Legislation & Resolutions
Associated Students | San Diego State University

A Resolution Condemning CBS' Decision to Air an Advocacy Advertisement During the 2010 XLIV Super Bowl Game

Respectfully submitted by Rebecca King

WHEREAS, the Associated Students of San Diego State University is the representative body, and the official voice of more than 35,000 students at San Diego State University; and

WHEREAS, it is the mission of the Associated Students to represent, serve, and protect the collective interests of students at San Diego State University; and

WHEREAS, CBS has approved an advertisement—with the theme of “Celebrate Family, Celebrate Life”—set to air during the 2010 Super Bowl XLIV Game that chronicles Pam Tebow’s pregnancy in 1987 ; and

WHEREAS, the advertisement has been paid for by the conservative Christian group, Focus on the Family, an anti-choice organization; and

WHEREAS, CBS has several policies that prohibit broadcasting certain types of advocacy advertisements that may be deemed controversial; and

WHEREAS, CBS cited the aforementioned policy as reason for refusing to air an advertisement by the liberal United Church of Christ (U.C.C.) that emphasized U.C.C.’s welcoming stance towards gays, lesbians, and others who may feel shunned by more conservative churches; therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Associated Students does not support CBS’ decision to sell advocacy advertising during the Super Bowl while not simultaneously allowing equal access from other controversial advocacy advertisements; and be it further

RESOLVED, that the Associated Students demands that CBS create a detailed and clear policy for selling advocacy advertisements; and finally be it further

RESOLVED, that copies of this resolution be distributed widely, including, but not limited to, CBS, NBC, FOX, Focus on the Family, the United Church of Christ, CSU Board of Trustees, CSU Campus Presidents, CSU Associated Students, California State Student Association, the United States Student Association, and the University of California Student Association.