Accessibility A-Z Guide



For any inquiries about accessibility, disabled seating or any other ADA assistance, please contact June Barreras at (619) 594-5085. Special need services and accommodations can be provided with a minimum of a 3 week notice.

Assisted listening devices are available at Guest Services, located at the VIP/Pass Gate adjacent to the box office. This is a complimentary service, but a picture ID is required.



All companion seats are reserved for the companions of guests in wheelchairs. Any unsold seat in these areas will be released two weeks prior to event date unless ticket sales dictate otherwise.



Disabled seating is located on every level of Cal Coast Credit Union Open Air Theatre. Tickets in wheelchair accessible seating areas can be purchased through Ticketmaster or at the Viejas Arena box office prior to the day of the show, and at Cal Coast Credit Union Open Air Theatre the day of the event. Ticketmaster will sell one companion ticket with each ADA ticket. The box office will sell up to three companion seats with each wheelchair space. Please contact the ADA Liaison with any questions.

There is a drop off zone located at the north end of Campanile Dr. and Hardy Ave. This can be accessed by Montezuma Rd. Parking is not permitted in this area.

Deaf and Hard of Hearing patrons should contact the Viejas Arena box office to inquire about seats in the accommodating areas. There are a limited number of seats available and they are sold on a first-come-first-served basis. Any unsold seats in these areas will be released two weeks prior to event date unless ticket sales dictate otherwise.




Trained staff and security will ensure the security and safety of all guests, performers, and employees. In the case of an emergency, guests must comply with requests from venue staff regarding arena operations and emergency response procedures. Please be sure to ask for assistance when it is needed.



For any guest services needs during an event, please go to Guest Services at the VIP/Pass Gate entrance adjacent to the box office.



Interpreting services can be provided with a minimum of a 3 week notice. Patrons needing interpreting services should contact the box office.



During events, guests with a disability utilizing a manual or power driven wheelchair or scooter are authorized to use such device in all publicly accessible areas. It is requested that guests limit their speed to the pace of pedestrian traffic.

Due to the volume of pedestrian traffic on the inner and outer concourse and considering the safety of all guests, we require individuals using OPDMDs (Other Power Driven Mobility Devices) check their device in at Guest Services located near the ticket office prior to entering the facility.

An accommodation may be made for a guest using a smaller personal electric device like Segways®.

Motorized scooters are permitted into Cal Coast Credit Union Open Air Theatre, but must be able to fit into a 30" x 36" area.



The designated parking for events at Cal Coast Credit Union Open Air Theatre is in Parking 6 and Parking 3. Disabled parking is located in both structures. Disabled guests need a disabled placard to park in those spots, and are still required to pay parking fees.

Tickets in wheelchair accessible seating areas can be purchased through Ticketmaster or at the Viejas Arena ticket office. Ticketmaster will sell one companion seat with each wheelchair space. The Viejas Arena ticket office will sell up to three companion seats with each wheelchair space. Please contact the Viejas Arena box office with any questions.



Service animals are permitted inside the venue during events. 

Cal Coast Credit Union Open Air Theatre has a "no pets" policy.  However, Cal Coast Credit Union Open Air Theatre's policy explicitly permits guests with disabilities who use dogs as service animals.  Cal Coast Credit Union Open Air Theatre's policy, consistent with ADA’s revised guidelines, defines “service animal” as limited to a dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for an individual with a disability.  The task(s) performed by the dog must be directly related to the individual’s disability.    

Dogs whose sole function is to provide comfort or emotional support do not qualify as service animals under the ADA.  

Cal Coast Credit Union Open Air Theatre requires, consistent with the ADA, that service animals must be harnessed, leashed, or tethered, unless these devices interfere with the service animal’s work or the individual’s disability prevents him or her from using these devices.  Individuals who cannot use such devices must maintain control of the animal through voice, signal, or other effective methods.



We will exchange tickets, if available, in order to accommodate guests with disabilities.



Visually Impaired patrons should contact the Viejas Arena box office to inquire about seats in the accommodating areas. There are a limited number of seats available and they are sold on a first-come-first-served basis. Any unsold seats in these areas will be released two weeks prior to event date unless ticket sales dictate otherwise.



Escorts are available through Guest Services. Escorts can bring guests to their seats and will pick them up at the end of the event per guest’s request. Please go to the VIP/Pass Gate upon arrival to request assistance.