Meeting Minutes
Associated Students | San Diego State University

Wednesday, April 22, 2020 - 3:30pm
Via Zoom


A.S. Executive Vice President, George Scott, called the meeting to order at 3:34 PM via Zoom.



    1. Voting Members Present: Christian Onwuka, George Scott, Kyla Blaylock, Angie Espinoza, Dustin Adkins, Sophie Chance, Mumtaz Mommand (Late), Jacinda Molina, Jon Soden, Josh Olson, Matthew Blake, Jayden Mattson, Aaron Eppstein, Jagger Gin, Reece Breuckman, Crystal Sanchez, Josh Avalos, Brianne Crowther,  Christine Gotthardt, Jacob Downey (Late), JR Lauron, Bella Martelino.
    2. Voting Members Absent: Lee Abed, Stephanie Estrada, Jacob Tuchband, Aidan Winter, Joe Besagno, Sean Toohey, Chloe Foreman, Sara Jimenez, Vicky Evans
    3. Non-Voting Members Present: Dr. Nola Butler-Byrd, Dr. Andrea Dooley, Christina Brown, Nikki Eliaschev.
    4. Non-Voting Members Absent: None. 
    5. Visitors: Courtney Ransom (Green Love), Grener Abdon (Green Love), Kelli Farmer (Green Love), Victor Panera (Green Love), Charlotte Roberts (Green Love), Matthew Garcia (Green Love), Simran Jain (Green Love), Susan (Independent Watchdog).


It was moved and seconded to approve the agenda for today’s meeting.

ESPINOZA/OLSON                          CARRIED


It was moved and seconded to approve the University Council meeting minutes of 4/8/20, as attached.



vi.  university reports and presentations

    1. University Senate Designee, Dr. Nola Butler-Byrd:
      1. Shared the proposed policy for enrollment management that was voted down by the University Senate. Senate Officers do not believe this decision was a good idea because it will make the admissions process more chaotic. Working to create a more holistic process moving forward that would help students and diversify the student body. Asked members for their help to put this back on the agenda at a University Senate meeting.
      2. Asked for members support with the Women Faculty of Color Resolution that would provide more support to women faculty of color.
      3. Enjoyed working with everyone who will be graduating. Thanked members for allowing her to be a part of the deliberations. 
    2. University Vice President for Student Affairs Designee, Dr. Andrea Dooley:
      1. Working to understand the guidelines and requirements for how to allocate the CARES Act funding out to students. There will be more communication coming next week.
      2. There are a number of ‘Tiger Teams’ that are working to address critical issues at the University level. She is involved with a healthy habits campaign that is developing ways for students to be mindful about how they stay healthy and when they return to campus in the fall.
      3. Reviewed the report that includes a list of helpful websites and information about advising, technology, academic support, student services, textbooks, courses, well being, engagement, and upcoming events.
      4. Encouraged students who are graduating to fill-out the Graduating Senior Survey and shared the flyer with members. 

vii.  items for consideration

    1. Changes to SDSU’s Grading Policy for Spring 2020 (Information): George Scott explained the new resolutions which passed in the University Senate regarding:
      1. The extension to the withdrawal deadline, which is now available until May 1st. Explained that this is not the same as the add/drop deadline. 
      2. Credit/No Credit options: The deadline to switch to credit/no credit classes is May 1st, and all classes have this option available. It is up to the departments to decide whether credit/no credit courses can satisfy major requirements. The cap on the total number of credit/no credit classes that students can take has been removed.

        George reminded everyone that we need to make sure that the policies are fair for students. He is working with the college council presidents to hold the administration accountable if students feel that the colleges are being unfair towards students. Christina asked members to forward emails to George and the college council presidents to make it easier for them to help students. 
    2. General Consent Agenda (Action):
      It was moved and seconded to approve the general consent agenda, as attached.

      GOTTHARDT/ESPINOZA                           CARRIED

    3. General Consent Report (Information): The general consent report was reviewed, as attached.


    1. #UCB S20-01 A Resolution Calling for SDSU’s Commitment to Climate Action, Justice, and Leadership (Action): Courtney Ransom, Green Love Sustainability Commissioner, explained how the resolution was crafted and the need for this resolution at SDSU. GreenLove members, Simran and Matthew, explained the goals of the resolution, which include SDSU becoming carbon-neutral. 

      It was moved and seconded to approve #UCB S20-01 A Resolution Calling for SDSU's Commitment to Climate Action, Justice and Leadership, as attached.

      Christian - yes
      Kyla - yes
      Angie - yes
      Dustin - yes
      Sophie - yes
      Mumtaz - yes
      Jacinda - yes
      Jon - yes
      Josh - yes
      Matthew - yes
      Jayden - yes
      Aaron - yes
      Jagger - yes
      Reece - yes
      Crystal - yes
      Josh - yes
      Brianne - yes
      Christine - yes
      Jacob - yes
      JR - yes
      Bella - yes                                                             CARRIED, (21-0-0)


    1. George Scott, Vice President of University Affairs:
      1. Met with the Interim Dean of the Library, who gave updates on the construction work in the library. Both sides of the bathrooms will be fixed, instead of one, and the seat expansion is moving forward. 
        The A.S. 2019-2020 Academic Report was stalled a bit.It is still under analysis.

      2. He has been meeting with Crystal Sanchez, VP of University Affairs-elect, to inform her about it so that she can continue to work on it next year. Thanked everyone who took part in the report. 

      3. Thanks everyone for their work this year in University Council. Is excited to see everything you all accomplish. 

    2. Christian Onwuka, President:
      1. The search committee for the University Vice President of Student Affairs and Campus Diversity made a candidate recommendation to President de la Torre.
      2. The Strategic Plan is being solidified. He is excited to see it completed.
      3. Applauded everyone for staying committed to University Council and keeping the student voice alive.
    3. Kyla Blaylock, Executive Vice President:
      1. Aztec Achievement Awards have been pushed back another week and will be held on Wednesday, May 6th. They will be streaming on Zoom via Facebook Live.
      2. Thanked everyone for their continued hard work.
    4. Angelica Espinoza, Vice President of External Relations:
      1. Wished everyone a Happy Earth Day!
      2. Thanked everyone for their exemplary leadership despite the unprecedented circumstances.
      3. Governor Newsom extended the stay-at-home order until May 15.
      4. Is looking forward to highlighting A.S. leaders during Asian Pacific American Heritage Month. 
      5. The Cal State Student Association (CSSA) passed a resolution that will require all CSUs to provide free menstrual products on campus.
      6. The CSSA is working to implement anti-bias training for CSU faculty.
      7. The CSSA voted to approve AB 2023, which makes it an option for students who are transgender or nonbinary to change their names on their diploma.
      8. Explained the main focuses of the state budget and how this may impact the CSUs. Is working hard to make sure that any changes will not place financial hardships on students.
      9. Asked members to fill out their census forms.
      10. Announced her acceptance to the SDSU masters program in homeland security
    5. Dustin Adkins, Vice President of Financial Affairs:
      1. Helping oversee the Student Support Advocates that are working with the Economic Crisis Response Team (ECRT). They are doing a great job getting students connected to resources.
      2. There was a successful campaign to raise funds for ECRT. Encouraged members to keep referring students to the ECRT.
      3. Gave an update on the A.S. budget, which is being reviewed by the Financial Affairs Committee. 
    6. Christina Brown, Executive Director:
      1. Wednesday, April 29th is the last meeting of the year. It is an all-council meeting and transition will happen at this meeting.
      2. A.S. working on facility and program operating models for how to re-enter in the fall with social distancing guidelines in place.A.S. and  SDSU will follow all social distancing recommendations of state and county health officials.
      3. A.S. has continued to pay all student employees and will do so through May 15, 2020.
      4. Waiting on a response from the Payroll Protection Program.
    7. Stephanie Estrada, ASBOD Student-At-Large:
      1. Wished everyone a great end of the year and to stay well.
    8. Lee Abed, ASBOD Student-At-Large: No report.

    9. Sophie Chance, ASBOD Student-at-Large:  No report.

    10. College of Arts and Letters:  No report.

    11. College of Business:
      1. Elections for the council were this morning. Transition will be next Wednesday. 
    12. College of Education:  No report.

    13. College of Engineering:
      1. Elections for the council were this morning.  Transition will be next Wednesday.  
    14. College of Health and Human Services:
      1. Viewed the elections videos during the meeting today. The ballot was sent out and voting closes on April 30th.
      2. Members were happy about the GreenLove resolution that was presented at the meeting.
    15. College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts:
      1. Elections close on Friday.
      2. Working on wrapping up and transition.
    16. College of Sciences:
      1. Elections ended today. Waiting on the final count.
      2. Transition will take place next week.
    17. Graduate Student Association:  No report.

    18. Undeclared College:
      1. Voted on the college council president today.
      2. Will be interviewing the candidates who applied to board positions. 
    19. Imperial Valley Campus:  No report.



It was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 5:07 pm.

ADKINS/BLAYLOCK                                             CARRIED