Meeting Minutes
Associated Students | San Diego State University
Wednesday, November 13, 2019 - 3:30pm
Executive Vice President Kyla Blaylock called the meeting to order at 3:35 PM.
- Voting Members Present: Kyla Blaylock, Christian Onwuka, Angelica Espinoza, George Scott, Antonio Marquez-Camacho, Cassie Weinberg, Christian Holt, Kole Wellenstein, Kiki Charles, Aubrey Benito, Kelly Renton, Kaylah Abdullah, Lindsey Busk, Bri Ruloma (late), Josh Purificacion, Abi Tamayo, Courtney Ransom, Meghan Mahoney, Daria Dragicevic, Courtney Parks, Connor Curley.
- Voting Members Absent: Dustin Adkins, Stephen Jackson, David Gamble, Courtney Parks, Ashley Tejada.
- Ex-Officios (non-voting) Present: Christina Brown, Nikki Eliaschev.
- Ex-Officios (non-voting) Absent: Dr. Randy Timm.
- Visitors Present: Daniel Guerrero (The Daily Aztec), Michael Cline (The Daily Aztec).
It was moved and seconded to make a friendly amendment to add an action item B, CLC Member on Appointments and Review, to VII. Items for Consideration.
The agenda was approved as amended.
It was moved and seconded to approve the Campus Life Council meeting minutes of 10/30/19, as attached.
- SDSU Vice President of Student Affairs Designee, Dr. Randy Timm: No report.
- General Consent Agenda (Action): It was moved and seconded to approve the general consent agenda, as attached.
WEINBERG/ESPINOZA CARRIED - Add CLC Member on Appointments and Review: It was moved and seconded to approve Meghan, Josh, and Daria to be nominated to serve on the Appointments and Review Committee.
- Kyla Blaylock, Executive Vice President:
- Expressed appreciation for everyone that participated in Homecoming.
- Aztecs for Life Blood Drive is next week, November 19th. Encouraged members to donate blood.
- Planning for the Aztec Achievement Awards is beginning soon.
- Attended the Undergraduate Council meeting today where members discussed ways to include service-learning initiatives on transcripts and conducting research on students who do not return to the University.
- Christian Onwuka, President:
- Shouted-out to Cassie Weinberg, Sophie Chance, Cassie Aaron and Maricruz Carrillo for participating in the Strategic Plan.
- Reviewed and explained the five finalized priorities for the strategic plan, which include: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Students at Our Center, Premier Hispanic Serving Institution and R1, Sustainability and Innovation, and Campus Alignment.
- Served on the Student Success Fee Level 3 review and approved a variety of different proposals.
- The University Senate approved two resolutions last Tuesday. They include: adding a seat for a graduate student representative on the Senate and the Ethnic Studies Graduation Requirement.
- Open forums for the fee proposals end this Friday. The Campus Fee Advisory Committee (CFAC) will make the decision on Friday, encouraged members to bring any concerns before then.
- Angelica Espinoza, Vice President of External Relations:
- College Area Community Council (CACC) is tonight, will have updates soon.
- The Supreme Court is ruling on DACA, will have information if any of the changes will impact students.
- The CSU Board of Trustees has postponed the vote on the Quantitative Reasoning Assessment until next month in order to have time to gather and assess student input.
- CSSA Northridge is this weekend. Excited to be able to take four freshman with her.
- Presidential primary debate watch party hosted by Rock the Vote (RTV) is on November 20th from 5:30-8:30 pm.
- The Good Neighbor Program brochure is almost complete.
- First event for the ‘Know Your Rights Campaign’ is November 19th from 5:00-6:00 pm in Council Chambers. The focus of the event will be about immigration issues.
- Dustin Adkins, Vice President of Financial Affairs: Kyla Reported on his behalf:
- Thanked everyone for participating in Aztecs Rock Hunger (ARH). The closing ceremony will be in December.
- Meetings regarding parking have begun. Will have more information soon.
- George Scott, Vice President of University Affairs:
- Explained the purpose of the 2019-2020 Academic Report and the role of the Academic Affairs Committee (AAC) and University Affairs Board (UAB) in creating the report. The goal is to hear from every student.
- Working with Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion to create an international student ally training for staff. The training would be made available to students as well.
- The International Peace Village is next week. Asked members to attend and be respectful.
- Antonio Marquez-Camacho, ASBOD Student-at-Large:
- Education Without Borders (EWB) hosted a forum. Many students wanted to know how the two proposed fee increases will affect undocumented students.
- Presented at the MEChA conference this weekend and it was well received by students.
- Met with the assistant dean of PSFA to discuss ideas for career fair opportunities for film and journalism majors. PSFA is working on an event for next semester.
- Cassie Weinberg, ASBOD Student-at-Large:
- Attended the Hillel Border Conference this weekend with fifteen other SDSU students. Said it was a very necessary experience and encouraged everyone to learn about the different organizations dedicated to helping migrant families.
- Working on Mental Health Fest, the Strategic Plan, and Sustainability initiatives.
- Christian Holt, ASBOD Student-at-Large:
- Attended the CSU Young Males of Color Consortium and discussed the Graduation 2025, Initiative and how to help affected communities at the university.
- Participated in Student Success Fee proposal review.
- Christina Brown, Executive Director:
- Expressed kudos to the staff who worked hard and kept the A.S. building open yesterday during the power outages. All facilities were open this morning.
- Next Wednesday is the Student Diversity Comission (SDC) mixer.
- December 4th is the last CLC and UC meeting and there will be an A.S. dinner afterwards.
- Friday, December 6th is the annual holiday celebration at President Adela de la Torre’s residence from 12:00 – 2:00 pm.
- Aztec Student Union Board:
- Sip and Paint is tonight in Montezuma Hall from 6:00-8:00 pm.
- Mix it Up will be next semester in the Union and will be a big tabling event for A.S. boards and commissions.
- Campus Community Commission:
- Working on a project called ‘Good Resident, Better Neighbor’ to help students that are transitioning to living off campus.
- Collaborating with Student Support and the commuter community on a tabling event outside of SLL to provide snacks and scantrons to students before finals.
- Working with the University Police Department (UPD) on an event called ‘Chipotle with the Chief behind Chipotle!’ to provide opportunities for students to voice their concerns.
- Community Service Commission:
- Letters to Veterans event had lots of positive feedback. Over 100 letters were written and are being prepared to be sent out.
- The ‘service of the month’ event will be with Traveling Stories.
- Recreation and Wellness Commission:
- There is a tabling event today at Calpulli.
- “Say Boo to the Flu Clinic” is tomorrow from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm on Campanile Walkway.
- Student Diversity Commission:
- Handed out invitations today to the different cultural organizations for the SDC mixer on November 20th and solidified the itinerary for the event at the meeting. Members are excited for the event!
- Student Support Commission:
- Working to create a resource video about the Ombudsman Office to explain the services that the ombudsman provides and to help students locate the office.
- Green Love Sustainability Commission:
- The Green Lunch Bag Series (GLBS) event today was great. It was great for students to learn about the facilities that are Leed certified on campus.
- Campus Life Council Student-at-Large:
- Meeting with Giselle Luevanos to finalize the A.S. newsletter.
- Marketing and Communications Commission:
- Promoted MarComm in the Union today and helped members fulfill their outreach requirements.
- Selected the A.S. spring calendar design.
It was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting.
Executive Vice President Kyla Blaylock adjourned the meeting at 4:43 PM.
APPROVED BY: Kyla Blaylock, Executive Vice President
PREPARED BY: Nikki Eliaschev, A.S. Government Secretary