On Campus:

There are endless ways to pave the way for a sustainable future while being on campus despite being busy college students. Some great resources for being a sustainable SDSU student include:

  • Getting involved! Join GreenLove, E3, GreenFest or Tepsilon Eta
  • Attend any sustainability events or fairs hosted by Green Love, E3, Greenfest, or any other sustainability organizations
  • Take sustainability or environmental related courses
  • Be mindful of your food consumption habits and carbon footprint
  • Utilizing the recycling and waste bins dispersed throughout campus
  • Bringing reusable bags when purchasing items at the SDSU Bookstore and Aztec Markets
  • Using a refillable water bottle and the hydration stations provided across campus
  • Majoring in Sustainability and Environmental Science if you’re looking to dedicate your career to the movement
  • Look into cultural centers and their offerings, talk to them about sustainability
House Icon

Off Campus:

The most valuable thing an individual in the community can do to reduce their own carbon footprint. Think:

  • Swapping out meat for vegetarian options
  • Using public transportation
  • Switching out your light bulbs to LEDs
  • Growing your own garden
  • Composting and recycling your waste
  • Upcycling where possible
  • Write letters to your representatives asking them to support environmental legislation
  • Attend sustainability conferences
  • Volunteer at community events
  • Attend local cultural events to better understand other communities

Also, spread the word!

You are doing a wonderful thing for Planet Earth
and others will want to follow your lead.

Sustainability Pledge