Meeting Minutes
Associated Students | San Diego State University

Wednesday, September 30, 2020 - 3:30pm
Via Zoom


A.S. Executive Vice President, Bella Martelino called the meeting to order at 3:34 p.m..



  1. Voting Members Present: Bella Martelino, Christian Holt, Armando Sepulveda II (late), Victor Penera, Crystal Sanchez, JR Lauron, Karina Esteban, Peter Mitri, Gabby Thayer, Alanie Abron (late), Ari Weizman, Audrey Carlson, Ezra Delbick, Jacinda Molina, Taylor Jones, Courtney Parks, Kole Wellenstein, Daniella Luistro, Carissa Fong, Abigail Tamayo (late), Ashley Tejada, Antonio Marquez
  2. Voting Members Absent: Sam Baeza, Simran Jain
  3. Non-Voting Members Present: Christina Brown, Dr. Andrea Dooley, Janice Dils, Letty Hernandez
  4. Non-Voting Members Absent: None.
  5. Visitors: Pablo Marquez, Max Johnson


It was moved and seconded to approve the Campus Life Council agenda of 9/16/20.

Christian – Yes       Karina – Yes         Kole – Yes            Ashley - Yes
Armando – Yes      Peter – Yes           Ezra – Yes             Dani - Yes
Victor – Yes            Gabby – Yes         Jacinda – Yes       Carissa - Yes
Crystal – Yes           Taylor – Yes         Courtney – Yes     Audrey - Yes
JR – Yes                   Ari – Yes              Antonio – Yes

                                                                                         CARRIED (19-0-0)



It was moved and seconded to approve the previous minutes of 9/16/20.

Christian – Yes          Karina – Yes        Kole – Yes         Ashley - Yes

Armando – Yes         Peter – Yes          Ezra – Yes          Dani - Yes
Victor – Yes               Gabby – Yes        Jacinda – Yes    Carissa - Yes
Crystal – Yes              Taylor – Yes        Courtney – Yes  Audrey - Yes
JR – Yes                     Ari – Yes              Antonio – Yes

                                                                                      CARRIED (19-0-0)




  1. SDSU Vice President of Student Affairs and Campus Diversity Designee Dr. Andrea Dooley, Associate Vice President of Student Affairs:
    1. Introduced herself and conveyed her excitement to be the Student Affairs and Campus Diversity Designee to serve on the Campus Life Council.
    2. Gave on-campus COVID updates and thanked all the student leaders who continue to follow and promote the University’s Health and Safety protocols. She emphasized the importance of following the quarantine and isolation guidance. Campus will be requiring mandatory COVID testing for students who will be on campus: living in the residence halls or attending in-person classes. They will be tested every two weeks and she encouraged all students to participate in free COVID testing.
    3. Shared the SDSU Economic Crisis Response Team has been doing a lot to help many students on campus and she looks forward to continuing to work with the student leaders for the upcoming Mental Health Awareness month.
  2. Aztecs Rock Hunger Presentation – Victor Penera, A.S. Vice President of Financial Affairs (Time Certain 3:45 p.m.): Victor presented on the Aztec Rock Hunger and all the different ways to participate. He highlighted events that will take place during the three week campaign.
  3. University Senate Presentation - Maxwell Johnson, A.S. Chief of Staff (Time Certain 4 p.m.): Maxwell presented about the University Senate and the importance of shared governance. Encouraged council members to sign up to serve on various University Senate Committees.


  1. General Consent Agenda (Action): The general consent agenda was reviewed.

    It was moved and seconded to approve the general consent agenda.

    Christian – Yes         Karina – Yes        Kole – Yes           Ashley - Yes
    Armando - Yes        Peter – Yes           Ezra – Yes           Audrey - Yes
    Victor – Yes              Gabby – Yes        Jacinda – Yes      Carissa - Yes
    Crystal – Yes            Alanie – Yes         Taylor – Yes        Abi – Yes
    JR – Yes                    Ari – Yes              Courtney – Yes    Antonio – Yes

                                                                                          CARRIED (20-0-0)


  1. Aztec Student Union Board (ASUB): ASUB meetings are Mondays at 1:00 p.m. The next event: Black in the Modern World, a panel discussion about the Black Experience, will be Thursday at 1:00 p.m. You do need to sign up and you can find the link in the ASUB bio on Instagram. Next Tuesday, at 6 p.m., there is a music appreciation event with Taylor Bennete, a really amazing artist. Please be sure to register for the event.
  2. Campus Community Commission (CCC): We had a great meeting with so many new faces. We elected a secretary; we are working on updating the website and promoting peer to peer videos. We are working on the script and topics we would like to cover. Aztecs Rock Hunger (ARH) came to present and our commission decided to participate in the ARH competition.
  3. Community Service Commission (CSC): We reached out to all the students who submitted new student interest forms and had a lot of new faces join our meeting. We presented on ARH and decided our commission is going to participate in ARH.
  4. Recreation and Wellness Commission: The Aztec Recreation Center (ARC)
    construction is going strong and is on schedule. In October, we will launch the virtual Aztec Adventures hiking challenge that will have a variety of ways to get involved and participants can also win prizes as they complete in the different challenges.
  5. Student Diversity Commission (SDC): In the second meeting, we dedicated a lot of time to ARH. Victor did an amazing presentation and we talked about the year ahead. I shared that I am a part of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee (DEI) and will continue to update as I learn more about the committee. Next meeting, I will be sharing from the Campus Diversity Update meeting I attended.
  6. Student Support Commission (SSC): We are working on the script for the Economic Crisis Response Team resource video and are working on the University Resource guidebook.
  7. Sustainability/Green Love Commission: Today we had our first Green Lunch Bag series event and we had over seventy students in attendance. Some things we are working on are: a DIY Fair, text banking event and a virtual bonding event. More information to follow as we set dates.
  8. Campus Life Council Students-at-Large: We are looking forward to continuing to help all of you and promote ARH and Rock the Vote. We met with Bella and hope to have more to share with you all next meeting.
  9. Marketing and Communications Commission: None.
  10. Board of Directors Student-at-Large:
    1. Ashley: working on the A.S. internal newsletter creating a template and content to share between the Councils.
    2. Abi: Good luck on midterms.
    3. Antonio: No report.
  11. Executive Vice President: Bella Martelino reported on the following:
    1. Aztec Nights: Attending Aztec Nights Committee and thinking about what events might look like in spring. Hopeful we can do some socially distanced events outside and of course following guidelines. Maybe drive - In movies or events outside when safe and allowed.
    2. We will have a Marketing and Communications Commissioner election soon, for the time being I am the chair. We had our first meeting today where we got a lot of members and great feedback.
    3. Homecoming – With the new announcement of football beginning in October, we want to plan programming around games. We are going to talk more with the Associate Athletic Director and Student Life and Leadership, so we can hear more about the schedule and maybe program throughout the season not just one week of events.
  12. President: Christian Holt reported on the following:
    1. Thank you all for the work you are doing, I have been looking at everyones minutes and you all are doing great things.
    2. If you have any COVID concerns please reach out to me.
    3. President Adela de la Torre sent out an email regarding the start of in-person instruction. In her email there will be a link that lists all of the courses that will begin in-person. You also would have received an email from Dr. Luke Wood if any of your courses will be in-person.
    4. COVID update: Every student who lives on campus and every student who will be attending class on campus is required to have a test every fourteen days.
    5. On Monday, there was a Microsoft nationwide outage, so that is why Blackboard, Canvas and Zoom were down. There is a University I.T. page that shows updates on any issues that may be going on at campus.
    6. The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Plan Committee has begun again. Shoutout to all of you who are serving on it and I will continue to give you updates about it.
    7. Met with campus partners and we are looking at ways to continue and further support Black students, staff and faculty on campus. They presented a book that is written about the Black History at San Diego State, that listed various staff, faculty and students. This brought up the opportunity to map out the impact of Black Leaders on
      campus, so I will be a part of a committee that will look at Black Leaders on our campus and student life.
    8. There will also be a video going out about Cybersecurity, so be sure to check that out.
  13. Vice President of External Relations: Armando Sepulveda reported on the following:
    1. Tomorrow at 11:30 a.m., Rock the Vote will be hosting congressional candidate Georgette Gomez. You have to register in advance to get the Zoom link. If you go, you are entered to win a free t-shirt from the SDSU Bookstore.
    2. Please register to vote on the link on the Rock the Vote Instagram page. We are 5th in registering people to vote, so keep up the good work and let's get to 4th!
  14. Vice President of Financial Affairs: Victor Penera reported on the following:
    1. The Financial Affairs Committee is working on reviewing the current policies for student organization banking in this virtual setting. We want to be flexible with student organizations, so they can access and spend their funds.
    2. Thanks to everyone who came out to the Financial Literacy Peer Program, another one will be happening in two weeks.
    3. Aztecs Rock Hunger (ARH) Updates: We are in full swing and need everyone's help. We have the Virtual 5K, so anyone can participate wherever they are. Stop by the Information Booth at the student union if you would like a T-shirt, to help promote ARH, you just need to bring your RED ID. I encourage all of you to change your
      Zoom background to continue to promote ARH.
    4. Just a reminder be aware of phishing scams in your email.
  15. Vice President of University Affairs: Crystal Sanchez reported on the following:
    1. Met with Global Campus and we are looking forward to helping create some virtual programming events for Global Campus and integrate some things into our Associated Students. All good and exciting stuff.
    2. Working closely with Dr. Scott, Dean of the Library, to create a one page resource list with all the things that the library is currently providing.
    3. All the College Council Presidents and Deans will be going over the data that was collected from last year's Academic Report and will look at what areas need to be improved upon and what’s working within each college. I will share what they find as more information comes.
  16. Executive Director: Christina Brown reported on the following:
    1. Thanks everyone for their hard work and is amazed and proud of all the student leaders are doing in this virtual world.
    2. Continuing to work on re-entry, when we can open and when we are allowed.
    3. Reece Breuckman and Christian Holt will be joining me later this week as we meet with Sport Clubs staff. We are there to help support them with virtual programming, meetings, fundraising and membership.
    4. Working with Student Life and Leadership on a re-entry plan for student activities. Nothing is allowed right now, but we want to be ready. Looking at our meeting rooms for possible academic study, very small hybrid meetings, and eventually some student life events in spring. We are just in the early plan stages, since nothing is allowed as of yet.


  1. Christian announced that students who are unable to attend their courses in person will be accommodated by the Student Ability Success Center (SASC). Dr. Andrea Dooley reiterated that SASC will be able to accommodate any students who are unable to attend
    their course on campus. She also thanked everyone's effort on the ARH campaign and said the money that will be raised is incredibly important.


It was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 4:58 P.M.
HOLT/SANCHEZ                                                                        CARRIED (19-0-0)