The annual Aztec Achievement Awards recognize excellence in the numerous contributions students, faculty, staff, and community members make to San Diego State University.

Join Associated Students in celebrating their contributions by nominating someone or applying for the Aztec Achievement Awards today!

2025 Application & Nomination Form

Who can be recognized?

  • Student Leaders: Those who have displayed exceptional leadership skills and dedication.
  • Recognized Student Organizations: Groups that have made a significant impact through their activities and initiatives.
  • Faculty & Staff: Educators and professionals who go above and beyond in shaping the SDSU experience.
  • Alumni: Distinguished graduates who continue to make a positive impact in the community.



Below is a listing of all available awards. Click on each link for the award description.

Shall be awarded each year to no more than one (1) student who has contributed outstanding effort, time and achievement toward furthering the interests of the student body and San Diego State University.

Shall be awarded to a graduating senior (within the current academic year) who has served San Diego State and the student body in a varied manner (i.e., student government, clubs, community service, etc.) throughout their San Diego State career.

Shall be awarded to a graduate student who has contributed outstanding effort, time, and achievement toward furthering the interest of the student body and San Diego State University beyond the scope of their graduate program.

Shall be awarded to a first-year student at San Diego State University who has made significant contributions to the University and demonstrated a commitment to carrying out the mission, vision, values and goals of Associated Students.

Shall be awarded to two (2) students who have completed ninety (90) or more units and have exhibited outstanding leadership and motivation at San Diego State, particularly in the last year, and are most likely to bring outstanding honor to San Diego State University.

Shall be awarded to an SDSU student who has contributed to establishing pride and tradition on the SDSU campus through any number of forms including but not limited to academics, athletics, student organizations, community service, etc.

Shall be awarded to an SDSU recognized student organization that has demonstrated excellence in programming, community service, service to SDSU, student leadership training, field or interest, or has been recognized nationally/regionally by their parent organization, if applicable.

  • Heart-Led Leadership (Student)
  • Sally Roush Heart-Led Leadership (Staff)

Shall be awarded to one (1) student and one (1) faculty/staff member per year, who embodies the tenets of heart-led leadership, including authenticity, empathy, vulnerability, humility and passion for whom they serve.

Shall be awarded to no more than one individual, current student, faculty or staff, who have made a significant impact in promoting diversity, equity and inclusion at San Diego State over a period of at least one year.

Shall be awarded to an Alumnus who has made outstanding contributions to the University by virtue of his/her involvement in society.

Shall be awarded to one (1) SDSU recognized student organization, or A.S. council, commission, board or committee advisor who has contributed outstanding time, effort and guidance to help further the interests and goals of his/her respective student organization, A.S. council (including college councils), commission, board or committee.

Shall be awarded to an SDSU faculty or staff member, SDSU auxiliary organization staff member, student, community member or community organization who enhances student learning and civic responsibility through active scholarly and practical involvement in service learning for a minimum of at least one (1) year.

Shall be awarded to an outstanding University or SDSU auxiliary organization staff member who has made outstanding contributions to the betterment and welfare of the Associated Students. The person must have been employed by an SDSU auxiliary organization or the University for a period of no less than two years.

Shall be awarded to a member of the SDSU faculty who has made outstanding contributions to the Associated Students over a two-year period.

Board and College Council Awards

Shall be awarded to the A.S. council, commission, board or committee whose members have not only exhibited outstanding achievements within their area but also possess leadership qualities that other comparable organizations could follow.

Shall be awarded to the college council whose members have not only exhibited outstanding achievements within their area but also possess leadership qualities that other councils could follow.

Shall be awarded to one A.S. commission, board, or committee member nominated by the organization on which the nominee serves. The nominee must be a student and may not be the chairperson of the commission, board, or committee or serve on it as an "A.S. Representative."


If you have any questions, please email aztecachieveawards@sdsu.edu. Thank you!