Executive Officers

Elections for all officer positions are held in the Spring semester. If you are interested in the position, review the officer descriptions below and attend council meetings to keep up to date with the CSSC.

Lilianna Ruiz

Lilianna Ruiz Email Icon


As president of the College of Sciences Student Council, the goal is to advance and diversify the academic opportunities found within the science community at San Diego State University. To provide these opportunities, a strong cultural connection must be made between students, faculty and administrative. Therefore, it is the president's responsibility to communicate with various individuals so that the needs of students can be articulated to the university. The president's main tool for communication is the leadership role he/she plays on the student council acting as the chief executive officer who represents the student's voice.

Rania Atto

Rania Atto Email Icon

Executive Vice President

The Executive Vice President performs the duties of the President in the President's absence and, in case of a vacancy in that office, shall succeed as President for the duration of the term. The Executive Vice President shall assist the President in managing the operations of CSSC as well as be responsible for event and programs to promote the interests of the CSSC. The Executive Vice President is the direct liaison to the Office of the Assistant Dean of Student Affairs for the College of Sciences. The Executive Vice President will maintain a current file of bylaws, characters and any documents relevant to the operations of the CSSC.

Leyana Nabi

Leyana Nabi Email Icon

Vice President of Financial Affairs

The Vice President of Financial Affairs is responsible for communication CSSC and A.S. financial and funding policies to the members and organization of the Association and will keep an accurate account of all funds received and expended and shall make expenditures only upon review and approval of the Executive Board. The Vice President of Finance shall be the custodian of all financial books of account and deposits all funds in the name of and in the credit of CSSC.

Emily Bakayou

Emily Bakayou Email Icon

Vice President of Public Relations

The Vice President of Public Relations will be responsible for updating and maintaining the CSSC website. Shall be responsible for creating and maintaining a calendar of events for CSSC and represented organizations. Shall be responsible for all publications and advertisements of CSSC events and recruitment for CSSC.

Sydney Velez

Sydney Velez Email Icon

Vice President of Marketing

Bonnie Tran

Bonnie Tran Email Icon

Vice President of Community Service

The Vice President of Community Service ensures that adequate records are maintained regarding the status of each organization in fulfilling the duties and responsibilities of organization and their representatives as outlined in these Bylaws. The President Pro Tempore shall provide CSSC organizations with a periodic list of community service opportunities. The President Pro Tempore will coordinate at least one (1) CSSC community service event per semester.

Anushka Raghunathan

Anushka Raghunathan Email Icon

Vice President of Diversity Affairs

Isabella Najor

Isabella Najor Email Icon


The Secretary serves as the Recording Secretary for CSSC meetings and shall be responsible for the production and distribution of meeting minutes and agenda. The Secretary maintains an adequate record of attendance and report any violations to the President Pro Tempore. The Secretary will maintain an updated record of CSSC officers and representatives, and student organizations recognized and classified within the College of Sciences, including but not limited to officer contact information, meeting schedules, and organization fact sheets.

Erin Rushing

Erin Rushing Email Icon

A.S. Representative

Responsible for representing College of Sciences students on University Council as well as promoting the A.S. values within the College of Sciences: professional development, campus community, communication, advocacy, sharing governance, service, diversity, and sustainability.

Aadi Bery

Aadi Bery Email Icon

A.S. Representative

Responsible for representing College of Sciences students on University Council as well as promoting the A.S. values within the College of Sciences: professional development, campus community, communication, advocacy, sharing governance, service, diversity, and sustainability.

Alexandra Mcmurray

Alexandra Mcmurray Email Icon

A.S. Representative

Responsible for representing College of Sciences students on University Council as well as promoting the A.S. values within the College of Sciences: professional development, campus community, communication, advocacy, sharing governance, service, diversity, and sustainability.

Jake Basile

Jake Basile Email Icon

A.S. Representative

Responsible for representing College of Sciences students on University Council as well as promoting the A.S. values within the College of Sciences: professional development, campus community, communication, advocacy, sharing governance, service, diversity, and sustainability.

Dr. Estralita Martin

Dr. Estralita Martin Email Icon

Faculty Advisor