Meeting Minutes
Associated Students | San Diego State University

Monday, December 7, 2020 - 3:30pm
Meeting ID: 951 8549 0779


A.S. President, Christian Holt called the meeting to order at 3:34 p.m. 



  1. Voting Members Present: Christian Holt, Bella Martelino, Armando Sepulveda II, Victor Penera, Crystal Sanchez, Hannah Berman-Schneider, Reece Breuckman, Joyce Chen, Antonio Marquez, Abigail Tamayo (left briefly and returned), Ashley Tejada, Dr. J. Luke Wood
  2. Voting Members Absent: Jessica Rentto
  3. Non-Voting Members Present: Christina Brown, Janice Dils
  4. Non-Voting Members Absent: None.
  5. Visitors: Call-in guest “818”, Gener Abdon, Carlos Careaga, Brittany Santos-Derieg, Grace deVega, Jennifer Esquivel-Parker.


It was moved and seconded to approve the Board of Directors agenda.
Bella - Yes                    Victor - Yes
Reece – Yes                 Ashley - Yes
Crystal – Yes               Joyce – Yes
Abi - Yes                        Dr. Wood - Yes
Armando – Yes           Hannah - Yes
Antonio - Yes
CARRIED (11-0-0)


It was moved and seconded to approve the Board of Directors meeting minutes of 11/30/20.
Bella - Yes                   Victor - Yes
Reece – Yes                Ashley- Yes
Crystal – Yes               Joyce – Yes
Antonio - Yes              Dr. Wood - Yes
Armando – Yes           Hannah - Yes
Abi - Yes
CARRIED (11-0-0)




  1. Business and Financial Affairs Designee:  No report.
  2. University President’s Designee: Dr. Luke Wood reported on the following:
    1. The SDSU President is in receipt of the letter from A.S. regarding spring break. In terms of a timeline, there is a Senate-action report for a response.  The intended timeline is this week and it is dependent on the University Senate.  I appreciate all the work that went into the input of the letter.
    2. Last week, we met with the Council of Chairs regarding mental health.  In response to this, we sent out an email regarding mental health resources.  In addition, this Thursday, there is a workshop called Supporting Students’ Whole Health for faculty and staff. We submitted a President’s Budget Advisory Committee (PBAC) proposal to provide essential funding for a CARES program. 
    3. We have received concerns regarding Respondus Monitor regarding privacy and ethics of the monitoring software.  A letter from the University will be sent regarding this software in terms of how the Center for Student Rights and Responsibilities (CSRR) will review cases and that SDSU will not support technological services for the software starting January 2021.


  1. General Consent Agenda (Action): The General Consent Agenda was reviewed.
    It was moved and seconded to approve the General Consent Agenda.
    Bella – Yes                         Crystal – Yes
    Joyce – Yes                        Dr. Wood - Yes
    Armando – Yes                 Hannah - Yes
    Antonio - Yes                     Victor - Yes
    Reece - Yes                           Ashley - Yes
    CARRIED (10-0-0)
  2. General Consent Report (Information):  The General Consent Report was reviewed.
  3. Fall Rebudget (Action) (Time Certain: 4:15 p.m.)
    Carlos Careaga, A.S. Finance Director, reviewed the 20/21 budget update.
    It was moved and seconded to approve the Fall 2020 Rebudget.
    Bella – Yes                     Crystal – Yes
    Joyce – Yes                    Dr. Wood - Yes
    Armando – Yes             Hannah - Yes
    Antonio - Yes                 Victor - Yes
    Reece - Yes                       Ashley - Yes
    CARRIED (10-0-0)
  4. Approval of University Check Signer (Action) (Time Certain: Immediately following Items for Consideration Item C.)
    Carlos Careaga explained the purpose of the University check signers.  He reviewed a document stating Agnes Wong Nickerson, University Interim Vice President and CFO for Business and Financial Affairs is the primary check signer for Associated Students, and Christina Brown, A.S. Executive Director, and Patty Rea, A.S. Associate Executive Director, are additional check signers for checks in excess of $10,000.
    It was moved and seconded to approve the University check signers.
    Bella – Yes                       Crystal – Yes
    Joyce – Yes                      Dr. Wood - Abstain
    Armando – Yes               Hannah - Yes
    Antonio - Yes                   Victor - Yes
    Reece - Yes                      Ashley - Yes
    CARRIED (9-0-1)
  5. Proposed bylaw, code and charter amendments (Information) (Time Certain: Immediately following Items for Consideration Item E.)
    1. #BA F20-02 College of Health and Human Services Student Council Charter
    2. #BA F20-03 Elections Code
      Grace deVega, A.S. Justice, reviewed the two proposed amendments to the College of Health and Human Services Student Council Charter and the Elections Code. The proposed amendments will be action at the A.S. Board of Directors meeting in January 2021.
  6. Approval of Spring meeting schedule (Action)
    Christian reviewed the Spring 2021 meeting schedule of the A.S. Board of Directors, A.S. Campus Life Council, A.S. University Council and the A.S. Judicial Affairs Council.
    It was moved and seconded to approve the Spring 2021 meeting schedule.
    Bella – Yes                         Crystal – Yes
    Joyce – Yes                        Abi - Abstain
    Armando – Yes                 Hannah - Yes
    Antonio - Yes                     Dr. Wood - Yes
    Victor - Yes                         Reece - Yes
    Ashley  Yes
    CARRIED (10-0-1)                  


Closed to Non-Members



  1. Audit Committee: None.
  2. Facilities Committee: None.
  3. Financial Affairs Committee (FAC): None.
  4. Marketing and Communications Committee: None.


  1. President: Christian Holt reported on the following:
    1. Focusing on spring break meetings this week.
    2. The University Senate made a decision about the Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement (GWAR).  Upper division students may register for an approved upper division writing course to satisfy the Graduation Writing Assessment.  They can also take a one-unit course to fulfill the requirement.
    3. Wednesday’s All Council will give the leaders a chance to reflect on the semester.  Thank you for all your hard work, dialogue, and conversations.  You have shown prime leadership. I am honored to chair this board with all of you.
  2. Executive Vice President: Bella Martelino reported on the following:
    1. Mark your calendar for the retreat on January 15, 2021.
    2. At the All Council meeting this Wednesday, there will be a presentation from Dr. Mike Juan, from SDSU Counseling and Psychological Services, regarding mental health resources and a check-in with everyone.
    3. Working on the student leader mixer in the spring.  
    4. Hope you have a great finals week!  Good luck.
  3. Vice President of External Relations: Armando Sepulveda reported on the following:
    1. I hope you will be doing well with finals.  We made it this far, you got this!
    2. External Relations Board and Lobby Corps. are reviewing the application for the virtual California Higher Education Student Summit (CHESS) participants. 
    3. I hope you have a great winter break!  
  4. Vice President of Financial Affairs: Victor Penera reported on the following:
    1. We are looking for more members for the Financial Affairs Committee.
    2. Will work with the Student Support Commission in the spring regarding basic needs.
    3. It has been a pleasure working with you all this semester. Stay positive, test negative!
  5. Vice President of University Affairs: Crystal Sanchez reported on the following:
    1. Following up on submissions from the Your Voice Matters campaign.  
    2. Good luck with finals!  Hope you enjoy your very well deserved break.
  6. Executive Director:  Christina Brown reported on the following:
    1. I appreciate your dedication this year!  Please feel free to reach out to me during the break.  
    2. Encouraging all A.S. full-time staff to take this time to take a true break over winter.
    3. With the stay-at-home order, ARC Outdoors is still allowed.  Recreation and Wellness Commission will be approving the hours for outdoors during the break.  Basketball season will continue in the Viejas Arena without fans.  Mission Bay Aquatic Center is closed from 12/14 through 1/1. Aztec Student Union and the Food Pantry will be closed from 12/21 through 1/1.  
    4. Thank you to Dr. Wood and all the advisors. Have a great break.


  1. Reece Breuckman, Student-At-Large: Collecting clothes for Monarch School.  Let me know if you would like me to come by.  We collected 20 bags.  Good luck on your finals.  It has been a great semester.  Looking forward to the next semester.
  2. Ashley Tejada, Student-At-Large: Working with Ari Weizman regarding the calendar.  Want to create a survey about how this year has been for the A.S. leaders.  Take care of yourself.
  3. Abigail Tamayo, Student-At-Large: Met with the taskforce team.  Hope everyone has a great new year!
  4. Antonio Marquez, Student-At-Large: I am hosting the Midnight Study Break.  Come by and hang out!  We all need a break.  Good luck with finals.  I am here for you!
  5. Hannah Berman-Schneider, Student-At-Large: Met with the General Education (GE) Senate Committee this morning and had approvals for new GEs in the spring.  It is a great committee to serve on and to provide student input.  The elections coordinator interviews went really well.  
  6. Joyce Chen, Student-At-Large: Stay warm, stay well, and have a great end to your semester.  




It was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 4:50 p.m. 


CARRIED (10-0-0)