Meeting Minutes
Associated Students | San Diego State University

Monday, August 5, 2013 - 3:00pm
SLW Executive Boardroom, PPGAC


A.S. President, Josh Morse called the meeting to order at 3:06 PM at the SLW Executive Boardroom, at the PPG Alumni Center.


  1. Voting Members Present: Josh Morse, Becca Cohen, Javier Gomez, Mariah Kelly, Jonathan Cole, Josh Garman, Kevin Hancock, Washington Navarrete, Celeste Rodriguez, Nancy Demich, Eric Rivera
  2. Voting Members Absent: Morgan Chan, Jessika Seekatz
  3. Ex-Officios (non-voting) Present: Christina Brown, Dr. Tim Quinnan, Clarice Mendoza
  4. Ex-Officios (non-voting) Absent: None.
  5. Visitors Present: None


It was moved and seconded to approve the agenda for today’s meeting.


It was moved and seconded to move Action Item A from Action to Information.


The agenda was approved as amended. 


It was moved and seconded to approve the Board of Directors meeting minutes of 6/10/13, as attached.


Washington Navarrete made a friendly amendment to correct a misspelling in the roll call. Javier Gomez made a friendly amendment to correct an error made in a reference to his position. Mariah made a friendly amendment to correct an error made in a reference to her position. Nancy Demich made a friendly amendment to correct a date mentioned in her previous report.

Agenda was approved as amended.


It was moved and seconded to approve the appointments and resignations of 8/5/13 as attached.



  1. President: Josh Morse reported on the following:
    1. Josh has been working with the Alumni Association and Kevin Hancock to improve the communication between Associated Students and the Alumni Association. For the grand opening of the Aztec Student Union in the spring, they are currently in the brainstorming process of how the grand opening is going to roll out.
    2. Students are needed to attend strategic plan workshops throughout the year. Working groups also have seats that need to be filled.
    3. Students are also going to be needed to help interview for the new Provost and the new Vice President of Student Affairs.
  2. Executive Vice President: Becca Cohen reported on the following:
    1. The Homecoming Committee will be meeting this week to finalize the calendar for Homecoming.
    2. Retreat is coming up, starting on August 19 until August 21. If you’re going to be absent, be sure to fill out an excused absence form at the Government Affairs Office.
    3. Hoping that all the Board of Directors are planning on attending the Aztec Nights events hosted by the Aztec Student Union Board!
  3. Vice President of External Affairs: Javier Gomez reported on the following:
    1. Working with the Alumni Corps. chair and the MARCOM chairs to iron out the changes made due to the government restructuring and to make goals for the upcoming year.
    2. CSSA Long Beach took place in July. It was very informational and training was done to prepare the university representatives for all the work CSSA will be engaging in, in the upcoming months.
    3. Chancellor White announced that he will be funding all Aware Awake Alive programs at every CSU campus. Aware Awake Alive is a non-profit organization that works towards preventing the loss of lives to alcohol poisoning.
    4. The Aztec has made changes to its publication and it is now more student-friendly.
    5. The Welcome Back video for students is in progress.
  4. Vice President of Finance: Mariah Kelly reported on the following:
    1. There has been a change in management for the Finance Department. Tom Huppert has stepped down as the A.S. Director of Finance & Accounting. Carlos Careaga is the interim for this position until the end of the year audits are completed.
    2. Aztecs Rock Hunger will be from October 4 to 26. Planning meetings will be happening soon.
    3. Working with Dr. Quinnan to ensure that high school conferences are effective and more focused.
    4. Mariah will be meeting with Tom McCarron, the current Vice President for Business & Financial Affairs, soon for an introductory meeting.
    5. There will be a budget workshop at the next Board of Directors meeting.
  5. Vice President of University Affairs: Josh Morse reported on the following, on behalf of Morgan Chan:
    1. Morgan will be setting up meetings between the deans of all of SDSU’s colleges and the members of each the college councils.
    2. College mixer nights are being organized for students to meet students in their own colleges, their college deans, as well as career services staff. These event details are to be determined.
  6. Executive Director: Christina Brown reported on the following:
    1. Working with the Aztec to make sure that they have the scoop on the new food services opening at the Aztec Student Union. Still working on deals for space in the Union, that will also fund upgrades to the Open Air Theatre.
    2. Currently configuring goals for Associated Students, and looking to integrate these goals with the Executive Officers’ key priority goals and the strategic plan.
    3. Mariah Kelly, Carlos Careaga, and Christina Brown will be working on a presentation about A.S.’ finances and budget for a future meeting.
    4. Mark Zakrzewski is the new Aztec Recreation Director.
  7. University President’s Designee: Eric Rivera reported on the following:
    1. Thank you for all the work on the high school conferences.
    2. There will be a three-day retreat for faculty and advisors to learn about the constituents of the strategic plan and how they can accomplish all that is noted in the plan, made last spring. Working groups will also be made to achieve efficacy in goals, making sure the plan is ready.
    3. Please let the Division of Student Affairs know what the students’ needs are. The Student Affairs staff is really looking to develop the brand and messaging of the "Aztec Experience." The staff is already bringing in more internship and mentoring opportunities for students.
    4. Freshman orientations ended today. There was a 94% attendance rate with about 4,300 incoming freshman flooding the walkways and buildings at SDSU, with even more parents attending as well.
    Dr. Timothy Quinnan reported on the following:
    1. Let us all focus on the fact that we’re all Aztecs!
    2. He hopes that there will be more events that will break down barriers to increase the university’s unity.
    3. The co-curricular transcript is still in development. The transcript will be tracking students’ attendance at events and groups, as well as noting any scholarships and awards received. Also included will be a career portfolio in detail, reflective of how a student wants to represent his/herself.
  8. Vice President, Business & Financial Affairs’ Designee: Nancy Demich reported on the following:
    1. As a parent of an incoming SDSU freshman, the Freshmen Student Orientations were very well done.
    2. The "No Smoking" policy won’t be implemented this fall, until the employee unions have reviewed the new policy and its impact on the employees’ workplace. Business affairs have formed a committee to address implementation in the future.
    3. Jonathan Cole asked for the status of the Environment Safety Committee’s evaluation of the bike lanes. Nancy will send the Committee’s past minutes and the final report to Jonathan.


  1. Select Campus Fee Advisory Committee (CFAC) Members and Alternatives: Student members and alternatives will be needed to attend Campus Fee Advisory Committee meetings to talk about campus fees. Josh Morse, A.S. President, will be the chair of these meetings and they will take place every other Friday, from 2-3 PM. Members must be available to attend the entire meeting.


  1. Confirm ASBOD Members Service on Campus Life Council and University Council: The Board of Directors members chose which Councils they will serve on during their term. Washington Navarrete, Celeste Rodriguez, and Josh Garman will be serving on Campus Life Council. Kevin Hancock, Jonathan Cole, and Jessika Seekatz will be serving on University Council.



(Closed to Non-Members)

It was moved and seconded to move into closed session.


It was moved and seconded to move out of closed session.


Christina Brown gave a report on the Claims Schedule.




It was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 4:20pm.




Josh Morse



Clarice Mendoza
A.S. Council Secretary