Meeting Minutes
Associated Students | San Diego State University

Wednesday, March 15, 2023 - 3:30pm
Council Chambers, Aztec Student Union


A.S. Vice President of University Affairs, Sandy Mekany, called the meeting to order at 3:34 p.m.



  1. Voting Members Present: Sandy Mekany, Shawki Moore, Robson Winter, Sophia Koch, Brandon Bartosh, Grace DeVega, Ilias Benbatoul, Jacob Cherayil, Ally Gallant, Griffin Cour, Trevor Gartlan, Tyler Hollander, Kailey Quezada, Victor Plunkett, Colin Ro, Nina Go, Camila Milanes, Devon McVicar, Alexa Trcka, Charlotte Giacobetti, Sydney Simpson, Ethan Shelden
  2. Voting Members Absent: Meena Alexander, Olivia Peachey, George Kaplan, Alvin Pham, Malia Preisendorf, Ava Walker, Lindsay Gaudette, Justice Herrera
  3. Non-Voting Members Present:  Isabella Todd, Dr. Randy Timm (left at 4:10 p.m.), Samuel Ramtin  
  4. Non-Voting Members Absent:
  5. Visitors: Dr. Marissa Vasquez, Christina Brown, Christine Molina 
    Visitors: Ashtyn Nichols (Graduate Student Association) 


It was moved and seconded to approve the agenda.



It was moved and seconded to approve the University Council meeting minutes of 3/1/23. COUR/GIACOBETTI       CARRIED (21-0-0)





  1. University Senate Designee Dr. Vasquez: The last University Senate meeting was on March 7 at the SDSU Imperial Valley campus, availability to travel to Imperial Valley was low so the meeting was a hybrid format. Regina Brandon and Stephen Schellenberg were elected to serve on the Search Committee for the new Vice president of Student Affairs and Campus Diversity. There has been a recent issue with the CSU system’s “enrollment cliff”, the CSU system has lost 26,305 students across campuses. The CSU Provost will now punish CSU campuses with 10% enrollment targets or below will lose 5% of dollars for enrollment. SDSU in Fall 2023 hit the largest record enrollment, at 36,637, and the incoming freshman class has also recorded the highest average GPA on record at 3.9. 
  2. University Vice President for Student Affairs and Campus Diversity Designee, Dr. Randy Timm: The Glazer Center for Leadership and Service offers a certificate from the University if students have completed over a hundred hours of community service. The center also tracks community service hours for students. Summer school has become very popular among students with about 1/3 of the student population enrolling in summer courses. On St. Patrick's Day, Friday, March 17, there will be various food trucks located at the end of the Campanile walkway. 
  3. Enrollment Presentation - Stefan Hyman, Associate Vice President of Enrollment (Time Certain 3:45 p.m.): Stefan Hyman gave a presentation related to the record levels of enrollment in the recent Fall 2022 academic year as well as various factors that relate to this such as GPA records, local admittance, transfer students, and out of state students. Stefan Hyman also reviewed data regarding the California State University system as a whole and how San Diego State University is performing in comparison to other universities enrollment. 


  1. General Consent Agenda (Action):

    It was moved and seconded to approve the general consent agenda.

    DEVEGA/SHELDEN      CARRIED (21-0-0)

  2. General Consent Report (Information): The general consent report was reviewed.
  3. Fees Discussion (Information): Sandy Mekany led a discussion relating to fees and the recent proposed out of state and international student fee. The discussion centered around the CSU policy regarding fees and student advocacy. 

  4. Selection of ASUC Members to the Appointments and Review Committee (Action): Ilias Benbatoul, Sydney Simpson, Ethan Shelden were nominated and accepted to serve on the Appointment and Review Committee with Griffin Cour and Nina Go as alternates. 
      BARTOSH/DEVEGA      CARRIED (21-0-0)


  1. Sandy Mekany, Vice President of University Affairs: The University Affairs Board has been collaborating with Mending Minds for an event in April, the event will be centered around mental health and academic success. This event will be on 4/13 from 3:30-4:30 p.m. Robson Winter, Grace DeVega, and Sandy Mekany have been speaking to the University Senate about A.S. elections and the amount of time students are allowed to vote. 
  2. Shawki Moore, President: Shawki Moore thanked everyone who attended the Campus Fee Advisory Committee meeting and gave public comments regarding the proposed fee. The official recommendation from the Campus Fee Advisory Committee to the university president was to not recommend the proposed fee. Shawki was able to attend the scholarship luncheon since A.S. gives large amounts of scholarship money for the A.S. Study Abroad scholarship. 
  3. Meena Alexander, Executive Vice President: No report. 
  4. Robson Winter, Vice President of External Relations: Robson is working on wrapping up and finishing the California Higher Education Student Summit. Regarding Greenfest, every council member gets a free ticket but they must fill out the form Robson sent out. 
  5. Sophia Koch, Vice President of Financial Affairs: The Financial Affairs Committee approved the removal of limiting the amount of money you can spend on food, this should go into effect if approved by the Board of Directors this upcoming Monday. 
  6. Christina Brown, Executive Director: No report. 
  7. Ava Walker, ASBOD Student-At-Large: No report. 
  8. Brandon Bartosh, ASBOD Student-At-Large: Brandon is working with various A.S. full time staff to choose a new software for the Human Resources information system. 
  9. Grace DeVega, ASBOD Student-At-Large: The second stage of the search and interview process for the new SDSU Global Campus Dean and this stage will be in person interviews with open forums for students to ask questions to the candidates. 
  10. College of Arts and Letters: During their meeting today CAL Student Council had a presentation from Cal Coast Credit Union about financial literacy. Planning for the end of the year College of Arts and Letters celebration with the dean is currently being planned for 4/17 from 6-8:30 p.m. 
  11.  College of Business: During the College of Business Council meeting yesterday morning the biggest discussion was focused around the recognized student organization funding deadline. 
  12. College of Education: Elections for the CEOSC executive board will be held on 4/10. There will be a trivia bowl on 4/24 with the various other college councils. 
  13. College of Engineering: The executive position application for CESC will open on 3/24.
  14. College of Health and Human Services:  The executive position application for CHHS will open on 4/4. 
  15. College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts: PSFA is planning an event with the homecoming royals on 4/17 from 4:30-7 p.m. and it will be similar to a talent show. 
  16. College of Sciences:  Next week CSSC will be holding a mental health and academia event which will have a keynote speaker, from 3:30-4:15 p.m. in the Aztec Student Union. 
  17. Graduate Student Association: No report.
  18. Undeclared College: UCC is working on their peer-mentor program and is starting with an interest form. This program will be balanced between academic, personal, and professional mentoring. New events for UCC are being planned such as a council retreat to the Mission Bay Aquatic Center. UCC is taking a look at their bylaws and hoping to update them to reflect current needs and goals. 





It was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 5:06 p.m.