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A.S. Logo?2024-10-08

90 Years of A.S.

We are so excited to reunite alumni and friends to celebrate the 90th anniversary of Associated Students, the 25th anniversary of the Viejas Arena/Student Activity Center and grand opening of the expanded Aztec Recreation Center!

In addition, we are so excited to announce the kickoff of the A.S. Alumni Chapter to strengthen the community of our A.S. alumni far and wide! If you are interested, please join our new A.S. Alumni LinkedIn group to strengthen your connections, build your network and gain valuable insights and knowledge from A.S. alumni. Thank you for everyone’s contributions to the success of A.S.!

Dead of the Dead Display at Latinx Resource Center?2024-10-08
SDSU’s Latinx Resource Center

October Heritage Months

This October, we celebrate Latinx Heritage Month and Filipinx American History Month.

Latinx Heritage Month began in 1968 as Hispanic Heritage Week. In 1988, Hispanic Heritage Week was expanded to a month from Sept. 15 through Oct. 15. Since 2009, Filipinx American History Month has been celebrated every October in the same month that the first Filipinx Americans arrived in the U.S. in 1587. 

We celebrate Latinx Heritage Month and Filipinx American History Month and recognize all the contributions that Latinx and Filipinx Americans have made to positively influence our history, culture and achievements. Celebrate by attending some of the on-campus events below:

Talk It Out Drop-in Support at the LRC
Every Monday
1-2 p.m.
Latinx Resource Center

En Confianza @SDSU
Every Thursday
3-4:15 p.m.
Latinx Resource Center

Craft Night: Pacit Abad-inspired Art
Oct. 10, 2022
6-8 p.m.
APIDA Center

Speaker - Shannon Cristobal on Filipino/Film-Am Food
Oct. 12, 2022
2-3 p.m.
Zoom: 5029723895

TV Night: “Out of the Boondocks” Episode 4-6
Oct. 12, 2022
6 p.m.
APIDA Center

BRC x APIDA Student Panel: Black-Fil-Am Student Experience
Oct. 13, 2022
2-3 p.m.
APIDA Center

AB Samahan x APIDA Center Social
Oct. 14, 2022
4-8 p.m.
APIDA Center

LRC Pachanga
Oct. 13, 2022
5-8 p.m.
Student Union Courtyard

Meet Chitra Divarkaruni - Mix and Mingle
Oct. 13, 2022
3:30-4:30 p.m.
APIDA Center (2nd floor of the Student Union)

Meet Chitra Divarkaruni
Oct. 13, 2022
5-6:30 p.m.
SSW 1560

Craft Night - Pabatin
Oct. 17, 2022
6-8 p.m.
APIDA Center

Speaker - Dr. Oliver Wang About Fil-Am DJs
Oct. 18, 2022
1-2 p.m.
Zoom: 6094698415

Speakers - Rio Villa & Jay Jay Maniquis About “Out of the Boondocks” 
Oct. 19, 2022
6-7 p.m.
Zoom: 6094698415

Makers Market
Oct. 20, 2022
1-6 p.m.
Student Union Courtyard

Aztec Nights x APIDA Center APIDA-Pop Expo
Oct. 21, 2022
10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Tula Community Center

Craft Night - Okir
Oct. 24, 2022
6-8 p.m.
APIDA Center

Speaker: Dr. Arnel Calvario about Film-Am Hip Hop in SoCal
Oct. 25, 2022
6 p.m.
APIDA Center

Cultural Education Program about Ube
Oct. 31, 2022
2-3 p.m.
APIDA Center

Craft Night - Capiz Shells
Oct. 31, 2022
6-8 p.m.
APIDA Center

For more information on each event, go to or

People under a table?2024-10-08

Ready to ShakeOut?

The Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drills are annual opportunities to learn and practice earthquake safety with millions of people worldwide! Every October, ShakeOut participants all across the world practice “Drop, Cover and Hold On” and other aspects of emergency preparedness in order to get prepared, practice the steps to be safe and learn what plans need to be improved for when the next big earthquake happens. 

A.S. has participated in the ShakeOut for more than 10 years — each department finding ways to educate and engage its employees, students and customers. The SDSU Children’s Center participates by conducting a full evaluation drill, including each classroom donning safety backpacks and reviewing emergency supplies. At the Mission Bay Aquatic Center, staff take a moment to engage in safety discussions and reevaluate their emergency locker of supplies. In our high traffic areas such as the Aztec Recreation Center and the Student Union, signage has been posted with “Drop, Cover and Hold On” and other emergency preparedness information.

This year, the ShakeOut is at 10:20 a.m. on Oct. 20. A.S. will continue its practices by participating in evacuation drills and practicing “Drop. Cover and Hold On” where possible, as well as utilizing our digital signage to promote education to the campus community. 

Drop! Cover! Hold!

If there is an earthquake follow these steps:

DROP where you are, onto your hands and knees. This position protects you from being knocked down and also allows you to stay low and crawl to shelter if nearby.
COVER your head and neck with one arm and hand. If a sturdy table or desk is nearby, crawl underneath it for shelter. If no shelter is nearby, crawl next to an interior wall away from windows. Stay on your knees and bend over to protect vital organs.
HOLD ON until the shaking stops. If you are under shelter, hold on to it with one hand and be ready to move with your shelter if it shifts. If you are not under shelter, hold your head and neck with both arms.

For more information about the ShakeOut and to learn more about emergency preparedness, visit

Cat image?2024-10-08

National Cat Day

Did you know that National Cat Day is Oct. 29? Read below to hear more about some of our A.S. staff’s feline friends:


Janice Dils, Government Affairs Assistant Director


Jiji is the Dils family cat. She was adopted in 2019 from the San Diego Humane Society right before the pandemic hit. We are so grateful to have Jiji as part of our family. 

Jiji is five years old and is a mix of a Bombay and Burmese cat. The minute we met her, we instantly fell in love with her sweetness as she purred and longed for someone to pet her once the cage opened. She is very special — she loves to be around people and follows me around the house. Jiji has her “friends” outside who she looks to on a daily basis: those darn crows, Larry the lizard who basks in the sun and the two dogs who bark at anything that moves in the neighborhood. 

She takes car rides with us when we go on road trips and sits on the middle console with her eyes closed, enjoying the relaxing sensation of the car’s movement. The fast food places are always in awe when they see her looking right back at them through the window. 

Jiji is very playful and loves the fuzzy round toys that we play catch with. We also play hide and seek and tag. At night, she sleeps with either my son in his bed, or the corner of our bed. She also only speaks to my husband or my son and does not talk to me. It’s interesting!

Life is very colorful with Jiji in our lives and we are so happy she is adding happiness and extra love to our family!


Charlotte Roberts, A.S. Sustainability Coordinator


This is my cat Sarabi. I adopted her from a shelter during the summer of 2020 (along with 23 million other American households who acquired a quarantine pet). A happy fact I learned when Googling that statistic is that around 90% of these households have not rehomed their pet since returning to in-person life. I could personally never part with Sarabi now that I have her in my life, even though sometimes I think she would like to escape from her clingy mom!

A little about Miss Sarabi: the shelter where I adopted her names their waves of rescues by different themes. The wave before her were all spices and herbs, like “Cinnamon,” “Sage” and “Clove.” A recent wave I saw on the website was superheroes, which I think is pretty adorable. Her furry cohort was named after Lion King characters. In the movie, Sarabi was Simba’s mom, although I doubt this domestic feline ever had children of her own — she was very thin when I met her. With her giant eyes and tongue that sometimes sticks out of her mouth unknowingly, she looked more like a baby lemur than a fierce mother lion.

The name Sarabi means “mirage” in Swahili, which is fitting for her elusive personality. While most people see photos of her and think she looks unfriendly or terrified, she is actually a very social animal. She loves when people visit our house and give her attention. Although she isn’t the most cuddly pet, she will sniff and lick you like a dog…and even will play fetch with you. I was flabbergasted the first time I saw it. Throw one of her toy mice across the room and watch her gallop after it, sometimes with such velocity her body slams into whatever surface is beyond her destination. Then she will snatch up her prize and trot it back to you pridefully, laying it right at your feet.

Another entertaining routine of hers is bread-loafing next to my screen door after dinner and “hunting” for crickets. The poor insects like to crawl under the door towards our light, only to be snatched up by her paw and played with for about 10 minutes until they become an evening snack.

I feel so lucky to have found my quirky cat. She may not give me constant affection, but when I am sad or sick, she strolls over unfailingly with her meow that sounds more like a pigeon’s coo and curls up right in my lap. Pets make life so much better.


Raven Tyson, Associate Director of Business Operations


I have to start with an important detail...Fabio is not my cat — his human is my best friend. But the way I talk about Fabio and the sheer number of pictures I have proves this cat has stolen my heart. Fabio was found in an abandoned box with siblings at a Home Depot parking lot in the L.A. area. My friend and I drove up there to pick him up and he was the last one to find a forever home. On the drive back, Fabio was in his little carrier on my lap. Every bump or lane switch, I lifted the carrier to prevent him from jostling in his carrier because I was so worried about him. He was so tiny, just barely fitting in my palm. As a tiny kitty, he loved to curl up and sleep in the crook of your neck. He was so peaceful — when sleeping — awake, he has so much spunk and just loves to play. Fabio loves to play fetch (yes, he actually will chase a ball and bring it back), explore the outdoors and meet new people (he’ll walk right up and expect to be pet).

Fabio’s first “birthday” (the day we picked him up) is Oct. 3 and he continues to grow in size, has sense of adventure and loves to play games. His newest game is hide and seek and tag. You truly see the look of joy on his face when he thinks he’s “caught” you. Because my friend’s work requires travel often, I was lucky enough to get to “kitty sit” for so much of his first year. I will admit I was never a cat person; I was team dog for sure. But Fabio has completely changed me. I’m pretty sure Fabio has adopted me just as much as I have adopted him. I look forward to our play dates even if that means a new collection of scratches and bite marks, but always so much laughter.

books standing on end?2024-10-08

A.S. Book Club

The A.S. Book Club is back! So far our A.S. Book Club has met twice to discuss two very interesting books. Each club member shared their thoughts about the book — likes, dislikes and favorite character — the discussions were very lively. Both books received a thumbs up!

If you have thought about joining, but don’t think you have the time to actually read a book each month, many of the members have switched from reading a physical book to listening to an audio book. That way they can listen while doing their weekend chores, driving, taking a daily walk or when just relaxing at home.

If you prefer reading an actual book but don’t want to buy a new copy, the San Diego Public Library almost always has copies available to check out for free.

The next book club meeting is on Oct. 13 at 4:30 p.m. on Oggi’s Patio, in the Union. If you don’t have time to read our October selection, join us anyway to find out what our club members thought about the book and learn more about the club.

At our October meeting we will be discussing “Water for Elephants” by Sara Gruen.

Book Cover Water for Elephants

“An atmospheric, gritty and compelling novel of star-crossed lovers, set in the circus world circa 1932. When Jacob Jankowski, recently orphaned and suddenly adrift, jumps onto a passing train, he enters a world of freaks, drifters and misfits, a second-rate circus struggling to survive during the Great Depression, making one-night stands in town after endless town. A veterinary student who almost earned his degree, Jacob is put in charge of caring for the circus menagerie. It is there that he meets Marlena, the beautiful young star of the equestrian act, who is married to August, the charismatic but twisted animal trainer. He also meets Rosie, an elephant who seems untrainable until he discovers a way to reach her. Beautifully written, ‘Water for Elephants’ tells a story of a love between two people that overcomes incredible odds in a world in which even love is a luxury that few can afford.”

And at the November meeting (the date is yet to be determined) the A.S. Book Club will discuss “The Kite Runner” by Khaled Hosseini.

Book Cover The Kite Runner

“The unforgettable, heartbreaking story of the unlikely friendship between a wealthy boy and the son of his father’s servant, caught in the tragic sweep of history, ‘The Kite Runner’ transports readers to Afghanistan at a tense and crucial moment of change and destruction. A powerful story of friendship, it is also about the power of reading, the price of betrayal, and the possibility of redemption; and an exploration of the power of fathers over sons — their love, their sacrifices, their lies. Currently a hit production on Broadway.

If you have any questions or would like to join the club, please contact Quentin at 42303 or

Photo of Cynthia Sorenson?2024-10-08

15 Questions

Cynthia Sorenson

  1. What is your name, job title and major?
  2. My name is Cynthia Sorenson. I am an Office Assistant at the Mission Bay Aquatic Center and am an Interdisciplinary Studies major with focus in Elementary Education, Child and Family Development and English.

  3. Which A.S. department do you work in? 
  4. As an office assistant for the Mission Bay Aquatic Center, I ensure quality service to customers, answer emails, phone calls, voicemails and anything regarding our facility. I input data, handle paperwork and organize company materials. 

  5. How long have you worked for A.S.?
  6. I have worked for A.S. since late April 2022. 

  7. What is your favorite part of working for A.S.?
  8. My favorite part of working for A.S. is being surrounded by other coworkers that are my age and involved in SDSU. Through working at MBAC, I feel I’ve made lasting friendships with lively and genuine people. I have also been able to try new experiences, like wake surfing, or paddleboard yoga which is super cool. Working at MBAC has been an awesome thing for me and has made my college experience one I won’t forget. 

  9. What was the last movie you saw? Thumbs up or thumbs down? 
  10. The last movie I saw was “Elvis,” and I give Austin Butler TWO thumbs up!

  11. There is a free, round-trip shuttle to Mars. The catch: it will take one year of your life to go, visit, and come back. Are you in? 
  12. No, what business do I have going to Mars? I’d rather stay on Earth.

  13. If you had to move to another country, which one would you choose? 
  14. I would move to Italy or France because of the scenery, food and fashion. 

  15. Do you collect anything? What do you collect and why?
  16. I collect little souvenirs from vacations, whether it’s stickers, magnets or t-shirts. I like to have memorabilia from places I have been. 

  17. If you had to sing karaoke right now, which song would you pick? 
  18. I would pick “More Than a Woman” by The Bee Gees because I love the song and it would be funny to attempt to hit the high pitch lyrics. 

  19. Do you like to cook and what is your specialty?
  20. I like to cook when I have enough time to do so. My favorite dish to make is homemade pizza or a salmon curry bowl. 

  21. If you could go back or forward in time, where would you go? 
  22. I would go back to the 60s/70s because I love the fashion and pop culture of those decades. 

  23. “Most people don’t know that I like to…
  24. …write in a journal.”

  25. Would you rather speak all languages or be able to talk with animals? 
  26. I would rather speak with animals so I could actually know how they think. 

  27. What’s the best concert you’ve been to and why was it so good?
  28. The best concert I have been to is Lana Del Rey at the Pechanga Arena. She has been my favorite artist since being a young teenager, and it was so surreal seeing her perform live. 

  29. Which of your teachers is/was most memorable and why?
  30. My senior math teacher was most memorable because he made connections with his students and made the silliest jokes. He made math fun. 





Microphone Illustration
 - Event
Trey Anastasio Band06 7:00pm
 - Event
The War on Drugs11 8:00pm
WITH: Adam Miller & Inner Magic
Dance Fever Tour - Event
Florence + The Machine12 7:45pm
Dance Fever Tour
WITH: Wet Leg
Reality Check - Event
Kevin Hart14 8:00pm
Reality Check
Kevin Hart15 7:00pm
 - Event
Cody Johnson20 7:00pm
WITH: Randy Houser, The Steel Woods
 - Event
Omar Apollo21 7:45pm
WITH: Ravyn Lenae
 - Event
Raphael22 8:00pm



Loud Speaker Illustration
2-3 p.m.
Union Courtyard
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12-1 p.m.
Union Courtyard
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14THRU 11/06
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12-1 p.m.
Union Courtyard
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6:30 p.m.
Union Theatre
Monday Night Movie
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7-9 p.m.
Union Courtyard
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7-9 p.m.
Union Theatre
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5-7 p.m.
Union Courtyard
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5-7 p.m.
Montezuma Hall, Union
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31THRU 11/05
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