Meeting Minutes
Associated Students | San Diego State University

Wednesday, January 24, 2024 - 3:30pm
Council Chambers, Aztec Student Union


A.S. Vice President of University Affairs, Ally Gallant, called the meeting to order at 3:37 p.m.



  1. Voting Members Present: Ally Gallant, Leo Pena, Tarek Morsy, Sam Lingao, Melvin Ridley III (left at 5 p.m.), Nora Novak, Sonia Parikh, Emma Ing, Pedro Hernandez, Isabella Malek, Danielle Judilla, Christopher Olfato, Krystofer Bagunu, Trinity Dang, Nicholas Felix, Sam Braude, Anna Arbuckle, Palni Bhatt, Alex Inglis, Derrick Herrera, Shane Lavery (arrived at 3:56 p.m.), Ethan Shelden (left at 4:30 p.m.)
  2. Voting Members Absent: Aidan Engert, Cathy Vu, Maria Bessie, Colin Ro, Rocio Lopez, Gabriella Handoko, Alexa Trcka
  3. Non-Voting Members Present: Sam Ramtin, Dr. Randy Timm (arrived at 3:49 p.m.), Christina Brown, Isabella Todd, Dr. Esme Murdock
  4. Non-Voting Members Absent: None.
  5. Guests: Feion Villodas, Brian Levett, Alex Kaufman, Or Amrani, Austin Emerg, Marcus Newnan, Tyler Johnoson, Tomer Anderson, Amen Qusarishi, Jacob Pagdran, Celine Milla, Darren Famisan, Nik Sanchez, Xochitl O.G. Vasquez, Abdiaziz Mohamed, Khaled Kasheri, Farah Abujaber, Briana Allen, Qsim Ade, Noor Shasera, Faid Jacfar, Suad Abdi, Dana Zeida, Ahmd Adde, Iman Farah, Phillip Bury, Sharon Sabino, Teresa Arias, Manar Karzoun, Joshua Siha, Arya Karthik, Nuhamin Fekade, Nasia Dedgeba, Tala Shatara, Elina Omran, Khalid, Lauren Betite, Timer Kalach, Maya Gerassi, Ori Lerer, Reef Gonem, Mohamed Erekat


Sam Lingao made a friendly amendment to the agenda to include a time certain presentation at 

3:45 p.m. 

It was moved and seconded to approve the agenda for today’s meeting, as amended..

DANG/MALEK        CARRIED (20-0-0)


It was moved and seconded to approve the previous meeting minutes.



 Public comments were made regarding the humanitarian crisis in Palestine and Israel and student safety concerns regarding the increase in Islamophobia and Anti-Semitism. 


  1. University Senate Designee, Dr. Esme Murdock reported on the following: Dr. Murdock introduced herself to the University Council representatives. Expressed gratitude for students' understanding and support of the California Faculty Association strike that occurred last week. Briefly reviewed and explained the tentative agreement reached by CFA and the CSU system. Hoping to collaborate with students to learn how to best support them as they serve on University Senate committees. 


  2. University Vice President for Student Affairs Designee, Dr. Randy Timm reported on the following: The Young Men of Color Alliance (YMoCA) is a collaborative program that has been meeting to discuss challenges and solutions to barriers young men of color face when pursuing a higher education degree. The YMoCA will be presenting their findings to the University Affairs Board to collaborate.


  3. Strike Update - Jessica Rentto, Senior Associate Vice President for Business & Financial Affairs
    The strike update by Jessica Rentto was postponed. 


  1. General Consent Agenda (Action): 
    It was moved and seconded to table the general consent agenda. 



  2. General Consent Report (Information): The general consent report was tabled. 


  1. #UCB S24-01: Resolution in Support of Gaza Ceasefire (Information) - 1st Reading
    The resolution was presented. 
    Ally reviewed the A.S. resolution process. As part of the process, University Council Bill (#UCB) SP24-01 was assigned to the A.S. Student Diversity Commission for review and approval.


  1. Ally Gallant, Vice President of University Affairs: The Your Voice Matters (YVM) push week is scheduled for 2/26-3/1. There will be a Your Voice Matters/Career Advantage career panel on Wednesday, 3/6 with prominent companies to network with. Encouraged the utilization of the Aztec Network. Dr. Bill Tong, Provost, is having members of the executive board and college council representatives attend the Dean’s meeting to talk about Career Advantage and what Deans are doing to promote careers. CAL and CSSC  will be holding vacancy elections. The First-Year Leadership Initiative (FLI) applications are open. 
  2. Tarek Morsy, President: Very impressed and thankful that the Career Advantage events are starting to take off and are a priority this semester. The All Council meeting on 1/31 will focus on A.S. elections and the benefit of running for an elected position. 
  3. Sam Lingao, Executive Vice President: The Career Advantage website is updated and will continue to be added to as events get created. 2/20 will be an alumni speaker series for Career Advantage that will transition into an SDSU basketball watch party. Retreat is on February 3 and is mandatory for all council members in A.S. The Student Diversity Commission meets on Wednesdays from 10-11 a.m. for individuals who are interested in the resolution’s progress. 
  4. Melvin Ridley III, Vice President of External Relations: External Relations Board and Rock the Vote Leadership Team are planning a lot of events for the upcoming semester since it is an election year. Vote-a-Palooza event will be on 2/15. 
  5. Leo Pena, Vice President of Financial Affairs: The Aztecs Rock Hunger (ARH) reveal was on Monday. Thank you to everyone who donated money and time. Exploring changes to recognized student organization funding and trying to schedule more walk around events to educate students. 
  6. Christina Brown, Executive Director:  Briefly reviewed the tentative agreement reached between CFA and the CSU on behalf of Jessica Rentto. 
  7. Sam Ramtin, Government Affairs Coordinator: No report. 
  8. Palni Bhatt, ASBOD Student-At-Large: No report. 
  9. Derrick Herrera, ASBOD Student-At-Large: The add/drop deadline has been extended to 2/2. The deadline to graduate is approaching. 
  10. Alex Inglis, ASBOD Student-At-Large: Briefly introduced himself. 
  11. College of Arts and Letters: No first meeting of the semester yet to be mindful of the CFA strike. Working on their major goals of the semester that focus on career opportunities in the College of Arts and Letters. 
  12. College of Business: Discussing tabling throughout the semester and fostering more engagement with recognized student organizations. 
  13. College of Education: Held a meeting last Wednesday. The executive team is meeting tomorrow to discuss transitions for next year. Held a team bonding event at the women’s basketball game on Saturday and it was successful.  
  14. College of Engineering: No report. 
  15. College of Health and Human Services: No meeting held yet. Planning to reschedule the therapy dog event since it was canceled at the end of last semester. 
  16. College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts: VP of Public Affairs stepped down so they will be holding elections to replace the vacant position. The PSFA showcase event will be on 3/27 and a career fair will be on 3/13. The University Affairs Board meeting time is now Thursdays from 3:15-4:15 p.m.
  17. College of Sciences: Meeting was canceled due to the strike. 
  18. Graduate Student Association: No report. 
  19. Undeclared College Council: No report. 




It was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 5:58 p.m.

PARIKH/NOVAK                CARRIED (19-0-0)