Legislation & Resolutions
Associated Students | San Diego State University
A Resolution On Commitment To Fighting Food Insecurity And Expanding The Associated Students Food Pantry At San Diego State University
Author: Student Support Commission
WHEREAS, the Associated Students of San Diego State University (SDSU) in Article I of the Student Bill of Rights and Bylaws promise to “promote student intellectual, cultural, physical and social welfare”;1
WHEREAS, SDSU affirms in its’ Strategic Plan for 2013-2018 “a university-wide commitment...to ensure student academic achievement and personal well-being is highly valued and essential to student success”;2
WHEREAS, food insecurity hinders personal well-being and prevents academic achievement;
WHEREAS, research performed by California State University (CSU) in 2015 found that across all 23 Cal State campuses, an average of 21 percent of students experienced food insecurity in the previous year. According to the Department of Agriculture, food insecurity is defined as consistent access to adequate food is limited by a lack of money and other resources.;3
WHEREAS, the number of students who currently attend SDSU is over 33,000;
WHEREAS, the closest off-campus food pantry to SDSU is 1 mile away and any student with a RedID can access services;
WHEREAS, a study conducted on 152 food pantries in San Diego County in late 2015 by the University of San Diego found that “only 25 percent [of food pantries] have the financial reserves to last at least three to six months;” and more than half were open “fewer than two days a week”;4
WHEREAS, CSU has approved a 5 percent increase in tuition;5 in-state undergraduate tuition at CSUs has more than doubled since 2006, not accounting for the rise in student fees;6
WHEREAS, Shirley Weber’s AB1747 bill was “inspired both by an intern who struggled with food insecurity and by testimony she heard from students at a hearing she held last fall in San Diego”;7
WHEREAS, most local San Diegan community colleges and many of California State Universities have established food pantries and/or other services to address food insecurities. Many CSU food pantries are operated by Associated Students, which means operated by students and for students on their campuses;
WHEREAS, the Associated Students of SDSU has established a food pantry and AS NoWaste, a sustainability initiative promoted by social media, designed to reduce food waste and provide food to students facing food insecurity. SDSU has established the Economic Crisis Response Team (ECRT) to offer additional services to students who are experiencing food insecurities;
WHEREAS, the Associated Students food pantry is currently located at the Thursday’s farmer's market, which is a visible location, where students can learn about the food pantry and other resources that are available to students who are experiencing food insecurities;
WHEREAS, food insecurity will continue to be a problem on university campuses and needs an expanded, more stable solution; further be it
RESOLVED, the Associated Students is committed to assisting students who are experiencing food insecurity by offering food programs and working with SDSU to assess all campus services, such as ECRT, related to food insecurity; and further be it
RESOLVED, the Associated Students will work with SDSU to ensure that resources are made available to provide application assistance for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, Cal Fresh; and further be it
RESOLVED, the Associated Students will make a long term commitment to fighting food insecurity by continuing the on-campus food pantry for all individuals with a valid SDSU RedID, which includes continued education on all food services available; and further be it
RESOLVED, the on-campus food pantry at SDSU will continue to include healthy food options including fresh fruits and vegetables, including research on potentially offering refrigerated foods; and further be it
RESOLVED, that Associated Students will provide sanitary and/or hygiene products in the food pantry
RESOLVED, Associated Students will commit staff resources to ensure the continued successful operations of the food pantry, in collaboration with student volunteers. In addition, the on-campus food pantry at SDSU will be expanded Fall 2017; starting with two days a week, 4 or more hours per day and if successful and fiscally feasible in Fall 2018 will be expanded to a minimum of 3 days a week at 4 hours a day; and further be it
RESOLVED, the Associated Students will perform ongoing assessment of the food pantry to determine if the needs of students are being met; further be it
RESOLVED, in collaboration with SDSU, Associated Students will commit to ongoing research to evaluate and assess the concerns regarding food insecurity; further be it
RESOLVED, this resolution is to be distributed widely including, but not limited to: SDSU President, SDSU Dean of Students, SDSU University Senate, the SDSU Alumni Association, The Division of Student Affairs, The Daily Aztec, and other organizations directly associated with SDSU.
- https://as.sdsu.edu/govt/resources/bylaws.php
- https://go.sdsu.edu/strategicplan/images/finalstrategicplanbooklet.pdf
- http://www.voiceofsandiego.org/topics/food/sdsu-lags-behind-campuses-helping-needy-students-access-food/
- http://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/education/sdut-usd-food-pantry-study-2015nov27-story.html
- http://www.sfgate.com/news/article/CSU-to-consider-5-percent-tuition-hike-10884225.php
- http://www.latimes.com/local/education/la-me-ln-uc-csu-tuition-hikes-20161108-story.html
- https://a79.asmdc.org/press-release/brown-signs-weber-student-hunger-legislation