Meeting Minutes
Associated Students | San Diego State University

Wednesday, October 18, 2017 - 3:30pm
Council Chambers, Conrad Prebys Aztec Student Union


Vice President of University Affairs Chris Thomas called the meeting to order at 3:34 PM.






  1. Voting Members Present: Chimezie Ebiriekwe, Vanessa Giard (left early), Hayden Willis, Chris Thomas, Carmel Alon, Michelle Sabin, Farris Nabulsi (late), Victor Uwakwe (left early), Ronnie Cravens, Natalie Martinez, Zakkiya West (late), Haley Bauer, Christian Onwuka, Matthew Blutinger, Chloe Mouw, Nikolas Marquez, Will Wiseman, Micheal Glassman, Kurt Hoffmann (left early), Tomi Osinfolarin, Lauren Louie, Alice Orozco, Harsh Varshney, Warsan Artan, Daia Brewer, Emily Jachec, Mia Panlilio, Quinn Toohey, Alanna Sparks
  2. Voting Members Absent: Matthew Richman, Justin Venckus, Karthik Gangadharan.
  3. Ex-Officios (non-voting) Present: Dr. Cezar Ornatowski, Vitaliano Figueroa, Christina Brown, Aileen Wei.
  4. Ex-Officios (non-voting) Absent: None.
  5. Visitors Present: Diana Guevarra, Jordan Quinones, Nickolas Wohlman (for Victor Uwakwe), Chief Josh Mays, Jordan Quinones, Kim Alli, Alexis Alexander.


It was moved and seconded to approve today’s agenda.


There was a friendly amendment to add a Time Certain at 3:45 pm for San Diego State University Police Department Update. There were no objections.

The agenda was approved as amended.



It was moved and seconded to approve the previous minutes.




  1. Jordan Quinones, coordinator of the Student Veterans Organization (SVO), informed A.S. leaders of the War Memorial Candlelight Vigil at 7 pm on October 19.
  2. Chief Justice Kim Alli reminded members of deadlines. Bylaw amendments are due on Friday at 4:30 pm. Study Abroad Scholarship reviews are due November 1 at 4:30 pm. She encouraged members to serve on Senate Committees. She encouraged members to engage the community to make an impact for the Aztecs Rock Hunger campaign.
  3. Alexis Alexander, Chief of Staff, reminded members to participate in the University Senate.


  1. University Senate Designee, Dr. Cezar Ornatowski:
    1. Discussed the transportation policy on-campus in relation to the history of campus safety.
    2. The Diversity Equity Outreach (DEO) passed a resolution to eliminate the human representation of the Aztec and usage of spears. They will form a taskforce to investigate Aztec culture and add an educational component.
  2. University Vice President for Student Affairs Designee, Vitaliano Figueroa:
    1. Gave an update on the increase for the continuation rate for Freshmen in the Fall and the six-year graduation rate.
    2. “The Great Give”, a twenty-four hour fundraising initiative, will take place on October 24 where individuals, organizations, and Alumni can make monetary donations to support campus initiatives.
    3. The College of Business is in search of a Dean.
  3. San Diego State University Police Department Update (Time Certain 3:45 pm):
    1. Chief Josh Mays discussed the jurisdiction of the San Diego State University Police Department. The SDSU Police Department aims to provide safety to the community. The community policing program such as “Operation Chill” seeks to build relationships with students on-campus. Resources and services for safety is available to students.


  1. General Consent Agenda (Action):  It was moved and seconded to approve the General Consent Agenda.
  2. General Consent Report (Information): The general consent report was reviewed via electronic copy. For further reference please request a printed copy of the General Consent Report copy from the Government Secretary. 




  1. Chris Thomas, Vice President of University Affairs:
    1. Met with Dr. Lisa Kath to discuss the undergraduate research committee.
    2. The Library 24/7 area expansion to two floors will be open from Sunday to Thursday.
    3. Met with the Provost to discuss gradation rates.
    4. The College of Education, College of Extended Studies, and College of Health and Human Services are in search for a Dean.
    5. Study Abroad Scholarships for Associated Students are due November 1 at 4:30 pm.
  2. Chimezie Ebiriekwe, President:
    1. Encouraged members to attend Homecoming week events.
    2. Met with the Enviro-Business Society (E3) to promote the climate action plan for sustainability efforts on campus. The Aztec Shops will be evaluating recyclable items in the market.
    3. The “Trash talkers” campaign to identify recyclable items has been extended to on-campus events.
    4. Attended the Graduate Initiative Symposium and gave an update on the increase in graduation rates.
    5. Met with Nubia and Marissa to discuss methods of educating students on the history of the Aztec mascot.
    6. Encourage members to continue to support the Aztecs Rock Hunger campaign.
  3. Vanessa Girard, Executive Vice President:
    1. The A.S. Barbeque will take place on October 26 from 6-8 pm.
    2. The A.S. All Council Retreat is scheduled for November 8.
    3. Excited for Homecoming week and the Homecoming 5K this Saturday!
    4. Encouraged members to attend the Homecoming game on Saturday at 7:30 pm.
    5. There will be a OneSDSU event on “Women in Leadership” today. 
  4. Carmel Alon, Vice President of External Relations:
    1. Live Well Aztecs will host a “Spike balls not drinks” event on November 26 at 7-9 pm on the Exercise and Nutritional Sciences (ENS) field.
    2. The Sexual Assault training will be on October 25 for Campus Life Council and November 1 for University Council.
    3. Gave an update on Assembly Bill 19’s proposal to allow students to attend their first year of community college for free.
    4. The Cal State Student Association (CSSA) in Sonoma was cancelled due to the fires. The next meeting will take place at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona to discuss support for the Dream Act bill.
  5. Hayden Willis, Vice President of Financial Affairs:
    1. Gave an update on the Aztecs Rock Hunger campaign. ARH seeks to serve students who face the problem of food insecurity.
    2. Challenged members to encourage people to participate in the Aztecs Rock Hunger campaign.
    3. There are four days left in the campaign!
  6. Christina Brown, Executive Director:
    1. Attended the 2025 Graduate Initiative Symposium. She updated members on the Chancellor’s challenge to officers to increase graduation rates.
  7. Victor Uwakwe, ASBOD Student-at-Large: Nickolas Wohlman reported:
    1. Encouraged members to continue supporting Aztecs Rock Hunger.
    2. The (National Pan-Hellenic Council) NPHC Yardshow is on Friday at 6:30 pm in the Aztec Student Union Courtyard.
  8. Michelle Sabin, ASBOD Student-at-Large:
    1. Gave an update on the sexual assault training on October 25 for Campus Life Council and November 1 for University Council. Encouraged members to invite their council to the training. 
  9. Farris Nabulsi, ASBOD Student-at-Large:
    1. Excited for the Homecoming game!
  10. College of Arts and Letters:
    1. Gave an update on their president selection.
    2. Will finalize their logo on Friday.
    3. Hayden will discuss funding at their upcoming meeting.
    4. Finalizing bylaws changes on Friday at 12 pm.
  11. College of Business:
    1. “Women in Leadership” event for those interested in entrepreneurship will be on October 19 from 10-11 am in Park Boulevard.
    2. There will be a President’s Luncheon on Friday to raise awareness of the different organizations within the College of Business.
  12. College of Education:
    1. Gave an update on the bylaw changes for A.S. Representatives to vote on behalf of their college.
  13. College of Engineering:
    1. Will create single slide photos for SDSU’s Engineering and Interdisciplinary Sciences Complex grand opening. The ceremony will be on January 16.
    2. The Pumpkin Drop event will be on October 30 from 1-3 pm in the Student Union Courtyard.
  14. College of Health and Human Services:
    1. Excited to continue the Aztecs Rock Hunger campaign.
    2. Gave an update on the changes made to their bylaws.
  15. College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts: None
  16. College of Sciences:
    1. “Donuts with the Dean” will take place on Monday at 9:30-11 am in the Mediterranean Garden.
    2. Reviewed their bylaws at the College of Sciences retreat.
  17. Graduate Student Association:
    1. Extended invitation to members to attend the “GSA Social Hour” every third Thursday of the month at Eureka from 5-7 pm.
  18. Undeclared College:
    1. The Undeclared Student Success mentoring workshop will be on October 19 from 3-4 pm in Student Services East (SSE) 1200.


Happy Birthday Chimezie!


It was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting.


Vice President of University Affairs Chris Thomas adjourned the meeting at 5:36 pm.                       

APPROVED BY: Chris Thomas, Vice President of University Affairs

PREPARED BY: Aileen Wei, A.S. Government Secretary