Meeting Minutes
Associated Students | San Diego State University

Wednesday, November 15, 2023 - 3:30pm
Council Chambers, Aztec Student Union


A.S. Vice President of University Affairs, Ally Gallant, called the meeting to order at 3:40 p.m.



  1. Voting Members Present: Ally Gallant, Sam Lingao (arrived at 4 p.m.), Leo Pena, Tarek Morsy (left at 4:38 p.m.), Melvin Ridley III,  Nora Novak, Emma Ing, Aidan Engert, Cathy Vu, Pedro Hernandez, Isabella Malek, Maria Bessie, Colin Ro, Rocio Lopez, Trinity Dang, Nicholas Felix, Alexa Trcka (left at 6:06 p.m.), Shane Lavery, Sam Braude, Anna Arbuckle, Palni Bhatt, Derrick Herrera 
  2. Voting Members Absent: Ian Pitre, Sonia Parikh, Gabriella Handoko, Krystofer Bagunu, Ethan Shelden, Alex Inglis
  3. Non-Voting Members Present: Isabella Todd, Christina Brown, Samuel Ramtin, Dr. Randy Timm (left at 6:10 p.m.), Dr. Marissa Vasquez
  4. Non-Voting Members Absent: None.
  5. Guests: Mohamed Erekat, Yousef Abdelrahmen, Nolan Patterson, Arushi Kalam, Mojtaba Habibi, Noah Hakim, Elita Branigan, Amena Radwan, Mimi Abeid, Hannah Mohamed, Makai Heussen, Sucdi Nur, Arya Karthik, Jasmin Khalil, Marcos Perez, Isaiah Jimenez, Nik Sanchez, Marwa Salem, Abdiaziz Mohamed, Jayteasien, Mehraj Khawaja, Bushra Hussein, Fartun Ahmed, Hafsa Hussein, Amrah Mohammed, Dahabo Obrahim, Alex Kaufman, Ethan Veneracion, Nadia Dedgeba, Raqhel Abunefed, Nadine Ilaian, Dania Awad, Layal Ali, Noor Shalara, Oasim Abe, Damen Zeide, Ramzi Sadek, Yasmine Khatib, Fathia Abdirahim, Bashesh Olad, Ahmen Adde, Asma Yusuf, Charlotte Hopkin 


It was moved and seconded to approve the agenda for today’s meeting.
FELIX/DANG        CARRIED (21-0-0)


It was moved and seconded to approve the previous meeting minutes.
LOPEZ/FELIX        CARRIED (21-0-0)



Public comments were made regarding the humanitarian crisis in Palestine and Israel and student safety concerns regarding the increase in Islamophobia.


  1. University Senate Designee, Dr. Marissa Vasquez reported on the following: Thank you to all students who gave a public comment and spoke about the ongoing issues in the Middle East. The next meeting will be Dr.Vasquez’s last meeting because she is going on sabbatical. Dr. Vasquez will be holding a drop in advising hours for University Senate Committee referrals. 

  2. University Vice President for Student Affairs Designee, Dr. Randy Timm reported on the following: The University is on alert for a high impact time to focus on self-care for students who are feeling high stress. This is the general time between Halloween and Thanksgiving is a particularly high time for stress. The issues regarding the seven fraternities are being investigated and going through review processes.


  1. General Consent Agenda (Action): 
    It was moved and seconded to table the general consent agenda. 
    ARBUCKLE/RO      CARRIED (21-0-0)

  2. General Consent Report (Information): The general consent report was tabled. 

  3. University Senate Committee Update & Check-In (Information)
    Dr. Vasquez reviewed outstanding referrals for the respective University Senate Committees that the University Council representatives sit on. Following Dr. Vasquez’s review, Ally Gallant had each Senate committee provide feedback on their committees thus far. 

  4. Addressing Safety Concerns on Campus (Information)
    The executive officers reviewed safety measures and initiatives that are being used to help combat the increasing concerns for safety on campus. These measures include Inclusive SDSU, the Red and Black shuttle, as well as the SDSU Safe application. 


  1. Ally Gallant, Vice President of University Affairs: Kevin Cartlidge from mySDSU will be attending the next University Affairs Board meeting on Friday to reflect and analyze how spring semester class registration went on mySDSU. Raquel Herriott from the University Police Department is looking for students to participate in a photoshoot with University Police. The study abroad scholarship reviews need to be completed as soon as possible. The University House Holiday Party is on November 28th from 4-6 p.m. December 6th will be the End of the Semester A.S. party. 
  2. Tarek Morsy, President: No report. 
  3. Sam Lingao, Executive Vice President: Thanked everyone for their participation in Homecoming events. The Awards Committee meeting will be meeting twice this semester. The A.S. Spring Retreat is currently being planned. Tomorrow's “Thursday’s Together” will be Chipotle in the A.S. office from 11:45-12:45 p.m.
  4. Melvin Ridley III, Vice President of External Relations: November 29th will be a Community Conversations event with San Diego City Council President Sean Elo-Rivera. 
  5. Leo Pena, Vice President of Financial Affairs: No report. 
  6. Christina Brown, Executive Director: No report. 
  7. Sam Ramtin, Government Affairs Coordinator: No report. 
  8. Palni Bhatt, ASBOD Student-At-Large: No report. 
  9. Derrick Herrera, ASBOD Student-At-Large: No report. 
  10. Alex Inglis, ASBOD Student-At-Large: No report. 
  11. College of Arts and Letters: Having ongoing conversations about events on campus and planning events for the College of Arts and Letters for the spring semester. 
  12. College of Business: The most recent event was the Society of Human Resource Management leadership summit which was successful. 
  13. College of Education: There will be an “All for Education” talk to teachers event on Saturday in the Legacy Suite. 
  14. College of Engineering: Planning for “E-Week” in the spring semester. 
  15. College of Health and Human Services: No report. 
  16. College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts: Working to promote “Your Voice Matters” to college councils and recognized student organizations. Planning a PSFA showcase to show off the various majors within the College of PSFA. 
  17. College of Sciences: Hosting a Community Service event tomorrow. Met with Supplemental Instruction leaders and made a plan to create more supplemental instruction. Planning to make a questionnaire with what classes are needed for additional supplemental instruction. 
  18. Graduate Student Association: No report. 
  19. Undeclared College Council: No report. 


Palni Bhatt: Encouraged representatives to take care of themselves over Thanksgiving break since finals and the end of the semester can be a stressful time. 


It was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 6:15 p.m.
ENGERT/BESSIE                CARRIED (19-0-0)