Utilizing our resources efficiently in order for future generations to thrive - people, planet, profit. It's about environmental responsibility, social justice,clean renewable energy, efficient public transportation and ethics. It's thinking globally but acting locally, healthy food, synergy, eco-nomics, etc. In short, it's about progress and the future.
Thank you for taking an interest in the Associated Students' Green Love/Sustainability initiative! We are working very hard to embrace sustainable practices on campus, and we hope that you are excited to join us in the movement. We are proud of our mission and progress to date, but we realize we have a great deal more work to do. If you or anyone you know would like to be involved with making a change on campus, send us a message on Instagram @sdsugreenlove or stop by the Sustainability Center located in the Student Lounge in the Conrad Prebys Aztec Student Union.
Green Love always welcomes new members and encourages anyone with an interest to join!
Wednesdays, 11am - 12pm,
Park Boulevard, 1st floor of the Aztec Student Union

— FALL 2024 —
September 4, 11, 25
October 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
November 6, 20
— SPRING 2025 —
January 29
February 5, 19, 26
March 12, 19, 26
April 2, 9, 23
If you cannot make it to our weekly meetings but would still like to get involved, please join our email list and follow us on social media for information about our upcoming events.
Please check the A.S. Events Calendar for locations and details.

— FALL 2024 —
September 18
Green Lunch Bag Series
Theatre, Student Union
October 8
A.S. Swap Shop
November 13
Green Lunch Bag Series
— SPRING 2025 —
Planning Our Future
April 16
Third Annual SDSU President's
Sustainability Summit
April 22
A.S. Swap Shop
LEARN MORE about the A.S. Swap Shop Event!