Meeting Minutes
Associated Students | San Diego State University

Wednesday, September 23, 2020 - 3:30pm
Via Zoom


A.S. Vice President of University Affairs, Crystal Sanchez, called the meeting to order at 3:32 p.m. via Zoom.



  1. Voting Members Present : Crystal Sanchez, Christian Holt (left early), Bella Martelino, Armando Sepulveda II (late), Victor Penera, Sophia Mathews, Rob Winter (left early), Zihao Zhou, Chadi Tarazi, Ryan King, Will Stranzl, Kendall Kolp, Casey Fischbach, Tito Hernandez, Alex Chasson, Sarah Hoang, Alyssa Sandford, Skylar Christie, Alondra Hernandez, Jan Velasco, Sydney Steinbeck, Jennifer Schenkenfelder, Jeanette Marino, Michelle Halverson (left early), Angelo Gozon, Hannah Berman-Schneider, Reece Breuckman, Joyce Chen
  2. Voting Members Absent : Olivia Luera, Chloe Foreman, Sarah McBride
  3. Non-Voting Members Present : Jennifer Esquivel-Parker for Christina Brown, Dr. Nola Butler-Byrd, Dean Randy Timm, Janice Dils, Letty Hernandez
  4. Non-Voting Members Absent: None.
  5. Visitors : Leslie Lopez Moreno, Dr. James Tarbox, Chris Turntine, Claudia Martinez


It was moved and seconded to and approve the agenda for today’s meeting.

Christian – Yes         Ryan – Yes             Alex – Yes            Sydney - Yes
Bella – Yes               Will – Yes               Sarah H. – Yes      Jennifer - Yes
Jeanette - Yes         Zihao - Yes             Joyce – Yes          Reece – Yes
Victor – Yes             Kendall – Yes         Skylar – Yes          Michelle - Yes
Sophia – Yes            Joey – Yes              Alondra – Yes      Angelo - Yes
Rob – Yes                Casey – Yes             Alyssa - Yes         Hannah - Yes
Chadi – Yes             Tito – Yes                Jan – Yes
                                                                                               (27-0-0, CARRIED)



It was moved and seconded to approve the previous minutes of 9/9/20.

Christian – Yes           Ryan – Yes          Sydney - Yes             Hannah - Yes
Bella – Yes                  Will – Yes           Sarah H. – Yes          Jennifer - Yes
Jeanette - Yes            Zihao - Yes        Joyce – Yes                Reece – Yes
Victor – Yes                Kendall – Yes      Skylar – Yes              Michelle - Yes
Sophia – Yes               Joey – Yes          Alondra – Yes           Angelo - Yes
Rob – Yes                    Casey – Yes         Alyssa - Yes
Chadi – Yes                 Tito – Yes           Jan – Yes

                                                                                                  (26-0-0, CARRIED)



  1. University Senate Designee, Dr. Nola Butler-Byrd:
    1. Hope you and your loved ones are doing well.
    2. We have a new Chancellor that has been selected by the California State University (CSU) Board of Trustees. His name is Dr. Joseph Castro and he is currently the University President of CSU Fresno. He will be the first Chancellor of color when he takes over the job on January 4, 2021. He is also the first Chancellor to be selected from a University in the CSU system. We are lucky and excited to have him aboard.
    3. SDSU Senate will have a virtual town hall on Wednesday, September 30 at 9:00 a.m. Registered SDSUid personnel only. The topic will be COVID.
    4. The SDSU Senate is working on recommending core competencies for the Ethnic Studies response to the California Education Code 89032C and how to implement the resolution for the requirement.
    5. Wanted to talk about grieving. We need to allow time to grieve, since we are always ready to shut everything down. We need to find soft places to fall so that we can celebrate and deal with anxiety and pain before trauma occurs from not dealing with these issues.
    6. Need your input in the Senate Committees. Your voices are critical to make good decisions.
  2. University Vice President for Student Affairs Designee, Dean Randy Timm:
    1. He gave a brief introduction of himself. He has been at SDSU since 2003 and has been Dean of Students since 2015. I work with different areas on campus, such as Student Life and Leadership, New Student and Parent Programs, Center of Student Rights and Responsibilities, University Ombudsman, and the Assistant Deans of Student Affairs. Also work with the Inclusive SDSU program. We work as a close team in the Division of Student Affairs and Campus Diversity.
    2. Right now, we are focused on surveillance testing for COVID-19. As of
      yesterday, over 2,000 students have completed the testing process. There has been an incentive program for those who are tested. The testing sites are the Calpulli Center and the Parma Payne Goodall Alumni Center.
    3. Looking ahead, thank you for a wonderful conversation with Armando and the Rock the Vote group in regards to voting during the election if students are in isolation and how to support these students.
  3. SDSU Career Services Presentation – Dr. James Tarbox, Executive Director, and Chris Turntine, Associate Director - SDSU Career Services (Time Certain 3:45 p.m.)
    Dr. James Tarbox, Chris Turntine, and Claudia Martinez presented on Career Services and the programs and the services they provide. They informed the Council about resources for career development and readiness, Handshake, and virtual programming for the semester.
  4. Aztecs Rock Hunger Presentation - Victor Penera, A.S. Vice President of Financial Affairs
    Victor discussed Aztecs Rock Hunger (ARH),highlighting what it is, its importance, and how everyone can help in order to benefit the Jacobs and Cushman San Diego Food Bank, the A.S. Food Pantry, the SDSU Economic Crisis Response Team.


  1. General Consent Agenda (Action): The general consent agenda was reviewed.
    It was moved and seconded to approve the general consent agenda.

    Ryan – Yes          Alex – Yes           Sydney - Yes          Sophia – Yes

    Bella – Yes           Will – Yes           Sarah H. – Yes       Jennifer - Yes
    Jeanette - Yes     Zihao - Yes         Joyce – Yes            Reece – Yes
    Victor – Yes         Kendall – Yes     Skylar – Yes           Joey – Yes
    Alondra – Yes      Angelo - Yes      Jan – Yes               Tito – Yes
    Casey – Yes         Alyssa - Yes        Hannah - Yes        Chadi – Yes
                                                                                       (24-0-0, CARRIED)
  2. General Consent Report (Information): The General Consent Report was reviewed.



  1. Crystal Sanchez, Vice President of University Affairs:
    1. Met with the Provost last week to discuss the last year’s Academic Report, which was a survey that was taken by all undergraduate students in each major. On September 29 th , Crystal will be presenting the survey findings at the Academic Affairs Committee. She encourages representatives to reach out to your College
      Council Presidents. The Provost will present Academic Affairs’ findings to the Deans. Then all the Deans and College Council Presidents will meet and discuss updates. By November, there will be some goals set for each College.
    2. Invited Lawson Hardrick, the A.S. President of Imperial Valley, to attend our next Academic Affairs meeting.
    3. Will be meeting with the Dean of the Library, so if you have any concerns or questions, please share them.
    4. Remember to be respectful when we have presentations and presenters and be sure to pay attention.
  2. Christian Holt, President:
    1. Reminder that his virtual office hours are Tuesday and Thursday from 12p.m.-1p.m. Please urge any students who may have any questions or concerns to come to the virtual office hours.
    2. Will be meeting with campus partners to continue conversations on how they can support the Black Community on campus. Those conversations have been happening and are continuing to happen and I will keep you all updated.
    3. The Associated Students Diversity, Equity and Inclusion group will probably have a survey go out at some point this semester, so keep and eye out for that.
    4. Reminder if anyone has any concerns about COVID, please send me a text or email. He wants to make sure we are on top of it and are addressing any issues that people may have.
  3. Bella Martelino, Executive Vice President :
    1. Homecoming is still in the works. Will keep continuing to update all.
    2. Met with the Aztec Nights Committee earlier and we are looking at programming for Spring. Any suggestions you have, please send them to Bella. The virtual Aztec Night event with Tiffany Haddish was quite successful with over 1,000 students who showed up for that event.
    3. CLC Students-at-Large representatives will begin hosting virtual coffee chats, once a week. More information to follow, but this would be a great place if you want to collaborate with CLC in any way.
    4. Thanks everyone for their continued hard work.
  4. Armando Sepulveda, Vice President of External Relations: No report.
  5. Victor Penera, Vice President of Financial Affairs:
    1. Reminder Aztecs Rock Hunger begins Monday. There is a new program this year called, ARH Engage, which is for students to get involved and have a ‘hands-on’ approach for this year’s ARH, since we are virtual. Please reach out to Victor if you would like more information or to get involved.
    2. We are currently looking at the policies for campus funding. We know travel funding has been brought up and we want to update that policy, so you can plan for the rest of the school year.
  6. Jennifer Esquivel-Parker, Government Affairs Director:
    1. Thanks for prioritizing your role as an A.S. Leader. Please do not apologize for having a lot of information to share. We only meet every two weeks and it is reflective of all the good work you all are doing.
  7. Hannah Berman-Schneider, ASBOD Student-At-Large:
    1. Want to make sure everyone is utilizing your position to bring awareness to the Rock the Vote and Aztecs Rock Hunger campaigns.
    2. Working in the Residential Education Office (REO), continue to remind folks to wear a mask while on campus and try to limit social interactions as much as possible. Good communication has been made with student leaders and REO to help make policies and procedures for students on campus. I will continue to keep you all updated.
  8. Reece Breuckman, ASBOD Student-At-Large:
    1. We have Rock the Vote and Aztecs Rock Hunger coming up, so we need to spread the word. Make sure you are registered and make sure you get that vote in.
  9. Joyce Chen, ASBOD Student-At-Large: No report.
  10. College of Arts and Letters:·
    1. We are working to promote Latinx Heritage month. Despite not being on campus, we still want to make sure our students have the opportunity to celebrate their identity and culture, as well as encourage allies to educate themselves. We have been trying to do this by using our platform on social media to promote virtual
      events and speakers taking place all month. First of which will be on October 2, at 3 p.m., we are welcoming Dr. Dominguez from the Department of Chicana and Chicano Studies at our meeting to speak and celebrate. We would like you all to come.
    2. We have been talking about how it is Suicide Awareness month and we need to stress the importance of Mental Health and letting people know about all the resources that are available through campus.
    3. We recently had a virtual event ‘Dish with the Dean’ and it was really successful with introducing the new Dean and we hope to do more of these events throughout the semester.
    4. We are also finalizing the list of recognized College of Arts and Letters
      organizations. We are excited to connect them with more resources and a larger platform and to be able to connect with more students on campus.
    5. Lastly, we are really excited to work with Aztec Rock Hunger and Rock the Vote in our college.
  11. College of Business:
    1. We will begin hosting a weekly Speaker Series Discussion, which will feature one organization that is hosting a speaker in their meeting weekly. It will be promoted by the College of Business Council and the presentation will be open to all students.
  12. College of Education:
    1. We are looking to have the College Council co-sponsor all the events we do, so we can better turn out.
    2. Met with our Dean and he would like us to contact him immediately if we have issues with having access to the internet, as he can provide hotspots and assistance. He is also looking into providing us with Zoom and Canvas training like staff was provided.
    3. We are also looking to have the Latinx Resource Center come and present during our meetings, because of Latinx Heritage month. We had the a representative from the library come talk about all the resources provided to students.
    4. Lastly, we are looking into working with a phone applications developer who contacted us about a potential fundraising opportunity. Its financial app is designed for college students and it helps track spending and provides students with their credit score. Every student who uses a certain link will directly get funding for each member who uses the app, to their organization.
  13. College of Engineering:
    1. We had a successful Coffee with the Dean event on 9/15.
    2. We are hosting a virtual Engineering career panel on 10/6 and 10/7, followed by mock interviews on 10/10.
    3. Virtual club fair is on 10/16 with more information to come.
    4. Most of the Engineering organizations have items in a container in Lot A as they are doing facilities renovation and we are wondering if anyone has insight on when we may be able to put things back in the building.
  14. College of Health and Human Services:
    1. We are hosting a virtual club fair on 9/26 from 11 a.m-12 p.m. More information to be found on our Instagram at SDSU.CHHS.
  15. College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts: No report.
  16. College of Sciences:
    1. We have an all council retreat this Sunday, 9/27.
    2. We also had Victor come in to present on Aztecs Rock Hunger (ARH) during our meeting this week. One of our organizations shared with us that they are promoting ARH within their student organization by allowing their members to get community service points by donating to ARH. They are even giving some of their merchandise away for those who go above and beyond to participate in ARH.
    3. We have been encouraging all organizations, but especially the newer
      organizations to use their budgets to buy promotional items. We also passed all of our official representatives for our student organizations.
  17. Graduate Student Association: No report.
  18. Undeclared College:
    1. We are in the process of enhancing our Instagram, so Undeclared students can see who is in the council, and reach out to them.
    2. We are talking about promoting Aztec Rock Hunger and Rock the Vote.


  1. Victor shared that there will be a one page handout coming later this week with key points and information for Aztec Rock Hunger. He encouraged everyone to share with their student organizations to help promote Aztec Rock Hunger.


It was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 5:23 pm.
KING/PENERA                                                                         (21-0-0, CARRIED)