Meeting Minutes
Associated Students | San Diego State University

Wednesday, November 30, 2022 - 3:30pm
Council Chambers, Aztec Student Union


A.S. Executive Vice President, Meena Alexander, called the meeting to order at 3:32 p.m. in the Council Chambers at the Conrad Prebys Aztec Student Union.



  1. Voting Members Present: Meena Alexander, Shawki Moore, Sophia Koch, Trenton Lane, Leanne Locano, Phillip Bury, Noah Hakim, Raul Leon, Tarek Morsy, Shelbie Nelson, Alex Inglis (arrived at 3:48 p.m.), Charlie Sallee, Lauren Samidi (arrived at 3:45 p.m.) Alexis Bautista, Tina Vo, Lily Eckoff, Jade Camp, Ava Grell, Mayah Taylor, (arrived at 3:40 p.m.), Bianca Shaw, Matt Devoys, Nora Novak
  2. Voting Members Absent: Nick Ables, Robson Winter, Sandy Mekany
  3. Non-Voting Members Present: Janice Dils, Isabella Todd
  4. Non-Voting Members Absent: Christina Brown, Dr. Aniesha Mitchell
  5. Visitors: None.


It was moved and seconded to approve the agenda of November 30.

SALLEE/LOCANO                                                        CARRIED (19-0-0)


It was moved and seconded to approve the previous minutes.
MORSY/LANE                                                             CARRIED (20-0-0)





  1. SDSU Vice President of Student Affairs Designee - No report.


  1. General Consent Agenda (Action):
    It was moved and seconded to approve the general consent agenda.

    INGLIS/GRELL                                                         CARRIED (21-0-0)


  1. Meena Alexander, Executive Vice President:
    1. The Mental Health Matters Committee has decided on a new name which is Mending Minds, and they are focused on making campaign material for the spring semester. 
    2. Working on attending more committee meetings next semester as well as planning more moral events. 
    3. Thanked everyone for their hard work this semester. 
  2. Shawki Moore, President: 
    1. The 12/7 will be the last A.S All council meeting of the semester. 
    2. On 12/8 from 12:30-2 p.m. there will be a University House End of Semester event, which is a holiday party at the University President’s house. 
  3. Robson Winter, Vice President of External Relations: No report.
  4. Sophia Koch, Vice President of Financial Affairs: 
    1. Thanked everyone for their hard work during Aztecs Rock Hunger campaign. 
    2. Encouraged any council member who needs help during finals to reach out to her. 
  5. Sandy Mekany, Vice President of University Affairs: No report.
  6. Mayah Taylor, ASBOD Student-At-Large: No report.
  7. Bianca Shaw, ASBOD Student-At-Large: No report.
  8. Ava Grell, ASBOD Student-At-Large: No report.
  9. Christina Brown, Executive Director: No report
  10. Aztec Student Union Board (ASUB):
    1. There are multiple events this upcoming week leading up to finals to end the semester. 
  11.  Community Service Commission (CSC):
    1. CSC had their last meeting where they assigned roles and responsibilities to members of the commission for next semester. 
  12. Campus Community Commission (CCC): 
    1. The last Good Neighbor Clean Up CCC hosted went great. 
    2. The Campus Safety Town Hall that Sandy put on during Your Voice Matters push week had a great turn out.  They were able to get all questions answered by Chief Greg Murphy. 
    3. CCC is looking to address lighting issues around campus as well as promoting the SDSU safe app to students next semester, as their spring goals.
  13. Recreation and Wellness Commission:
    1. Fitness Friday this week is ‘Introduction to Heated Yoga’. Recreation and Wellness had a presentation about mindfulness this week and stated how important it is to take time out of your day to be mindful. 
    2. There have been some complaints about Fox News and CNN being displayed on the televisions at the ARC. 
  14. Student Diversity Commission (SDC):
    1. Working to introduce the Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) plan to the board for volunteers.
    2. Working on the DEI climate survey and it will come out at the end of spring. 
  15. Student Support Commission (SSC):
    1. SSC held their last meeting this week but they are still helping the Children’s Center staff plan appreciation events. 
  16. Green Love/Sustainability Commission:
    1. On Friday, there is a Sustainability Tour at Snapdragon stadium at 3 p.m. 
    2. There will also be a river clean up on this Saturday from 9-12 p.m.
    3. The Sustainability Committee is planning a trip to the Imperial Valley campus in February next year.
  17. Campus Life Council Student-at-Large: 
    1. FAC is looking to create an informational video to present to RSO’s so they understand exactly what money they can apply for.
  18. Marketing and Communications Commission: No report. 


  1. Tarek announced he has a club on campus called In the Mix.
  2. Charlie announced that the Finance and Investment Society (FIS) will be having a Casino night on Friday.
  3. Noah announced that the donation campaign for refugees is almost complete and they were able to raise a lot of money due to the Pi Kappa Alpha and Alpha Phi car wash.
  4. Janice announced that study abroad scholarship evaluations are due today.
  5. Meena announced that everyone should take care of themselves during this upcoming finals season. 


It was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 4:14 p.m.

SALLEE/SAMIDI                                      CARRIED (21-0-0)