Meeting Minutes
Associated Students | San Diego State University
Monday, July 13, 2020 - 3:00pm
Via Zoom
- Voting Members Present: Christian Holt, Bella Martelino, Armando Sepulveda II, Victor Penera, Crystal Sanchez, Hannah Berman-Schneider, Reece Breuckman, Abigail Tamayo, Joyce Chen, Ashley Tejada, Antonio Marquez
- Voting Members Absent:, Jessica Rentto, Dr. J. Luke Wood
- Non-Voting Members Present: Christina Brown, Brandi Tonne
- Non-Voting Members Absent: None.
- Visitors: guest_user01, Donald K., Carlos Careaga
It was moved and seconded to approve the Board of Directors agenda, as attached.
Bella - Yes Crystal – Yes Hannah - Yes Antonio - Yes
Armando - Yes Joyce - Yes Ashley - Yes
Victor - Yes Abigail – Yes Reece - Yes
CARRIED (10-0-0)
It was moved and seconded to approve the Board of Directors meeting minutes of 6/30/20, as attached.
Bella - Yes Crystal – Yes Hannah - Yes Antonio - Yes
Armando - Yes Joyce - Yes Ashley - Yes
Victor - Yes Abigail – Yes Reece - Yes
CARRIED (10-0-0)
vi. university reports and presentations
- Business and Financial Affairs Designee: None.
- University President’s Designee: None.
vii. items for consideration
- General Consent Agenda (Action): None.
- General Consent Report (Information): The general consent report was reviewed, as attached.
- 2019 990 Tax Review – Carlos Careaga, Finance Director (Action): It was moved and seconded to approve the 2019 990 Tax Review that was presented by Carlos Careaga, A.S. Director of Finance.
Bella - Yes Crystal – Yes Hannah - Yes Antonio - Yes
CARRIED (10-0-0)
Armando - Yes Joyce - Yes Ashley - Yes
Victor - Yes Abigail – Yes Reece - Yes
- Audit Committee: None.
- Facilities Committee: None.
- Financial Affairs Committee (FAC): None.
- Marketing and Communications Committee: None.
x. executive reports
- President: Christian Holt reported on the following:
- Almost done meeting individually with board members, and reminded members that he will always be a resource for them.
- Along with the A.S. Executive Officers, met with A.S. leaders from the University of San Diego regarding plans in the fall semester and their campus’ response to the pandemic.
- Met with the Senate Sustainability Committee to learn more about their work and how they partner with A.S. Green Love Sustainability.
- Attended the University Enrollment Advisory Committee meeting with Crystal Sanchez.
- The University Co-Curricular and Student Life Tiger Team is in the process of submitting their final report by the deadline of August 1st.
- The training schedule for board members has been developed and members can expect to have their first training at the next meeting.
- Informed members about the survey that will be sent to them in preparation for their Strengthfinders workshop.
- Had an introductory meeting with the leadership for SDSU-Mission Valley and SDSU University Relations and Development,
Reminded members that all student-SDSU emails have been switched to the Google Suite. Now, students can access their SDSU emails through the Gmail platform. - Met with Genar Abdon from the SDSU Office of Sustainability to review the 2020 STARS Report (The Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System)
- Athletes have begun moving back to campus for optional workouts.
- SDSU is expecting about 8,000 students on campus in the fall semester.
- Met with Provost Dr. Salvador Hector Ochoa with Crystal Sanchez to discuss how international students will be supported in response to the statement released by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
- Will be attending the New Graduate Student Orientation next week.
- Executive Vice President: Bella Martelino reported on the following:
- The A.S. Virtual Programming Committee is creating a guide to help A.S. plan events for a digital space that will outline things that should be considered when planning an event.
- There are campus-wide themed weeks for the fall semester that will help the University collaborate on events and to help prevent over-programming.
- There is a new A.S. Outreach Advisory team that is currently working on outreach to incoming students that are interested in joining A.S.
- Attended the California Higher Education Sustainability Conference and learned best practices for sustainability efforts and will be attending more meetings related to this topic.
- Along with the A.S. Virtual Programming Committee, ASUB is creating an online calendar for programs and events.
- Vice President of External Relations: Armando Sepulveda reported on the following:
- Reviewed the new guidelines from Governor Newsom regarding the new rollback for San Diego County because of the COVID-19 infection rates.
- California State Student Association (CSSA) drafted a resolution calling upon the CSU Chancellor to advocate for international students. The CSSA President was in constant communication with the CSU Chancellor regarding this matter. The CSU has joined the University of California (UC) system in a lawsuit regarding this.
- There has been an update for the Title IX policy. CSSA and the CSU are working to ensure that there is a smooth transition to the updated policy.
- Reported that CSUnity, a leadership conference hosted by CSSA is coming soon!
- The Rock the Vote Leadership team is complete and now will be planning for events, voter education and outreach.
- Vice President of Financial Affairs: Victor Penera reported on the following:
- In the process of reviewing the Travel and Campus Program Funding policies along with the student organization expenditure policies with hopes to have them updated before the fall semester begins.
- Met with Paul Melchior from Aztec Shops to brainstorm ideas for this year’s virtual Aztecs Rock Hunger (ARH) Campaign. Also, will be meeting with the Jacobs & Cushman San Diego Food Bank leaders and the ARH Leadership team this week.
- Attended the COVID-19 Response Team meeting and reported that Well-being and Health Promotion staff is looking for student voice for their new campaign that will raise awareness about COVID-19.
- Along with Carlos Careaga and Jennifer Esquivel-Parker, met with Associated Students at SDSU Imperial Valley to discuss their budget questions.
- Vice President of University Affairs: Crystal Sanchez reported on the following:
- Along with the A.S. Executive Officers met with the SDSU Provost, Dr. Salvador Hector Ochoa to discuss goals for this year.
- Along with Christian Holt, will be meeting with all the Deans and the Provost this week to introduce ourselves.
- Hosted the first Academic Affairs Committee meeting last month with all of the College Council Presidents.
- Met with Antionette Marbray from the Academic Integrity Taskforce to discuss how SDSU students can maintain their academic integrity through SDSU Flex. A survey will be sent to students regarding this.
- Met with Dr. Christina Alfaro regarding the policy that was released by U.S. Immigration Customs Enforcement. A survey has been sent to all current SDSU international students asking about their plans for the fall semester such as where they would like to reside. This will help SDSU best accommodate and support all international students.
- The Graduate Student Association is looking for a new President for this year and they are hosting, along with SDSU Graduate Affairs and New Student and Parent Programs, the first Graduate New Student Orientation next week.
- Executive Director: Christina Brown reported on the following:
- Janice Dils, A.S.Government Affairs Manager, will be contacting each student member to schedule an individual meeting with Christina.
- Reported about the reentry plans for the various A.S. facilities:
- Mission Bay Aquatic Center opened for rentals last month and is in the third week of youth camps.
- The proposal to reopen the Children’s Center has been approved and they are working towards reopening on August 3rd.
- Working on the proposal for reopening the Aztec Recreation Center that will be sent for campus approval with the hopes of being able to open by the fall semester. The reopen plan for the Aquaplex will only allow for single lap swim only.
- Working on the reopen plan for the Aztec Student Union with hopes of reopening by the fall semester.
- In the process of working with the Music Department and Tim Ripke, A.S. Viejas Arena Director to host in-person music labs in the Cal Coast Credit Union Open Air Theatre during the fall semester.
- An update on the A.S. Food Pantry will be provided soon.
- Gives accolades to all campus staff for their hard work on collaborating and coordinating a strong campus-wide programming effort.
- President: Christian Holt reported on the following:
xi. reports of board of directors members
- Reece Breuckman, Student-At-Large: None.
- Ashley Tejada, Student-At-Large: None.
- Abigail Tamayo, Student-At-Large: None.
- Joyce Chen, Student-At-Large: None.
- Antonio Marquez, Student-At-Large: Educated members about the BEST Summer Bridge Program that is offered to incoming first-years by the Office of Educational Opportunity Programs & Ethnic Affairs (EOP).
- Hannah Berman-Schneider, Student-At-Large: None.
It was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 4:02 pm.
APPROVED BY: Christian Holt, A.S. President
PREPARED BY: Brandi Tonne, A.S. Government Affairs Coordinator