Meeting Minutes
Associated Students | San Diego State University
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Vice President of University Affairs Corey Polant called the meeting to order at 3:33 PM.
A. Voting Members Present: Corey Polant, Maxwell Louie, Jordan Mishlove, Dustin Pina, Dominic Bilotti, Austin Dean, Emmanuel Uwakwe, Nick Wright, Kristina Brown, Keeler Johnston, Jose Muguerza, Lance Brooks, Megan Sealy, Jason Taresh, Kelsey Moss, Kalani Perez, Osama Alkhawaja, Owen Burton, Josh Drayer, Jane Kwon, Jaynie Lee, Shawn Tenny, Maneet Deol, Alexandria Johnstone, Jonathan Cole, Kevin Hancock, Alex Padua.
B. Voting Members Absent: Ahmad Sanatyar.
C. Ex-Officios (non-voting) Present: Randy Timm (for Christy Samarkos), Dr. Cezar Ornatowski, Clarice Mendoza, Christina Brown.
D. Ex-Officios (non-voting) Absent: None.
E. Visitors Present: Jennifer Esquivel-Parker, Kelsey Schroeder, Clayton Bishop, Elias Purmul, Jessica Rentto, Lee Mintz, Jon Davidi, Onochi Ani.
It was moved and seconded to approve the agenda of October 22, 2014.
Jacqueline Karczewski made a friendly amendment to add a Chief of Staff Report under University Reports and Presentations as Item E with a time certain to immediately follow the Sexual Violence Taskforce presentation.
The agenda was approved as amended.
It was moved and seconded to approve the previous minutes of October 15, 2014.
A. Clayton Bishop and Kelsey Schroeder, Campus Life Council Student-at-Large Representatives, reported:
1. A Campus Life Council vs. University Council kickball game will be held this Saturday at 4:30 PM on the ENS Field. Judicial Affairs Council and Executive Officers will be fill-ins. Don’t forget to bring water!
B. Elias Purmul, Muslim Student Association, who reported:
1. Students for Justice in Palestine will be having an event today featuring Alison Weiss, author of "Hidden History of How the U.S. Was Used to Create Israel." It will be at Scripps Cottage at 6 PM. This is a great opportunity to fulfill your cultural organization requirement and it is important to obtain all sides of the argument on divestment.
A. University Senate Designee, Dr. Cezar Ornatowski, reported:
1. The student evaluations taskforce will distribute a report in December.
2. President Hirshman is getting reviewed by the Board of Trustees.
B. University Vice President for Student Affairs Designee, Randy Timm, on behalf of Christy Samarkos reported:
1. The Division for Student Affairs is very proud of the university for their handling of the meningococcal meningitis outbreak and of Kappa Delta for the candlelight vigil they organized in honor of Sara Stelzer.
2. Movie Screening of Murderball: Thursday, October 23 in the Conrad Prebys Aztec Student Union Theatre at 7 PM. Murderball is a documentary about physically disabled athletes who play wheelchair rugby.
3. Campus Film Series – Movie Screening of Awesome Asian Bad Guys: Wednesday, October 29 in the Conrad Prebys Aztec Student Union Theatre from 7-10 PM.
C. Sexual Violence Taskforce – Jessica Rentto, Associate Vice President for Business and Financial Affairs, and Lee Mintz, Director of Center for Student Rights and Responsibilities, reported:
1. A presentation was given noting the contents of the Title IX portion expected of every education institution in the United States and how SDSU is doing their part to uphold its policies in all aspects of collegiate life, including education, athletics, and everyday student life. A list of resources for students was provided and Lee explained the process a case would undergo when brought to a deputy Title IX coordinator.
D. Cord Point Presentation – Lance Brooks, College of Health and Human Services Representative, reported:
1. Lance explained the section in the College of Health and Human Services Student Council bylaws that state how students in their college council can receive points for a cord to wear at graduation, so other college councils could adopt an incentive system for their members.
E. Chief of Staff Report – Jon Davidi, Chief of Staff, reported:
1. FLI members had their Week 3 session this morning. They underwent diversity training and received announcements of upcoming A.S. events.A semester-long mentorship program between FLI members and A.S. government members is being created. If you are interested, please contact Jon.
General Consent Agenda: (Action)
It was moved and seconded to approve the General Consent Agenda, as attached.
General Consent Report: (Information)
The General Consent Report was reviewed via electronic copy. For further reference please request a full agenda copy from the Government Secretary.
A. Corey Polant, Vice President of University Affairs:
1. The week of college council forums will be from November 17-21. Discussion will be had on how to make forums more interactive for students.
2. A bocce ball tournament has been set for Thursday, November 13 amongst the college councils! It will be on the ENS Field or in the grass of the Hepner Hall quad. Encourage your members to attend.
3. University Affairs Board has been working hard on answering the questions posed by the Unviersity Council members at our last meeting regarding the resolution.
4. A special meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 12 for the second reading of the Resolution to Change the Mascot in Park Blvd while Campus Life Council is having their meeting in Council Chambers.
4. A forum about the Resolution will be held on Wednesday, November 5 from 11-1 PM.
5. Corey has nearly completed his visits to the college councils.
6. Ready your drafts of the Blackboard message for the month of November.
7. Please e-mail Corey if you have any items you would like to discuss at future University Council meetings.
B. J. Cole, President:
1. The Apple event J. Cole attended with administration staff was impressive and there were many ways presented for incorporating more technology in the classroom.
C. Kevin Hancock, Executive Vice President:
1. Homecoming is November 2-8! Register for the 5K at
2. A campus pride initiative and campaign will be introduced in the next upcoming weeks.
3. Attend the kickball game this Saturday!
D. Jacqueline Karczewski, Vice President of External Relations:
1. More than 700 SDSU students registered to vote!
2. Polls will be located in Montezuma Hall on Tuesday, November 4 for SDSU students and the college area community.
3. The university’s "It’s On Us" video, support the nation’s campaign to end sexual assault, has been released:
4. Watch the new AztecTV episode at
5. Keep your eye out for the spirit cart while you are out on campus!
E. Alex Padua, Vice President of Financial Affairs:
1. Reach out to Alex with any questions regarding policies or procedures of A.S. funding.
2. Cal Coast Credit Union presents "Cyber Security Seminar": Tuesday, November 18 in the Pride Suite at the Conrad Prebys Aztec Student Union theatre from 12-1 PM.
3. Homecoming Game Tabling for Aztecs Rock Hunger: Saturday, November 8 at Qualcomm Stadium at 2:30 PM.
4. Pre-season SDSU Basketball Game vs. Point Loma Nazarene University: Friday, November 7 at Viejas Arena at 6 PM.
F. Maneet Deol, Board of Directors Student-at-Large:
1. Marc Hess has been appointed as the new Board of Directors Student-at-Large.
G. Kristina Brown, College of Education Representative:
1. COESC Meeting: Wedesday, November 5 in EBA 342 at 7 PM. Please attend this College of Education Student Council meeting to express your thoughts and opinions about the Resolution to Change the Mascot.
2. Student California Teachers Association Meeting: Wednesday, November 5 in the State Suite at 12 PM.
3. CPR/First Aid Training: Saturday, November 15 in the Tula Community Center from 8:30-4:00 PM.
H. Keeler Johnston, College of Engineering Representative:
1. Homecoming BBQ is being planned.
2. Northrop Grumman gave $1,000 to 11 clubs in the College of Engineering.
3. Discussions on the Resolution to Change the Mascot have been happening at every meeting.
4. E-week: third week of February next year.
5. Town Hall Meeting: Friday, October 31 in AL 201. The plans for the new Engineering building are being discussed.
I. Jason Taresh, College of Health and Human Services Representative:
1. CHHSSC has been discussing the Resolution to Change the Mascot at their meetings. The members have been receiving reminders about Aztecs Rock Hunger and Homecoming as well.
2. ENS Centennial: Friday, October 31 in Templo Mayor at 2 PM.
3. Bocce Ball Tournament: Thursday, November 13 on either the ENS Field or Hepner Hall Quad at 5 PM.
J. Josh Drayer, College of Sciences Representative:
1. Dean’s Bowling Night: Monday, November 10 at Aztec Lanes from 4-5:30 PM
2. CSSC Retreat: Saturday, October 25 at Chapultepec from 1-2 PM.
K. Christina Brown, Executive Director:
1. Student Health Services worked closely with the SDSU Children’s Center to check for the possibility of meningococcal meningitis amongst their employees. Extra attention has been placed on these employees because of their close contact with children.
2. The ARC now has more than 17,000 members. The ARC Express has been a great compliment to the main ARC location and has increased usage by females amongst the Aztec Recreation facilities.
3. Intramural sports amongst other universities are being discussed.
It was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting.
Vice President of University Affairs Corey Polant adjourned the meeting at 5:46 PM.