Dear A.S. Family,
Welcome to the new academic year! We’re excited to embark on another journey of supporting SDSU students and look forward to all that lies ahead this academic year.
This year, the A.S. executive officers are proud to introduce this year’s theme: "Be the Change You Want to SEA," emphasizing safety, equity and accessibility. This theme reflects A.S.’ commitment to promoting a safer, more equitable and accessible campus environment while focusing on three core pillars:
- Safety: A.S. considers safety to be both physical and psychological. Student Leaders will aim to cultivate a safe campus community by enhancing relationships with campus partners and A.S. Safety Committee members, hosting a topical town hall, developing a student safety upstander training and more.
- Equity: A.S. will continue to support equity by implementing policies that promote diversity, equity and inclusion. This will involve ongoing work on the A.S. Employee DEI plan and the A.S. Student Volunteer DEI plan, which aims to expand recruitment, retention and promote equity.
- Accessibility: Student Leaders are also prioritizing accessibility by promoting and communicating all A.S. and campus resources to students. Given the numerous campus resources, it can be overwhelming and inaccessible to students attempting to locate information.
If you have ideas on how your department can incorporate these themes into your goals this year, please let the director of your department know. We always welcome ideas and are so proud that all of A.S. uses the student leaders’ goals to help guide work for the year. This is some of the magic that makes A.S. such an amazing student-led organization.
It is also important to note that given this year’s national election, A.S. remains committed to fostering constructive civic engagement through the Rock the Vote campaign, where there will be opportunities to attend events and register to vote by visiting on-campus tabling.
Your safety and well-being remain a top priority. Please review the A.S. Campus Safety Resource guide, which includes crime prevention and safety tips. Make sure to also download and use the SDSU Safe app, as it contains reporting tools, campus maps and other safety resources.
As A.S. continues to foster a culture of respect, compassion and care in the organization and across the university, together we can be the change we want to SEA on our campus. Thank you for all the work you do every day for students and the SDSU community, and thank you for your collaboration and continued dedication!
Kat and Christina