Meeting Minutes
Associated Students | San Diego State University

Wednesday, February 22, 2017 - 3:30pm
Council Chambers, Conrad Prebys Aztec Student Union


Vice President of University Affairs Chimezie Ebiriekwe called the meeting to order at 3:33 PM.






  1. Voting Members Present: Chimezie Ebiriekwe, Jamie Miller, Dylan Colliflower, Alex Shapiro, Michael Kagan, Chloe Sension, Carmel Alon, Nick Elliott, Ben Delbick, Josh Skolnick, Hannah Fogg (late), AhnaMia Maranon (left early), Daniel DeFever, Asha Abdirahim, Amy Newell, Imani White, Victor Uwakwe, Kyle Ruiz, Imahn Moshksar, Sarah Bentley, Mitchell Frame, Lauryn Davis, Halima Eid, Ozair Purmul, Samantha Ledesma, Dakota DeCecco, Shawn Tenny.
  2. Voting Members Absent: Linsey Santos, Gass Hersi, Dustin Pina, Patty Masengale.
  3. Ex-Officios (non-voting) Present: Dr. Cezar Ornatowski, Vitaliano Figueroa, Christina Brown, Linh Phan, George Scott for Dustin Pina, Joey Lucero for Patty Masengale.
  4. Ex-Officios (non-voting) Absent: None.
  5. Visitors Present: Chris Thomas, Mustafa Alemi, Pablo Tinoco, Brie Hornig, Farris Nabulsi, Itzelt Santos, Natalie Martinez, Rachel Muntz, Isaac Lvtbk, Anthony Bertecx, Chantal Fidelstein, Tyler Gording.


It was moved and seconded to approve today’s agenda.

There was an amendment to add a Time Certain at 4pm for JAC Updates. There were no objections.
The agenda was approved as amended. CARRIED


It was moved and seconded to approve the previous minutes.



  1. Mustafa Alemi, Farris Nabulsi and Pablo Tinocco expressed their opinions regarding #UCB S17-01 A Resolution to Condemn Anti-Semitism.
  2. Chantal Fidelstein stated her support for #UCB S17-01.
  3. Anthony Berteacx stated his support for resolution #UCB S17-01.
  4. Isaac Lvtbak stated his support for resolution #UCB S17-01.


  1. University Senate Designee, Dr. Ornatowski:
    1. Apologized for not being at UC for a while, he’s been at Conferences.
    2. Informed everyone that the State Academic Senate passed three resolutions: a resolution against tuition increase, a resolution to support students in the Dark Out program, a resolution for a proposed policy revision regarding leave of absence.
  2. University Vice President for Student Affairs Designee, Vitaliano Figueroa:
    1. The Chancellor is drafting a memo as a response to President Trump’s executive orders.
    2. Vice President Rivera is drafting a response regarding the executive orders as well.
    3. Testing Services will be moving back to Student Services West starting March 6.
  3. Judicial Affairs Council Updates:
    1. Brie Hornig reminded everyone that there are two requirements due April 5.
    2. Reminded members that the request for excused absence form needs to be filled out 3 business days before for a non-emergency absence.


  1. General Consent Agenda (Action):
    It was moved and seconded to approve the general consent agenda, as attached.
  2. General Consent Report (Information):
    The general consent report was reviewed via electronic copy. For further reference please request a full copy of the agenda copy from the Government Secretary.


  1. #UCB S17-01 A Resolution to Condemn Anti-Semitism (1st Reading, Information):
    1. Tyler Gording, the author, explained to the members why he wrote the resolution and his desired outcome.
    2. University Council members asked questions and expressed their opinions regarding the resolution.
    3. The resolution was assigned to the Campus Community Commission for further readings and action.


  1. Chimezie Ebiriekwe, Vice President of University Affairs:
    1. Will be attending the General Education Reform Conference this weekend.
    2. Attended the Afrikan Student Union High School Conference and gave a speech on leadership.
    3. Resolution #UCB S17-01 will go Campus Community Commission on March 6 as a first reading.
  2. Jamie Miller, President:
    1. There will be an email from President Hirshman regarding new immigration laws and its enforcement.
    2. Is still working on the SDU App. 3. Is meeting with Aztec Shops regarding dining services.
  3. Joey Lucero for Patty Masengale, Executive Vice President:
    1. Thanked everyone for all the Aztec Achievement Awards nominations!
    2. Encourage everyone to attend the last few SDSU Men’s basketball home games!
    3. Patty will return on Thursday.
  4. Dylan Colliflower, Vice President of External Relations:
    1. External Relations Board will take action on legislation.
    2. Chris Cate, City of San Diego councilmember, will be coming to University Council meeting before spring break.
    3. Toni Atkins, California State Senator, will be coming to a University Council meeting in April.
    4. Susan Davis, Representative for California’s 53rd congressional district, is having a roundtable at SDSU tomorrow and a townhall event on March 11.
  5. Alex Shapiro, Vice President of Financial Affairs:
    1. Encouraged everyone to become knowledgeable of both sides of issues.
    2. Financial Affairs Committee is having orientation this Friday. Budget training will take place next week.
  6. Christina Brown, Executive Director: No report.
  7. Michael Kagan, ASBOD Student-at-Large:
    1. Informed everyone that no colleges in San Diego have rape kits.
    2. Aztec Dance Marathon is this weekend.
  8. Chloe Sension, ASBOD Student-at-Large: 
    1. Research and Assessment Committee is moving along.
    2. The A.S. website is getting updated.
    3. Encouraged everyone to attend Spring Into Diversity events.
    4. Updated everyone on the BOD and JAC meeting where they are updating the proposed process for making changes to the structure.
    5. Highlighted the importance of serving on a Senate Committee because it exemplifies shared governance.
  9. Dustin Pina, ASBOD Student-at-Large: 
    1. Attended the Society of Womens Engineer event.
    2. Please let Dustin know if anyone is interested in replacing him to serve on the Board of Directors for Aztec Shops.
  10. College of Arts and Letters: 
    1. Is working on an Alumni event and Awards banquets.
    2. CAL Cares is a new philanthropy initiative. Please help donate hygiene items.
  11. College of Business: 
    1. Hispanic Business Student Association is looking for volunteers.
    2. Environmental Business Society is having an event.
    3. College of Business College Council has a new Executive Vice President.
  12. College of Engineering: 
    1. Dean’s Ping Pong Tournament is on March 9.
    2. Engineering students will be attending a conference.
  13. College of Health and Human Services: 
    1. There is a Planned Parenthood event on March 8.
  14. College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts: 
    1. Donuts with the Dean event is coming up.
    2. Honors banquet is on April 19.
    3. Inspiration awards is on April 25.
  15. College of Sciences: None.
  16. Graduate Student Association: 
    1. Next Grad Life event is coming up.
  17. Undeclared College: 
    1. Choosing a Major event is on March 22.




It was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting.

Vice President of University Affairs Chimezie Ebiriekwe adjourned the meeting at 5:35pm.

APPROVED BY: Chimezie Ebiriekwe, Vice President of University Affairs

PREPARED BY: Linh Phan, A.S. Government Secretary