Meeting Minutes
Associated Students | San Diego State University

Monday, October 12, 2020 - 3:30pm
Meeting ID: 951 8549 0779


A.S. President, Christian Holt called the meeting to order at 3:33 p.m. 



  1. Voting Members Present: Christian Holt, Bella Martelino, Armando Sepulveda II, Victor Penera, Crystal Sanchez, Hannah Berman-Schneider, Reece Breuckman, Joyce Chen, Ashley Tejada, Dr. J. Luke Wood (left early), Jessica Rentto (late/left early)
  2. Voting Members Absent: Abigail Tamayo, Antonio Marquez
  3. Non-Voting Members Present: Christina Brown, Janice Dils
  4. Non-Voting Members Absent: None.
  5. Visitors: Christy Samarkos, Diego Ramirez, Jennifer Esquivel-Parker, Keely Prosser, Pablo Marquez


It was moved and seconded to approve the Board of Directors agenda.
Bella – Yes                       Crystal – Yes
Joyce – Yes                      Armando – Yes
Hannah - Yes                   Ashley - Yes
Victor - Yes                       Reece - Yes
Dr. Wood - Yes
CARRIED (9-0-0)


It was moved and seconded to approve the Board of Directors meeting minutes of 9/28/20.
Bella – Yes                      Crystal – Yes
Joyce – Yes                     Armando – Yes
Hannah - Yes                  Ashley - Yes
Victor - Yes                      Reece - Yes
Dr. Wood - Yes
CARRIED (9-0-0)


  1. Janice Dils read a public comment on behalf of Pablo Marquez recognizing Indigenous Peoples’ Day and regarding the mascot.


  1. Business and Financial Affairs Designee:  Jessica Rentto reported on the following:
    1. A budget update will be sent out today from Agnes Wong Nickerson, Interim Vice President of Business and Financial Affairs.  
  2. University President’s Designee: Dr. Luke Wood reported the following:
    1. Happy Indigenous Peoples’ Day!  There is programming that is happening within the Division of Student Affairs and Campus Diversity that is serving to address our nation’s history and to celebrate Indigenous people. 
    2. We are planning for a Basic Needs survey. It will cover five areas: food,  housing, transportation, employment and technology.  Jerry Sheehan is providing questions regarding technology.   If there is interest to assist with the survey, please let him know.
    3. The Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships will be having a virtual center.  The response time has been slow due to the large volume of inquiries.  There will be a team of trained financial aid student workers to respond to basic questions to assist with the volume.  
    4. In the SDSU Strategic Plan, there is a committee to help with placemaking on campus with the intent of students seeing themselves on the SDSU campus.  The architecture, murals, the sights, and the smells will relate to the diversity of students visiting campus. SA+CD will also be collaborating with Arts Alive SDSU to create a sense of community.  If you are interested in assisting with this, please let him know.  
    5. Currently, if there are violations of the student code of conduct, mostly in regards to COVID-19 policies, students will go through the SDSU judicial process as opposed to being cited as a recognized student organization.


  1. General Consent Agenda (Action): The General Consent Agenda was reviewed.
    It was moved and seconded to approve the General Consent Agenda.
    Bella – Yes            Crystal – Yes
    Joyce – Yes                Armando – Yes
    Hannah - Yes               Ashley - Yes
    Victor - Yes           Reece - Yes
    CARRIED (8-0-0)
  2. General Consent Report (Information):  The General Consent Report was reviewed.
  3. The Daily Aztec and KCR Budget Update (Information) (Time Certain 4:00 p.m.):  Carlos Careaga, A.S. Finance Director, reviewed The Daily Aztec and KCR Radio budget with the board members.  
  4. Approval of Judicial Affairs Council Removal of College of Education Representative from University Council (Action) (Time Certain 4:15 p.m.)
    Diego Ramirez, A.S. Chief Justice, reviewed the Special Meeting minutes of the A.S. Judicial Affairs Council on 9/28/20 regarding removing Chloe Foreman as the A.S. College of Education Representative. Diego, Crystal Sanchez, A.S. Vice President of University Affairs; Leslie Lopez Moreno, College of Education Student Council President; Dr. Patricia Lozada-Santone, Assistant Dean for the College of Education;  and Jennifer Esquivel-Parker, A.S. Government Affairs Director have all attempted to contact Chloe through email, text and phone calls with no response. Chloe was notified of  the Special Meeting of the Judicial Affairs Council and today’s A.S. Board of Directors meeting.

    It was moved and seconded to approve the Judicial Affairs Council removal of Chloe Foreman as the A.S. College of Education Representative.
    Bella – Yes            Crystal – Yes
    Joyce – Yes                Jessica - Yes  
    Armando – Yes     Hannah - Yes
    Ashley - Yes              Victor - Yes
    Reece – Yes                Dr. Wood- Abstain
    CARRIED (9-0-1)
  5. Consideration and Possible Approval of the A.S. External Relation Board’s Recommendation of A.S.’ Position on State of California Proposition 16 (Action)
    Armando reviewed the External Relations Board minutes of October 12, 2020.  At this meeting, the board approved a recommendation to the A.S. Board of Directors to have Associated Students endorse California Proposition 16.

    It was moved and seconded to approve the A.S. External Relation Board’s recommendation to the A.S. Board of Directors to support California State Proposition 16.
    The item was discussed.

    It was moved and seconded to amend the original motion to change “support” to “endorse”.
    Bella – Yes            Crystal – Yes
    Joyce – Yes                Armando – Yes
    Hannah - Yes               Ashley - Yes
    Victor - Yes           Reece - Yes
    CARRIED (8-0-0)
    The motion was amended.
    Roll call vote of amended motion:
    Bella – Yes            Crystal – No
    Joyce – No                  Armando – Yes
    Hannah - Yes               Ashley – No
    Victor – No            Reece - Yes
    TIE (4-4-0)

    A.S. President, Christian Holt, voted yes to break the tie.  The amended motion is approved.
    CARRIED (5-4-0)

    The A.S. Board of Directors approved A.S. External Affairs Board recommendation to endorse  California Proposition 16. 


Closed to Non-Members

  1. Recommended A.S. Staff Changes due to COVID-19 Impact on A.S.’ Facilities and Programs (Action) (Time Certain 4:45 p.m.)
    It was moved and seconded to move into closed session.
    Bella – Yes                         Crystal – Yes
    Joyce – Yes                        Armando – Yes
    Hannah - Yes                    Ashley - Yes
    Victor - Yes                        Reece – Yes
    Jessica - Yes
    CARRIED (9-0-0)

    The recommendation for A.S. staff changes due to COVID-19 impact on A.S. Facilities and Programs was discussed.
    It was moved and seconded to approve the A.S. full-time staff furloughs due to COVID-19.
    Bella – Yes                        Crystal – Yes
    Joyce – Yes                       Dr. Wood - Yes
    Armando – Yes                Hannah - Yes
    Ashley - Yes                      Victor - Yes
    Reece – Yes                      Jessica – Yes
    CARRIED (10-0-0)

    It was moved and seconded to move out of closed session.
    Bella – Yes                        Crystal – Yes
    Joyce – Yes                       Dr. Wood - Yes
    Armando – Yes                Hannah - Yes
    Ashley - Yes                      Victor - Yes
    Reece – Yes                       Jessica – Yes
    CARRIED (10-0-0)

    Christian reported that the A.S. Staff Changes due to COVID-19 Impact on A.S.’ Facilities and Programs were approved. He will report more at the next meeting after the individual staff affected have been informed.


  1. Audit Committee: None.
  2. Facilities Board: None.
  3. Financial Affairs Committee (FAC): None.
  4. Marketing and Communications Committee: None.


  1. President: Christian Holt reported on the following:
    1. Happy Indigenous Peoples’ Day!
    2. Reece, Christina, DeJuan Benford and Christian had a Sport Club reentry plan meeting.  Waiting for approval. 
    3. Crystal, Christina, and Christian met with Dr. Seshan, Dean of Global Campus. on how A.S. can support SDSU Global Campus.
    4. October is Cybersecurity Month.  Bella, Victor, and Christian met with Dr. James Frazee, SDSU Chief Academic Technology Officer, to ensure students are aware of phishing schemes. 
    5. Collaborated with Dr. Dooley,Associate Vice President for SA+CD, and Student Health Services to make a flu shot video for SDSU students.
    6. Had an Aztec Recreation Outdoor Recreation meeting to walk through residential spaces for additional opportunities for outdoor recreation.
    7. Met with Dr. Steven Hooker, Dean for College of Health and Human Services, regarding Mission Bay Aquatic Center (MBAC) courses offered in the spring for credit.
    8. We will be able to offer free printing in the student union.  Thank you to all the staff involved, including A.S. staff, student leaders, the library staff and Dr. Scott Walter, Dean of the Library and Information Access.
    9. Had the opportunity to present at the SDSU Bay Area Regional Council.
  2. Executive Vice President: Bella Martelino reported on the following:
    1. Homecoming – Planning on moving forward with November 14. There is a football game and will be having a pre-game event.  Also discussing Homecoming Royals.
    2. Campus Life Council students-at-large are planning coffee chats.
    3. Working with A.S. MarComm regarding a new project regarding a “Day in the Life” video series to highlight student leaders.  
  3. Vice President of External Relations: Armando Sepulveda reported on the following:
    1. Rock the Vote (RTV) Updates:  The website is fully updated with all propositions.  There are twenty-two days left until Election Day.  The last day to register to vote in California  is Monday, October 19.  We have events coming up next week.
    2. Working with California State Student Association (CSSA) on a food pantry resolution asking for more funding.
  4. Vice President of Financial Affairs: Victor Penera reported on the following:
    1. A.S. Financial Affairs Committee has been reviewing the policy for gift cards and food services.
    2. Aztecs Rock Hunger (ARH):  This is the last week of ARH, however, food insecurity does not go away.  We encourage you to continue to support the SDSU Economic Crisis Response Team and the A.S. Food Pantry.  The ARH virtual 5K is occurring right now.  This Friday,the Give Together, Give Back event  is at 11:00 a.m. to discuss food insecurity.  We had the first Fighting Food Insecurity Workshop and  we will have another one next Thursday.
  5. Vice President of University Affairs: Crystal Sanchez reported on the following:
    1. There was a theater student town hall last week.  There is a lot of discussion regarding theater students and the challenges they are having in their department.  
    2. We have launched a new aspect in the Your Voice Matters where students can submit a comment regarding academic feedback.  
  6. Executive Director:   
    1. The A.S. story on Instagram promotes the Indigenous Peoples’ events for the week.
    2. Working on a proposal for 10% occupancy in the Aztec Recreation Center (ARC) and the ARC Express.


  1. Reece Breuckman, Student-At-Large: 
    1. We are getting a reentry plan for Sport Clubs, as Christian mentioned.  Reece will be attending the Sport Clubs Council, as well.
  2. Ashley Tejada, Student-At-Large:
    1. Developing the internal newsletter.  The outline is completed and may add feature regarding Homecoming.  
  3. Abigail Tamayo, Student-At-Large: No report.
  4. Antonio Marquez, Student-At-Large: No report.
  5. Hannah Berman-Schneider, Student-At-Large:
    1. Hope you have a safe and enjoyable week!  Good luck on midterms.  
  6. Joyce Chen, Student-At-Large: 
    1. We are working on an A.S. resource guide.  Continue to stay safe.


  1. Christian will match the ASBOD donation total for Aztecs Rock Hunger.


It was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 6:26 p.m. 
BERMAN-SCHNIEDER/PENERA                       CARRIED (8-0-0)