Meeting Minutes
Associated Students | San Diego State University

Monday, January 27, 2025 - 3:30pm
Council Chambers, Conrad Prebys Aztec Student Union


A.S. President Kat Hernandez called the meeting to order at 3:35 p.m. 



    1. Voting Members Present: Kat Hernandez, Taj Henry, Derrick Herrera, Vincent Lin, Trinity Dang, Nora Novak, Janine Ezomo, Aliza Siddiqui, Nick Felix, Mohamed Erekat (left early 3:48 p.m.), Kareen Holstrom, Jessica Rentto, Caryl Montero-Adams
    2. Voting Members Absent: None.
    3. Non-Voting Members Present: Christina Brown, Ashton Sophabmixay
    4. Non-Voting Members Absent: None.
    5. Guests: None.


It was moved and seconded to approve the agenda for September 9, 2024.
NOVAK/EREKAT               CARRIED (13-0-0)


It was moved and seconded to approve the previous A.S. Board of Directors meeting minutes from 12/9/2024. 
EREKAT/FELIX                            CARRIED (13-0-0)





    1. Jessica Rentto, Business and Financial Affairs Designee, reported on the following: As a result of the ongoing fires in San Diego, Snapdragon has been working with CAL FIRE to deploy and store (around 100) fire trucks in various parking lot locations. Many firefighters who are not currently deployed are residing in local hotels. As far as EVOLVE Housing is concerned, the first public meeting was held and public comments are expected to address concerns. Federally, multiple executive bills have been signed that will potentially impact the university. With immigration concerns, Jessica informed the board that she is the campus designated contact in regards to any immigration enforcement situations on campus. To the extent that there is any aspect involving them or with the police, she will work through legal documents and General Counsel to address concerns, validate warrants, and decide what and what not to disclose. Another executive bill that may impact the university is related to Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion programming. While mandates and restrictions regarding DEI are more so impacting federal agencies, the university is determining how it may affect federal grant funding. She is working closely with the General Counsel and appropriate offices to determine how to best proceed.
    2. Caryl Montero-Adams, University President’s Designee, reported on the following: Around 3000 students with permanent residence in the Los Angeles area attend SDSU, with 320 of them in recent fire-impacted zones. Several communications regarding support and various resources have been sent to parents and families, as well as donation opportunities to protect students impacted. Over the course of this past weekend, around 1900 students resided in evacuation areas regarding the Border 2 Fire near Otay Lakes. While there is minimal fire damage, there are continual impacts such as air quality and emotional toll. She also shared that a fraternity incident entered the news; An ongoing investigation involving 4 charged individuals was detailed as well as her ability to address any concerns and provide, to her extent, transparency. Along with this, several fraternities on campus are receiving decision letters from their national charter detailing cease and desists, with the CSU developing new policies regarding hazing prevention.


    1. General Consent Agenda (Action) 
      It was motioned and seconded to approve the Financial Affairs Committee minutes.

      FELIX/EZOMO        (CARRIED 12-0-0)

      It was motioned and seconded to approve the Marketing and Communications Committee 


      NOVAK/FELIX        (CARRIED 12-0-0)

    2. General Consent Report (Information)
      The General Consent Report was reviewed.





    1. A.S. President, Katarina Hernandez:
      1. The All-Council meeting is mandatory this Wednesday. Ana Molina Rodriguez and Cynthia Torres will be giving a presentation about undocumented student resources and rights, as well as a presentation about upcoming A.S. elections. 
        There will be a Slack budget meeting on Wednesday to decide if an A.S. Slack is worthwhile. 
        The Alternative Dispute Resolution project has been renamed REACH – Restorative Engagement and Community Healing.
        Recently, her and Derrick attended an advisory council meeting for GLAD (Graduate Life and Diversity) Council. They received suggestions and detailed a future RSO-related initiative; A mixer focused on connecting RSO presidents. 
        James Frazee, Vice President of Information Technology, has started conversations regarding AI strategies for Student Disability Services accommodations.
    2. Executive Vice President, Tajuddin Henry: 
      1. Spring Retreat is coming up soon; Deadline to sign up has been extended to Wednesday. He encouraged the board to invite more people to attend. 50 tickets have been set aside for the basketball game after. 
        With the last CLC serving as a collaborative brainstorming session, he will be meeting with student leaders to discuss strategies and assisting with individual goals. 
    3. Vice President of External Relations, Derrick Herrera: 
      1. Recently attended the Cal State Student Association Plenary in San Francisco. He received information regarding the Sonoma State budget cuts, ranging from faculty employment to the elimination of several majors and the entire athletics department. Students from that campus will be entering the transfer portal.
        There are several immigration legal services available to students, such as Jewish Family Services and CLC Legal Plans. 
    4. Vice President of Financial Affairs, Vincent Lin:
      1. The Student Success Fee will be another big project. Him and Nick will be sorting through precursory information, as well as readjusting funding allocations to target research.
        There is a new Dining Director with Aztec Shops.
        The Financial Affairs Committee has several vacancies.
        Check requests have been shortcut-linked on the A.S. website; Notify him if discrepancies pop up.
    5. Vice President of University Affairs, Trinity Dang: 
      1. The first Academic Affairs Committee meeting of the semester was today; they discussed Career Advantage rapport.
        Academic Deans Council is next Wednesday; College council presidents will be attending and will consist of presentations and Q&A.
        The Academic Partnership Agreement will be brought to a solution in the coming weeks.
        Danny Newell will be meeting with her and Olivera soon to discuss Career Advantage.
        With University Council next week, there will be a graduate panel presentation. Along with Dr. Tong, the Graduate Studies Dean, and the GSA President Julio, graduate studies information will be provided.
        Your Voice Matters push week will be February 24th - 27th. 
    6. Executive Director, Christina Brown: 
      1. Encouraged the board to spread word to different student groups regarding upcoming A.S. elections.
        Gauged input on the recent Oaxaca trip.
        Her and Olivera are adjusting volumes of work regarding their Government Affairs positions.


    1. Student-at-Large, Nicholas Felix: 
      1. Attended the strategic plan meeting today and an input survey received only 300 responses; They are pushing for more input.
    2. Student-at-Large, Kareen Holstrom: 
      1. With a more open schedule, she will be meeting with more commissions to assist in student leader operations. 
        With a delay in financial aid disbursements, she will be working with A.S. on provided student resources regarding housing and security.
    3. Student-at-Large, Aliza Siddiqui:
      1. Attended an International Senate meeting this week and concerns were raised regarding future international student RSOs, decreasing international student retention rates, and graduation rates as well. 
    4. Student-at-Large, Nora Novak:
      1. Working on assisting with BCC reps further.
        Working on student leader transitions and planning career events.
    5. Student-at-Large, Janine Ezomo:
      1. With a more open schedule, she will be attending more BCCs to assist and bridge gaps in commission collaboration. 
        Focusing on transition documents and connecting students to the upcoming A.S. elections.


    1. Taj: There will be a BRC event on February 7th highlight Black Culture, Art, and Soul, 
      with students presenting artwork. singing, rap, poetry, with a live band and free food.
    2. Nick: Announced that he can connect people to donation opportunities to assist with the 
      LA fires.
    3. Janine: Regarding Black RSOs, she can also connect people willing to donate to assist 
      with the LA fires.


It was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 5:07 p.m. 
HOLSTROM/LIN                                         CARRIED (12-0-0)