Meeting Minutes
Associated Students | San Diego State University

Wednesday, March 8, 2017 - 3:30pm
Council Chambers, Conrad Prebys Aztec Student Union


Vice President of University Affairs Chimezie Ebiriekwe called the meeting to order at 3:37 PM.






  1. Voting Members Present: Chimezie Ebiriekwe, Jamie Miller, Patty Masengale, Dylan Colliflower, Alex Shapiro, Michael Kagan, Chloe Sension (late), Carmel Alon (late), Nick Elliott, Josh Skolnick, Hannah Fogg (left early), AhnaMia Maranon, Daniel DeFever, Asha Abdirahim, Amy Newell, Imani White, Victor Uwakwe, Imahn Moshksar, Sarah Bentley, Mitchell Frame, Halima Eid, Ozair Purmul, Samantha Ledesma,
  2. Voting Members Absent: Linsey Santos, Gass Hersi, Dustin Pina, Ben Delbick, Dakota DeCecco, Lauryn Davis, Kyle Ruiz, Shawn Tenny.
  3. Ex-Officios (non-voting) Present: Dr. Cezar Ornatowski, Vitaliano Figueroa, Christina Brown, Linh Phan, George Scott for Dustin Pina, Jennifer Esquivel-Parker.
  4. Ex-Officios (non-voting) Absent: None.
  5. Visitors Present: Sandra Temores-Valdez, Oday Yousif, Ozzie Monge, Raelynn Bichitty, Marissa Mendoza, Rachel Beck, Lane Yazzie, Rachel Muntz, Natalie Martinez, Maria del Carmen Huerta, Itzelt Santos, Katie Chanthakhoun, Lora Paz, Dang Chau, Jack Chen, Stephanie Martinez, Anthony Aspili, Cat Ji, Jeff Jocosing, Arnelle Sambile, Mustafa Alemi, Farris Nabulsi, Kelly Nguyen, Josh Miller, Tanesha Moore, Joey Lucero.


It was moved and seconded to approve today’s agenda.


It was moved and seconded to approve the previous minutes.



  1. Lane Yazzie, yielded by Rachel Muntz and Natalie Martinez, shared his experiences and stated his support for resolution #UCB S17-03.
  2. Itzelt Santos stated her support for resolution #UCB S17-03.
  3. Katie Chanthakhoun stated her support for the Native American Student Association and resolution #UCB S17-03.
  4. Lora Paz stated her support for resolution #UCB S17-03.


  1. University Senate Designee, Dr. Ornatowski:
    1. Tuition increase will be voted on March 22 at the Board of Trustees meeting.
    2. The University Senate passed a resolution to support undocumented students at State yesterday.
    3. There has been a policy change in leave of absence. You have to apply before the add/drop deadline now.
  2. University Vice President for Student Affairs Designee, Vitaliano Figueroa:
    1. Testing Services is moving back to Student Services West.
    2. Educational Opportunity Program and Compact for Success will be moving into their new space on March 17.
  3. Summer Session Presentation-Sandra Temores-Valdez, Associate Director of Enrollment Services (Timer Certain 4:00pm)
    1. Please help Enrollment Services spread awareness about their Dive into Summer campaign.
    2. Summer registration will be in April. Summer class schedule is out.
    3. For more information, please visit them at
  4. Judicial Affairs Council Update (Time Certain immediately following University Reports and Presentations Item C): None.
  5. College Representative Presentation-Oday Yousif, College of Arts and Letters College Council President (Time Certain immediately following University Reports and Presentations Item D):
    1. Presented a proposal from all the college council presidents regarding A.S. representatives’ bylaws.
    2. There should be a requirement in representatives’ bylaws to do some services to their college councils. JAC will be able to hold reps. accountable if it is in their bylaws.
    3. Oday received feedback and answered questions from members.


  1. General Consent Agenda (Action): None.
  2. General Consent Report (Information): The general consent report was reviewed via electronic copy. For further reference please request a full copy of the agenda copy from the Government Secretary.


  1. #UCB S17-02 A Resolution to Create a Permanent, On-Campus Food Pantry at SDSU (Information):
    1. Rachel Beck, the author, explained to the members why she wrote the resolution.
    2. University Council members asked questions and expressed their opinions regarding the resolution.
    3. The resolution was assigned to the Student Support Commission (SSC). SSC meets on Wednesdays at 11am.
  2. #UCB S17-03 A Resolution to Retire the San Diego State University Mascot and Moniker (Information):
    1. Marissa Mendoza, Raelynn Bichitty, and Ozzie Monge, the authors, explained to the members why they wrote the resolution.
    2. They answered questions regarding the resolution.
    3. The resolution was assigned to the Student Diversity Commission (SDC). SDC meets on Mondays at 2pm.


  1. Chimezie Ebiriekwe, Vice President of University Affairs:
    1. Will be working with college council presidents regarding the proposal Oday Yousil spoke about today.
  2. Jamie Miller, President:
    1. A.S. office hours in the Center for Intercultural Relations happened last week. There were great discussions.
    2. Reminded everyone to please have integrity and represent A.S. well during elections times.
  3. Patty Masengale, Executive Vice President:
    1. Reminded everyone that bylaw amendments are due this Friday, March 10. Requirements are due April 5.
    2. A.S. elections voting will begin Monday at 8am through Thursday at 7pm.
    3. Highly encouraged everyone to attend the elections announcement on Thursday.
    4. Let Patty know if you are graduating for Aztec Achievement Awards (AAA). AAA will be on April 20 at 4:30pm.
    5. Is working on It’s On Us campaign.
  4. Dylan Colliflower, Vice President of External Relations:
    1. External Relations Board voted to support AB 17, and AB 216. They voted to watch AB 24 and AB 393.
    2. Will be attending the California Higher Education Student Summit (CHESS) this weekend. There are 10 students attending with him.
    3. Informed everyone about the new SP 54 Bill by Senator Ricardo Lara. The bill makes it illegal to share information with federal officials.
    4. Will be filming tuition increase video. He encouraged everyone to share the video.
  5. Alex Shapiro, Vice President of Financial Affairs:
    1. Financial Affairs Committee approved the Viejas Arena and the Aztec Recreation Center budgets.
  6. Christina Brown, Executive Director:
    1. There is a lot of PR for GreenFest in the media currently. She informed everyone that YG did get paid.
  7. Michael Kagan, ASBOD Student-at-Large:
    1. There was an A.S. Live at yesterday’s community service fair.
    2. Encouraged everyone to vote in the A.S. elections. Our goal is to beat 20% voter turnout.
  8. Chloe Sension, ASBOD Student-at-Large: None.
  9. George Scott for Dustin Pina, ASBOD Student-at-Large: None.
  10. College of Arts and Letters: 
    1. CAL Cares is a new philanthropy initiative. Please help donate hygiene items.
    2. Endorsed candidates at their College Council meeting.
    3. CAL Forum is on March 22.
    4. CAL Non-profit Career Fair is this Friday. Reminded everyone that Border Patrol will be attending.
  11. College of Business: 
    1. Is working on Business Achievement Awards.
    2. E^3 Career Fair went very well.
  12. College of Education: 
    1. They are having a Padres fundraiser on April 8.
    2. Is hosting a trauma workshop on April 13 and 20.
    3. School to prison pipeline presentation is tomorrow.
  13. College of Engineering: 
    1. Dean’s Ping Pong Tournament is tomorrow.
    2. There is a new engineering club.
    3. Society of Women’s Engineering fundraiser is next Wednesday.
  14. College of Health and Human Services: 
    1. Stoles and cords are available for graduation.
    2. Is working on College of Health and Human Services awards banquet in May.
    3. Tony Hawk is speaking at event on March 14.
  15. College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts: 
    1. Donuts with the Dean went very well.
    2. Inspiration Awards is coming up.
    3. Honors banquet is coming up.
  16. College of Sciences: 
    1. Is working on advising and funding issues for College of Sciences.
    2. Discover Your Dream is on April 25.
  17. Graduate Student Association: None.
  18. Undeclared College: None.




It was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting.

Vice President of University Affairs Chimezie Ebiriekwe adjourned the meeting at 6:21pm.

APPROVED BY: Chimezie Ebiriekwe, Vice President of University Affairs

PREPARED BY: Linh Phan, A.S. Government Secretary