Meeting Minutes
Associated Students | San Diego State University
Wednesday, March 27, 2024 - 3:30pm
Council Chambers • Conrad Prebys Aztec Student Union
A.S. Executive Vice President, Sam Lingao, called the meeting to order at 3:34 p.m.
- Voting Members Present: Sam Lingao, Tarek Morsy, Leo Pena, Melvin Ridley III, Ally Gallant, Kailey Quezada, Patricio Silva, Gianna Salazar, Mike Manangan, Annie Scadron, Alondra Orozco, Jamie Uribe, Kareen Holstrom, Matt Devoys, Michael Simonella (left at 4:50 p.m.), Janine Ezomo, Antonella Giorgi, Kat Hernandez (arrived at 3:48 p.m.)
- Voting Members Absent: Carter Holm, Zenia Salem, Itzel Estrada, Nadia Dedgeba, Jasmin Zeis-Khalil, Malia Arpon
- Non-Voting Members Present: Isabella Todd, Brian Levett, Shayna Tilles (left at 5:25 p.m.)
- Non-Voting Members Absent: Caryl Montero-Adams
- Guests: John Edwards
It was moved and seconded to approve the agenda of March 27th.
It was moved and seconded to approve the previous meeting minutes from March 27th with an alteration to the Appointments and Review Committee members.
There was one public comment from John Edwards regarding his graduate programs lack of assistance in resolving an issue with his required internship employment.
- SDSU Vice President of Student Affairs Designee, Caryl Montero-Adams reported on the following: No report.
- Counseling and Psychological Services Presentation - Dr. Michael Juan, Director, Counseling & Psychological Services & Chief MHO (Time Certain 3:45 p.m.)
- General Consent Agenda (Action):
It was moved and seconded to approve the General Consent Agenda besides Campus Community Commission and Student Diversity Commission 2/28.
- Sam Lingao, Executive Vice President: There will be a testimonial video for the Aztec Achievement Awards, individuals interested in participating should reach out to Sam. There are still volunteer opportunities for Explore SDSU. The invitations for the Aztec Achievement Awards have been sent out today. Encourage individuals to vote in A.S. elections. The Alumni Center is hiring an individual to work with engagement and philanthropy.
- Tarek Morsy, President: Career Advantage has been extremely successful. Determining the relationship between Career Services and Career Advantage. Working to build a positive relationship with the IT department.
- Melvin Ridley III, Vice President of External Relations: The External Relations Board is transitioning to focus on California State University wide issues. Melvin will be traveling to Washington D.C. for advisory work. Preparing for the upcoming Presidential election and transitions for the next Vice President of External Relations. Reviewing the process for resolutions and amendments within Associated Students.
- Leo Pena, Vice President of Financial Affairs: Holding meetings with cultural organizations to inform them about Campus Program Funding. Thursday’s Together this week will be Panda Express.
- Ally Gallant, Vice President of University Affairs: At the last University Council meeting the IT department came and gave a presentation regarding San Diego State University’s efforts in Artificial Intelligence. An AI micro-credential has been created for Professors and Faculty members. College councils are beginning to have executive board elections. Ally is serving on the College of Arts and Letters Dean search committee. The College of Health and Human Services will begin searching for their next Dean as well. Beginning to work on transition documents.
- Patricio Silva, ASBOD Student-At-Large: Recently been attending strategic planning committee meetings that review various goals of the University President.
- Gianna Salazar, ASBOD Student-At-Large: On 4/13 there will be an artistic walkway event starting at Park Boulevard and going towards Downtown for her internship.
- Kailey Quezada, ASBOD Student-At-Large: On 4/23 the Hispanic Serving Institution office is holding a welcome event for new SDSU Lantinx faculty titled “Mi Casa Es Su Casa”. Working with the HSI advisors to submit paperwork for recertification for the Seal of Excellencia.
- Christina Brown, Associated Students Executive Director: An email has been sent out to students regarding a Sweet Sixteen watch party in Viejas Arena. The A.S. elections will be revealed tomorrow. A.S. elections voting closes tomorrow.
- Brian Levett, Government Affairs Assistant Director: No report.
- Aztec Student Union Board (ASUB): Presented the Fall rebudget to the Financial Affairs Committee and it was approved. The charter updates have been presented to the Judicial Affairs Committee and are awaiting approval. There are only a handful of scheduled events for the rest of the semester. The new commissioner will be appointed soon. ASUB chair applications are now open.
- Community Service Commission (CSC): Working with the Glazer Center for a “Give Back and Track” campaign. Various Community Service Commission events have been planned by members of the commission and are occurring.
- Campus Community Commission (CCC): On April 15th from 12-2pm there will be a “Cornhole with University Police Department (UPD)” event.
- Recreation and Wellness Commission: Finalized the 2024-2025 proposed rebudget. The Aztec Recreation Center has up to seven thousand visits everyday, forty-eight thousand class registrations, and two thousand individuals enrolled in ENS classes.
- Student Diversity Commission (SDC): Working on the DEI climate survey. Hoping to increase participation on the survey this year.
- Student Support Commission (SSC): Finalized the resource guide and following spring break there will be outreach to different campus resources to ensure they are properly represented in the guide. In order to support the resource guide please keep sharing the resource guide survey.
- Green Love/Sustainability Commission: The second A.S. Swap Shop will be on 4/16 from 12-4:30 p.m. which will be in collaboration with SDSU Athletics. On 4/17 the SDSU Sustainability Summit will be held which is an all day long event.
- Campus Life Council Student-at-Large, Jasmin Zeis-Khalil: No report.
- Campus Life Council Student-at-Large, Nadia Dedgeba: No report.
- Marketing and Communications Commission: Student Support Commission now has a Marketing and Communications representative in their commission to work as a liaison between the two boards. After spring break the new commissioners and vice president’s will be appointed. Working to get the cart repaired to restart spirit carting.
- Tarek Morsy thanked all of the representatives for all of their hard work this semester.
It was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 5:27 p.m.