Meeting Minutes
Associated Students | San Diego State University

Thursday, February 20, 2020 - 8:00am
State Suite • Conrad Prebys Aztec Student Union


Chief Justice Christopher Lee called the meeting to order at 8:05 am in the State Suite at the Conrad Prebys Aztec Student Union.



  1. Voting Members Present: Christopher Lee, Margot Ermer, Diego Ramirez, Tiana Loving.
  2. Voting Members Absent: Katrina Mogannam, Mackenzie Miller.
  3. Non-Voting Members Present: Jennifer Esquivel-Parker, Dr. Lee Mintz.
  4. Non-Voting Members Absent: None.
  5. Visitors Present: None. 


It was moved and seconded to approve the agenda for today’s meeting.
LOVING/ERMER                                                                                            CARRIED, (3-0-0)


It was moved and seconded to approve the previous minutes from 2/13/20, as attached.
ERMER/RAMIREZ                                                                                         CARRIED, (3-0-0)





  1. Chris Lee reported on the following: 
    1. Looking at changing the dates and times of JAC meetings.
    2. The deadline to submit applications to be a candidate in the A.S. elections is today at 4:00 pm.


  1. Attendance: The council reviewed the attendance charts. Margot will be reaching out to the six students who missed the CLC meeting last week. 
  2. A.S. Elections Update: The elections committee held their first meeting last week and it went well. The Elections Code and timeline were reviewed.
  3. A.S. Awards Update: Encourage students to submit nominations for the Aztec Achievement Awards (AAAs) by March 1st by 11:59 pm. 


  1. Appointments and Resignations: It was moved and seconded to approve the Appointments and Resignations Memo, as attached. 
    LOVING/ERMER                                                                                       CARRIED (3-0-0)
  2. JAC Members on Appointments and Review: Postponed to next week. 
  3. Proposed Bylaw Amendments Deadline: It was moved and seconded to set the deadline to submit bylaw amendments to be March 6th, 2020.
    ERMER/LOVING                                                                                       CARRIED (3-0-0)
  4. Approval of Outreach Duties: It was moved and seconded to approve all those who submitted their outreach requirements on time. Diego will be reaching out to the six students who did not complete the outreach requirement, including: Abby Tamayo, Ashley Tejada, Chloe Foreman, Bella Martelino, Stephen Jackson, and Vicky Evans. 
    ERMER/RAMIREZ                                                                                     CARRIED (3-0-0)
  5. Requests for excused absences: 
    1. It was moved and seconded to approve Daria Dragicevic’s request for an excused absence on 2/5/20. 
      ERMER/RAMIREZ                                                                        CARRIED, (3-0-0)
    2. It was moved and seconded to approve Katrina Mogannam’s request for an excused absence on 1/30/20. 
      ERMER/RAMIREZ                                                                        CARRIED, (3-0-0)
    3. It was moved and seconded to approve Megan Mahoney’s request for an excused absence on 1/18/20. 
      RAMIREZ/ERMER                                                                        CARRIED, (3-0-0)
    4.  It was moved and seconded to approve Jacob Tuchband’s request for an excused absence on 1/17/20. 
      ERMER/RAMIREZ                                                                        CARRIED, (3-0-0)
    5. It was moved and seconded to approve Isabella Martelino’s request for an excused absence on 1/18/20. 
      ERMER/LOVING                                                                         CARRIED, (3-0-0)
    6. It was moved and seconded to approve Kole Welenstein’s request for an excused absence on 1/18/20. 
      RAMIREZ/ERMER                                                                        CARRIED, (3-0-0)
    7. It was moved and seconded to approve Sean Toohey’s request for an excused absence on 1/18/20.
      ERMER/LOVING                                                                          CARRIED, (3-0-0)
    8. It was moved and seconded to approve Joe Besagno’s request for an excused absence on 1/18/20. 
      ERMER/LOVING                                                                         CARRIED, (3-0-0)
    9. It was moved and seconded to approve Brianna Ruloma’s request for an excused absence on 1/18/20. 
      LOVING/RAMIREZ                                                                       CARRIED, (3-0-0)
    10. It was moved and seconded to approve Brianna Ruloma’s request for an excused absence on 2/5/20. 
      RAMIREZ/ERMER                                                                        CARRIED, (3-0-0)
    11. It was moved and seconded to approve Brianna Ruloma’s request for an excused absence on 3/25/20.    
      ERMER/RAMIREZ                                                                       CARRIED, (3-0-0)
    12. It was moved and seconded to indefinitely table Brianna Ruloma’s request for an excused tardy at all meetings.
      ERMER/RAMIREZ                                                                       CARRIED, (3-0-0)
    13. It was moved and seconded to approve Cassie Weinberg’s request for an excused absence on 1/29/20. 
      ERMER/RAMIREZ                                                                       CARRIED, (3-0-0)
    14. It was moved and seconded to approve Aidan Winter’s request for an excused absence on 1/18/20. 
      ERMER/LOVING                                                                         CARRIED, (3-0-0)
    15. It was moved and seconded to approve Isabella Martelino’s request for an excused absence on 2/5/20. 
      ERMER/RAMIREZ                                                                       CARRIED, (3-0-0)
    16. It was moved and seconded to table Joshua Avalos’ request for an excused absence on 2/5/20 to next week’s meeting. 
      ERMER/RAMIREZ                                                                       CARRIED, (3-0-0)
    17. It was moved and seconded to approve Ashley Tejada’s request for an excused absence on 1/18/20. 
      RAMIREZ/ERMER                                                                        CARRIED, (3-0-0)
    18. It was moved and seconded to approve George Scott’s request for an excused absence on 1/29/20. 
      LOVING/ERMER                                                                         CARRIED, (3-0-0)
    19. It was moved and seconded to approve Jayden Mattson’s request for an excused absence on 2/18/20. 
      ERMER/RAMIREZ                                                                       CARRIED, (3-0-0)
    20. It was moved and seconded to approve Jagger Gin’s request for an excused absence on 1/18/20. 
      ERMER/RAMIREZ                                                                       CARRIED, (3-0-0)
    21. It was moved and seconded to approve Isabella Martelino’s request for an excused absence on 1/18/20. 
      ERMER/RAMIREZ                                                                       CARRIED, (3-0-0)
    22. It was moved and seconded to approve Angie Espinoza’s request for an excused absence on 2/10/20. 
      RAMIREZ/ERMER                                                                        CARRIED, (3-0-0)
    23. It was moved and seconded to approve Sara Jimenez’s request for an excused absence on 1/18/20. 
      ERMER/LOVING                                                                         CARRIED, (3-0-0)
    24. It was moved and seconded to indefinitely table JR Lauron’s request for an excused absence on 1/18/20. 
      ERMER/RAMIREZ                                                                       CARRIED, (3-0-0)
    25. It was moved and seconded to approve Katrina Mogannam’s request for an excused absence on 2/20/20. 
      ERMER/RAMIREZ                                                                       CARRIED, (3-0-0)
    26. It was moved and seconded to approve Isabella Martelino’s request for an excused absence on 2/12/20. 
      ERMER/RAMIREZ                                                                       CARRIED, (3-0-0)
    27. It was moved and seconded to approve Lindsey Busk’s request for an excused absence on 2/12/20. 
      ERMER/RAMIREZ                                                                       CARRIED, (3-0-0)
    28. It was moved and seconded to approve Megan Mahoney’s request for an excused absence on 2/26/20. 
      RAMIREZ/ERMER                                                                        CARRIED, (2-1-0)
    29. It was moved and seconded to approve Mackenzie Miller’s request for an excused absence on 2/20/20. 
      ERMER/RAMIREZ                                                                       CARRIED, (3-0-0)




It was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 9:16 am.
RAMIREZ/ERMER                                                                                                CARRIED, (3-0-0)

APPROVED BY: Chris Lee, Chief Justice     

PREPARED BY: Jennifer M. Esquivel-Parker, Advisor