I am...

A Graduate

Graduate students leadership opportunities:

SDSU graduate students can get involved in any area of A.S. Graduate Student Association (GSA) and Graduate Student Advisory Board (GSAB) are two leadership opportunities exclusively for graduate students.

Two leadership opportunities for graduate students:

Graduate Student Association (GSA)

Focus on the programmatic, policy and campus life needs of graduate students at SDSU.

Through GSA you will…
  • Plan and coordinate programs and events relevant to the SDSU graduate student experience.
  • Gather actionable information from the Graduate Student Advisory Board, student organizations and campus partners on graduate student issues.
  • Work closely with other A.S. leaders and advocate, serve and lead alongside them to improve the student experience at SDSU.

Attend bi-weekly (twice a month) GSA meetings.

Attend monthly Graduate Student Advisory Board meetings.

Support GSA-sponsored events and serve as a graduate student presence on additional initiatives when needed.

Time Commitment:

2-3 hours per week


Email GSA


Get Involved Now — A.S. Interest Form

Graduate Student Advisory Board (GSAB)

Foster a collaborative, supportive and inclusive academic environment with representation from each of the seven academic colleges to help build a community of advocacy. Reports to the A.S. Graduate Student Association.

Through the Graduate Student Advisory Board You Will…
  • Represent your college as a graduate student and provide insights and information on issues occurring within each college.
  • Work closely with fellow GSAB members to identify and take action on issues affecting graduate students across the academic colleges.
  • Support GSA’s mission of serving graduate students and amplifying their voice on campus through events, advocacy and more.

Attend monthly GSAB meetings.

Work on projects assigned by the committee.

Serve as a graduate student presence on additional initiatives when needed.

Time Commitment:

2-3 hours per week


Email GSA


Get Involved Now — A.S. Interest Form