Meeting Minutes
Associated Students | San Diego State University

Wednesday, March 20, 2024 - 4:30pm
Council Chambers, Aztec Student Union


A.S. Vice President of University Affairs, Ally Gallant, called the meeting to order at 3:34 p.m.



  1. Voting Members Present: Ally Gallant, Tarek Morsy, Sam Lingao (arrived at 4 p.m.), Melvin Ridley III, Leo Pena, Nora Novak, Sonia Parikh, Emma Ing, Isabella Malek (left at 5:20 p.m.), Danielle Judilla, Colin Ro, Trinity Dang, Nicholas Felix, Alexa Trcka, Shane Lavery, Anna Arbuckle, Mariam Al Ethawi, Ethan Shelden, Derrick Herrera
  2. Voting Members Absent: Aidan Engert, Cathy Vu, Pedro Hernandez, Rocio Lopez, Christopher Olfato, Gabriella Handoko, Krystofer Bagunu, Sam Braude, Palni Bhatt, Alex Inglis 
  3. Non-Voting Members Present: Christina Brown, Isabella Todd, Sam Ramtin, Dr. Randy Timm (arrived at 3:36 p.m.)
  4. Non-Voting Members Absent: Dr. Esme Murdock
  5. Guests: Inti Varas 


It was moved and seconded to approve the agenda for March 20, 2024. 



It was moved and seconded to approve the previous minutes from February 21st and 28th 2024.
NOVAK/MALEK       CARRIED (17-0-0)




  1. University Senate Designee, Dr. Murdock: None. 
  2. Vice President for Student Affairs and Campus Diversity Designee, Dr. Randy Timm: There are currently six statutes being built on San Diego State University’s campus to represent a living land acknowledgement. Working closely with the Kumeyaay nation on the statutes. The statutes will have informational QR codes on them. Working closely with Sam Lingao on future programming. 
  3. Artificial Intelligence Presentation - James Frazee, Interim Vice President for IT & Chief Information Officer


  1. Selection of ASUC Members for the ASJAC Appointment and Review Committee (Action)
    It was moved and seconded to approve Ethan Shelden, Anna Arbuckle, and Mariam Al Ethawi to serve on the ASJAC Appointments and Review Committee with Colin Ro and Melvin Ridley III as alternates. 
    MALEK/NOVAK      CARRIED (18-0-0)


  2. General Consent Agenda (Action)
    It was moved and seconded to approve the General Consent Agenda. 
    RO/NOVAK       CARRIED (18-0-0)



  3. General Consent Report (Information)
    The General Consent Report was reviewed. 


  1. Ally Gallant, Vice President of University Affairs: The March 6th event was successful. College council presidents were able to attend the academic deans committee meeting where college council president’s and the deans were able to engage in conversations about career development. Looking for students to serve on the student success fee review committee, the time commitment will be for 3/22. If any individual is interested in working with the AI or IT department then they are encouraged to reach out to Ally. Good luck on midterms and exams leading up to spring break. 
  2. Tarek Morsy, President: Thank you to everyone who has been involved and doing great work this semester. Now it is time to look ahead to A.S. elections. 
  3. Sam Lingao, Executive Vice President:.Aztec Student Union Board is having a pizza and jousting event tonight from 5-7 in Montezuma Hall. The Good Neighbor Cleanup will be on 3/23. Next Wednesday is when the invitations for the Aztec Achievement Awards will be sent out. Will need volunteers to Explore SDSU on 4/13. 
  4. Melvin Ridley III, Vice President of External Relations: Recently attended the California Higher Education Student Summit in Sacrament and it was great to advocate on behalf of students at SDSU. Specifically promoted reform to the CalGrant. 
  5. Leo Pena, Vice President of Financial Affairs: ‘Thursdays-Together’ tomorrow will be WhichWich. Working to inform recognized student organizations to know the amount of money allocated to them per year and to see if the money is being spent. 
  6. Christina Brown, Executive Director: Told the representatives to encourage their friends and colleagues to vote in A.S. elections. 
  7. Sam Ramtin, Government Affairs Coordinator: Study abroad applications have been submitted and representatives should be on the lookout for an email regarding the reviewal process. 
  8. Palni Bhatt, ASBOD Student-At-Large: No report. 
  9. Derrick Herrera, ASBOD Student-At-Large: No report. 
  10. Alex Inglis, ASBOD Student-At-Large: No report. 
  11. College of Arts and Letters: College of Arts and Letters is proposing a course titled CAL 400 that will serve as a career readiness course. Preparing for college council elections for the College of Arts and Letters. Working to promote undergraduate research in the College of Arts and Letters.
  12. College of Business: No report.
  13. College of Education: No report. 
  14. College of Engineering: No report. 
  15. College of Health and Human Services: No report.  
  16. College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts: Had a career readiness presentation at their general body meeting last week. Encouraging people to run for Associated Students elections. It is currently disability awareness month and Nick Felix was represented on the A.S. Instagram. March 29th will be the college council executive board elections. 
  17. College of Sciences: Working to promote A.S. elections for next year due to only having one representative running. 
  18. Graduate Student Association: No report. 
  19. Undeclared College Council: Working on planning social events to engage first-year students and get them interested in joining the Undergraduate College Council.


  1. Tarek Morsy announced that Ramadan has begun. 
  2. Nick Felix announced that everyone should join the march madness bracket. 
  3. Christina Brown announced that all of the televisions in the student union will have the SDSU basketball games on. 


It was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 5:24 p.m.