Meeting Minutes
Associated Students | San Diego State University

Wednesday, September 14, 2016 - 3:30pm
Council Chambers, Conrad Prebys Aztec Student Union


Executive Vice President Patty Masengale called the meeting to order at 3:33 PM.






  1. Voting Members Present: Jamie Miller, Patty Masengale, Dylan Colliflower, Alex Shapiro, Chimezie Ebiriekwe, Josh Miller, Anya Shutovska, Carlo Lacson, Natalie Martinez, McKinley Kane, Alessandra Casey, Alexis Alexander-Hood, Tagg Hurtubise, Ellen Rydell, Curtis Copin, Meghan Andrade, Chris Thomas, Rachel Muntz, Joey Lucero, Shelah Ott, Marisa Cubing, Mustafa Alemi, Daniel Matlock, Arnelle Sambile, Marisa Cubing, Eran Bechor.
  2. Voting Members Absent: None.
  3. Ex-Officios (non-voting) Present: Linh Phan, Christina Brown, Randy Timm.
  4. Ex-Officios (non-voting) Absent: None.
  5. Visitors Present: None.


It was moved and seconded to approve the agenda of September 14, 2016.
Joey Lucero made a friendly amendment to add item X. Announcements to the Campus Life Council Agenda. There were no objections.
The agenda was approved as amended.







  1. SDSU Vice President of Student Affairs Designee, Dr. Randy Timm
    1. Thanked Aztec Nights committee this year for doing a wonderful job! There were no complaints from the community.
    2. Gave a shoutout to Carlos, Melissa, and A.S. Accounting for their help with A.S. banking.
    3. Student Life and Leadership is on par with the same number of Recognized Student Organizations as last year’s.
    4. There will be collaboration with Arts Alive on October 6th.
    5. Encouraged everyone to attend the rest of the Aztec Nights events.


  1. General Consent Agenda: (Action)
    It was moved and seconded to approve the General Consent Agenda, as attached.


  1. Patty Masengale, Executive Vice President:
    1. Thanked everyone for coming to the football games. There are only 3 more home games left.
    2. Encouraged everyone to table for A.S. Is campaign.
    3. Please bookmark the A.S. 2016-2017 Google Drive link that Patty posted. It has a lot of important information for the year.
    4. Tabling requirement is due this Friday!
    5. Please do not bring your laptop to Campus Life Council meetings.
  2. Jamie Miller, President:
    1. Please take the A.S. Leaders survey.
    2. Thanked everyone for coming to office hours today.
    3. Encouraged everyone to attend a Student Success Fee workshop.
    4. Will keep everyone updated with the Research and Assessment Committee progress.
    5. SDSU App is still being worked on.
  3. Dylan Colliflower, Vice President of External Relations:
    1. Rock the Vote is from September 26-November 8.
    2. Had their first External Relations Board meeting this week and introduced what ERB does.
    3. CSSA is this weekend from 8am-4pm.
    4. Phone Banking Campaign will start this week.
    5. AB1914: Textbook Affordability Act is signed.
  4. Alex Shapiro, Vice President of Financial Affairs:
    1. Financial Affairs Committee board is chosen. Election for Vice Chair will be this upcoming Monday.
    2. Will be giving a presentation to the Assistant Deans on October 7 regarding funding.
    3. Audit committee will have a meeting this Friday.
    4. Goal for Aztecs Rock Hunger this year is 400,000 lbs of food. The event will go from October 17 to Nov 7.
  5. Chimezie Ebiriekwe, Vice President of University Affairs:
    1. Aztec Mentoring Program application is due this Friday.
    2. Updated everyone on the University Senate. 3. Invited everyone to attend the Provost’s Distinguished Lecture on September 28.
  6. Mustafa Alemi, ASBOD Student-at-Large: 
    1. Will be meeting with the Student Diversity Commission and Campus Community Commission soon.
  7. Daniel Matlock, ASBOD Student-at-Large:
    1. Met with his boards and commissions.
    2. Encouraged members to talk to him or the executive officers about Parliamentary Procedure in order to chair an efficient meeting.
    3. Reminded everyone to sign up for tabling!
  8. Arnelle Sambile, ASBOD Student-at-Large:
    1. Will meet with her commissions soon.
    2. Is working with Dr. Timm on the A.S. Leaders Past, Present, and Future event. Let her know if you have any suggestions.
    3. Is working with the Student Diversity Commission, the Pride Center, the Women’s Resource Center to host a Student of Colors Conference.
  9. Aztec Student Union Board:
    1. Discussed a new meeting structure guideline with members to hold more accountability.
    2. Let Ellen or Eran know if anyone would like to collaborate on an event for spring semester.
  10. Campus Community Commission:
    1. Set expectations for the year with the commission.
    2. Good Neighbor Clean Up is this Sunday at 9am.
  11. Community Service Commission:
    1. In an effort to make meetings more intentional, the commission will have certain themes relating to the month.
    2. Aztecs Rock Hunger committee meets every Tuesday.
    3. Will elect a Volunteer Coordinator for the commission soon.
  12. Recreation and Wellness Commission:
    1. Intramural signups are completely full!!
    2. The grand opening for the new rec field will be on October 25 from 12-2pm.
    3. Arc membership is at a great number this year!
  13. Student Diversity Commission:
    1. Discussed community guideline at their meeting in order to provide a safe space for students.
    2. Brought awareness to the Latinx Heritage Month.
    3. There will be an SDSUPD officer holding office hours in the Center for Intercultural Relations every month.
  14. Student Support Commission:
    1. Met with Career Services staff to talk about having headshots at all Career Fairs.
    2. Is working on Your Voice Matter campaign with Jamie.
    3. Will set goals and visions as a commission as a whole at next meeting.
    4. Encouraged everyone to table for the A.S. Is campaign!
    5. Will be working with Student Life and Leadership to have a list of all student organizations meeting times.
  15. Sustainability Commission: 
    1. Set ground rules for inclusivity at meetings.
    2. Went over history of board and introduced new committees.
  16. Campus Life Council Student-at-Larges: 
    1. In the process of developing a point-system for the best Campus Life Council board or commission.
    2. Will visit student organization every week to talk about A.S.
    3. Are working on having Student-at-Larges email for outreach.




( Time Certain Adjournment 4:45 pm) It was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting.
Executive Vice President Patty Masengale adjourned the meeting at 4:47 PM.

APPROVED BY: Patty Masengale, Executive Vice President
PREPARED BY: Linh Phan, A.S. Government Secretary