council meetings and when deemed necessary by the Vice President of Finance with the approval of the President.


The Council Community Service Event Committee shall:

  1. Consist of the following members:
    1. The Vice President of External Affairs, who shall serve as chairperson, and
    2. A minimum of four (4) Council representatives.
  2. Plan and implement the various Community Service events in which the Council participates,
  3. Meet during Council meetings and when deemed necessary by the Vice President of External Affairs with the approval of the President.


The Council Morale Committee shall:

  1. Consist of the following members:
    1. The Vice President of Internal Affairs who shall serve as chairperson, and
    2. A minimum of four (4) Council representatives.
  2. Plan ways for the Council meetings to be enjoyable.
  3. Plan for food and beverages at Council meetings when appropriate.
  4. Meet during Council meetings and when deemed necessary by the Vice President of Internal Affairs with the approval of the President.


The Council Public Affairs Committee shall:

  1. Consist of the following members:
    1. The Vice President of Public Affairs, who shall serve as chairperson, and
    2. A minimum of four (4) Council representatives.
  2. Be responsible for promoting inter- and intra-departmental and PSFA communications.
  3. Maintain the Council communications.


Cultural and Diversity Committee shall:

  1. Consist of the following members:
    1. The Vice President, who shall serve as chairperson
    2. A minimum of four (4) Council representatives
  2. Be responsible for promoting intercultural and diverse events going on within the community.
  3. Plan for events that bring together and allow multiple cultures to promote diversity.
  4. Shall work to see that needs of culturally diverse students are being met.
  5. Meet during Council meetings and when deemed necessary by the Vice President, with the approval of the President.


(Revised 02/07/2012, 12/2/13, 12/12/16, 4/19/21, 5/2/22, 12/9/24)


These bylaws shall be in support of the Bylaws of the Associated Students of San Diego State University and, when in conflict, shall be subordinate to them. The bylaws now and hereinafter shall define the purpose, policies and procedures of the College of Sciences Student Council of San Diego State University and shall be binding to all of its members and the organizations under its auspices.


We, the Students of the College of Sciences of San Diego State University, having solemnly resolved in the course of our pursuit of higher education to establish a well-informed and sound representative government that advocates the advancement of science, defends scientific freedom, encourages scientific responsibility, and supports scientific education and outreach for the betterment of not only ourselves, our college, and our university, but all humanity, do hereby ordain and establish these bylaws for the College of Sciences Student Council of San Diego State University.


The name of this organization shall be the College of Sciences Student Council of San Diego State University, which shall hereinafter be referred to as the College of Sciences Student Council.


The purpose of the College of Sciences Student Council shall be to serve as the representative government for the students of the College of Sciences at San Diego State University on all issues and matter pertaining to them; to advance their interests; to advocate their rights; and to oversee, manage and distribute all financial resources placed in its charge or under its auspices on their behalf in a fair and open manner.




  1. The members of the College of Sciences Student Council shall be its officers, one representative from each recognized student organization designated as an academic major-related organization affiliated with the College of Sciences by the Office of Student Life and Leadership, and four student-at-large members appointed by the Executive Board.
  2. The ex-officio members the College of Sciences Student Council shall be the Dean of the College of Sciences (or their designee), the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs of the College of Sciences (or their designee), the Associated Students President (or their designee), the Associated Students Executive Vice President (or their designee), the Associated Students Vice President of External Relations (or their designee), the Associated Students Vice President of Financial Affairs (or their designee), the Associated Students Vice President of University Affairs (or their designee), and the Associated Students University Council Representative(s) for the College of Sciences.


Duties of Membership

  1. Members shall attend all regular and special meetings of the College of Sciences Student Council.
  2. Members shall attend and participate in at least one community service event that is planned and organized by the Vice President of Community Service each semester.
  3. Members shall attend and participate in at least one additional event that is planned and organized by the College of Sciences Student Council each semester.


Qualifications and Eligibility for Membership

  1. Members must be either a matriculated undergraduate or graduate student enrolled no less than part-time at San Diego State University with a declared major, minor or pre-major in one of the academic departments or degree-issuing programs within the College of Sciences during their term of membership. Additionally, students majoring in Interdisciplinary Studies in Three Departments (IS3D) must have at least one (1) discipline falling under the College of Sciences to be considered for membership.
  2. Members must be in good academic standing as defined by the Office of the Registrar, and thus shall not be on any type of academic probation during their term of membership.
  3. Under no circumstances shall any member, including those serving as ex-officio members, be allowed to occupy more than one voting seat on the College of Sciences Student Council at any given time.




The officers of the College of Sciences Student Council shall be a President, an Executive Vice President, a Vice President of Finance, a Vice President of Public Relations, a Vice President of Marketing, a Vice President of Community Service, a Vice President of Diversity Affairs, a Secretary, and four (4) A.S. Representatives.


Duties of Office

  1. The officers shall have both the authority and responsibility to perform the duties of office prescribed by these bylaws and by the parliamentary authority adopted by the College of Sciences Student Council.
  2. The President shall:
    1. Preside as chair at all regular and special meetings of the College of Sciences Student Council and its Executive Board;
    2. Serve as an ex-officio member of all standing and special committees of the College of Sciences Student Council, unless otherwise stated in these bylaws;
    3. Serve as the official liaison of the College of Sciences Student Council to the Office of the Dean of the College of Sciences and meet regularly with the Dean of the College of Sciences;
    4. Serve as a member of the A.S. Academic Affairs Board, regularly attend its meetings and serve as the official liaison of the College of Sciences Student Council to the A.S. Academic Affairs Board; and
    5. Serve as the official liaison of the College of Sciences Student Council to all other college councils at San Diego State University.
  3. The Executive Vice President shall:
    1. In the absence of the President, have the authority and responsibility to perform the duties of the President and, in the case of a vacancy in the office of the President, shall succeed to the office of the President for the remainder of the unexpired term;
    2. Serve as a member of the Executive Board;
    3. Serve as an ex-officio member of all standing and special committees of the College of Sciences Student Council, unless otherwise stated in these bylaws;
    4. Serve as the official liaison of the College of Sciences Student Council to the Office of the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs of the College of Sciences and meet regularly with the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs of the College of Sciences and the President of the College of Sciences Student Council;
    5. Maintain these bylaws by periodically reviewing them and, when deemed necessary, shall prepare and submit to the College of Sciences Student Council a list of proposed amendments to these bylaws;
    6. Prepare and distribute an up-to-date copy of these bylaws to the members of the College of Sciences Student Council at its first regular meeting held each semester;
    7. Prepare and make an orientation-style presentation for Council retreats. This may include introduction to the scope of the council within Associated Students, how it operates, member requirements, and sending a copy of the bylaws to all new members of the Council; and
    8. In conjunction with the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs of the College of Sciences, verify at the beginning of each semester that both the members of the College of Sciences Student Council and its officers meet the qualifications and eligibility requirements for membership and/or office as stated in Article III Section 3 and Article IV Section 3 of these bylaws, respectively, and report the failure of any member or officer to meet these requirements to the College of Sciences Student Council by its third regular meeting of the semester.
    9. Oversee the planning and organizing of an End of Year Event for the College of Sciences students and members of the College of Sciences Student Council.
  4. The Vice President of Finance shall:
    1. Serve as the treasurer of the College of Sciences Student Council;
    2. Serve as a member of the Executive Board;
    3. Serve as the official liaison of the College of Sciences Student Council to the Associated Students Vice President of Financial Affairs, the Associated Students Business Office and the Associated Students Board of Directors Financial Affairs Committee;
    4. Serve as the official liaison of the College of Sciences Student Council to the treasurers of the recognized student organizations under its auspices;
    5. Prepare and make monthly reports to College of Sciences Student Council on its financial position;
    6. Attend one of the mandatory orientation workshops on student organization funding held by Associated Students during the fall semester each academic year;
    7. Prepare and make an orientation-style presentation to the College of Sciences Student Council that introduces its members to the financial rules and regulations of the College of Sciences Student Council and those of Associated Students by the third regular meeting of the fall semester each academic year;
    8. Prepare and submit to the College of Sciences Student Council a preliminary recommendation on the annual budget request for its funding from Associated Students for the fiscal year following his or her term no less than three weeks prior to the deadline when the final budget request must be submitted to the Associated Students Business Office;
    9. Prepare and submit to the College of Sciences Student Council a preliminary recommendation on the annual allocation of Instructionally-Related Activities funds designated for the College of Sciences for the fiscal year following his or her term no less than three weeks prior to the deadline when the final recommendation must be submitted to the Dean of the College of Sciences.
    10. Maintain an up-to-date list detailing the Financial Expenses for each Recognized Student Organization and the overall College of Sciences Student Council budget, that will be passed down to the College of Sciences Council advisor, along with the following Executive Board at the end of each academic year.
  5. The Vice President of Public Relations shall:
    1. Serve as a member of the Executive Board;
    2. Serve as the official liaison of the College of Sciences Student Council to the Associated Students Marketing & Communications Coordinator;
    3. Set up walkarounds and with organizations that do not have a representative on the council and explain what the College of Sciences Student Council encompasses;
    4. Manages the distribution of flyers and graphics to their respective places;
    5. Coordinate classroom presentations to share College of Sciences events;
    6. Connect with all of the students under the College of Sciences, not only the members on the Council; and
    7. Continue previous relationships and establish new ones within the College of Sciences and Student Life and Leadership (SLL) community.
    8. Plan and organize the participation of the College of Sciences Student Council in the student organization expositions held by the Office of Student Life and Leadership.
    9. At the beginning of the fall semester, plan and organize a mandatory Fall Tabling Exposition for all Recognized Student Organizations apart of the College of Sciences Student Council
      1. At the beginning of the Spring semester, the Executive Board can decide to hold a Spring Tabling Exposition.
  6. The Vice President of Marketing shall:
    1. Serve as a member of the Executive Board;
    2. Responsible for the production of all marketing materials including but not limited to; flyers, graphics, slide presentations, and story templates;
    3. Run and operate the social media accounts of the College of Sciences Student Council and their website by creating a branding guide to keep all marketing uniform in terms of fonts, colors, and stylistic choices; and
    4. Work with the Vice President of Public Relations to advocate for the marketing of events and upcoming activities.
  7. The Vice President of Community Service shall:
    1. Serve as a member of the Executive Board;
    2. Serve as the official liaison of the College of Sciences Student Council to the Associated Students Community Service Commissioner;
    3. Prepare and distribute an up-to-date list of ongoing and/or upcoming community service opportunities available in the San Diego area to the members of the College of Sciences Student Council.
    4. Plan and organize at least two community service events each semester that the members of the College of Sciences Student Council the members of its affiliated organizations, and all students under the College of Sciences can attend and participate in; This can count toward fulfilling the membership requirement;
    5. Prepare and make a report to the College of Sciences Student Council on its members’ record of attendance and participation in events;
    6. Maintain an up-to-date list detailing the Community Services hour totals for each member, that will be passed down to the College of Sciences Student Council advisor, along with the following Executive Board at the end of each academic year. This list will track the hours of members who hold a seat on Council and be sent to SLL; and
    7. Promote the SLL opportunity of earning recognition for completing certain numbers of hours of Community Service to all College of Sciences students.
  8. The Vice President of Diversity Affairs shall:
    1. Serve as a member of the Executive Board;
    2. Chair the CSSC Diversity Committee;
    3. Serve as the official liaison between the College of Sciences Student Council to the Associated Students’ Student Diversity Commission and attend meetings for the College of Sciences Diversity and Inclusion Council;
    4. Plan and organize at least two events each semester relating to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI);
    5. Work on at least one specific goal to improve DEI in the CoS;
    6. Work with the VP of Marketing to share ideas and information promoting DEI initiatives in the CoS;
  9. The Secretary shall:
    1. Serve as the secretary of the College of Sciences Student Council and its Executive Board;
    2. Serve as a member of the Executive Board;
    3. Serve as the official liaison of the College of Sciences Student Council to the Secretary of the Associated Students University Council;
    4. Prepare and make monthly reports to the College of Sciences Student Council on its members’ records of attendance at regular and special meetings; and
    5. Send meeting minutes to the member of the College of Sciences Student Council after every meeting and prior to the following College of Sciences Student Council meeting; and
    6. Send meeting minutes to the Associated Students Government Secretary after every meeting and prior to the following College of Sciences Student Council meeting;
    7. Send All Council meeting agendas to the Secretary of Associated Students 96 hours prior to the relevant College of Sciences Student Council meeting to be posted on the A.S. website.
  10. The A.S. Representatives shall:
    1. Serve as members of the Executive Board;
    2. Serve as the official liaisons of the College of Sciences Student Council to the Associated Students University Council;
    3. Be required to send out one (1) monthly email to their respective college regarding A.S. and College of Sciences Student Council updates and information. They can be in the form of a monthly newsletter unless deemed otherwise by the Executive Board;
    4. Work on at least one initiative to expand how the College of Sciences serves its students;
    5. Be required to hold a minimum of one (1) open forum per semester for their respective college to voice their concerns;
    6. Be responsible to promote the A.S. values within the College of Sciences: professional development, campus community, communication, advocacy, sharing governance, service, diversity, and sustainability; and
    7. Uphold all ASUC Membership responsibilities as detailed in Section 52 of the Associated Students University Council bylaws.


Qualifications and Eligibility for Office 

  1. No person may hold more than one (1) position in the College of Sciences Student Council, including A.S. and organization representatives.
  2. Any student elected or appointed as an officer of the College Council must be a matriculated student in good standing at San Diego State University, enrolled no less than part-time with a declared major or pre-major within the College they wish to serve. Additionally, students majoring in Interdisciplinary Studies in Three Departments (IS3D) must have at least one (1) discipline falling under the College of Sciences to be considered for membership.
  3. Officers shall meet the regular qualifications and eligibility requirements for membership to the College of Sciences Student Council as stated in Article III Section 3 of these bylaws during their term of office.
  4. Neither the President, the Executive Vice President, or the Vice President of Finance shall be on any type of disciplinary probation during their term of office.
  5. Officers may lose their eligibility for office if they accrue three (3) unexcused absences per semester, only one (1) of which may be unexcused. All three (3) absences accumulated in a semester may be excused. This includes both the Executive Board and Council meetings. In unprecedented circumstances (e.g. global pandemic) or other emergencies, the Secretary will set attendance policies at the first official All Council meeting.


Election and Term of Office

  1. The officers of the College of Sciences Student Council shall be elected by ballot to serve for one academic year or until their successors are elected, and their term of office shall begin at the close of the last regular meeting of College of Sciences Student Council held during the spring semester each academic year.
  2. The officers shall be elected by the College of Sciences Student Council annually within the last month of regular meetings in the spring semester each academic year.
  3. The officers shall be elected at the annual election of officers in the following order: President, Executive Vice President, Vice President of Finance, Vice President of Public Relations, Vice President of Marketing, Vice President of Community Service, Vice President of Diversity Affairs, and Secretary.
  4. When only one candidate is nominated for an office that candidate may be elected by a voice vote instead of by ballot.


Vacancies of Office 

  1. If the office of the President becomes vacant for any reason before the previous President’s regular term of office has expired, then the vacancy in office of the President shall be filled by the currently serving Executive Vice President.
  2. If any office other than that of the President becomes vacant for any reason before the previous officer’s regular term of office has expired, then the vacancy in the office shall be filled by an appointee of the Executive Board who meets the qualifications and eligibility requirements for office stated in Article IV Section 3 of these bylaws and is approved by a majority vote of the College of Sciences Student Council.
  3. In the event that the offices of the President and the Executive Vice President become vacant at the same time for any reason before the previous President’s and Executive Vice President’s term of office has expired, then the vacancies in the office of the President and the Executive Vice President shall be filled by electing a new President and Executive Vice President during a special election held at the next regular meeting of the College of Sciences Student Council. Only currently serving members of the College of Sciences Student who meet the regular qualifications and eligibility requirements for office as stated in Article IV Section 3 of these bylaws shall be eligible to be nominated for office during the special election.



Regular Meetings

Regular meetings of the College of Sciences Student Council shall be held each fall and spring semester during the academic year on a weekly basis every Wednesday at 1:00 pm until the week prior to final examinations, unless otherwise ordered by the College of Sciences Student Council.


Special Meetings

  1. Special meetings of the College of Sciences Student Council may be called by the President with the approval of a majority vote by the Executive Board and shall be called upon the written request of seven members of the College of Sciences Student Council. The purpose of the meeting shall be stated in the call. Except in cases of emergency, at least seven days’ notice shall be given. No business shall be transacted except that mentioned in the call of the special meeting.
  2. At the beginning of the fall semester, all members of the College of Sciences Student Council must attend an All Council Retreat held one week after the second official council meeting.
    1. At the beginning of the Spring semester, the Executive Board can decide to hold a Council Retreat that only new members are required to attend. Returning members can choose to attend this retreat.



Nine members of the College of Sciences Student Council voting members shall constitute a quorum at all regular and special meetings.



  1. Members shall attend all regular and special meetings for a minimum of fifty minutes starting from the meeting time established in the call of the meeting or until the meeting is adjourned, whichever occurs first.
  2. Members arriving late to a regular or special meeting after the roll has been called shall have a one-half unexcused absence applied to their record of attendance by the Secretary.
  3. Members leaving early from a regular or special meeting before the fifty minute minimum attendance requirement has been met or before the meeting has been adjourned shall have a one-half unexcused absence applied to their record of attendance by the Secretary.
    1. To the Secretary’s discretion, members may use another individual from the respective organization’s executive board to fill in an absence no more than twice in a given semester.
  4. Members with more than three (3) unexcused absences on their record of attendance at regular and special meetings in any given semester may be called by the President and members of the Executive Board to review their membership on the Council. Of the three (3) absences allowed, no more than one (1) absence may be unexcused. All three (3) absences accumulated in a semester may be excused. In unprecedented circumstances (eg. Global pandemic) or other emergencies, the Secretary will set attendance policies by the first official All Council meeting.
    1. Members with more than three (3) absences on their record of attendance may be called by the President, Executive Vice President, and Assistant Dean of Student Affairs to hold a meeting with the representative and their respective organization’s President to discuss their membership on the Council. Loss of organization funding may be upheld, but exceptions may be made on a case by case basis and to the discretion of the parties stated.
  5. Acceptable excuses for a member’s absence at any regular or special meeting may include, but not be limited to, prior engagements, emergencies, and conflicts with the member’s ability to perform his or her duties and/or responsibilities to the College of Sciences Student Council. For prior engagements, a member must notify the Secretary at least 24 hours in advance of the expected absence. For emergencies, the member must notify the Secretary no later than seven days after the absence occurs. In the case of appeals or when deemed necessary by the Secretary, the excuse for a member’s absence shall be reviewed for approval by the Executive Board.


Public Comment

No less than five minutes at all regular and special meetings shall be allotted for non members of the Council. Students within the College of Sciences shall receive first priority in the list of speakers for these public comments.




  1. The members of the Executive Board shall be the officers of the College of Sciences Student Council.
  2. The Assistant Dean for Student Affairs of the College of Sciences shall be an ex-officio member of the Executive Board.


Powers and Duties

  1. The Executive Board shall have the authority and responsibility to act on behalf of the College of Sciences Student Council when it is not meeting regularly. When any such action is taken by the Executive Board, the minutes of the meeting in which the action was taken shall be distributed to and reviewed by the College of Sciences Student Council at its next regular meeting.
  2. The Executive Board shall determine the agenda (or order of business) for all regular and special meetings of the College of Sciences Student Council.


Regular Meetings

Regular meetings of the Executive Board shall be held no less than biweekly during the fall and spring semester each academic year beginning on the week of the first day of classes until the week of the last day of classes before final examinations, unless otherwise ordered by the Executive Board.


Special Meetings

Special meetings of the Executive Board may be called by the President and shall be called upon the written request of three members of the Executive Board. The purpose of the meeting shall be stated in the call. Except in cases of emergency, at least seven days’ notice shall be given. No business shall be transacted except that mentioned in the call of the special meeting.



Half of the members plus one (1) of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum at all regular and special meetings.



Annual Budget

  1. The annual budget request for funding from Associated Students shall be approved by a two-thirds vote of the College of Sciences Student Council before its submission to the Associated Students Business Office during the spring semester each academic year.
  2. No less than one-half of the total amount of funds sought in the annual budget request for funding from Associated Students shall be allocated to recognized student organizations affiliated with the College of Sciences Student Council.


Eligibility for Funds

  1. Recognized student organizations designated as an academic major-related organization affiliated with the College of Sciences by the Office of Student Life and Leadership who maintain their membership as stated in Article III Sections 1-3 of these bylaws shall be eligible to receive funding. Those who do not meet requirements on a semester basis stated in Article III Section 3 may not receive an allocation of funds the following academic year or semester.
  2. New members, whether from a new recognized student organization or bringing back an inactive organization for one or more semesters, shall attend at least three consecutive official general body meetings from the time that the organization joins council after being recognized by Student Life and Leadership (SLL) to be considered eligible for funds from the College of Sciences Student Council.


Request of Funds

Recognized student organizations will be granted an allocation of guaranteed funding at the start of each academic year. These allocations may be increased at the discretion of the executive board. Recognized student organizations eligible to receive funding may make a request for funding from the College of Sciences Student Council’s unallocated account at any regular or special meeting, provided the request has been submitted in writing to the Vice President of Finance at least seven days prior to the meeting at which the request will be reviewed.


Disbursement of Funds

Any person requesting a reimbursement for expenditures through funding allocated to the College of Sciences Student Council or one of its affiliated recognized student organizations must submit a properly formatted check request and any supporting documentation required by Associated Students to the Vice President of Finance before the funds can be released. Upon receiving a properly formatted check request with supporting documentation, the Vice President of Finance shall review the request, and at the Vice President of Finance’s discretion request a presentation to be given at the next regular meeting of the College of Sciences Student Council. Following its review, a majority vote by the College of Sciences Student Council in favor of approving the check request shall authorize the Vice President of Finance to release the requested funds. Once approved, the Vice President of Finance shall have the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs of the College of Sciences sign the check request and then submit it, along with its supporting documentation, to the Associated Students Business Office in a timely manner.


Reallocation of Funds

  1. Recognized student organizations provided an allocation of funds in the annual budget who fail to elect or appoint a representative to the membership of the College of Sciences Student Council and/or fail to inform the President who their designated representative is by the third regular meeting of the fall semester each academic year shall have their funds seized and reallocated to the College of Sciences Student Council’s unallocated account, unless otherwise ordered by the College of Sciences Student Council.
  2. Recognized student organizations provided an allocation of funds who fail to spend their funds by the third-to-last regular meeting of the spring semester each academic year must submit in writing to the Vice President of Finance by the second-to-last regular meeting of the spring semester a proposed list of expenditures for which their remaining funds will be spent. Those organizations who fail to do so shall have their remaining funds seized and reallocated to the College of Sciences Student Council’s unallocated account, unless otherwise ordered by the College of Sciences Student Council.
  3. Recognized student organizations provided an allocation of funds who fail to elect or appoint new representative to the membership of the College of Sciences Student Council by the third regular meeting following a vacancy in their voting seat shall have their remaining funds seized and reallocated to the College of Sciences Student Council’s unallocated account, unless otherwise ordered by the College of Sciences Student Council.


The rules contained in the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised and the Gloria Romero Open Meeting Act of 2000 shall govern the College of Sciences Student Council in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws, any special rules of order the College of Sciences Student Council may adopt, and the Bylaws of the Associated Students of San Diego State University.


The Charter may be amended or revised by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Associated Students Board of Directors, as specified in Section 73 of the Associated Students Bylaws. All proposed amendments or revisions shall be reviewed by the College of Sciences Student Council and the A.S. Judicial Affairs Council prior to consideration by the Associated Students Board of Directors.

(Revised 12/2/13, 12/1/14, 12/11/17)


These Bylaws shall be in support of the Bylaws of the Associated Students of San Diego State University and, when in conflict, shall be subordinate to that of the Associated Students of San Diego State University Bylaws. The Bylaws now and hereinafter shall define the purpose and policies of the Association and shall be binding to all members and organizations under the auspices of the Undeclared College Council.


We, the members of the Undeclared College Council, in order to advance the interests of the undeclared student body throughout the University, to promote student participation and involvement in clubs and organizations within the University, to organize social, cultural, and academic activities and/or programs, to provide assistance and support for the activities and programs sponsored by our Council and Division of Academic Engagement and Student Achievement department, to promote resources to help students declare a major and to allocate funds as provided to the Undeclared College Council, do hereby ordain and establish these Bylaws.



The name of this organization shall be the Undeclared College Council (UCC).



Membership of the council shall be those persons, admitted as any major, who are currently enrolled at San Diego State University. Students who choose to become active members are deemed voting members of the council.


Those students who are elected or appointed to an Executive Office by the Undeclared College Council.


Those student(s) who have been elected Undeclared Representative(s) to the Associated Student Council.



Members shall be currently enrolled as regular matriculated students at San Diego State University.


Members shall maintain good academic standing (2.0 G.P.A.) with San Diego State University throughout the duration of her/his term as representative or officer.


Members shall not be on either academic or disciplinary probation.


SDSU students of any major may participate in the Undeclared College Council. Students of declared majors may run for designated executive positions on the Council. All Undeclared students may run for any position.



The Undeclared College Council shall consist of:

  1. Six (6) Executive Officers
    1. President
    2. Executive Vice President
    3. Vice President of Finance
    4. Vice President of Internal Affairs
    5. Vice President of Marketing
    6. The representative(s) to the Associated Students Council.
  2. The Undeclared Major Advisor or designee.


Meetings & Attendance

  1. Incoming Executive Officers of the Undeclared College Council will determine meeting times at the beginning of the semester.
  2. Meeting hours and dates may be re-scheduled by Undeclared College Council or the Executive Officers.
  3. A quorum shall consist of a simple majority of the voting Representatives of Undeclared College Council.
  4. Excuses must be submitted in writing to the Vice President within (1) week of meeting missed or the absence will be considered unexcused.
  5. Absences by Representatives and Executive Officers will be noted in the Undeclared College Council Minutes.
  6. Three (3) unexcused absences by Representatives and/or Executive Officers will result in dismissal with option to appeal.
  7. A total of five (5) absences, excused or unexcused, will result in removal from the Council with the opportunity to appeal.



  1. All council members have the option to appeal unexcused absences or removal from the council.
  2. To appeal unexcused absence, the member will submit a written request and reason for absence to the Vice President and will be added to the following week’s agenda in order to be voted on by the council.
  3. To appeal removal from the council, the member will submit a written request to be on the following week’s agenda where they can present their case and have it voted on by the council.



  1. Officers may be re-elected and may serve no more than three (3) consecutive terms in the same office.
  2. A majority of the votes cast shall be necessary to elect officers to any position on Undeclared College Council.
  3. Officers shall be elected by secret ballot unless there is only one candidate for that particular office.
  4. Eligible voters include all Undeclared College Council members, the President of Undeclared College Council, as well as A.S. Council representatives-elect.



The Executive Officers of the Undeclared College Council shall be President, Executive Vice President, Vice President of Finance, Vice President of Internal Affairs, Vice President of Marketing, and Associated Students Council Representative(s).


All Executive Officers of the Associated Students of the Undeclared College Council shall be responsible for the following:

  1. Shall create and maintain a transitional informational notebook/file for the succeeding officer.
  2. Shall be present at all Undeclared College Council Meetings. If an executive officer is absent from three (3) meetings without submitting an excused absence form either before or within seven (7) days after the absence in question, it is at the Council’s discretion to remove said officer.
  3. Shall only hold one position within the UCC (unless no other candidates are running for the desired position).
  4. Shall be a matriculated student in good standing at San Diego State University with any major.


The President shall:

  1. Be the official representative of the Undeclared College Council including all students with undeclared majors.
  2. Chair the Undeclared College Council meetings.
  3. Be the liaison to all campus College Councils.
  4. Be the liaison to the Division of Academic Engagement and Student Achievement.
  5. Have the power to call for special Undeclared College Council meetings, in which quorum must be present.
  6. Be in the case of vacancy:
    1. A non-voting member of Associated Students University Council.
      1. In charge of the distribution of the duties of open Executive Officer seats.
  7. Vote to make or break ties/two-thirds, and in voting for new executive officers.
  8. Shall confirm room reservations for Undeclared College Council meetings by the end of the previous semester.


The Executive Vice President shall:

  1. Be the chief administrative aide to the President.
  2. Assume responsibilities for all duties of the President in case of absence.
  3. Be responsible for all student organization outreach and promotion for the Undeclared College Council.
  4. Facilitate concerns and recommendations brought forth by the students of the Undeclared College Council.


The Vice President of Finance shall:

  1. Be responsible for all duties of the President in case of the Executive Vice President’s absence.
  2. Take the responsibility for A.S. monies distributed to the UCC for events, activities, scholarships, etc.
  3. Be the liaison between the Undeclared College Council and the Associated Students Board of Directors Financial Affairs Committee.
  4. Act and enforce all finance codes and responsibilities.
  5. Provide written procedures to Undeclared College Council Representatives on how to utilize Associated Students financial allocations.
  6. Create and maintain an Undeclared College Council financial report monthly to the Undeclared College Council.
  7. Turn in the next fiscal year’s budget to the A.S. Financial Affairs Committee before the Financial Affairs Committee’s deadline.


The Vice President of Marketing shall:

  1. Be responsible for maintaining the Undeclared College Council’s Instagram account and website.
  2. Be responsible for sending emails, through Constant Contact, to the Undeclared students when needed.
  3. Be responsible for any marking coordination that needs to take place in regards to event publicizing.


The Secretary shall:

  1. Be responsible for all duties of the President in case of the Vice President of Finance’s absence.
  2. Be responsible for the production and distribution of meeting minutes and agenda.
  3. Maintain an adequate record of attendance and report any violations to the Executive Vice President.
  4. The Secretary shall maintain an updated record of UCC officers and representatives, and student organizations recognized and classified within the undeclared student body, including but not limited to officer contact information, meeting schedules, and organization fact sheets.


The A.S. Council Representative(s) shall:

  1. Be required to attend all Undeclared College Council meetings.
  2. Submit any excuses to the Vice President within one (1) week of absence.
  3. Give weekly report to A.S. University Council on UCC activities.
  4. Give a weekly report to Undeclared College Council on A.S. University Council activities.
  5. Be required to send out one (1) monthly email to the student body regarding A.S. and UCC updates and information.
  6. Be required to hold a minimum of one (1) open forum per semester for undeclared students to voice their concerns.
  7. Be responsible for promoting the following A.S. values within the Undeclared College Council: professional development, campus community, service, shared governance, and diversity.

SECTION 21     

The UCC Historian shall:

  1. Be responsible for making sure that the bios of the Executive Officers are accurate and up-to-date on the Undeclared College Council website.
  2. Be responsible for taking pictures at UCC events and taking pictures for the UCC Instagram and website.


Officers Eligibility

  1. Any student elected or appointed as an officer on the Undeclared College Council must be a matriculated student in good standing at San Diego State University in any major.
  2. A.S. Representatives:
    1. Shall be required to send out one (1) monthly email to Undeclared students regarding A.S. and Undeclared updates and information.
    2. Shall be required to hold a minimum of one (1) open forum per semester for Undeclared students to voice their concerns.
    3. Are responsible to promote the A.S. values with Undeclared students: professional development, campus community, communication, advocacy, shared governance, service, diversity, and sustainability.
  3. Executive Officers:
    1. No person may hold more than one (1) position in the Undeclared College Council, including A.S. and organization representatives.

Any student elected or appointed as an officer on the Undeclared College Council must be a matriculated student in good standing at San Diego State University in any major.



Parliamentary Code

  1. All meetings of Undeclared College Council shall be conducted according to parliamentary procedure outlines by “Robert’s Rules of Order.”



The Undeclared College Council will be responsible for allocating funds given by the A.S. Board of Directors Financial Affairs Committee with approval by two-thirds of the Council.



Articles of these Bylaws may be amended by the Undeclared College Council by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of approval of those present. There must be a quorum of the voting membership present.


In order for these Bylaws to remain in force, they must be reviewed, revised and affirmed by Undeclared College Council and signed by the President of Undeclared College Council.


The Charter may be amended or revised by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Associated Students Board of Directors, as specified in Section 73 of the Associated Students Bylaws. All proposed amendments or revisions shall be reviewed by the Undeclared College Council and the A.S. Judicial Affairs Council prior to consideration by the Associated Students Board of Directors.

(Added 4/17/02, Revised 12/02/09, 4/14/10, 11/30/11, 4/11/12, 2/20/13, 12/1/14, 12/07/15, 12/11/17)

Section 1 - Purpose

The purpose of this Board shall be to coordinate and execute the research and development of SDSU university policies and to discuss/advocate for the student perspective on any academic, student, or university related issue within Associated Students and the University Senate and Administration.

Section 2 - Jurisdiction

The Board shall have the authority to research academic, student, and other university related issues, which affect SDSU students in the pursuit of their education and their experience at SDSU. The Board shall also have the power to develop policy positions to be considered by the Associated Students University Council (ASUC) to ultimately be directed to the University Senate or University President, including formal preparation and review of resolutions and recommendations relevant. The Board shall consider itself advisory to ASUC on any academic, student, or university related issue while contributing to the preservation of academic freedom and defense of student rights.

Section 3 - Membership

  1. The Board shall consist of the following voting members:
    1. The A.S. Vice President of University Affairs
    2. S. University Council
    3. Student-At-Large Members
    4. Academic Affairs Board Designee
    5. University Senate and University Senate Committee Designees
    6. The A.S. President or designee.
    7. The A.S. Executive Vice President or designee.
    8. The A.S. Vice President of External Relations or designee.
    9. The A.S. Vice President of Financial Affairs or designee.
  2. The Board shall have the following non-voting members:
    1. The Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs or designee.
    2. The Chair of the University Senate or designee.
    3. The Vice President of Student Affairs or designee.
    4. The A.S. Executive Director or designee.

Section 4 - Absences

  1. Any appointed student member of the Board who misses two (2) consecutive of any ten (10) meetings without being excused shall be removed from the Board. Any appointed member of the Board who is late five (5) minutes or more after the meeting has been called to order will be considered tardy. Two (2) tardies constitute as an unexcused absence. Any Board member with any combination of four (4) unexcused or excused absences within the given semester will forfeit their membership to the board.
  2. Absences and tardiness may be excused by the Board’s Chairperson or by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of approval of the Board.
  3. Tardiness and absences will only be excused in emergency situations.
  4. Excused tardiness: pre-approved situations as determined by the chair may qualify for excused tardiness.

Section 5 - Board Officers

  1. The Board shall have the following officers:
    1. Chair.
      1. The A.S. Vice President of University Affairs shall serve as the Chair of the Board for a term of one (1) year.
      2. The Chair shall represent the Board as necessary.
      3. The Chair shall only vote to break a tie.
      4. The Chair shall serve as the liaison between the student body, the Board, and the A.S. University Council.
      5. The Chair shall appoint students to the University Senate and University Senate Committees and ensure students on the University Senate and University Senate Committees are successfully fulfilling their duties and reporting no less than once a month to the Chair. The Chair shall obtain a monthly report from University Senate and University Senate Committee designees which shall be presented to the Board, ASUC, and the SDSU student community.
    2. Vice Chair.
      1. The Vice Chair shall be a student-at-large voting member who shall be elected by the Board in the Fall semester and each academic year and shall serve a term of one (1) year.
      2. The Vice Chair shall assume the duties and rights of the Chair in the Chair’s absence.
      3. The Vice Chair shall coordinate, execute, and assist with projects on behalf of the Chair, other Committee Leads, and the Board. Projects may include, but are not limited to:
      4. Acting as the liaison between the University Affairs Board and the ASBOD Marketing and Communications Committee and assisting with all marketing and promotional efforts of the Board
      5. Ensuring Board member morale is high and assisting with morale initiatives and programs such as the Board retreat.
      6. The University Affairs Board Vice Chair shall continuously communicate with the University Senate Representatives and bring relevant information from the Senate Committees to the board.
      7. The Vice Chair shall manage the reports of the University Senate Representatives from their respective Senate committee meetings.
      8. The Vice chair shall communicate policy priorities as set forward by the senate round table to the University Affairs Board
    3. Student Learning Outcomes Representative
      1. The Student Learning Outcomes Representative shall be a student-at-large voting member who shall be elected by the Board at the beginning of the fall semester for a term of one (1) academic year.
      2. The Student Learning Outcomes Representative shall be the liaison between the UAB and the Student Learning Outcomes Senate Committee.
      3. The Student Learning Outcomes Representative shall also have the ability to create an ad-hoc committee when deemed necessary by the University Affairs Board.
    4. Your Voice Matters Chair
      1. The Your Voice Matters Chair shall be a student-at-large voting member who shall be elected by the Board at the beginning of the fall semester and shall serve as the Chair member for a term of one (1) academic year.
      2. The Chair shall also be responsible for coordinating, assisting, and implementing Your Voice Matters Projects.
    5. The Library Chair.
      1. The Library Chair shall be a student-at-large voting member who shall be elected by the Board at the beginning of the fall semester and shall serve as the Chair member for a term of one (1) academic year.
      2. The Library Committee Chair shall be the liaison between the UAB and LAC
      3. The Library Chair shall also have the ability to create an ad-hoc committee when deemed necessary by the University Affairs Board.

Section 6 - Board Members

  1. A.S. University Council (ASUC) Member Designees
    1. At least two (2) ASUC Member Designees shall be appointed each semester by the Vice President of University Affairs and shall serve for a period of at least one (1) semester.
      1. ASUC Member Designees shall report the Board’s actions and efforts to the ASUC in the absence of the Vice President of University Affairs.
      2. ASUC Member Designees shall report the ASUC meeting minutes and stances to the Board.
  2. Student-At-Large Seats
    1. Students-At-Large shall be appointed to the Board by the Vice President of University Affairs to serve for a period of at least one (1) semester.
  3. Academic Affairs Committee Representative
    1. At least one (1) Academic Affairs Committee’s Designee shall be appointed each semester by the Vice President of University Affairs and shall serve for a period of at least one (1) semester.
      1. Academic Affairs Committee Designee shall report the Board’s actions and efforts to the Academic Affairs Committee.
      2. Academic Affairs Committee Designee shall report the Academic Affairs Board actions and efforts to the Board.
  4. University Senate and University Senate Committee Designees
    1. Students shall be appointed to the University Senate and the University Senate Committees by the Vice President of University Affairs to serve for a period of at least one (1) semester.
      1. University Senate and University Senate Committee Designees shall submit a brief summary report of their respective meeting to the Vice President of University Affairs seven (7) days after a meeting or as deemed necessary by the Vice President of University Affairs.

Section 7 - Board Committees

The Board shall create Committees as deemed necessary.

  1. Academic Affairs Committee
    1. Purpose
      The Academic Affairs Committee is organized for the purpose of promoting the interests of the students of the seven colleges as well as unclassified/undeclared students; to facilitate the communication between each College Council and the A.S. University Affairs Board, and to advise the A.S. University Council (ASUC) on financial matters of general concern to the eight College Councils.
    2.  Composition
      1. The Academic Affairs Committee shall have the following voting members:
        1. The council presidents from each of the seven colleges and the Unclassified Council
        2. The A.S. Vice President of University Affairs, as Academic Affairs Board Chair
        3. One (1) representative appointed by the Graduate Student Association
        4. One (1) representative appointed by the Honor’s Council
      2. The Academic Affairs Committee shall have the following non-voting members:
        1. A.S. Executive Vice President or designee
        2. A.S. Vice President for External Relations or designee
        3. A.S. Vice President of Financial Affairs or designee
        4. A.S. President or designee
        5. SDSU Vice President of Student Affairs or designee
      3. The Academic Affairs Committee may create additional seats for non-voting members with the approval of A.S. University Affairs Board.

Section 8 - Meetings

  1. A quorum shall consist of 50% plus one of the filled appointed voting seats.
  2. The Board shall hold regular meetings with a one hour time span and shall announce the times and places of those meetings at the beginning of each semester.
  3. Special meetings may be called as they are appropriate to the needs of the Corporation.

Section 9 - Procedures

  1. The Secretary of the Board shall submit a copy of all Board minutes to the A.S. Government Affairs Office for safekeeping as stipulated in Section 73 of the A.S. Bylaws.
  2. In the spring of each academic year, requests for A.S. funds shall be submitted by the Board to support its work, in accordance with procedures established by the ASBOD Financial Affairs Committee.
  3. University Senate/University Committee Reporting Procedures
    Any person appointed to serve on a University Senate Committee or University Committee shall submit a report of that committee, written or otherwise, within five business days of the meeting attended to the UAB Vice Chair. (Added 11/20/02)

Section 10 - Charter Amendments and Revisions

This Charter may be amended or revised by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the University Affairs Board. All proposed amendments or revisions shall be reviewed by the A.S. Judicial Affairs Council prior to consideration and final approval by the A.S. Board of Directors.