Meeting Minutes
Associated Students | San Diego State University

Monday, February 24, 2020 - 3:30pm
Council Chambers • Conrad Prebys Aztec Student Union


A.S. President, Christian Onwuka, called the meeting to order at 3:35 PM in the Council Chambers at the Conrad Prebys Aztec Student Union.



  1. Voting Members Present: Christian Onwuka, Kyla Blaylock (late), George Scott, Dustin Adkins, Lee Abed, Sophie Chance, Cassie Weinberg, Antonio Marquez Camacho, Brittany Santos-Derieg.
  2. Voting Members Absent: Angelica Espinoza, Stephanie Estrada, CJ Holt, Jessica Rentto.
  3. Non-Voting Members Present: Christina Brown.
  4. Non-Voting Members Absent: Nikki Eliaschev.
  5. Visitors: Haley Bauer (Gallo Wine Company), Dr. J. Luke Wood.


It was moved and seconded to approve the agenda for today’s meeting.
ADKINS/CHANCE                                                                                                      CARRIED


It was moved and seconded to approve the Board of Directors meeting minutes of 2/10/20, as attached.
SCOTT/WEINBERG                                                                                                   CARRIED



Haley Bauer, Sales Representative for Gallo Wine Company and former College of Business Representative, spoke about opportunities available starting this summer including an eight week long internship for juniors and full-time career opportunities for students who are graduating. The application is on Handshake and is due tonight at midnight.  


  1. Business and Financial Affairs Designee: No report.
  2. University President’s Designee: Brittany Santos-Derieg reported on the following:
    1. Thanked everyone who was at the opening of the Latinx Resource Center. It was a powerful moment and she was glad to be a part of it. Acknowledged the students who worked on the proposal, planning, and opening of the center. 
    2. SDSU President Adela de la Torre and herself had some great conversations with members of SDSU’s Imperial Valley A.S. Encouraged the A.S. Leaders West Campus to collaborate with the A.S. Leaders at Imperial Valley.  
  3. SDSU Chief Diversity Officer and Associate Vice President of Diversity and Inclusion: Dr. J. Luke Wood reported on the following:
    1. Gave kudos to Antonio for all of his work on the Latinx Resource Center. The opening was smooth and more people attended than expected. Excited for what is to come. 
    2. Excited for the opening of the Native Student Resource Center on March 17th, at 12:30 pm. The Southern California Tribal Council will be attending the opening.


  1. General Consent Agenda (Action): It was moved and seconded to approve the general consent agenda, as attached.
    MARQUEZ CAMACHO/ABED                                                                     CARRIED
  2. General Consent Report (Information): The general consent report was reviewed, as attached.
  3. Selection of BOD member to serve on Appointments and Review for selection of A.S. Justice: It was moved and seconded to select Sophie Chance as the BOD member to serve on the Appointment and Review Committee for the selection of the JAC Justice, and to select Antonio in the case that Sophie cannot attend. Angie was selected as the last chance alternative.
    WEINBERG/BLAYLOCK                                                                         CARRIED


Closed to Non-Members

  1. A.S. Full-time Organizational Structure Discussion (Information): The board moved into closed session to discuss A.S. full-time organizational structure updates. 


  1. Audit Committee: None.
  2. Facilities Board: None.
  3. Financial Affairs Committee (FAC): Dustin reported on the following:
    1. Membership has increased. 
    2. Excited for budgeting season and to see all of the presentations from the councils and cultural organizations. 
  4. Marketing and Communications Committee: None.


  1. President: Christian Onwuka reported on the following:
    1. Serving on the Presidential Staff Excellence Awards Committee. This year auxiliary staff can be nominated for awards. Nominations begin March 1st. Asked everyone to fill them out.
    2. Spoke about his experience from being a first-year student attendee to being a speaker at the SDSU Leadership Summit last Saturday.
    3. Attended the Super Sunday Gospel Fest yesterday. It was great to see local black churches partnering with SDSU. 
    4. Met with Jen Stanley, Director of Development at Student Affairs at SDSU, last week to discuss the Aztec Recreation Center (ARC) endowment. 
    5. Will be speaking at the opening ceremony of the Native Healing Garden on March 21st at noon. Encouraged everyone to go and support indigenous students. 
    6. Excited to be a part of the panel at the Laurels for Leaders Luncheon along with Angie and Kyla. 
    7. Met with a candidate for the University Vice President of University Relations and Development and is excited to meet two more candidates. 
    8. Gave an update about the meeting regarding the University Vice President for the Division of Student Affairs and Campus Diversity. 
    9. Was interviewed by the Daily Aztec.
  2. Executive Vice President: Kyla Blaylock reported on the following:
    1. Athletics will be offering at least 60 students the opportunity to attend the Mountain West Conference men’s basketball tournament in Las Vegas. 
    2. The last SDSU men’s basketball home game is tomorrow at 8:00 pm. There will be a watch party downstairs in Aztec Lanes with free pizza.
    3. Reminded members that there is an All Council Training (ACT) on Wednesday and to wear their polos. 
    4. Aztec Achievement Awards (AAAs) nominations are open now through March 1st. Please submit a nomination. 
    5. Felt very proud to be at the opening of the Latinx Resource Center and felt a great sense of community.
    6. Young the Giant is the headlining artist for the GreenFest concert. Encouraged everyone to go and support the events during the week. 
  3. Vice President of External Relations: Christina Brown on behalf of Angelica Espinoza:
    1. There were lots of applicants for this year’s California Higher Education Student Summit (CHESS) and the 2020 CHESS Delegation has been selected. Angie will be posting a short bio about them.
    2. Rock the Vote is hosting a Presidential Debate Watching Party tomorrow at 5:00 pm in Scripps Cottage. 
    3. Lobby Corps is coordinating a district visit.
    4. Will be attending the Change the Status Quo: Social Justice Leadership Conference with Student Diversity Commission representative Aubrey Benito this weekend.
    5. Will be emceeing for Environmental Justice Day during GreenFest.
  4. Vice President of Financial Affairs: Dustin Adkins reported on the following:
    1. Thanked everyone who participated in the parking focus groups. Students spoke about wanting more transparency with parking fees and disclosing what the money is going to when there are increases.
    2. African Student Union presented about Campus Program Funding (CPF) today at FAC and there was a motion to move funding from a different source to support them. 
    3. Aztecs Rock Hunger (ARH) is working on thanking the communities that participated significantly and to create different marketing strategies that will let donors see the impact of their donations. 
  5. Vice President of University Affairs: George Scott reported on the following:
    1. Reviewed the finished draft of the Academic Reports in Academic Affairs Council (AAC) this morning. 
    2. Continuing the conversation with College Council Presidents regarding student representation on the University Senate. 
  6. Executive Director: Christina Brown reported on the following:
    1. Attended the California Higher Education Basic Needs Alliance 2020 Summit which was the first ever combined CSU and UC conference. Learned about basic needs support on all of the campuses. Is very proud of the work that the Economic Crisis Response Team (ECRT) does to support students.


  1. Lee Abed, Student-At-Large:
    1. Helping bring Edith Eger to campus on April 20th.
    2. Working with the Campus Community Commission to help them find volunteers for the Good Neighbor Clean-Up and schedule more clean-ups.
  2. Sophie Chance, Student-At-Large:
    1. Gave kudos to Antonio for his work on the Latinx Resource Center.
    2. Expressed appreciation for Green Love for working including accessibility features on their communications. 
    3. Gave kudos to the College of Engineering for putting on the Engineering Fair, and to CAL and PSFA for hosting their joint event.
    4. Dance Marathon was amazing. 
  3. Stephanie Estrada, Student-At-Large: No report.
  4. Christian Holt, Student-At-Large:
    1. Meeting with students to plan the human sex trafficking awareness event that will be the week of April 20th. 
    2. The Student Diversity Commission (SDC) student leader mixer is this Wednesday in Aztec Lanes. 
  5. Antonio Marquez-Camacho, Student-At-Large:
    1. Spoke about his involvement in the opening of the Latinx Resource Center, from submitting the proposal to the opening ceremony, and thanked everyone for their support. Seeing the center open was surreal and this center is really important for the Latinx community, especially because SDSU is a Hispanic Serving Institution. 
    2. Students are coming up with great ideas for the Latinx Film Festival.
    3. Will be attending the Associated College Press (ACP) conference in San Francisco with the Daily Aztec and the Intercollegiate Broadcast System (IBS) Awards in New York with KCR. 
    4.  Attended the CAL x  PSFA Alumni Panel, Empowering Identity to Unite Communities.
  6.  Cassie Weinberg, Student-At-Large:
    1. Very excited for ‘Self Care Day’ next week. It will be in the Student Union courtyard from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm. 
    2. Has been working with Counseling and Psychological Services to prepare the student-leader mental health training workshop that will be presented at the All Council Training this Wednesday. 
    3. Climate Action Committee has been working with the administration. 


  1. Christian announced that the Long Beach Step Show is this weekend and he will be performing.
  2. Dustin announced that Sunday, March 22nd is TedX at SDSU.
  3. Nikki announced that she will be studying abroad in Puerto Rico next semester. 


It was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 5:05 pm.
ABED/SCOTT                                                                                                                CARRIED

APPROVED BY: Christian L. Onwuka, A.S. President   

PREPARED BY: Nikki Eliaschev, A.S. Government Secretary