Seeking a
Position Now
A.S. Council Vacancy Application
If you’re interested in being a student leader right away, A.S. currently has vacancies for the 2024-25 school year! Click below for information on open positions, time commitments, obligations and requirements.
Get Involved Now — A.S. Council Vacancy ApplicationA.S. Elections
The application for A.S. Elections is open now! Run for one of the 41 elected positions open or apply for one of the 24 appointed positions available to be a student leader for the 2025-26 school year. Visit the A.S. Elections website for more information on open positions, requirements, eligibility and more.
Get Involved Now — A.S. ElectionsAztec Student Union Board (ASUB)
2025-26 Vice Commissioner of Operations
The A.S. Student Union Board (ASUB) is looking for a Vice Commissioner of Operations for the 2025-26 academic year. Visit the application to learn more about the position, requirements, obligations and the deadline.
Get Involved Now — ASUB Vice Commissioner Application