Chili Results!

A special thank you to everyone who came out to enjoy the 15th annual Chili Cook Off. I hope you all had a good time. I would also like to take this time to thank all of the participating chili chefs and the rest of the team that made this event a success – Stephanie Dathe (our entertaining emcee) was amazing, a big thank you to her, as well as, a special thanks to the Aztec Student Union staff for making this event run so smoothly and the Graphics department for their awesome designs! Please feel free to forward any feedback or suggestions to me ( for next year’s event.
And the winners are...
Fahrenheit 451
Chefs: Jay Harn & Peter Saridakis
Department: The Daily Aztec
The Hasselhoff
Chefs: Veronica Perondi, Lorena Miranda, Nate Zaslove, Thulani Kachingwe, Danielle Dela Paz
Department: Aztec Student Union Board
The Chili You Can AcCOUNT On
Chefs: Amy Yanez, Fran Hasterok, Lauren Hooley
Department: Accounting/Finance
Thank you to all of the other participating chefs:
Chili: Dis 'N' Dat:
Chefs: David McGrew, Mike Banks, Larry Moffett
Department: Student Union Facilities
Chili: Mild Mild West
Chefs: Zakiyyah Shaheed, Samantha Halliburton
Department: Aztec Recreation
Chili: Rectastic
Chefs: Brandon Sevilla, Connor Bass, Kelsey Pernicano
Department: Aztec Recreation
Chili: The Chilidawgs
Chefs: Liza Bennett, Reservations Assistants
Department: Union Programs & Services
Chili: Top Gunn Turkey Chili
Chefs: Lindsay Gunn, Nicole Parr
Department: Business Services
Chili: Montezuma’s Bottom Burner
Chefs: Rico Salgado, June Barreras
Department: Viejas Arena Ticket Office
Start planning your chili now!
Hope to see you next year!
Submitted by Flora Elman, Aztec Student Union Events Planner
Aztecs Rock Hunger

Aztecs Rock Hunger Results Announcement and Awards Ceremony
Thank you for all your support of the Aztecs Rock Hunger Food Drive! Please join President Sally Roush, Jim Floros, CEO of the Jacobs and Cushman San Diego Food Bank and Hayden Willis, A.S. Vice President of Financial Affairs, as they announce the grand total of pounds of food raised this year, acknowledge the many contributors to Aztecs Rock Hunger and award the teams that raised the most pounds of food in many different categories. Mark your calendars for Friday, Nov. 3rd at 12 pm in the Lee & Frank Goldberg Courtyard.
Submitted by Jennifer Esquivel-Parker, Government Affairs & Programming Assistant Director
Got Books?
Book Sharing Project

If you need to clean out some old shelves of books, this is a perfect opportunity to recycle them for students! ASUB has officially launched the Book Sharing Project in the Student Lounge of the Union! This was an idea from our former Associated Students President, Blaire Ward, and the Operations Committee has been working on implementing it ever since. The concept behind it is having a little free library where students are encouraged to take and/or leave books. We created a space in the Student Lounge, collected book donations and opened it to students just last week! Since then, we have seen a lot of student participation and nearly half the books have been taken.
While this is very exciting, it also means our book stock is running low and we would love your help! ASUB will be collecting any leisure books and you can drop them off at the AS front desk, the ASUB cubicle, or the actual cabinet itself, down in the Student Lounge. Thank you for your help and if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to Cat Kricorian, the Operations Chair, at
Submitted by Cat Kricorian, ASUB Operations Chair
Interesting Facts
Aztec Aquaplex

The 8,000 square foot deck shade structure holds solar water heating panels that reduce natural gas energy usage.
Aztec Aquaplex 112,000 sq. ft. facility featuring pool pumps with variable frequency drives (VFD) that control the pumps speed (like cruise control on your car) and save electrical energy by slowing the pumps at night.
The Rec Pool is 7,300 square feet and features a beach entry with water temp at approximately 83-84 degrees.
The Competition Pool has 1.18 million gallons of water and has a capacity for 631 people.
The Aquaplex was the first on-campus Associated Students facility to install PV panels in 2009 and they produce 220,000-kilowatt hours per year, enough to power about 30 homes.
Submitted by Amy Schiller, Aztec Recreation Marketing Coordinator
Homecoming 2017
Clash for the Can

Homecoming has come and gone, yet again. This year's Homecoming theme was "Clash for the Can," an homage to the rivalry game between San Diego State and Fresno State known as "Battle for the Ol' Oil Can." Many students and staff don't know the history of the rivalry so we used this year as an opportunity to educate the campus.
The Homecoming Committee, lead by Associated Students Executive Vice President Vanessa Girard, planned over 10 events during the course of the week. They collaborated with Aztecs Rock Hunger to raise funds for the cause, as well as donating canned goods. A few of the highlights of the week were the GLAB: Dodge for a Cause Dodge Ball game, the OneSDSU Aztecs: Past, Present and Future and of course the annual Homecoming 5k fun run. There were over 250 participants who ran the fun run early Saturday morning. While our football was not victorious, two of the Homecoming Court nominees won the title of Homecoming Royal. They will plan a service event later in Spring semester.
The history of the rivalry:
The "Battle for the Old Oil Can" was coined as the result of a contest run jointly by the Fresno State and San Diego State Alumni Associations. Entrants were asked to suggest a name for the rivalry game along with a trophy to commemorate it. One of the entries recounted the discovery of an old oil can from Fresno (circa 1935) that was supposedly recovered during a San Diego State campus building project.
"The oil can likely came from a time when Aztec and Bulldog teams and fans traveled to football games between the two schools via the old, twisting, precipitous Grapevine section of Highway 99 over Tejon Pass," said Jacquelyn K. Glasener, executive director of the Fresno State Alumni Association.
The alumni associations agreed on the winning entry, the "Battle for the Old Oil Can," and purchased an antique oil can to be the basis of the trophy, which was awarded to the winner of the game.
"Buses and cars in those days carried extra oil and water to be sure they could make it through difficult trips," said Jim Herrick, executive director of the San Diego State Alumni Association.
Submitted by Veronica Perondi, Aztec Student Union Programs Coordinator
Student Employee Spotlight:
Quinnton Smiley

Quinnton Smiley is one of the Facility Maintenance Leads. We tasked him to be our first Lead and he decided that this was a challenge that he wanted to accept. The position has had its ups and downs but in his own words, “A.S. has given me opportunities to tackle projects by myself and to work with professionals directly above me which has taught me more about professional work then any class could. Additionally A.S. has helped cultivate me into a leader, allowing me to learn and make mistakes where professional environments would be less forgiving. A.S. provides students a work environment that is challenging and rewarding, while also giving them opportunities to make mistakes and learn.”
Quinnton is headed to the ACUI conference in Arizona this year. As an A.S. leader, he will be instructing a course about how we use FMX (our work order and maintenance software) within all of A.S. How he is creating instructional videos and placing them within the scheduled maintenance tasks to educate our future student staff. Quinnton’s idea is that this will free up his time and give the new staff the opportunity to view the video and attempt the task themselves to achieve a higher sense of accomplishment.
Quinnton will be graduating this spring with a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and we are sure that he will apply everything he learned, while working with teams here at A.S., into his future career. He is always looking out for other people’s best interests and successes while increasing his understanding of how people work around him.
Submitted by Dave McGrew, Aztec Student Union Assistant Director of Facilities
15 Questions
Aileen Wei, A.S. Government Secretary
- What is your name, job title and major?
Aileen Wei. A.S. Government Secretary. Social Work Major - Which A.S. department do you work in?
I work in the Government Affairs Department and help document and prepare for the A.S. council meetings. - How long have you worked for A.S.?
I have worked for A.S. for less than two months. - If you won $5 million what would you do with it?
If I won $5 million, first, family. Then, I would look into starting a program to create a college fund for children who are orphaned. - Who is your favorite singer / musician / musical group?
My favorite singer is Lauren Daigle. Her voice is amazingly powerful and she sings exactly what is on her heart. - What do you want to be when you grow up?
I would love to be a social worker working in adoption or foster/orphan care. There is a lack of support for those who are vulnerable and do not have a voice in society. I want to be a voice for them. - When you visit the Zoo, which animal do you make sure you see?
Whenever I go to the zoo, I make it a point to go see the hippopotamus just to see if they move. - What three things are always in your refrigerator?
The three things that are always in my refrigerator are green beans (it's the only thing I know how to cook), chili sauce, and eggs. - What is your favorite dessert?
My favorite dessert is mochi ice-cream. I don’t like mochi or ice-cream, but I have never gone wrong with mochi ice-cream. - What was or is your favorite subject in school?
Even though I don’t have to take math classes anymore, my favorite subject in school has always been math because my math teachers have always been the best teachers. They inspire me to not live by everyone else’s logic, but to take chances. - Who is your favorite actor or actress?
My favorite actress is Emma Watson because aside from being a great actress, she stands up for what she knows is right. - If you could have a superhero power what would it be?
If I could have a superhero power, it would be to transport (and take someone) to different places. - If you could be any color in a box of Crayola Crayons, what color would you be?
If I could be any color in a box of Crayola Crayons, I would be Cerulean because it’s the one I use the most. - What is one of your favorite things to do on the SDSU campus?
One of my favorite things to do on the SDSU campus is watch the sunset. It just happens to be nicer on campus. - Which A.S. staff member has inspired/supported you the most?
My favorite part of working for A.S. is getting to meet amazing people (faculty, staff, executive board, and students) that are involved on campus.
November 2017
11/5 - Halsey
viejasarena.com11/7 - Pizza with a Purpose: Children’s Center Eat Out Fundraiser
Children’s Center Eat Out Fundraiser Flyer (pdf)11/8 - Nooner
aztecstudentunion.com11/8 - Grow with GreenFest - Art Gallery Night/Aztec Chalk Walk
aztecstudentunion.com11/10 - Veterans Day - Campus Closed
11/14 - Cooking with Chefs
aztecstudentunion.com11/15 - Fall Out Boy
viejasarena.com11/16 - Giving Thanks Dinner/Open Mic Night
aztecstudentunion.com11/20 - Monday Night Movies: Mad Max
aztecstudentunion.com11/23-24 - Thanksgiving Break – Campus Closed
11/28 - National Red Planet Day

The planet Mars is referred to as the "Red Planet" because it appears red in color. This day honors our celestial neighbor, the fourth planet in the solar system. It is 142,000,000 miles (on average) from the sun and takes 687 days for it to travel once around the sun. Temperatures on its surface range from 80 to -207 degrees. Dieting? Head to Mars, you are 2.6 times heavier on Earth than you would be on Mars – if you weight 150 pounds on Earth, you will only weigh 56.5 pounds on Mars.