Meeting Minutes
Associated Students | San Diego State University

Monday, February 10, 2020 - 3:30pm
Council Chambers • Conrad Prebys Aztec Student Union


A.S. President, Christian Onwuka, called the meeting to order at 3:35 PM in the Council Chambers at the Conrad Prebys Aztec Student Union.



  1. Voting Members Present: Christian Onwuka, Kyla Blaylock (late), George Scott, Dustin Adkins, Christian Holt, Lee Abed, Sophie Chance, Cassie Weinberg, Antonio Marquez Camacho, Jessica Rentto, Brittany Santos-Derieg.
  2. Voting Members Absent: Angelica Espinoza, Stephanie Estrada.
  3. Non-Voting Members Present: Christina Brown.
  4. Non-Voting Members Absent: Nikki Eliaschev.
  5. Visitors: Dr. J. Luke Wood, Carlos Careaga.


It was moved and seconded to approve the agenda for today’s meeting.
WEINBERG/SCOTT                                                                                                   CARRIED


It was moved and seconded to approve the Board of Directors meeting minutes of 1/27/20, as attached.
HOLT/ABED                                                                                                              CARRIED





  1. Business and Financial Affairs Designee: Jessica Rentto reported on the following:
    1. Negotiating the purchase and sale agreement of Mission Valley. The City Council approved the sale.
    2. The CSU Board of Trustees approved the Environmental Impact Report (EIR).
  2.  University President’s Designee: No report.
  3. SDSU Chief Diversity Officer and Associate Vice President of Diversity and Inclusion: Dr. J. Luke Wood reported on the following:
    1. The campus climate assessment conversation was last Friday at 4:00 pm.
    2. The Student climate assessment will take place in fall 2020 and will be hosting focus groups in the spring.
    3. Working on the staff and faculty climate assessment which will take place this spring.
    4. Gave an update about the World Campus and local area community colleges.


  1. General Consent Agenda (Action): It was moved and seconded to approve the general consent agenda, as attached.
    ABED/SCOTT                                                                                             CARRIED
    1. Financial Affairs Committee: A.S. Q2 Financials and Financial Policy Changes:
      1. Dustin Adkins explained that the A.S. 2019-2020 budget is on track and revenues are down compared to previous years. Viejas has been hosting more events causing them to have a higher revenue this year, as well as higher expenses due to increased costs.
      2. Carlos Careaga shared the policy changes, including changes to the Policy 7.2, bidding requirement, and Policy 2.1, signature authority. The goal is to have more policy trainings updated by July 1st, 2020.
    2. General Consent Report (Information): The general consent report was reviewed, as attached.


Closed to Non-Members



  1. Audit Committee: None.
  2. Facilities Board: None.
  3. Financial Affairs Committee (FAC):
    1. Working on recruitment because membership is down.
    2. Approved the Q2 Update and Policy Changes for A.S.
    3. Approved CPF and Travel Funding.
  4. Marketing and Communications Committee: None.


  1. President: Christian Onwuka reported on the following:
    1. Serving on the Student Advisory Taskforce which focuses on conversations understanding the policies related to students.
    2. Will be attending meetings with the University VP of University Relations and Development candidates.
    3. Is on the search committee for the University VP for Student Affairs and Campus Diversity.
    4. Attended SDSU BRIDGES Conference, where former SDSU President Dr. Stephen Weber spoke.
    5. Will be moderating a conversation on the “n-word” on March 16. Encouraged everyone to attend.
  2. Executive Vice President: Kyla Blaylock reported on the following:
    1. The second University Diversity and Equity Institute went well. Received the data from the A.S. Employee Climate Survey and will be using it to move forward with goals for the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Plan.
    2. Working with Athletics to address students’ concerns about struggling to get SDSU men’s basketball game tickets.
    3. A.S. is partnering with Athletics to purchase Mountain West Conference basketball game tickets.
    4. She and Christina are meeting with Gina Jacobs tomorrow to discuss SDSU Mission Valley.
    5. Discussed creating pathways for students to complete their GEs that are tailored to their interests at the Undergraduate Council meeting.
    6. This fall SDSU will have a full online catalog, which was not available previously.
    7. Nominations for the Aztec Achievement Awards (AAAs) open today.
    8. Will be meeting with CLC Council Members to discuss transitions.
  3. Vice President of External Relations: Angelica Espinoza reported on the following:
    1. CHESS Interviews are tomorrow and Wednesday.
    2. Will be attending CSSA SLO this weekend.
    3. Register to vote! The deadline to register is Tuesday of next week.
  4. Vice President of Financial Affairs: Dustin Adkins reported on the following:
    1. Budget presentations for A.S. funding are starting soon.
    2. The Student Support Resolution from last year is moving forward.
    3. Parking Focus Group meetings are next week on Tuesday the 18th and Wednesday 19th from 11:30 am - 1:30 pm.
    4. Will be sharing notes from the California Higher Education Basic Needs Alliance 2020 Summit once they have been summarized.
  5. Vice President of University Affairs: George Scott reported on the following:
    1. The final planning session for the A.S. 2019-2020 Academic Report is this Friday, February 14th. The last student input session is this morning.
    2. Met with the Dean of the Library and learned about updates coming to the library including increased seating space, renovated plumbing for the bathrooms, and more study rooms in the dome.
    3. Will be filming a promotional video next Tuesday and Wednesday.
  6. Executive Director: Christina Brown reported on the following:
    1. Kyla has been doing a great job working with Athletics on addressing the problems with the ticketing process.
    2. Chapters that are fully recognized by the IFC can participate in Greek Intramurals.
    3. The Aztec Recreation Center (ARC) is experiencing a delay due to the Fire Marshall who has a 6 month delay.


  1. Lee Abed, Student-At-Large:
    1. Working to bring Edith Eger to campus on April 20th to speak about her experience as a survivor of Auschwitz.
    2. AEPi is planning “A Walk to Remember” which will begin at the chapter house and finish at SDSU Hillel. This event is open to the entire community.
  2. Sophie Chance, Student-At-Large:
    1. Serving on the search committee for the Dean of the Library.
    2. Working on a way for students to sell books and calculate the “buy back” rates.
  1. Stephanie Estrada, Student-At-Large: No report.
  2. Christian Holt, Student-At-Large:
    1. Working with Adam Adams from the EOP office on a Men of Color Survey.
    2. Working with the Student Support Commission and Campus Community Commission for semester.
    3. Spoke to the Board of Trustees at CSU Long Beach about SDSU Mission Valley.
  3. Antonio Marquez-Camacho, Student-At-Large:
    1. Speaking at the SDSU Leadership Summit this Saturday.
    2. Continuing to work on the Latinx Film Festival which is coming up soon.
    3. Looking for a variety of Latinx performers and speakers for the opening of the Latinx Resource Center.
  4. Cassie Weinberg, Student-At-Large:
    1. Working on ‘Self-Care: Exploring the Eight Dimensions of Wellness’ event.
    2. Collecting donations for the Swap Shop and working on “3 For Free” coupons for attendees.
    3. Working with the Climate Action Sub-Committee on SDSU Mission Valley.


  1. Cassie Weinberg announced that her professor has free tickets to advanced screening of a Will Ferrell movie and to contact her if interested.
  2. Kyla Blaylock announced that ASUB will be showing ‘Queen and Slim’ in the theater tonight.


It was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 5:21 pm. 
ABED/HOLT                                                                                                                  CARRIED

APPROVED BY: Christian L. Onwuka, A.S. President   

PREPARED BY: Nikki Eliaschev, A.S. Government Secretary