Aztecs Rock Hunger supports SDSU students in two important ways.
The proceeds provide the food, including fresh produce, from the Jacobs & Cushman San Diego Food Bank, which is then distributed at the on-campus A.S. Food Pantry. On average, the A.S. Food Pantry distributes over 100,000 lbs. of food per year. In the nine years the Food Pantry has existed, tens of thousands of students have been served.
Additionally, 20% of the monetary donations go directly to the SDSU Economic Crisis and Response Team (ECRT), which helps students facing food or housing insecurity, and or other immediate, unforeseen financial crises. ECRT served roughly 1,700 students in the 2023-24 school year with basic needs support.
Help spread the word on social media and through your network. Even if you are unable to donate financially to ARH, spreading the word helps others learn about the importance of this campaign. Please share on social media, make announcements in your classes and meetings and ask your friends, family members, neighbors, co-workers all to donate!
You can add our Linktree URL to your social media platforms which include important links and ways to donate to the campaign.
If you are a current SDSU student, you can also help raise awareness through the Student Competitions.
Donations from Aztecs Rock Hunger go to three different beneficiaries:
- SDSU Economic Crisis and Response Team (ECRT): 20% of monetary donations from Aztecs Rock Hunger support ECRT, which helps students facing food, housing insecurity and/or other immediate, unforeseen financial crises.
- A.S. Food Pantry: Aztecs Rock Hunger provides the food for the A.S. Food Pantry, which in its ninth year of operation, continues to give out an average of 100,000 lbs. of food, including eggs, milk and fresh produce each year to SDSU students.
- The Jacobs and Cushman San Diego Food Bank: The Jacobs & Cushman San Diego Food Bank is the largest hunger-relief organization in San Diego County. Last year, the Food Bank served an average of 400,000 San Diegans a month and distributed 44 million pounds of food.
Last year, the Jacobs & Cushman San Diego Food Bank served an average of 400,000 San Diegans every month and distributed 44 million pounds of food.
The San Diego Hunger Coalition estimates that, as of December 2023, nearly 1 in 4 San Diegans experience nutrition insecurity, or are unable to provide three, nutritious meals per day for themselves and/or their families.
Out of the 840,000 total people estimated to be nutrition insecure in San Diego County, 32% of them are children, 25% are older adults (age 60+) and 41% of them are living with disabilities.
The food bank serves primarily struggling families. These are families where adults in the household are working, but after they pay for rent, utilities and other bills, there is not much left for food. In addition, they also serve military families, single parent households and elderly who no longer have an income and social security is not able to cover all their living expenses.
Food insecurity is a lack of consistent access to sufficient food for an active, healthy life often stemming from a lack of financial resources at the household level.
Nutrition insecurity is a lack of physical or economic access to sufficient, safe, nutritious and culturally acceptable food.
SDSU’s Economic Crisis Response Team (ECRT) aims to bridge the gap in resources for students experiencing immediate food, housing or unforeseen financial crises that impact student success. Using a holistic approach to well-being, ECRT supports students through crisis by leveraging a campus-wide collaboration that utilizes on and off-campus partnerships and provides direct referrals based on each student’s unique circumstances. ECRT empowers students to identify and access short and long-term, sustainable solutions in an effort to successfully graduate from SDSU.
The A.S. Food Pantry serves SDSU students facing food and nutrition insecurity. Now in its ninth year of existence, the A.S. Food Pantry has assisted tens of thousands of SDSU students and provides an average of 100,000 lbs. of food each year. In addition, the Food Pantry also serves as a resource for education on various resources for students facing food insecurity.
The A.S. Food Pantry is located on the second floor of the Conrad Prebys Aztec Student Union and operates three days a week during the academic year: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. For more information and hours of operation, please visit the A.S. Food Pantry.