Meeting Minutes
Associated Students | San Diego State University

Monday, June 29, 2020 - 3:00pm
Via Zoom


A.S. President, Christian Holt called the meeting to order at 3:03 PM.



    1. Voting Members Present: Christian Holt, Bella Martelino, Armando Sepulveda II, Victor Penera, Crystal Sanchez, Hannah Berman-Schneider, Reece Breuckman, Abigail Tamayo, Joyce Chen, Ashley Tejada, Jessica Rentto (late).
    2. Voting Members Absent: Antonio Marquez, Brittany Santos-Derieg
    3. Non-Voting Members Present: Christina Brown, Dr. J. Luke Wood (late), Brandi Tonne
    4. Non-Voting Members Absent:  None.
    5. Visitors: guest_user01, Donald K., Christy Samarkos, Carlos Careaga.


It was moved and seconded to approve the Board of Directors agenda, as attached.

Bella - Yes                        Crystal – Yes                 Hannah - Yes
Armando - Yes                  Joyce - Yes                   Ashley - Yes
Victor - Yes                        Abigail – Yes                Reece - Yes  

                                                                                               CARRIED (9-0-0)


It was moved and seconded to approve the Board of Directors meeting minutes of 6/1/20, as attached.
Bella - Yes                              Crystal – Yes                 Hannah - Yes
Armando - Yes                       Joyce - Yes                    Ashley - Yes
Victor - Yes                            Abigail – Yes                  Reece - Yes
                                                                                               CARRIED (9-0-0)



    1. Business and Financial Affairs Designee:
      Jessica Rentto reported on the following:
      1. The California state budget has been released and there are budget cuts for the California State University system. Will have more information at a future meeting.
    2. University President's Designee:  None.

vii.  items for consideration

    1. General Consent Agenda (Action): None.
    2. General Consent Report (Information):  The general consent report was reviewed, as attached.
    3. A.S. Budget Overview (Information):  Carlos Careaga, A.S. Director of Finance, informed members about the 2020-21 budget and the fiscal impact of COVID-19.



    1. Audit Committee:  None.
    2. Facilities Committee:  None.
    3. Financial Affairs Committee (FAC): None.
    4. Marketing and Communications Committee:  None.


      1. President:  Christian Holt reported on the following:
        1. Will be establishing “office hours” for students to connect and interact with him during the semester. More details to come.
        2. Attended the Panetta Institute for Public Policy founded and led by former White House Chief of Staff, Leon Panetta. Shared some of the key takeaways from this week-long seminar.
        3. A Doodle has been sent to board members to schedule a 1:1 meeting. In this meeting, they will discuss goals for the year and answer any questions.
        4. Will be bringing the 2020-21 A.S. Vision and Goals to the board soon.
        5. In the process of developing a training series that will be implemented into these summer meetings.
        6. Had introductory meetings with the following campus leaders: President Adela de la Torre, Brittany Santos-Derieg, Luis Murillo, Dr. Luke Wood, Christy Samarkos, John David Wicker..
        7. Wrote an op-ed piece for the Daily Aztec and had a profile piece in the SDSU NewsCenter. In both, he shared his opinion of the events happening in the world and his perspective on the upcoming school year.
        8. Shared that the progress for the Student Life and Co-Curricular Tiger Team is going strong and six subcommittees have been created.
        9. Met with a student to learn more about their concern of policing and referred them to participate in the AS Campus Safety Committee.
        10. The Executive Officers will be meeting with members of the A.S. Graduate Student Association tonight to start collaborating for the year.
      2. Executive Vice President:  Bella Martelino reported on the following:
        1. In the process of scheduling meetings with A.S. Campus Life Council members.
        2. Will be virtually attending the California Higher Education Sustainability Conference with Green Love members from July 6th through 10th.
        3. In the midst of planning Homecoming and awaiting official dates. The Executive Officers will be meeting with Athletics soon.
        4. Reminded members about the timeline for New Student Orientation and informed them about the plan to respond to students who expressed interest in joining AS.
        5. Informed members about the AS Virtual Programming Team has been making great progress and that they met with staff and students last Friday.
      3. Vice President of External Relations:  Armando Sepulveda reported on the following:
        1. Announced that the leadership team for Rock the Vote is almost complete and hopes to have the first team meeting within the next two weeks. Also, he is working to solidify the campaign calendar.
        2. Attended the California State Student Association (CSSA) preliminary meeting and informed members about the leadership opportunities that are available – Vice President of Legislative Affairs and the Special Officers.
        3. Reminded members that SDSU out-of-state students are able to use their Eduroam account to access the internet while at any state university.
        4. Reported that he is looking forward to working with other CSU campuses to provide support to all CSU students this year.
      4. Vice President of Financial Affairs: Victor Penera reported on the following:
        1. Hosted the first Aztecs Rock Hunger (ARH) leadership team meeting and looking to schedule a few more this summer. Also, there will be a professional development series implemented for the ARH leadership team this summer. In the midst of developing the Engage Program for ARH which will allow students to shadow and to be mentored by the current leadership team.
        2. Provided a year in review for the Economic Crisis Response Team (ECRT) – in 2019/20, ECRT served 252 students in the fall semester and 1,342 students in the spring semester. As for the mini-grant, ECRT has distributed about $48k to 90 students and $28k in grocery gift cards during the spring semester. ECRT is working with Analytic Studies and Institutional Research to understand more about the demographics of the students being served and to improve the ECRT marketing. ECRT is developing two initiatives for the upcoming year: 1) Community Cares Funding to provide basic needs for cultural centers and 2) the Basic Needs Tool Kit for faculty/staff and student leaders to help them support students in need.
        3. Working with Carlos Careaga to update policies for AS funding and thanked Diana de la Rosa for updating the A.S. website. He has also been meeting with Student Life and Leadership (SLL) to learn more about how they support Recognized Student Organizations (RSO). Will be attending the summer series presented by SLL to learn more about how RSO will be engaging in the fall semester. Encouraged board members to attend virtually with him.
      5. Vice President of University Affairs: Crystal Sanchez reported on the following:
        1. Informed members about the Your Voice Matters initiative and reported that she is working towards finalizing a plan that will allow AS to facilitate submissions and possible town hall events.
        2. The first Academic Affairs Committee meeting is tomorrow, June 30th at 2 PM with all of the College Council Presidents. Will be developing trainings for the College Council Presidents to better support them with topics such as parliamentary procedures and AS funding.
        3. Working with the Campus Life Coordination team who are currently developing weekly themes for the fall semester to help prevent over programming.
      6. Executive Director: Christina Brown reported on the following:
        1. Reported about the reentry plans for the various A.S. facilities:
          1. Mission Bay Aquatic Center opened for rentals last month and as of last week for youth camps. All of the staff was rehired and returning from last year.
          2. The proposal to reopen the Children’s Center is currently under review in the Policy Group and awaiting approval from the University. Hoping to open in August.
          3. Equipment for the Aztec Recreation Center has been relocated due to the construction. Currently working on guidelines from the industry and the County of San Diego to reopen safely.
          4. The reopen plan for the Aquaplex will only allow for single lap swim only; locker rooms and deck lounging will not be available.
        2. Assisting the Executive Officers with developing their goals and vision for the year along with supporting the A.S. Virtual Programming Team.


    1. Reece Breuckman, Student-At-Large: Informed members that he enjoyed Christian’s articles and praised everyone for their hard work managing the crisis.
    2. Ashley Tejada, Student-At-Large: None.
    3. Abigail Tamayo, Student-At-Large: None.
    4. Joyce Chen, Student-At-Large: None.
    5. Antonio Marquez, Student-At-Large: None.
    6. Hannah Berman-Schneider, Student-At-Large: None.



It was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 4:19 pm.
CHEN/BERMAN-SCHNEIDER                                                          CARRIED

APPROVED BY:  Christian Holt, A.S. President
PREPARED BY:  Brandi Tonne, A.S. Government Affairs Coordinator