Legislation & Resolutions
Associated Students | San Diego State University
Resolution in Support of the Cultural Competency Certificate Program
Author: Multi-Cultural Caucus
WHEREAS, the Multi-Cultural Caucus of Associated Students at San Diego State University is the representative body of cultural organizations; and collectively advocates for cultural diversity among the San Diego State student body, the San Diego community, and all California State Universities; and
WHEREAS, it is the mission of the Multi-Cultural Caucus to undertake progressive efforts to promote diversity through education, communication, and action; and
WHEREAS, to meet the demands of our diverse community within California, San Diego State University through the Office of Intercultural Relations, headed by Dr. Tanis Starck, has created and developed the Cultural Competency Certificate Program; and
WHEREAS, this program seeks to solve cultural unawareness by educating students on how to work with others from differing cultural backgrounds and preparing students to serve as culturally proficient professionals once they enter the workforce, thus creating better leaders who confront problems with cultural sensitivity; and
WHEREAS, in this year long program, students participate in cultural competency seminars, which include, but are not limited to: Intercultural Communications, Hispanic/Latino American issues, LGBTQ Awareness, Disability Awareness, Women's Issues, and Spirituality; and
WHEREAS, in this program students engage in experiential learning by being provided the opportunity to demonstrate what they have learned during the seminar series; and
WHEREAS, students are then assessed by their reflections by way of learning portfolios which include pre-assessment, journal entries, research articles or book reports, and a summary of learning which examines students' knowledge and training over the course of the program; and
WHEREAS, the Multi-Cultural Caucus feels that the Cultural Competency Certificate Program is an example of San Diego State University's continued commitment to cultural diversity and awareness; and
WHEREAS, that after certification through this program, students are more aware of various cultures and cultural issues that serve as barriers between world populations. As a result, students will attain the necessary skills to work in today's diverse economy; and therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Multi-Cultural Caucus of Associated Students at San Diego State University implores the implementation of the Certificate in Cultural Competency Program at all California State Universities to raise global awareness and cultural sensitivity among all students in the California State University system; and therefore be it further
RESOLVED, that copies of this resolution be distributed to the CSU Presidents, Provosts, the Academic Senate CSU, the Associated Students of all 23 California State Universities, the Associated Students of all 10 Universities of California, and the California Faculty Association.