Meeting Minutes
Associated Students | San Diego State University
Wednesday, March 4, 2020 - 3:30pm
Vice President of University Affairs, George Scott, called the meeting to order at 3:35 PM.
- Voting Members Present: Christian Onwuka, George Scott, Kyla Blaylock, Angie Espinoza, Dustin Adkins, Lee Abed, Mumtaz Mommand, Chloe Foreman, Jacinda Molina, Joe Besagno, Josh Olson, Matthew Blake, Aaron Eppstein, Reece Breuckman, Crystal Sanchez, Jacob Downey, Christine Gotthardt, Brianne Crowther, JR Lauron, Bella Martelino.
- Voting Members Absent: Sophie Chance, Stephanie Estrada, Jacob Tuchband, Aidan Winter, Jon Soden, Sean Toohey, Sara Jimenez, Jayden Mattson, Jagger Gin, Vicky Evans, Josh Avalos,
- Ex-Officios (non-voting) Present: Dr. Nola Butler-Byrd, Christina Brown, Nikki Eliaschev.
- Ex-Officios (non-voting) Absent: Dr. Andrea Dooley.
- Visitors Present: Courtney Ransom (Green Love), Cassie Weinberg (Green Love), Sarah Carver (Green Love), Gener Abdon (Green Love) Rose Pasenelli, Kari Hooker.
It was moved and seconded to approve a time certain of 4:15 pm to: Introduction of New Legislative Matters, Item A.
It was moved and seconded to add an Action Item C, Selection of CLC member to serve on Appointments and Review for selection of A.S. Justice, to Items for Consideration.
The agenda was approved as amended.
It was moved and seconded to approve the previous minutes, as attached.
- University Senate Designee, Dr. Nola Butler-Byrd:
- Yesterday the University Senate passed the General Education (GE) Area B Waiver for the College of Engineering, which will reduce the number of units that engineering students are required to take and provide more flexibility with GE courses.
- The University Senate is developing a resolution to address the wage gap that negatively impacts women faculty of color.
- University Vice President for Student Affairs Designee, Dr. Andrea Dooley: No report.
- Aztec Scholarships - Rose Pasenelli, Director, Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships and Kari Hooker, Assistant Director, Scholarships (Time Certain 3:45 pm): Introduced themselves and explained the changes to the system that will make the process of applying for scholarships easier for students. Showed members how to fill out the online application and reviewed the updated general application. The application deadline is March 31st.
- General Consent Agenda (Action):
It was moved and seconded to approve the General Consent Agenda.
ESPINOZA/MOMMAND CARRIED - General Consent Report (Information): The general consent report was reviewed, as attached.
- Selection of CLC member to serve on Appointments and Review for selection of A.S. Justice (Action):
It was moved and seconded to select Jacinda Molina as the CLC member to serve on the Appointments and Review Committee for the selection of the JAC Justice, and to select Reece Breuckman in the case that Jacinda cannot attend. Mommand was selected as the last chance alternative.
- #UCB S20-01 Resolution Supporting SDSU’s Commitment to Sustainability (Information): Courtney Ransom, GreenLove Sustainability Commissioner, and Cassie Weinberg, Student-At-Large on the A.S. Board of Directors, reviewed the resolution and explained that it was to improve the current university policy towards sustainability. Members read the resolution, provided feedback, and asked questions.
- George Scott, Vice President of University Affairs:
- The Academic Survey was emailed out today. Asked everyone to respond to it and encourage students and RSOs to do so as well, because the survey is meant for all students. Responses will close next Friday at 4:00 pm.
- Applications for appointed positions within A.S. are open until April 16th. Applications are available on the A.S. elections website.
- Open campaigning for A.S. elections begins next Friday.
- Christian Onwuka, President:
- The University Senate passed an exemption for the study abroad requirement for seniors due to the Coronavirus. Students who were sent home from their programs will also be able to receive credit for their programs.
- Thanked those who attended the constituency meetings to provide feedback for the University Vice President for the Division of Student Affairs and Campus Diversity.
- There is an open forum next Monday from 12:30-2:00 pm in the Parma Payne Goodall Alumni Center about the Presidential Taskforce on Student Activities and Safety. Will be presenting some of the findings and research that the committee has gathered.
- Will lobbying in Sacramento next week with SDSU President Adela de la Torre, Dr. J Luke Wood, and Rachel Gregg during CSU Advocacy Day.
- Kyla Blaylock, Executive Vice President:
- The Mountain West Conference Tournament Men’s Basketball game is this weekend and there are some tickets still available for students. These tickets will be distributed tomorrow at the Viejas Box Office at 10am.
- Looking forwards to GreenFest next week.
- Aztec Achievement Awards (AAAs) nomination closed this Sunday. Will be sending out invitations to the nominees next week.
- Wash your hands!
- Angie Espinoza, Vice President of External Relations:
- Wished everyone a happy Women's History Month!
- Congratulated Dr. Nola Butler-Byrd for being inducted to the San Diego County Women's Hall of Fame for 2020.
- Rock the Vote (RTV) registered over 1,000 students to vote.
- California Higher Education Student Summit (CHESS) is this weekend. Excited to be bringing students from SDSU’s Imperial Valley Campus and SDSU’s Main Campus.
- Attended the Change the Status Quo: Social Justice Conference this weekend, which was an eye opening experience.
- Dustin Adkins, Vice President of Financial Affairs:
- Met with the Economic Crisis Response Team (ECRT) about marketing Aztecs Rock Hunger (ARH) throughout the year.
- The resolution that passed last spring has been named “Meal Sharing is Meal Caring”. Students will be able to donate from their meal plans on the week of May 4th. Students who do not have meal plans will also be able donate.
- Saying thanks to all of communities that significantly contributed to Aztecs Rock Hunger (ARH).
- Have been meeting with cultural organizations to help them create their budget presentations.
- College Council budget presentations will happen before spring break.
- Christina Brown, Executive Director:
- Working with Green Love on their projects.
- Best wishes to those who are running for office or are encouraging students to step up to appointed positions!
- Stephanie Estrada, ASBOD Student-at-Large:
- No report.
- Lee Abed, ASBOD Student-at-Large:
- Working to bring Edith Eger to campus on April 20th.
- Was lobbying in Washington DC this weekend with students.
- Met with a member of the IT department to discuss changes to student emails, creating alumni emails, and the possibility of switching from Microsoft Outlook to G-Suite to make student collaboration easier.
- Sophie Chance, ASBOD Student-at-Large:
- No report.
- College of Arts and Letters:
- No report.
- College of Business:
- Coordinating the events for Explore SDSU.
- Fowler College of Business Career Fair is tomorrow from 10:00 am – 2:30 pm. Everyone is welcome to attend.
- College of Education:
- Focusing on the Spring Symposium.
- Working out outreach and meeting with professors in the department to encourage them to offer extra credit opportunities to students who attend the College of Education Student Council.
- College of Engineering:
- Encouraged members in the college council to vote!
- Candidates for the position of College of Engineering Associate Dean will be coming to campus and all engineering students are invited to attend and will have to have the opportunity to ask them questions.
- Interim Associate Dean, Teresa Garcia, Spoke expressed her concern about the prices of student meal plans relative to food prices and student food insecurity.
- College of Health and Human Services:
- The “Sex in the Dark” event went very well.
- Promoting Explore SDSU.
- Hosting a volunteering event at the Ronald McDonald House on April 8th from 4:00 – 8:00 pm.
- The School of Public Health is having a Chipotle fundraiser on Monday.
- College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts:
- No report.
- College of Sciences:
- The All-Council Retreat on Sunday went well.
- Hosted the club fair this week. Working on more club fairs in Residence Halls.
- The Dean and three Assistant Deans attended a meeting with sciences students which was very productive.
- Graduate Student Association:
- No report.
- Undeclared College:
- Looking to change the meeting time because the President and Vice President are unable to attend College Council meetings.
- Imperial Valley Campus:
- No report.
Jacinda Molina, GreenFest Vice Chair, encouraged everyone to attend the GreenFest events that will be going on throughout the week. She will be running the candlelit yoga event.
It was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting.
APPROVED BY: George Scott, Executive Vice President
PREPARED BY: Nikki Eliaschev, A.S. Government Secretary
Vice President of University Affairs, George Scott, adjourned the meeting at 5:28 pm.