Meeting Minutes
Associated Students | San Diego State University

Wednesday, October 23, 2019 - 3:30pm


Vice President of University Affairs, George Scott, called the meeting to order at 3:31 PM.  



  1. Voting Members Present: Christian Onwuka, George Scott, Kyla Blaylock (left early), Angie Espinoza (left early), Dustin Adkins, Lee Abed (left early), Sophie Chance (late), Stephanie Estrada (late), Jacob Tuchband, Fnu Mumtaz, Aidan Winter, Christie Keller (left early), Jon Soden (left early), Joe Besagno, Sean Toohey, Chloe Foreman, Sara Jimenez, Josh Olson, Aaron Eppstein, Jayden Mattson, Jagger Gin, Reece Breuckman, Daisy Kent, Brianne Crowther, Christine Gotthardt, Maricruz Carrillo (late), Crystal Sanchez, Vicky Evans.
  2. Voting Members Absent: Matthew Blake, Jacob Downey, JR Lauron, Bella Martelino,
  3. Ex-Officios (non-voting) Present: Dr. Andrea Dooley (late), Dr. Nola Butler Byrd (late), Nikki Eliaschev.
  4. Ex-Officios (non-voting) Absent: Christina Brown.
  5. Visitors Present: David Gamble (A.S.), Maxwell Johnson (A.S.), Zihao Zhou (FLEX), Shawki Moore (FLEX), Alexia Oduro (FLEX), Alondra Hernandez (FLEX), Davies Shamoun (FLEX).


It was moved and seconded to approve today’s agenda.
OLSON/ABED                                                                                                                      CARRIED


It was moved and seconded to approve the previous minutes.
TUCHBAND/KELLER                                                                                                       CARRIED



  1. David Gamble announced that there is an opening for a student staff member for public relations in the University Police Department.
  2. Maxwell Johnson introduced the five members of the Freshman Year Leadership Experience (FLEX) for 2019-2020: Zihao Zhou, Shawki Moore, Alexia Oduro, Alondra Hernandez, and Davies Shamoun. The members stated their names, majors, and what they are looking forward to in the program. 


  1. University Senate Designee, Dr. Nola Butler Byrd: 
    1. Reminded folks who are interested in graduate programs that there are open houses happening soon. 
    2. Asked members if they had experienced implicit bias trainings and their thoughts on the effectiveness of the trainings.
  2. University Vice President for Student Affairs Designee, Dr. Andrea Dooley: 
    1. Thanked everyone for their efforts with Aztecs Rock Hunger (ARH).
    2. Thanked members who are part of the Campus Fee Advisory Committee (CFAC) and students that are involved with the two proposed fee increases. 
    3. Student Health services (SHS) is offering free flu vaccinations to students during the entire month of October. 


  1. General Consent Agenda (Action): 
    1. It was moved and seconded to approve the General Consent Agenda.
      BLAYLOCK/KENT                                                                                     CARRIED
  2. General Consent Report (Information): The general consent report was reviewed, as attached. 




  1. George Scott, Vice President of University Affairs:
    1. Shouted out all of the colleges that are hosting open forums.
    2. Discussing the 2019-2020 AS Academic Report in Academic Affairs Committee (AAC).
    3. University Affairs Board (UAB) is creating the procedures for collecting and managing the information that AAC collects for the 2019-2020 AS Academic Report. 
    4. Looking into a joint college event in the early spring.
    5. Reviewing the rubric for deferred maintenance procedures. There was a new component added that takes students into account.
    6. Shouted out Stephanie Estrada for also attending the Graduation 2025 Initiative.
    7. Explained the goals and plans of the Graduation 2025 Initiative to close equity gaps and increase graduation rates in the CSUs. Summarized the important workshops he attended.
    8. Encouraged everyone to keep up the good work!
  2. Christian Onwuka, President:
    1. Met with Tom McCarron, SDSU Senior Vice President for Mission Valley development. 
    2. Spoke to students from several different high schools, as part of the Compact for Success program, about A.S. and his role as A.S. President. 
    3. Spoke at the National Day Against Police Brutality. It was a very powerful event.
    4. Serving on the Honorary Degree Advisory Committee. 
    5. Asked members to be at the open forum on October 30th in the Union at 3:30 pm. 
    6. Shouted out the colleges that are hosting open forums. 
  3. Kyla Blaylock, Executive Vice President:
    1. Looking for volunteers for homecoming since it is two weeks away. Asked members to sign up to volunteer. 
    2. All homecoming events will be finalized at the Final Homecoming Steering Committee meeting tomorrow.
    3. The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion institute is this Friday. Attendees will be working on the A.S. Inclusion Statement.
    4. Aztecs for Life blood drive is on November 19th. 
  4. Angie Espinoza, Vice President of External Relations: 
    1. Shouted out members who attended the Indigenous Peoples Rally last week. 
    2. Last week was the first ever Black Gay Pride Week. Happy that San Diego is showing love to this community.
    3. RTV has reached 20% of its goal of 2,020 voter registrations.
    4. Met with KPBS on Monday to discuss a non-partisan candidate guide to help young voters.
    5. More events to come for RTV.
    6. Shouted out Fnu and other leaders who were selected to attend CSSA Fresno.
    7. Working with Giselle Luevanos on creating tailored marketing and messages for future AS elections. 
  5. Dustin Adkins, Vice President of Financial Affairs: 
    1. Aztecs Rock Hunger (ARH) officially kicked off yesterday at 9:00 am. Received lots of attention from the media.
    2. “Trick or treating” to collect canned goods for ARH on November 2nd. 
    3. The first ARH fundraiser was on Monday at Corbin’s Q. 
    4. Presented about funding opportunities available to College Councils at a PSFA meeting. Encouraged members to reach out if they would like him to present at a meeting.
    5. Gave an update on ECRT funding opportunities. 
  6. Christina Brown, Executive Director: No report.
  7. Stephanie Estrada, ASBOD Student-at-Large: 
    1. Human Rights and Migration at a Crossroads event is October 29th at 4:00 pm. 
    2. Working on the 50th anniversary for EOP Awards. 
    3.  Working on the details for the A.S. scholarships. 
    4. Working on the maintenance workers appreciation program. 
  8. Lee Abed, ASBOD Student-at-Large: Stephanie reported on his behalf:
    1. The walk-around with Corporal Peterson is scheduled for October 29th.
    2. Collecting pictures with timestamps of broken streetlights in the area. 
  9. Sophie Chance, ASBOD Student-at-Large: Stephanie reported on her behalf: 
    1. Asking students for information about professors who require internships for their classes to collaborate on the co-op program.
    2. Working on the 4+1 program and asked students to contact her if they are interested. 
  10. College of Arts and Letters: 
    1. Planning a spring showcase for all of the RSOs in Montezuma Hall. 
    2. Fnu gave a brief update on CSSA Fresno and the major goals that were highlighted during the conference. 
  11. College of Business:
    1. Encouraged the colleges to create a college calendar so that students can find major-related clubs and events easily.
    2. Encouraging students to donate to the ARH bins. 
  12. College of Education: No report.
  13. College of Engineering:
    1. Pumpkin Drop begins November 1st. 
    2. Coffee with the Dean was yesterday. There is another one taking place in November.
  14. College of Health and Human Services:
    1. Raised over $1,500 for the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk. 
    2.  Looking to help at the Ronald McDonald house on December 4th. 
  15. College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts: 
    1. Donuts with the Dean is on November 4th.
    2. Planning a spooky event for Halloween. 
  16. College of Sciences: None.
  17. Graduate Student Association: 
    1. Thesis Writing Panel event tomorrow. Free pizza will be provided.
    2. Meeting with Christina, Christian, and the GSA president to plan the short and long-term goals for GSA. 
  18. Undeclared College: George reported on their behalf:
    1. There is a tabling event tomorrow for freshman before the comm-103 midterm from 11:00 am – 2:00 pm by the flagpole. 
    2. Announced the dates for the Undeclared Student Success program getting involved. 
    3. Advising Workshop on November 13th from 2:00 -6:30 pm. 
  19. Imperial Valley Campus: None. 


  1. Steph Estrada announced the Human Rights and Migrations at Crossroads event can fulfill the cultural RSO requirement. 
  2. Dr. Nola Butler Byrd announced that there is town hall on ethnic studies on October 29th. 


It was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting.
SODEN/WINTER                                                                                                                  CARRIED

Vice President of University Affairs, George Scott, adjourned the meeting at 4:51 pm.

APPROVED BY: Kyla Blaylock, Vice President of University Affairs             

PREPARED BY: Nikki Eliaschev, A.S. Government Secretary