Meeting Minutes
Associated Students | San Diego State University
Wednesday, November 16, 2022 - 3:30pm
Council Chambers, Aztec Student Union
A.S. Vice President of University Affairs, Sandy Mekany, called the meeting to order at 4:52 p.m.
It was moved and seconded to approve the agenda.
It was moved and seconded to approve the University Council meeting minutes of 11/2/22. SIMPSON/QUEZADA CARRIED (19-0-0)
A. University Senate Designee, Dr. Marissa Vasquez reported on the following:
- There is continuous conversation around the my.SDSU transition as glitches keep recurring and being resolved.
- The Senate Executive Committee occurred yesterday on 11/15.
B. University Vice President of SA+CD Designee, Dean Randy Timm:
- There were several my.SDSU updates presented to the council: any name preferences must be changed in the Office of the Registrar for any my.SDSU
- platform. If any students are having issues in EAB accounts in regards to advisors not showing, they are encouraged to visit the Student Success Center.
A. General Consent Agenda (Action):
It was moved and seconded to approve the general consent agenda.
B. General Consent Report (Information): The general consent report was reviewed.
A. Sandy Mekany, Vice President of University Affairs:
- It is currently the Your Voice Matters push week.
- The Campus Safety Town Hall was today and Sandy thanked everyone for attending.
- Sandy is wanting to improve the communication to students as confusion arises with my.SDSU.
B. Shawki Moore, President:
- Shawki gave a brief overview of the end of semester special dates.
- On next Wednesday both UC and CLC are meeting and after the meetings adjourn everyone will be heading to Dave and Buster’s.
- On 12/7 the last all council meeting of the semester will be held.
- On 12/8 the President’s House event will be held on 12:30-2 p.m. and all council members are welcome.
C. Meena Alexander, Executive Vice President:
- Dave and Buster’s end of the semester celebration for all council members is coming up.
- There will be a moral event in the office tomorrow on 11/17.
D. Robson Winter, Vice President of External Relations:
- Wished everyone had a great election week and also informed everyone that the campus drop box and voting center were heavily utilized.
- Robson traveled to Fresno for CSSA where they focused on making college more affordable and equitable in terms of admissions and financial aid.
E. Sophia Koch, Vice President of Financial Affairs:
- The Aztecs Rock Hunger reveal will be on 11/28 from 2-3 p.m.
F. Christina Brown, Executive Director:
- 235 study abroad applications were submitted, and UC members will be receiving these to review soon. Council members were encouraged to see Janice Dils with any questions.
G. Ava Walker, ASBOD Student-At-Large:
- Ava will be sitting on the Senate Student Grievance Committee, and the next meeting will be tomorrow at 11/17, and they are working on two ongoing cases.
H. Brandon Bartosh, ASBOD Student-At-Large: No report.
I. Grace DeVega, ASBOD Student-At-Large:
- BFA has been speaking to the Board of Directors about a fee for non-Californian residents, and the board has been offering feedback on all levels of proposal and implementation.
J. College of Arts and Letters:
- CAL will be holding an election for the position of VP of Community.
- There was also a zip launchpad presentation at CAL.
- Ilias Benbatoul reported on a University Senate Committee, the Freedom of Expression Committee, where students discussed a Bill of Rights that pertains to SDSU students.
K. College of Business:
- CBC is working on spring event plans.
- CBC also had a zip launchpad presentation.
- The Lavin center collaboration event happened this past week.
L. College of Education:
- COESC is working on a school supply drive to donate goods to a local boys and girls club.
- The College of Education survey to be finalized during the start of spring semester.
- College of Education website updates to be finalized soon.
M. College of Engineering: No report.
N. College of Health and Human Services:
- CHHS will be hosting a community event: writing letters to members of the military.
- There is an end of semester event for college moral approaching.
O. College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts:
- PSFA is looking to fill another open A.S. Representative position.
- There is also a VP of Internal Affairs position open.
- The PSFA board overall is looking for new members to join.
P. College of Sciences:
- The VP of Community Service position has been filled.
- There is a council representative position open.
- There is a DEI Town Hall on 11/4 and there was a DEI spotlight today within their council meeting.
- There are also ongoing efforts to plan events that promote student wellness.
Q. Graduate Student Association: No report.
R. Undeclared College:
- UCC submitted changes to update the website on 10/25.
- Executive board headshots will occur after Thanksgiving break.
- There is a continuation of the member highlights project.
- There was a registration information session today and there was a large turn out of first year students.
A. Grace announced that requirements for council members are due tomorrow on 11/17.
B. Ilias announced that Saturday MENA is hosting a Thanksgiving event where they will be serving foods from the MENA region.
C. Beth Announced that councils must send their agendas to the government secretary by this Friday. Beth also announced that the Strategic Planning Committee Activity 40 is looking to establish student engagement and Strategic Planning Committee Activity 50 is looking for a student representative in the k-12 education experience.
D. Sandy wished everyone a happy Thanksgiving break.
It was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 5:33 p.m.