Meeting Minutes
Associated Students | San Diego State University

Monday, April 6, 2020 - 3:30pm
Via Zoom


A.S. President, Christian Onwuka, called the meeting to order at 3:37 PM.



A. Voting Members Present: Christian Onwuka, Kyla Blaylock, Angelica Espinoza, George Scott, Dustin Adkins, Sophie Chance, CJ Holt (Left Early), Cassie Weinberg, Antonio
Marquez Camacho, Jessica Rentto, Brittany Santos-Derieg

B. Voting Members Absent: Stephanie Estrada, Lee Abed.

C. Non-Voting Members Present: Dr. J. Luke Wood, Christina Brown, Nikki Eliaschev.

D. Non-Voting Members Absent: None.

E. Visitors: Sharry Bo.


It was moved and seconded to approve the agenda for today's meeting.
ESPINOZA/WEINBERG                                                   CARRIED


It was moved and seconded to approve the Board of Directors meeting minutes of 3/9/20, as attached.
ADKINS/ESPINOZA                                                    CARRIED


vi.  university reports and presentations

A.  Business and Financial Affairs Designee:  Jessica Rentto reported on the following:

        1. The Chancellor's Office is committed to paying student assistants through April 5th. The University created a program to provide paid leave to staff through the end of the
          semester, including student staff, if telework is not possible. Not all A.S. auxiliaries have the capability to do this, working with them during this ongoing process.
        2. Explained the Emergency Operations Committee (EOC) and how they help provide direction to the university during times of crisis.

B.  University President's Designee:  Brittany Santos-Derieg reported on the following:

        1. There are conversations around the possibility of making all classes pass/fail.
          Explained the benefits and drawbacks to this, including that it would negatively impact veteran students, NCAA student athletes and students that receive federal
          financial aid based on their GPA.
        2. The main priority is to address student anxiety, which includes keeping financial aid
          the same and addressing academic probation.
        3. A spring break policy letter will be sent out to remind professors that no assignments should have been due during spring break.

C.  SDSU Chief Diversity Officer and Associate Vice President for Diversity and Innovation:  Dr. J. Luke Wood reported on the following:

        1. There was a Strategic Plan Committee meeting last week. Hoping that the finalized
          draft of the Strategic Plan, that includes the five priority areas, will be approved at the next meeting. Explained the process for review of the Strategic Plan.
        2. The University has created three "tagger teams" and a few more are coming soon. The current groups will focus on retention of students, university services working
          collaboratively on intensive yield efforts, and providing access and implementing micro-sites. There is a proposed group to discuss enrollment management.


A.  General Consent Agenda (Action)
It was moved and seconded to approval the general consent agenda, as attached.


B.  General Consent Report (Information):  The general consent report was reviewed, as attached.

VIII.  CLOSED SESSION (Closed to Non-Members):  None.


    1. Audit Committee:  None.
    2. Facilities Committee:  None.
    3. Financial Affairs Committee:  None.
    4. Marketing and Communications Committee:  None.


    1. President:  Christian Onwuka reported on the following:
      1. Focused on listening to students’ concerns and needs to be able to provide the best support.
      2. Encouraged everyone to reach out to their successors to ensure a smooth transition for the fall.
      3. The search for the University Vice President of Student Affairs and Campus Diversity is happening.
      4. The University Senate is meeting tomorrow.
      5. Encouraged everyone to pick up a hobby.
    2. Executive Vice President:  Kyla Blaylock reported on the following:
      1. The Aztec Achievement Awards (AAAs) have been postponed. Meeting this week to discuss ways to recognize awardees.
      2. Will keep working on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiatives.
      3. Working on a “soft contract” with Athletics to clarify expectations and ensure that successors will have a smooth transition.
      4. Has been meeting with A.S. Representatives on CLC to help them prepare for transition.
    3. Vice President of External Relations: Angelica Espinoza reported on the following:
      1. Serving on the A.S. Virtual Promotions Committee with Giselle Luevanos to promote virtual programs.
      2. Chancellor of the California State University, Tim White, is delaying his retirement in order to provide help during this time of crisis.
      3. The Cal State Student Association (CSSA) wrote a letter to the office of the
        Chancellor expressing student concerns about Coronavirus.
      4. The opening for the Native Indigenous Healing Garden has shifted to a dedication ceremony.
      5. Explained the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) statement regarding Coronavirus and reminded members of the importance of supporting the undocumented community, especially during this time. Is working with the CSUs on ways to best serve the needs of undocumented students and share resources that are available.
      6. Continuing to work with Rachel Gregg on Census, which is a challenge since most operations are suspended.
    4. Vice President of Financial Affairs: Dustin Adkins reported on the following:
      1. The A.S Food Pantry has closed until further notice. Staff is working to make sure that any students that contact A.S. about the Food Pantry are being connected with the appropriate resources.
      2. Lots of students are reaching out to the Economic Crisis Response Team (ECRT). Due to an increase in case loads, three A.S. Food Pantry Leads will be transitioning
        to the ECRT to work as Student Support Advocates.
      3. There have been changes to the budget. However, any Campus Program Funding (CPF) requests that were approved for this semester but had their events canceled will remain available to students for next semester.
    5. Vice President of University Affairs: George Scott reported on the following:
      1. Working on a conflict resolution email in collaboration with Mark Wheeler, the University Senate Chair which will be sent out soon.
      2. ‘Your Voice Matters’ has received many submissions asking about student fee refunds. Working on responding to students as soon as possible. There is also an explanation of what refunds are available to students on the SDSU Covid-19 webpage.
      3. Making sure that everyone who worked on the 2019-2020 Academic Report is receiving credit. Will present the analysis of the report soon.
    6. Executive Director: Christina Brown reported on the following:
      1. All A.S. meetings have gone virtual, which is amazing to see. All meetings are listed on the website with the zoom log-ins. The public is welcome to join any meeting.
      2. JAC will be validating the elections results this Wednesday.
      3. The last meeting of the semester, which will be the swear-in meeting of the 2020/21 AS leaders, is currently scheduled for April 29th.
      4. Reviewed the timeline of events of the past two weeks. She explained that A.S. facilities remained open as long as possible. and both full-time and part-time staff are working hard to offer AS programs and services virtually.  The Aztec Recreation Center has created lots of online content free to students. ASUB is looking to create even more virtual programming. Explained the four new AS working groups, which include the Virtual Programming Committee, Promotions Committee, Virtual HR
        Committee, Virtual Tool Committee. She is very proud of the work that the committees are doing. She explained that AS part-time student staff are being paid emergency pay at least through April 17, 2020.
      5. Explained that the University is operating under the Emergency Operations Committee (EOC) and how it works to solve issues quickly.
      6. Working to get more information out this week to students who have been asking about refunds for student fees.
      7. The Aztec Recreation Center (ARC) expansion is continuing, as large-scale construction projects are considered essential.


    1. Lee Abed, Student-At-Large : No report.
    2. Sophie Chance, Student-At-Large :
      1. Appreciative of the work that everyone is putting in.
      2. Students expressed that they are having a hard time balancing class with work, moving, and outside factors.
    3. Stephanie Estrada, Student-At-Large : No report.
    4. Christian Holt, Student-At-Large : No report.
    5. Antonio Marquez-Camacho, Student-At-Large:
      1. The Undocumented Resource Area is working to set up online tutoring for students.
      2. Has been listening to student concerns. A student expressed worry about not being able to meet immunizations requirements, and worked on finding information for them.
    6. Cassie Weinberg, Student-At-Large :
      1. Has been talking with students who expressed that they are upset that classes have resumed as usual, not taking into account the various different circumstances that students may be facing.

xii.  announcements

    1. Dustin shared an app called Vizer that donates a meal to the San Diego Food Bank for reaching 10,000 steps in a day.


It was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 4:56pm.


APPROVED BY:  Christian L. Onwuka, A.S President
PREPARED BY:  Nikki Eliaschev, A.S. Government Secretary