Meeting Minutes
Associated Students | San Diego State University
Friday, September 3, 2021 - 10:00am
Council Chambers, Aztec Student Union
Chief Justice Grace de Vega called the meeting to order at 10:01 a.m. (PDT).
- Voting Members Present: Grace de Vega, Trent Moca, Lindsey Nyugen, Jasmyne Robinson
- Voting Members Absent: None.
- Non-Voting Members Present: Janice Dils, Dr. Lee Mintz
- Non-Voting Members Absent: None
- Visitors Present: Adam Samhan
It was moved and seconded to approve today’s agenda.
- Icebreaker: Grace asked the members to send her their favorite “hype” songs for a playlist.
- Overview and Expectations: Grace reviewed the responsibilities of a Justice and informed them of the expectations for this academic year.
- Janice announced that there are vacancies on the A.S. Councils this fall for Campus Life Council, University Council (College representatives) and for Judicial Affairs Council.
- Dr. Lee Mintz provided an introduction to the members and informed them of the SDSU Amnesty Policy.
- JAC Roles/Assignments
Grace reviewed the specific assignments of each Justice. Jasmyne and Trent will oversee the “requirements” of each A.S. leader where Jasmyne will provide resources and Trent will track the requirement form. Lindsey will be responsible for overseeing the attendance sheet. - Overview of Parliamentary Procedure
Grace reviewed Robert’s Rules of Order. - Individualized Substitution Plans (ISP)
Grace reviewed the three ISP requests from Council members. Grace will reach out to them for further clarification and will provide an update at the next meeting. - Deadline for Requirements Discussion - Due to time constraints, postponed to the next meeting.
- Appointments and Resignations
It was moved and seconded to approve the Appointments and Resignations memo of 9/3/21.
NGUYEN/ROBINSON CARRIED (3-0-0) - Requests for Excused Absences (REAFs)
- It was moved and seconded to approve Beth’s REAF for missing 7/12 BOD.
NGUYEN/ROBINSON CARRIED (3-0-0) - It was moved and seconded to approve Beth’s REAF for missing 7/28 BOD.
NGUYEN/ROBINSON CARRIED (3-0-0) - It was moved and seconded to approve Noemi’s REAF for missing the 8/15-8/17 A.S. Leaders Retreat.
MOCA/NGUYEN CARRIED (3-0-0) - It was moved and seconded to approve Marissa’s REAF for missing the 8/15-8/17 A.S. Leaders Retreat.
NGUYEN/ROBINSON CARRIED (3-0-0) - It was moved and seconded to approve Justin’s REAF for missing the 8/15-8/17 A.S. Leaders Retreat.
NGUYEN/ROBINSON CARRIED (3-0-0) - It was moved and seconded to approve Kaelan’s REAF for missing the 8/15-8/17 A.S. Leaders Retreat.
NGUYEN/ROBINSON CARRIED (3-0-0) - It was moved and seconded to approve Sathya’s REAF for missing the 8/15-8/17 A.S. Leaders Retreat.
ROBINSON/NGUYEN CARRIED (3-0-0) - It was moved and seconded to approve Yasmine’s REAF for missing the 8/15-8/17 A.S. Leaders Retreat.
ROBINSON/MOCA CARRIED (3-0-0) - It was moved and seconded to approve Stephen’s REAF for missing 8/17 of the A.S. Leaders Retreat.
NGUYEN/ROBINSON CARRIED (3-0-0) - It was moved and seconded to approve Lauren’s REAF for missing the 8/15-8/17 A.S. Leaders Retreat.
NGUYEN/ROBINSON CARRIED (3-0-0) - It was moved and seconded to approve Kendall’s REAF for missing the 8/15-8/17 retreat.
NGUYEN/ROBINSON CARRIED (3-0-0) - It was moved and seconded to approve Kailey’s REAF for missing the first day of the A.S. Leaders Retreat 8/15.
NGUYEN/ROBINSON CARRIED (3-0-0) - It was moved and seconded to approve Michael’s REAF for missing the 8/15-8/17 A.S. Leaders Retreat.
MOCA/ROBINSON CARRIED (3-0-0) - It was moved and seconded to approve Ian’s REAF for missing the 8/15-8/17 A.S. Leaders Retreat.
NGUYEN/ROBINSON CARRIED (3-0-0) - It was moved and seconded to table Eugenio’s REAF indefinitely.
MOCA/NGUYEN CARRIED (3-0-0) - It was moved and seconded to approve Alex’s REAF for missing the 8/15-8/17 retreat.
NGUYEN/ROBINSON CARRIED (3-0-0) - It was moved and seconded to approve Stephen’s REAF for missing the 8/11 BOD meeting.
NGUYEN/ROBINSON CARRIED (3-0-0) - It was moved and seconded to approve Meena’s REAF for missing 8/16-8/17 of the A.S. Leaders Retreat.
MOCA/ROBINSON CARRIED (3-0-0) - It was moved and seconded to approve Kayla’s REAF for missing the 8/15-8/17 A.S. Leaders Retreat.
ROBINSON/NGUYEN CARRIED (3-0-0) - It was moved and seconded to approve Kate’s REAF for missing the 8/15-8/17A.S. Leaders Retreat.
MOCA/ROBINSON CARRIED (3-0-0) - It was moved and seconded to approve Jacqueline’s REAF for missing the 8/15-8/17 A.S. Leaders Retreat.
NGUYEN/ROBINSON CARRIED (3-0-0) - It was moved and seconded to approve Jasmyne’s REAF for missing the 8/25 All Council Meeting.
- It was moved and seconded to approve Beth’s REAF for missing 7/12 BOD.
Grace announced that there will be a Gubernatorial Recall Election on 9/14 with a poll site at the Viejas Arena.
It was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 11:13 a.m. PDT.