Meeting Minutes
Associated Students | San Diego State University

Wednesday, September 20, 2023 - 3:30pm
Council Chambers, Aztec Student Union


A.S. Vice President of University Affairs, Ally Gallant, called the meeting to order at 3:33 p.m.



  1. Voting Members Present: Ian Pitre (arrived at 3:35 p.m.), Emma Ing, Cathy Vu, Pedro Hernandez, Isabella Malek, Colin Ro, Rocio Lopez, Gabriella Handoko, Alexa Trcka, Shane Lavery, Sam Baude, Ethan Shelden (arrived at 3:41 p.m.), Palni Bhatt, Derrick Herrera, Tarek Morsy (left at 5:54 p.m.), Sam Lingao, Ally Gallant, Leo Pena, Melvin Ridley III, Maria Bessie (arrived at 4 p.m.), Nora Novak, Sonia Parikh, Krystofer Bagunu, Anna Arbuckle 
  2. Voting Members Absent: Aidan Engert, Pedro Hernandez, Daniella Judilla, Christopher Olfato, Alex Inglis
  3. Non-Voting Members Present: Christina Brown, Samuel Ramtin
  4. Non-Voting Members Absent:  Dr. Marissa Vasquez, Dr. Randy Timm 
  5. Guests: None. 


It was moved and seconded to approve the agenda for today’s meeting.

HERRERA/MALEK                                                                                CARRIED (22-0-0)





  1. University Senate Designee, Dr. Marissa Vasquez reported on the following: No report. 


  2. University Vice President for Student Affairs Designee, Dr. Randy Timm reported on the following: No report. 


  3. Division of Research and Innovation Presentation - Dr. Hala Madanat, Vice President for Research and Innovation, Michèle Goetz, Associate Vice President and CEO of SDSU Research Foundation, John Crockett, Associate Vice President for Research Advancement, and Mark Reed, Associate Vice President for Research Operations (Time Certain 3:45 p.m.)
    The Representatives received a presentation from the Division of Research and Innovation about the various programs they offer for undergraduate and graduate students. 


  1. University Senate Designee, Dr. Marissa Vasquez reported on the following: No report. 


  2. University Vice President for Student Affairs Designee, Dr. Randy Timm reported on the following: No report. 


  3. Division of Research and Innovation Presentation - Dr. Hala Madanat, Vice President for Research and Innovation, Michèle Goetz, Associate Vice President and CEO of SDSU Research Foundation, John Crockett, Associate Vice President for Research Advancement, and Mark Reed, Associate Vice President for Research Operations (Time Certain 3:45 p.m.)
    The Representatives received a presentation from the Division of Research and Innovation about the various programs they offer for undergraduate and graduate students. 


  1. Ally Gallant, Vice President of University Affairs: The College Council retreat was successful and thanked all attendees. University Senate Committee seats are being assigned so be on the lookout for a message from Justice Herrera. A.S. is partnering with the SDSU Library for a Banned Book reading event which will be on 10/4 from 12-4 p.m. Dr. McCall will be coming to the next University Council meeting. 
  2. Tarek Morsy, President: The kickoff event for the A.S. career initiative will be in November and he is hoping for a positive turnout. 
  3. Sam Lingao, Executive Vice President: The Homecoming theme will be announced next Monday. The Campus Life Council is working on safety and diversity. This week's “Thursday’s Together” will be Rubio’s to promote Hispanic Heritage month. The upcoming Campus Life Council meeting will have a presentation from the University Police Department (UPD) and about the tuition increase. 
  4. Melvin Ridley III, Vice President of External Relations: Rock the Vote had an event on Monday for Constitution Day. Melvin and Sam are working on a safety initiative together. Looking to find ways to push forward more information about the tuition increase. 
  5. Leo Pena, Vice President of Financial Affairs:  Continuing meetings on Aztecs Rock Hunger as well as working on walk-arounds. 
  6. Christina Brown, Executive Director: No report. 
  7. Palni Bhatt, ASBOD Student-At-Large: There is a protest tomorrow about equal pay for Graduate Assistants. 
  8. Derrick Herrera, ASBOD Student-At-Large: No report. 
  9. Alex Inglis, ASBOD Student-At-Large: No report. 
  10. College of Arts and Letters: Reviewed check requests. Geography club is having a bowling night soon, and the ISCOR society had great attendance for their first meeting. 
  11. College of Business: Last week there was tabling in the student union courtyard for different College of Business student organizations. Planning a potential business mixer at Aztec Lanes on 10/15. 
  12. College of Education: No report. 
  13. College of Engineering: Beginning to plan their yearly pumpkin drop event. Held an Engineering open house event yesterday. 
  14. College of Health and Human Services: Priorities for 2023-2024 have been established. Looking to collaborate with Greenlove for the Swap Shop event. 
  15. College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts:  There will be a PSFA college council retreat pm Saturday, looking to bridge the gap between the executive board and student organizations. 
  16. College of Sciences: At the last All Council meeting they held a Your Voice Matters submission break. Working on adding student organizations to the College of Sciences website. 
  17. Graduate Student Association: No report. 
  18. Undeclared College Council: No official meetings so far. There are many vacancies on UCC so they are looking to fill the open positions. 




It was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 4:54 p.m.

SHELDEN/NOVAK                            CARRIED (24-0-0)