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Student with SDGBC award?2024-10-08
Antonella Giorgi, Katarina Hernandez and Charlotte Roberts with the Leadership Legend award from the San Diego Green Building Council.

A.S. Wins Sustainability Leadership Award

By Olivia Li, A.S. Marketing and Communications Coordinator

This article previously appeared in SDSU NewsCenter.


Associated Students was the 2023 winner of San Diego Green Building Council’s (SDGBC) Leadership Legend Award, reflecting a longstanding commitment to sustainability while activating emerging leaders.

“I believe our sustainability leadership has the potential to inspire other universities, local and national businesses, individuals and nonprofits,” said Charlotte Roberts, A.S. Sustainability Coordinator. “Winning this award is encouragement that we are in fact spreading ideas and raising the bar for the community beyond SDSU, which only further serves the environment and people across the globe.”

A.S. is the inaugural winner of the Leadership Legend award, created to “showcase exceptional leadership in the green buildings realm and [steer] the community towards a sustainable future.”

Building Green

Under A.S. are four LEED Platinum and four LEED Gold Certified facilities including the LEED Double Platinum facility: the Conrad Prebys Aztec Student Union.

LEED, or Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, is a third-party certification from The U.S. Green Building Council for environmentally friendly buildings and the most widely used green building rating system in the world. Double LEED platinum is the highest symbol of sustainability achievement, a title held by only 200 buildings in the world.

Across all A.S. facilities, almost two megawatts of onsite solar power offsets over 50% of the facilities’ electricity consumption. In the Student Union, hot and cold water is piped into the floor, a more sustainable option to traditional heating and cooling systems at a tenth of the cost. The facility also captures all rooftop rainwater to irrigate drought-tolerant landscaping, reducing the building's potable water consumption.

The Aztec Recreation Center, expanded and renovated in a project completed in 2022, was a key facility in A.S. receiving their award. The building is LEED Platinum and fossil-fuel free, and in the application process for a LEED Double Platinum certification.

Students Leading the Charge

At the forefront of all of A.S.’ decisions is the student voice and leading the charge is the A.S. Green Love Commission, a group of student volunteers who lead campuswide sustainability efforts. Through promoting and creating sustainable events, educating others on the importance of a more sustainable future and advocating for sustainable action locally and globally, Green Love leads by example.

“Green Love's initiatives and goals change every year because environmentalism has so many different aspects, and different student leaders hold different passions,” said Green Love Representative Katarina Hernandez. “In Green Love, we are always including our general body members and community members in decisions that we make and finding inclusive solutions.”

A.S. conducts GreenFest, a week-long initiative celebrating sustainability, diversity and pride. Students are involved in every step of the decision making process, from choosing the year’s theme to the sustainable promotional items distributed. Green Love also hosts a bi-annual Swap Shop for SDSU community members to swap their gently-used clothing. At the most recent Swap Shop, over 1,200 items were exchanged.

“A.S. really cares about sustainability and gives the space for sustainability initiatives, but most importantly, supports the inclusion of different backgrounds and trusts their student leaders,” said Green Love Commissioner Antonella Giorgi. “As an international student, I have a lot to share about coming from another country that doesn't have as many advantages and sustainable development like the U.S. Once I graduate, I feel super excited to apply my knowledge and skills from Green Love to work with students because our voice matters and we have so much power.” 

The Future

In 2023, A.S. raised more than $50,000 for SDSU's first ESG (environmental, social and governance)-invested scholarship endowment, the Glen Brandenburg Sustainability Scholarship, rewarding students for outstanding leadership in sustainability.

A.S. is continuing to integrate sustainability into organizational areas beyond building systems to ensure sustainability remains a cornerstone of its ethos. Through transitioning apparel purchases to organic cotton and recycled polyester, developing an e-waste recycling program for students and educating the SDSU community on alternative transportation, A.S. seeks to inspire other organizations to follow suit.

“I'm most proud of how our students never lose motivation to mitigate climate change and environmental injustice — even when it gets hard or daunting,” Roberts said. “Our student leaders are incredibly clever and resilient.”

Calendar showing the month of March?2024-10-08

March Celebrations

This March, we celebrate Jewish Heritage Month, Women’s History Month and Disability Awareness Month. We recognize, honor and celebrate these three communities and the positive impact the Jewish, women and disabled communities have made not only on our campus but in our society. In honor of these three months being celebrated, we invite our A.S. family to attend the following on-campus events:

Inclusive Teaching for Neurodiverse Students

  • Friday, March 8, 12-1 p.m., Zoom
  • Participants will learn about autism and some of the ways neurodiversity presents communication and interaction differences in the classroom. Instructors will explore how flexibility with different modalities, clear feedback and transparent instruction supports all students, including those who may be diagnosed as neurodivergent or on the spectrum.
  • The workshop will be held via CSULearn. Additional information is online on how to register and also how to obtain completion certificates once you complete each training session. 
  • More Information about Inclusive Teaching for Neurodiverse Students

Multicultural Shabbat

  • Friday, March 8, 6-8:30 p.m., Scripps Cottage
  • The dinner will be held in collaboration with Hillel, Chabad and SDSU. This kosher catered meal will include a community discussion of the universal importance of rest.
  • RSVP - Multicultural Shabbat

Black Women’s Healing Circle

Pregnant and Parenting Students Initiative (PPSI) Resource Fair

  • Tuesday, March 12, 12-4 p.m., Union Courtyard
  • You and your family are invited to our Pregnant and Parenting Students Resource Fair at SDSU! We will be providing free pizza, fun giveaways, activities for the kids, and an array of helpful resources for you, the parenting student! The fair is open to all SDSU students and will be focused on those who are parents and/or pregnant. We look forward to seeing you and your loved ones! This event is sponsored by the Basic Needs Center, Student Parent and Allies Association, and the Women's Resource Center.
  • More Information about the Resource Fair

Jewish Heritage Month Dinner

  • Thursday, March 14, 4-8 p.m., The Garden, Cuicacalli Suites 
  • The event will highlight Jewish dishes for dinner service in collaboration with SDSU Dining.
  • RSVP - Jewish Heritage Month Dinner

Disability Myths and Rhetorics

  • Monday, March 18, 12:30 p.m., Zoom
  • Participants will work through an overview of myths that offer a shorthand for the ways that disability is narrowly represented or depicted across cultures. These myths offer evidence of some of the most basic and omnipresent ways that disability is rhetorically shaped. The discussion will lead participants to identify further examples of such myths, to challenge them and finally to work together to identify a series of rhetorical possibilities and creative opportunities that are generated from disability identity and culture.
  • More Information about Disability Myths and Rhetorics

The Purim Celebration

  • Tuesday, March 19, 12-2 p.m., Scripps Cottage
  • The celebration will include lawn games, and opportunities for attendees to learn about this Jewish holiday. Snacks and hamentashen will be served. 
  • RSVP - The Purim Celebration

Queer Femme Healing Circle

  • Tuesday, March 19, 4-5 p.m., Pride Center
  • Queer Femme Community Circle is a safe space to connect with other femmes and discuss the lived experiences of queerness and being femme-presenting. This event is co-sponsored by the Pride Center and Women's Resource Center.
  • More Information about the Healing Circle

Marchas Feministas: A U.S. and Latine Lens

  • Thursday, March 21, 11 a.m.-1 p.m., International Student Center Lounge
  • This event will be co-sponsored by the Latinx Resource Center and Women's Resource Center.
  • More Information about Marchas Feministas

Identity Unfolded: Zine Narratives and Identity Exploration with Malaka Gharib

Latina Network Book Club

  • Wednesday, March 27, 12-1 p.m., Lipinsky Hospitality Center
  • This event will be co-sponsored with the Latina Network Employee Resource Group and the Women's Resource Center.
  • More Information about the Book Club
Students holding voting signs?2024-10-08

Vote in the A.S. Elections

Students, vote through the A.S. website starting on Monday, March 25 at 8 a.m. through Thursday, March 28 at 7 p.m. — the process is simple and takes less than 5 minutes!

Other Important Dates:

  • March 18-21: Executive Officer Candidate Debates, Union Courtyard, 12 p.m.
  • March 22: Write-In Candidate Applications Due, 12 p.m.
  • March 28: A.S. Election Results Announced, Union Courtyard, approx. 9 p.m.

If you have any questions, email Make your voice heard!

GreenFest Concert at the Open Air Theatre?2024-10-08

GreenFest 2024

There Is No Planet B. GreenFest is back starting March 11! GreenFest is an annual week of educational and entertaining events for the SDSU campus community to encourage, advocate for and celebrate sustainability, diversity and SDSU pride. Through the week-long programming, GreenFest works to share the importance of living a sustainable lifestyle and to promote sustainable practices. Stop by any one of the GreenFest events listed below!

March 11

Mind, Body, Soil
11 a.m.-1p.m.
Union Courtyard

Discover Your Roots
4-6 p.m.
Union Courtyard

March 12

Sustainable Career Fair
10 a.m.-2 p.m.
Montezuma Hall

March 13

Green Lunch Bag Series: Learn how to be a Sustainable Baddie
11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Union Theatre

Reduce Your Footprint
2-4 p.m.
Union Courtyard

March 14

Film Screening: The Lorax
6 p.m.
Union Theatre

March 15

Concert Kickoff
6-7 p.m.
Union Courtyard

GreenFest Concert
Doors open at 7:00 p.m., concert starts at 8:00 p.m.
Cal Coast Credit Union Open Air Theater
Students, Buy Your Tickets!

For more information on the GreenFest events, visit the GreenFest website.


Crocheted flowers?2024-10-08
One of Veronica's recent projects.

National Craft Month

March is National Craft Month! Hear from Veronica Perondi, Assistant Director of A.S. Programs as she shares about her favorite craft: 

Before I get started, I want to clarify one thing. Crocheting is not knitting. Knitting uses two straight needles, crocheting uses one that is called a hook. While the origins of crocheting are hazy, roots can be established in the Middle East and indigenous tribes in South America. Eventually, it made its way to Europe where we see its prevalence in the British Isles where Queen Victoria helped increase its popularity. 

Veronica and friend

I learned to crochet in Home Ec class in sixth grade but didn’t start crocheting again until a few years ago when I saw crochet outfits becoming popular online and thought, I can make that. 

Crocheting is a very easy craft to get started and very easy to dive deep into. You can create anything from a simple baby blanket or doilies to Amigurumi (stuffed animals) and clothing. 

Here are a few resources to get you started, if you choose!

How to Crochet - For Beginners
The Wobbles - Full Kit for Beginners

These are some of my recent projects and WIPS (works in progress):

project on loom

Crocheted shirt

I just finished this blanket and gave it to my brother. It took over a year to make due to the tight stitch, called a moss stitch. It doesn’t work up quickly and it’s very dense. I would do two rows a night, and then took long breaks to work on other projects because I got bored. 

Crocheted blanket


Traffic on a freeway?2024-10-08

New MTS Payroll Deduction Benefit

By Charlotte Roberts, A.S. Sustainability Coordinator

Did you know commuting is the largest contributor to campus greenhouse gas emissions?

Single-occupancy car commutes to/from SDSU contribute over 42,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide to our atmosphere every year. This is slightly higher than the emissions from powering our whole campus.

One of our Green Love Commission’s goals this year is to encourage more students, staff and faculty to take alternative modes of transportation more often. Our students understand this is not an option for some people, especially those who don’t live near a bus stop or trolley station that leads to SDSU.*

For those of you who do use the bus or trolley, I have some exciting news: A.S. is now offering MTS passes as a payroll deduction benefit for full-time employees!** If you opt in, not only can you use the pass to get to work, but you can also use it in your free time. Avoid that $20 Uber and catch rides to Petco Park, Snapdragon or UTC for free! 

Here are two of our lovely A.S. full-time staff using transit:

Staff member riding the trolley

“As someone without a car, using the trolley/bus has been helpful in traveling to and from work everyday. Being from New York City, public transportation has always been an important aspect in my everyday routine. I love being able to have that time for myself so I can read books and listen to music before I start my day!” - Rachelle Lopez, Viejas Arena Office Coordinator

A.S. staff member riding the trolley

“I love taking the trolley to work for a few different reasons including helping the environment by reducing my carbon footprint and having more time to get work done while multitasking during transit. Riding the trolley brings me back to my roots of growing up in the S.F. Bay Area where the BART system is a huge part of the commuter lifestyle.” - AJ Muñoz Bond, Director of Adapted Athletic

If you are one of our wonderful student staff and interested in using MTS, check out the SDSU semester and monthly passes! They are provided at a discount for students, which is subsidized by SDSU Parking & Transportation.

Here is a photo of Antonella Giorgi, Lifeguard at the Aquaplex and Green Love Commissioner, taking the bus with fellow Green Love students and JD Weidman, SDSU Director of Parking & Transportation.

Students riding the trolley

*If this is you, no problem! There are so many other ways to be sustainable in your daily life (check out any of my twelve sustainability articles from 2023!)

**Full-time employees that would like to opt in should contact Raven Tyson, A.S. Associate Director of Business Operations.

Field at springtime?2024-10-08

Spring Emojis

A new season means a new round of emoji puzzles! Test your knowledge and see if you can figure out what spring-related message the emojis are portraying.

1.  Month emoji, 4 emoji, shower emoji, arrow right emoji, month emoji, 5 emoji, flower emoji

2.   Color green emoji, thumb emoji

3.   Tulip emoji, flower emoji, broom emoji, soap emoji

4.  Rain emoji, cat emoji, dog emoji

5.  Earth emoji. calendar emoji

6.  Rain emoji, coat emoji

7.  Baseball emoji, stadium emoji

8.  Cherry emoji, flower emoji

9.  Month emoji, 3 emoji, mad face emoji

10.  Egg emoji, detective emoji


    1. April Showers Brings May Flowers
    2. Green Thumb
    3. Spring Cleaning
    4. It’s Raining Cats and Dogs
    5. Earth Day
    6. Rain Coat
    7. Baseball Game
    8. Cherry Blossom
    9. March Madness
    10. Egg Hunt
The book cover of The Road?2024-10-08
The Club's March selection

A.S. Book Club

At the February meeting, the A.S. Book Club had a very interesting and fun discussion about “The Authenticity Project” by Pooley Clare. The book is the story of a plain, green journal that brings people together in very unusual ways and received a Book Club rating for 4.2 stars.

What’s Next?

March 14: “The Road” by Cormac McCarthy

A father and his son walk alone through burned America. Nothing moves in the ravaged landscape save the ash on the wind. It is cold enough to crack stones and when the snow falls, it is gray. The sky is dark. Their destination is the coast, although they don't know what, if anything, awaits them there. 

April 11: “Remarkably Bright Creatures” by Shelby Van Pelt

For fans of “A Man Called Ove,” a charming, witty and compulsively readable exploration of friendship, reckoning and hope that traces a widow's unlikely connection with a giant Pacific octopus.

When and Where Does the Club Meet?

Every second Thursday of month
4:30 p.m.
Presidential Suite
Student Union

What if I Don’t Want to Read an Actual Printed Book?

Listen to the audio version.
Read the eBook on your phone or tablet.

What if I Don’t Want to Buy a Book Each Month?

The San Diego Public Library offers print books, eBooks and audiobooks for most titles. All you need is a library card, and it’s free! Or listen for free through the library’s app, the Libby App by OverDrive.

Who Can Join the Club?

The Book Club is open to all A.S. full- and part-time employees. 

How Do I Join?

Contact Quentin at 42303 or email or just stop by one of the Club’s meetings.

Still Have Questions?

To learn more, visit

Associated Student logo?2024-10-08

New A.S. Employees

Raquel Herriott, Marketing and Communications Associate Director

Raquel Herriott

Hello! I am the new Associate Director of Marketing & Communications at Associated Students. With nearly a decade of experience at SDSU, I am excited to support the mission and vision of A.S. by implementing effective marketing strategies. 

I hold a bachelor's degree in journalism and a master's degree in public administration, both from SDSU. In my previous role as the SDSU Police Department's Public Information Officer, I led campus-wide safety campaigns, developed crisis communication plans during emergencies, oversaw all social media accounts, designed marketing materials and managed the department's website. Before that, I was the Public Relations Manager at Family Health Centers of San Diego. In that position, I oversaw media relations campaigns and worked closely with public officials to raise awareness about healthcare programs for uninsured, low-income and medically underserved individuals.

In my free time, I enjoy cooking new recipes, traveling, taking salsa and bachata dancing lessons and attending pilates classes. Recently, I have been learning TikTok dances from my nieces and nephews, which has quickly become one of my favorite hobbies.


Kim Bryant, SDSU Children’s Center Office Coordinator

Kim Bryant

Hello Associated Students Staff! My name is Kim Bryant and I am the new Office Coordinator at the SDSU Children’s Center. My background is in elementary education and I received a multiple subject teaching credential from SDSU. I have worked in several different school districts including San Diego Unified, Lakeside Union School District and most recently Santee School District. I have experience working as a tutor, intervention teacher, site support specialist and as a teacher in kindergarten as well as second grade. About two years ago, I made the transition from working in education to working in a fast-paced oral surgery office where I coordinated all aspects of patient care. These two career paths have merged and beautifully prepared me for this exciting new position at the Children’s Center!

Outside of work, I enjoy spending time with my two college-aged kids and two dogs. I love to cook and bake for family and friends. I am passionate about my church and enjoy being involved in its different groups and activities. Camping and traveling are also activities that I really like to do when I get the chance. I am excited to join the amazing team at Associated Students and the Children’s Center!

Oshun Parrish at the beach?2024-10-08

15 Questions

Oshun Parrish

  1. What is your name, job title and major?
  2. My name is Oshun Parrish and I am an Operations Lead. I am a social work major, minoring in American Indian studies. 

  3. Which A.S. department do you work in?
  4. I work for Union Operations as an Operations Lead. It is a fun way to see the behind the scenes of how our Student Union is run and set up cool events for students and clients. 

  5. How long have you worked for A.S.?
  6. About a year and a half.

  7. Is your favorite part of working for A.S.?
  8. I have met some of my closest friends. I love the community and have learned a lot through networking at events and with clients. 

  9. What was the last movie you saw? Thumbs up or thumbs down? 
  10. The last movie I saw was very random. I made my boyfriend watch “Grown Ups,” because it has always been one of my favorite movies. Definitely, a thumbs up, always.

  11. If you won $5 million what would you do with it?
  12. If I won $5 million, I would like to say that I would save it up and use it wisely. But honestly, I would probably go shopping and then take all my siblings shopping to be a nice older sister. And then buy some more scratch tickets to test my luck again.

  13. Which three people (living or dead) would you like to have dinner with? 
  14. Princess Diana, Dolly Parton and Amelia Earhart. They are all very different women but they each have written history in their own ways. I would love to learn some insight from three powerful and unique women. 

  15. What is your favorite book? 
  16. When I was younger, I reread “The Island of the Blue Dolphins” multiple times. In high school, I read “The Great Gatsby” and it was a great book that I was surprised I liked. I love the complexity of the characters in both books and the message isn’t truly revealed until the end of the book.

  17. If you could start a charity, what would it be for?
  18. If I could start a charity, I would make one for the education of deaf culture. Although there are already many deaf charities out there which is amazing, I would fund a charity that provides a safe place for deaf children to learn ASL or how to adjust to living with hearing aids or cochlear implants. This is something dear to my heart because my younger brother was born deaf and has cochlear implants.

  19. Do you like to cook and what is your specialty?
  20. I love cooking and baking. I wouldn’t say I am amazing at it but I definitely love doing it. If I had to make something special for my friends or family, I would make some kind of brisket, which is something my dad taught me. I would also bake cookies with a recipe my mom taught me. 

  21. If you could go back or forward in time, where would you go? 
  22. I would go back in time to watch one of the seven wonders of the world being built. It has always blown my mind how these beautiful structures were built long before the technological advances. I would love to see how amazing they were after they were finished and the collaboration of ideas behind constructing the builds. 

  23. “Most people don’t know that I like to…
  24. …spend my time out on the lake. We have a boat that we spend all day out on in the summer back home in Washington. We go tubing, water skiing, wakeboarding and surfing. The best way to spend my summers.”

  25. Would you rather speak all languages or be able to talk with animals?
  26. Definitely understanding animals. My family home back in Washington lives on a farm. We have two dogs, two cats, goats and chickens and used to have horses. I also have a duck named Kevin. I feel like Kevin and I would be best friends if we could have conversations for sure. I also want to talk to my dogs and see what they are thinking. 

  27. What’s the best concert you’ve been to and why was it so good?
  28. My very first concert was Bon Jovi. I was 12 and went with my mom, my friend and their mom. Granted, I only knew one Bon Jovi song at that time (it was more for my mom and my friend’s mom) but I had a blast! We danced and sang all night and lost our voices by the end of the concert. 

  29. Which A.S. staff member has inspired/supported you the most? And how?
  30. Kaylani Brown has been my biggest supporter and inspiration since starting with operations. She is always positive and optimistic. She works really hard for each of her operations team members. She has also shown me how to be a good person both inside and outside of work. I appreciate how much she has done for me and the rest of A.S. 





Microphone Illustration
 - Event
WITH: Daisy Guttridge, Kembe X


MARCH 2024

Loud Speaker Illustration
8:30 a.m.
External Link $calendar_url
5-7 p.m.
Montezuma Hall, Union
External Link $calendar_url
6:30 p.m.
Union Theatre
External Link $calendar_url
External Link $calendar_url
12-1 p.m.
Union Courtyard
Faith Angeles
External Link $calendar_url
9 p.m.
Union Courtyard
External Link $calendar_url